Leftist H E R O Dan Ellsberg loves him some Snowden:


Jun 1, 2013
Wha? :eusa_eh: Yep. Traitors are traitors are traitors....Ellsberg, he's a classic example of treason. Gave up information he acquired through his employment at Rand to stick a knife in the back of every Vietnam Vet who served there....DURING the fighting. And then got rich and famous for it because Nixon sent his plumbers after him instead of just having the bastard indicted. And Ellsberg remains a HERO to the left....because he did what he did while a Republican was in the White House.

And then there's Snowden who revealed something already widely known since 2005 but gone horribly wrong since....guess when? 2009. When the muslim homosexual with multiple names and personalities became president, and NOT during a time of war. Hussein said himself al-Qaida was no longer a force to be reckoned with didn't he? :eusa_eh:

Now to the good part; leftist HERO Ellsberg thinks Snowden is tits....way cool, the shit, the MAN, the reincarnation of.....himself!

Daniel Ellsberg, who leaked the Pentagon Papers in 1971, says Edward Snowden, the man who leaked top secret documents about an NSA surveillance program, showed "the kind of courage that we expect of people on the battlefield."
Ellsberg, who became one of the first to be prosecuted under the 1917 Espionage Act, told CNN that if he had been in Snowden's position, he would have broken the law in an act of civil disobedience.


"I'm very impressed by what I've heard in the last couple of hours including Snowden's own video here," Ellsberg told the network Sunday night. "I think he's done an enormous service — incalculable service. It can't be overestimated to this democracy. It gives us a chance, I think, from drawing back from the total surveillance state that we could say we're in process of becoming, I'm afraid we have become. That's what he's revealed."

Daniel Ellsberg: NSA Leaker Showed Battlefield Courage : The Two-Way : NPR
Wha? :eusa_eh: Yep. Traitors are traitors are traitors....Ellsberg, he's a classic example of treason. Gave up information he acquired through his employment at Rand to stick a knife in the back of every Vietnam Vet who served there....DURING the fighting. http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way...llsberg-nsa-leaker-showed-battlefield-courage
You mean the Pentagon Papers? How did that "stick a knife..." as you say?

It's widely known that the "Gulf of Tonkin" incident as reported (Basis for the War) never happened. McNamara even said so! Isn't THAT "sticking a knife...."?

The Pentagon Papers revealed that 4 successive Presidents lied about the Scope of the War to the American people. How is releasing THAT information Treason? Looks to me like 4 Presidents committed Treason.

I suppose that telling Troops that the War in Afghanistan is NOT for the War on Terror but for the Opium Drug Trade instead (a verifiable fact) would be Treason as well?
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Wha? :eusa_eh: Yep. Traitors are traitors are traitors....Ellsberg, he's a classic example of treason. Gave up information he acquired through his employment at Rand to stick a knife in the back of every Vietnam Vet who served there....DURING the fighting. http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way...llsberg-nsa-leaker-showed-battlefield-courage
You mean the Pentagon Papers? How did that "stick a knife..." as you say?

It's widely known that the "Gulf of Tonkin" incident as reported (Basis for the War) never happened. McNamara even said so! Isn't THAT "sticking a knife...."?

The Pentagon Papers revealed that 4 successive Presidents lied about the Scope of the War to the American people. How is releasing THAT information Treason? Looks to me like 4 Presidents committed Treason.

I suppose that telling Troops that the War in Afghanistan is NOT for the War on Terror but for the Opium Drug Trade instead (a verifiable fact) would be Treason as well?

I had my suspicions you were a lunatic since I saw your first post. I have no intention of going over your crap point by point here. Suffice to say you know nothing about the Vietnam conflict from a Troop's point of view and how we felt about Ellsberg. Buh bye.
Wha? :eusa_eh: Yep. Traitors are traitors are traitors....Ellsberg, he's a classic example of treason. Gave up information he acquired through his employment at Rand to stick a knife in the back of every Vietnam Vet who served there....DURING the fighting. http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way...llsberg-nsa-leaker-showed-battlefield-courage
You mean the Pentagon Papers? How did that "stick a knife..." as you say?

It's widely known that the "Gulf of Tonkin" incident as reported (Basis for the War) never happened. McNamara even said so! Isn't THAT "sticking a knife...."?

The Pentagon Papers revealed that 4 successive Presidents lied about the Scope of the War to the American people. How is releasing THAT information Treason? Looks to me like 4 Presidents committed Treason.

I suppose that telling Troops that the War in Afghanistan is NOT for the War on Terror but for the Opium Drug Trade instead (a verifiable fact) would be Treason as well?

I had my suspicions you were a lunatic since I saw your first post. I have no intention of going over your crap point by point here. Suffice to say you know nothing about the Vietnam conflict from a Troop's point of view and how we felt about Ellsberg. Buh bye.

So you can't answer him. I would have had the same question.
Bit off more than you could chew? Hey, think it through next time. As with anything else, if you have a point you should be able to articulate it. If you can't, then you may be missing a point.
You're gonna have to come up with something with a little more meat on it than "I had my suspicions you were a lunatic". Emotion sells tabloids -- it doesn't sell arguments.

Nothing Ellsberg did was traitorous. Possibly unethical within the confines of his job (like Snowden) but ultimately such acts are the ultimate patriotism.
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Wha? :eusa_eh: Yep. Traitors are traitors are traitors....Ellsberg, he's a classic example of treason. Gave up information he acquired through his employment at Rand to stick a knife in the back of every Vietnam Vet who served there....DURING the fighting. http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way...llsberg-nsa-leaker-showed-battlefield-courage
You mean the Pentagon Papers? How did that "stick a knife..." as you say?

It's widely known that the "Gulf of Tonkin" incident as reported (Basis for the War) never happened. McNamara even said so! Isn't THAT "sticking a knife...."?

The Pentagon Papers revealed that 4 successive Presidents lied about the Scope of the War to the American people. How is releasing THAT information Treason? Looks to me like 4 Presidents committed Treason.

I suppose that telling Troops that the War in Afghanistan is NOT for the War on Terror but for the Opium Drug Trade instead (a verifiable fact) would be Treason as well?

I had my suspicions you were a lunatic since I saw your first post. I have no intention of going over your crap point by point here. Suffice to say you know nothing about the Vietnam conflict from a Troop's point of view and how we felt about Ellsberg. Buh bye.

There are penalties for not reporting crimes like misprision of a felony. Who was ellsberg going to report crimes to when the criminals were the politicians? Stick a knife in the back of veterans, real dramatic you are. The perpetrators of the war didn't stick a knife in their backs by sending the them to vietnam in the first place? Or nixon, campaigning to end the war, and as many soldiers died under nixon/kissinger as those that died under LBJ.
The right wing hates Che Guevara, but how many did he kill, versus the likes of bush/cheney? Che had the cojones to put on a uniform and pull the trigger, unlike our wimps in d.c.
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So you can't answer him. I would have had the same question.
Bit off more than you could chew? Hey, think it through next time. As with anything else, if you have a point you should be able to articulate it. If you can't, then you may be missing a point.
You're gonna have to come up with something with a little more meat on it than "I had my suspicions you were a lunatic". Emotion sells tabloids -- it doesn't sell arguments.

Nothing Ellsberg did was traitorous. Possibly unethical within the confines of his job (like Snowden) but ultimately such acts are the ultimate patriotism.

No MO-ron, his rant wasn't worth a bucket of spit and neither is yours.....you pretend to be rational and scholarly but you're a doorknob for the Dear Leader types to yank on when they want support for their schemes. You have no idea what treason is nor do you care...you're a partisan dummy repeating what you're told by your leftist shills.
So you can't answer him. I would have had the same question.
Bit off more than you could chew? Hey, think it through next time. As with anything else, if you have a point you should be able to articulate it. If you can't, then you may be missing a point.
You're gonna have to come up with something with a little more meat on it than "I had my suspicions you were a lunatic". Emotion sells tabloids -- it doesn't sell arguments.

Nothing Ellsberg did was traitorous. Possibly unethical within the confines of his job (like Snowden) but ultimately such acts are the ultimate patriotism.

No MO-ron, his rant wasn't worth a bucket of spit and neither is yours.....you pretend to be rational and scholarly but you're a doorknob for the Dear Leader types to yank on when they want support for their schemes. You have no idea what treason is nor do you care...you're a partisan dummy repeating what you're told by your leftist shills.

An hour later and you still have nothing?

You need to get off your lazy mental ass and get to work, dood. You're digging your own hole here.
If you have a valid point you should be able to build it UP. All you're doing is tearing down.

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The right wing hates Che Guevara, but how many did he kill, versus the likes of bush/cheney? Che had the cojones to put on a uniform and pull the trigger, unlike our wimps in d.c.

Che was a murderous coward who did most of his killing on handcuffed, blindfolded Batistas in a prison cellar. You idiots on the left identified with Che because he had LONG HAIR...you have no concept of what he was or what he represented other than some glorified poster of him in your formative (aka drug-addled) years. Piss off.
An hour later and you still have nothing?

You need to get off your lazy mental ass and get to work, dood. You're digging your own hole here.

How many more ways can I trash your sissy ass? But thanks for proving my points in the OP....you just don't like being exposed for knowing nothing.....cooing like a pigeon doesn't change that. :eusa_eh:
An hour later and you still have nothing?

You need to get off your lazy mental ass and get to work, dood. You're digging your own hole here
If you have a valid point you should be able to build it UP. All you're doing is tearing down..

How many more ways can I trash your sissy ass? But thanks for proving my points in the OP....you just don't like being exposed for knowing nothing.....cooing like a pigeon doesn't change that. :eusa_eh:

The onus is not on me or the other posters, Blam-Blam. It's on you. You presented a premise, and asked for explanation, you come up empty. Every post.
In effect you're telling us you have no idea what you're talking about. Within the world of pulling it out of one's ass, you have just performed a self-colonic.

OK then. Thanks for nothing, literally.
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The onus is not on me or the other posters, Blam-Blam. It's on you. You presented a premise, and asked for explanation, you come up empty. Every post.
In effect you're telling us you have no idea what you're talking about. Within the world of pulling it out of one's ass, you have just performed a self-colonic.

OK then. Thanks for nothing, literally.

Hey, it's not like I charged you a dollar to read my OP...you just like beating yourself up is all. I believe I been at this game longer and stronger than you so remember this....some of us write, some of us read, some us have no idea what we read and just chirp to be annoying which describes you, at least since I been here. I have a cult following wherever I am....I'm "colorful"....about an hour later it dawns on you that I'm pretty smart too. Not like my Brother Roadrunner, but close. :hmpf:
The onus is not on me or the other posters, Blam-Blam. It's on you. You presented a premise, and asked for explanation, you come up empty. Every post.
In effect you're telling us you have no idea what you're talking about. Within the world of pulling it out of one's ass, you have just performed a self-colonic.

OK then. Thanks for nothing, literally.

Hey, it's not like I charged you a dollar to read my OP...you just like beating yourself up is all. I believe I been at this game longer and stronger than you so remember this....some of us write, some of us read, some us have no idea what we read and just chirp to be annoying which describes you, at least since I been here. I have a cult following wherever I am....I'm "colorful"....about an hour later it dawns on you that I'm pretty smart too. Not like my Brother Roadrunner, but close. :hmpf:

"Uh... I can't explain or defend my own OP because I didn't think it through. Duuhhh"


You've been at this "game" longer than whatever .... and this is all you got? Can't even debate your own point?

Pathetic, dood. Why do you even bother to infect the board with a thread if you're just gonna abandon ship?
So you can't answer him. I would have had the same question.
Bit off more than you could chew? Hey, think it through next time. As with anything else, if you have a point you should be able to articulate it. If you can't, then you may be missing a point.
You're gonna have to come up with something with a little more meat on it than "I had my suspicions you were a lunatic". Emotion sells tabloids -- it doesn't sell arguments.

Nothing Ellsberg did was traitorous. Possibly unethical within the confines of his job (like Snowden) but ultimately such acts are the ultimate patriotism.

No MO-ron, his rant wasn't worth a bucket of spit and neither is yours.....you pretend to be rational and scholarly but you're a doorknob for the Dear Leader types to yank on when they want support for their schemes. You have no idea what treason is nor do you care...you're a partisan dummy repeating what you're told by your leftist shills.

Another RWr who, oddly, calls President Obama "Dear Leader".
"Uh... I can't explain or defend my own OP because I didn't think it through. Duuhhh"


You've been at this "game" longer than whatever .... and this is all you got? Can't even debate your own point?

Pathetic, dood. Why do you even bother to infect the board with a thread if you're just gonna abandon ship?

This is what I was just talking about...my friend "WhiteRat" invented the translation at Ballot Box ten years ago...you have no idea how to "translate"...it's just something you've seen somebody do....you're an amateur....a rank and stinky copy of smart leftists of the past.....if I were you I'd go outside, find a suitable tree, and hang yourself.
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So you can't answer him. I would have had the same question.
Bit off more than you could chew? Hey, think it through next time. As with anything else, if you have a point you should be able to articulate it. If you can't, then you may be missing a point.
You're gonna have to come up with something with a little more meat on it than "I had my suspicions you were a lunatic". Emotion sells tabloids -- it doesn't sell arguments.

Nothing Ellsberg did was traitorous. Possibly unethical within the confines of his job (like Snowden) but ultimately such acts are the ultimate patriotism.

No MO-ron, his rant wasn't worth a bucket of spit and neither is yours.....you pretend to be rational and scholarly but you're a doorknob for the Dear Leader types to yank on when they want support for their schemes. You have no idea what treason is nor do you care...you're a partisan dummy repeating what you're told by your leftist shills.

Another RWr who, oddly, calls President Obama "Dear Leader".

I noted the comment, "the muslim homosexual with multiple names and personalities". It seems like your typical RWer is always afraid they're missing something! :lol:
BTW, Ellsberg identifies with Bradley Manning too....can't believe that bastard didn't do a hitch in Leavenworth.
So a day later and you still haven't figured out the basis for your own thread, Blam-Blam?

Guess we'll check back daily. Or weakly.

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