Leftist Goverment “Workers” Hold 33-Minute Walk-Out to Protest Against Israel

It’s different when 12 Hamas Fighters flee a battle into an Apartment building and begin shooting from there and IDF blows up the building killing children in the building ( Along with the Hamas Fighters ) and a Hamas Fighter going into twin Toddlers Bedroom in a kibbutz and cutting their heads off with a shovel while raping the Mother as she watched after killing the father with a Bayonet

Not to Nazi shitstains like Hellbilly. He won't even admit that Hamas killed innocent Israeli children.

They kill innocent children.
marvin martian your lack of response says a lot about you.
OK, OK….we know the liberals that have infected every aspect of the government have taken antisemitism to a new level, but I ask….

…. Do we taxpayers have to pay their salaries, or should they be docked? I for one don’t want my taxes paying for government workers to promote antisemitism that is driving the hate for Israel.

Government workers who support Hamas were able to stop whining for 33 minutes?

I find that difficult to believe.
Don't be absurd. ... :cuckoo:
The federal workers participating in the silent protest against the Israeli genocide in Gaza were not supporting any terrorists.
Newsflash....Israel isn't committing any genocide. If you want to grasp what a genocide is, review what the Nazi government did with Jews, Romas, Poles and the mentally deficient. THAT was a genocide. Another example, the Hutus against the Tutsis.
The Israeli government literally warned the Gaza civilian population to migrate to the southern Gaza region prior to their actual attack. Hamas, in true to form fashioned restricted the civilians from leaving and uses them as shields, even admitting as such.
So, if your enemy uses civilians as shields, you're supposed to say..."oh well," I guess we'll let them go and eventually win the conflict?
The Israeli IDF claims Hamas is hiding in underground tunnels.
Yet they bomb every building where families live into rubble.
Israel doesn't want Hamas to surrender.
Because their goal is to keep fighting in order to exterminate all the Palestinian people.
85% of the So Called Palestinian People Live In Jordan / Syria / Lebanon / Cyprus / Europe / Canada / US ...

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