Leftist Jewish Cafe Owner in San Fran Told to Get Out for Supporting Israel


For daring to state that Israel stole from the Palestinians & killed, oppressed & waged war upon them since 1947?

That's the fact of the matter.

The ONLY Simpletons I see here are Protestants Neocon Zionist shits & shills.
Yes. You've got it correct. Malicious simpleton, I forgot to add.

For the last time Israel stole nothing and whatever shiftless Palestinian squatters lost when Israel was created by the UN
(they owned nothing so lost nothing) they more than made up by gaining their own land (which they ignored), a launching place for lunatic murderous criminals to try and wipe out people whose only crime is being Jewish.

For daring to state that Israel stole from the Palestinians & killed, oppressed & waged war upon them since 1947?

That's the fact of the matter.

The ONLY Simpletons I see here are Protestants Neocon Zionist shits & shills.
Yes. You've got it correct. Malicious simpleton, I forgot to add.

For the last time Israel stole nothing and whatever shiftless Palestinian squatters lost when Israel was created by the UN
(they owned nothing so lost nothing) they more than made up by gaining their own land (which they ignored), a launching place for lunatic murderous criminals to try and wipe out people whose only crime is being Jewish.

Hmm, and yet the Jewish Source of the Jewish Virtual Library, clearly shows Arabs were the majority of Palestine / Israel before & during it's creation.

Jewish & Non-Jewish Population of Israel/Palestine (1517-Present)
Hmm, and yet the Jewish Source of the Jewish Virtual Library, clearly shows Arabs were the majority of Palestine / Israel before & during it's creation.

Jewish & Non-Jewish Population of Israel/Palestine (1517-Present)
And how much of that Turkish controlled land did actual Palestinian Arabs own?

This states that just over 5% of the land was Jewish, over 47% were Arab, and over 46% were State lands.


i\. - Palestine During the Mandate Land Area according to ownership, is as follows : Arab individually-owned Jewish-owned Others State Domain (registered and recorded) Area (in acres)* 3,143,693 372,925 35,512 3,028,625 Percentage 47.791c 5.671o 0.54% 46.00% 6,580,755 100.00% These statistics, however, require certajn emendations. To ihe area clearly owned by Arabs sfuould be added 52,925 acres of citrus groves, other fruit plantations, irrigible land, and cultivable land. 'rhese lands, settled, abandoned and resettled in Ottoman times, were held by persons whom the Sultan regarded as his tenants but who maintained with great obstinacy that they had clear and greater rights equivalent to "freehold" tenure. The right of occupation of the Arabs to these lands was derived from the Ottoman Regime prior to 1918 and had never been disputed by the Palestine Government. In fact, prior to the termination of the Mandate, the Government had decided on a policy of transferring title to these lands to the cultivators against the paymen
Israel is not America's 51st state. America has no bond or connection with Israel and yet our government treats Israel as if it was a member of our union; IT IS NOT; NOR HAS IT EVER BEEN

BTW: The US gives Israel $$billions each and every year

So I ask, what is this love fest really all about-? :)-
Sobie isn’t very intelligent.

I think that just about everyone has noticed that.

Just because I don't fit it your silly brainwashed Judeo-Western European idealogy's doesn't make me dumb.

In fact 99% of this Forum is clearly much poorer in intellectual abilities in comparison to myself.

The level of logic, facts & knowledge displayed here, and elsewhere is pitiful at best.
Sobie isn’t very intelligent.

I think that just about everyone has noticed that.

Just because I don't fit it your silly brainwashed Judeo-Western European idealogy's doesn't make me dumb.

In fact 99% of this Forum is clearly much poorer in intellectual abilities in comparison to myself.

The level of logic, facts & knowledge displayed here, and elsewhere is pitiful at best.
You're a legend in your own mind.
Sobie isn’t very intelligent.

I think that just about everyone has noticed that.

Just because I don't fit it your silly brainwashed Judeo-Western European idealogy's doesn't make me dumb.

In fact 99% of this Forum is clearly much poorer in intellectual abilities in comparison to myself.

The level of logic, facts & knowledge displayed here, and elsewhere is pitiful at best.
You're a legend in your own mind.

Most Humans are pretty dang retarded, and brainwashed.

Zionism is just another typical proof of it.

They just understand getting mine, fitting in, and going Chimp.

Eugenics is desperately needed to curb the Savages of the Earth.
Sobie isn’t very intelligent.

I think that just about everyone has noticed that.

Just because I don't fit it your silly brainwashed Judeo-Western European idealogy's doesn't make me dumb.

In fact 99% of this Forum is clearly much poorer in intellectual abilities in comparison to myself.

The level of logic, facts & knowledge displayed here, and elsewhere is pitiful at best.
You're a legend in your own mind.

Most Humans are pretty dang retarded, and brainwashed.

Zionism is just another typical proof of it.

They just understand getting mine, fitting in, and going Chimp.

Eugenics is desperately need to curb the Savages of the Earth.
Whatever the dealer brought you this week is some GOOD shit. It is making you hallucinate.
Sobie isn’t very intelligent.

I think that just about everyone has noticed that.

Just because I don't fit it your silly brainwashed Judeo-Western European idealogy's doesn't make me dumb.

In fact 99% of this Forum is clearly much poorer in intellectual abilities in comparison to myself.

The level of logic, facts & knowledge displayed here, and elsewhere is pitiful at best.
You're a legend in your own mind.

Most Humans are pretty dang retarded, and brainwashed.

Zionism is just another typical proof of it.

They just understand getting mine, fitting in, and going Chimp.

Eugenics is desperately need to curb the Savages of the Earth.
Whatever the dealer brought you this week is some GOOD shit. It is making you hallucinate.

Some of the worst racial trash I've dealt with are actually Western European Protestants, they're so easily manipulated & brainwashed.

Look at how quickly they became Zionists, and anti-Racists, after a long history of feral anti-Jewish violence & pro-Racist Colonial policies.

Anyone who's a Zionist, and not a Jew, clearly is very much a brainwashed stooge, a moron, a Sub-Human savage.
Some of the worst racial trash I've dealt with are actually Western European Protestants, they're so easily manipulated & brainwashed.

Look at how quickly they became Zionists, and anti-Racists, after a long history of feral anti-Jewish violence & pro-Racist Colonial policies.

Anyone who's a Zionist, and not a Jew, clearly is very much a brainwashed stooge, a moron, a Sub-Human savage.

Puffing on Sherms now, dude? You should stop, that much dried horse shit dosed with bathtub LSD can't be healthy.
How dare someone object to Israel's brutal occupation of Palestine.

What is your solution? Another mostly Muslim country? Yeah that’s worked out real well.

Zionists don't know right from wrong, and that's the problem.

Idc. You missed the whole point of me not wanting another mostly Muslim country. Your Jew hate as usual blinds you to the real enemy.

Arabs owned more land & made up more population, until Israel stole it.

Israel has since waged war, waged massacres, settlement land thefts, and oppression upon the Palestinians.

Why is that right?

Your anti-Muslim hatred, blinds you from right & wrong.
How dare someone object to Israel's brutal occupation of Palestine.

What is your solution? Another mostly Muslim country? Yeah that’s worked out real well.

Zionists don't know right from wrong, and that's the problem.

Idc. You missed the whole point of me not wanting another mostly Muslim country. Your Jew hate as usual blinds you to the real enemy.

Arabs owned more land & made up more population, until Israel stole it.

Israel has since waged war, waged massacres, settlement land thefts, and oppression upon the Palestinians.

Why is that right?

Your anti-Muslim hatred, blinds you from right & wrong.

Right and wrong is subjective. Name one Mostly Muslim country that is not either a social, military or economic disaster. You cannot. Might makes right.

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