Leftist Nightmare: Black Conservatives Running for Office

I'd like you to name 3 black conservatives we should be afraid of, politically.

If the 37% of pro-life blacks flipped, you lefties would never win a national election again.

That's the black conservatives you lefties are afraid of politically.

You need to keep them terrified of the GOP. Because if they ever realize that they have a home in the GOP, where they won't be treated with complete contempt and their views and agenda would not be dismissed,

You would be fucked.

That's a tedious way for you to say you can't name any.

It is the real answer that your question was designed to hide from.

One, two, three black conservatives, nothing to be afraid of,by themselves.

Millions of blacks who you lefties depend on for their votes, but who disagree with you on the issues, that is what you are afraid of.

As of now, blacks put staying on the Democrat plantation as a higher priority that opposition to abortion. Should that ever change, Democrats will lose in a bad way and wonder what happened.

;0) That will NEVER happen .. pretty sure you already know that.

Blacks were overwhelmingly republican .. republicans preferred the company of racists .. one of the dumbest moves in American political history.

The Democratic Party sends its best wishes on your journey to oblivion. :0)

Which lefties always CLAIM, but can never support.

Nixon SLAMMED though desegregation of Southern Schools.

That is the exact OPPOSITE of pandering to racists southerns.

The GOP has NEVER been the party of racism like the Dems were and are again.
I'm not the one doing LBJ said I would be doing. You are. That doesn't make you ignorant. It makes you another dumbass that would rather stay on the plantation.

If you're willing, Kunta, to admit your people, at least the entitlement minded ones, would rather be slaves to Democrat, at least you're honest. Stupid, but honest.

:lol: Yet your pale ass is here begging for black votes every fucking day.

Give it up dummy .. IT'S NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN .. which of course won't keep your retarded ass from begging. :0)

I like that .. you begging.

Unlike the plantation black Democrats, I don't beg. I simply present facts about how blacks have done miserably under Democrat policies hoping they'll see the light.

If your people, at least the entitlement minded ones, want to do what Lyndon Johnson said, go ahead. It means you'll always be behind white people like me when it comes to success.

:0) You're BEGGING .. and you BEG everyday on this board.

.. and your argument is decidedly 8th grade without a shred of logic.

Why of why won't black people vote for us? :lol:

LBJ :lol::lol::lol:

Behind YOU? :lol::lol::lol: You're a fucking moron .. and I seriously doubt that you've had the career or life that I have.

Unbeknownst to your dumb ass, this is why all your BEGGING falls on deaf ears. You assume that because I'm black you must be better off. :0)

What a nitwit.

There's never been a question why 95% of blacks vote Democrats. I've said it before and will repeat it. They like the entitlement mentality the Democrats have created for them.

I'm sure you can prove that you've had a career or life better than mine. You make the claim, back it up, BOY. If you can't or won't, you've confirmed yourself on the plantation list and just one of million of your kind LBJ said he have voting Democrat for 200 years. The sad part is you was a good little Kunta and obliged yet don't realize you've been played for what you are.
Why then do wealthy and upper middle class blacks vote Democrat then?
Why do successful Asians and Jews vote Democratic?

Are they looking for a handout too?

They're just looking out for the one that do. You know they call each other brother and sister. With the bastard birth rate as high as it's been in the black community, who knows, they may actually be.
If the 37% of pro-life blacks flipped, you lefties would never win a national election again.

That's the black conservatives you lefties are afraid of politically.

You need to keep them terrified of the GOP. Because if they ever realize that they have a home in the GOP, where they won't be treated with complete contempt and their views and agenda would not be dismissed,

You would be fucked.

That's a tedious way for you to say you can't name any.

It is the real answer that your question was designed to hide from.

One, two, three black conservatives, nothing to be afraid of,by themselves.

Millions of blacks who you lefties depend on for their votes, but who disagree with you on the issues, that is what you are afraid of.

You people run in this nonsense every four years. Blacks will start voting Republican en masse. It never happens.

I've made no prediction of that.

I merely answered your question as to what black conservatives you are afraid of.

I've also discussed my view that it is tragic that so many Americans are so afraid of their fellow Americans that they would support politicians who's views are so contrary to their own, out of fear.

Fear based on a lie.

So a low income family of black Americans, relying on Medicaid for affordable healthcare, obviously an important consideration,

should vote for the party whose philosophy is that Medicaid is unconstitutional and should be gone?

Not all blacks are low income.

There are plenty of middle class blacks, that if they were NOT terrified by Democrat Race Baiting Fear mongering lies, would find that the GOP is far closer to them politically than the Dems.

And if they flipped, the dem's agenda would be destroyed.

Hence, the Fear mentioned in the OP.
It is the real answer that your question was designed to hide from.

One, two, three black conservatives, nothing to be afraid of,by themselves.

Millions of blacks who you lefties depend on for their votes, but who disagree with you on the issues, that is what you are afraid of.

You people run in this nonsense every four years. Blacks will start voting Republican en masse. It never happens.

As long as they put staying the plantation as their top priority, it won't. As soon as they realize they're being used as nothing but pawns by the Democrats, look out. It's not what the Republicans can do but what blacks choose to do. It's like the alcoholic or drug addict. They don't get help until THEY realize it's a problem.

Black president .. thousands of elected black legislators every year .. attention to black issues. :0) Why would anyone buy a ticket on the Titanic?

Republicans are the addicts .. addicted to their racist core and can't kick the habit.

You mean black issues like the unemployment rate that constantly stays 2x that of whites? You mean the black President for which millions more blacks came out to vote for due to skin color that could have but never voted prior to 2008? You mean the black legislators in the House that have to have their districts gerrymandered to have a minority majority in order to ever win?

Blacks, at least the entitlement minded ones, bought a ticket on the Titanic 50 years ago and have fulfilled LBJ's claim that he'll "have them n*ggers voting Democrat for the next 200 years". If it's any consolation, you only have 150 to go.

Goddamn you're ignorant .. but I like you ignorant. More fun to play with. :0)

You're whining like a stuck pig BECAUSE blacks will never vote for your racist fucking party.

Nothing you can do about that Jethro.

I'm not the one doing LBJ said I would be doing. You are. That doesn't make you ignorant. It makes you another dumbass that would rather stay on the plantation.

If you're willing, Kunta, to admit your people, at least the entitlement minded ones, would rather be slaves to Democrat, at least you're honest. Stupid, but honest.

:lol: Yet your pale ass is here begging for black votes every fucking day.

Give it up dummy .. IT'S NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN .. which of course won't keep your retarded ass from begging. :0)

I like that .. you begging.

Unlike the plantation black Democrats, I don't beg. I simply present facts about how blacks have done miserably under Democrat policies hoping they'll see the light.

If your people, at least the entitlement minded ones, want to do what Lyndon Johnson said, go ahead. It means you'll always be behind white people like me when it comes to success.

:0) You're BEGGING .. and you BEG everyday on this board.

.. and your argument is decidedly 8th grade without a shred of logic.

Why of why won't black people vote for us? :lol:

LBJ :lol::lol::lol:

Behind YOU? :lol::lol::lol: You're a fucking moron .. and I seriously doubt that you've had the career or life that I have.

Unbeknownst to your dumb ass, this is why all your BEGGING falls on deaf ears. You assume that because I'm black you must be better off. :0)

What a nitwit.

There's never been a question why 95% of blacks vote Democrats. I've said it before and will repeat it. They like the entitlement mentality the Democrats have created for them.

I'm sure you can prove that you've had a career or life better than mine. You make the claim, back it up, BOY. If you can't or won't, you've confirmed yourself on the plantation list and just one of million of your kind LBJ said he have voting Democrat for 200 years. The sad part is you was a good little Kunta and obliged yet don't realize you've been played for what you are.

No, they vote Democrat because the liberal Democrats won them equal rights.

But everyday, you lefties are on this thread arguing that blacks do HAVE equal rights, and are CONSTANTLY DISCRIMINATED AGAINST.

So, your claim that LIbs won them rights as the reason for their voting dem makes no sense.

Which time are you libs lying?

When you claim they are being discriminated against?

Or when you claim to have won them equal rights?

I'm not the one doing LBJ said I would be doing. You are. That doesn't make you ignorant. It makes you another dumbass that would rather stay on the plantation.

If you're willing, Kunta, to admit your people, at least the entitlement minded ones, would rather be slaves to Democrat, at least you're honest. Stupid, but honest.

:lol: Yet your pale ass is here begging for black votes every fucking day.

Give it up dummy .. IT'S NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN .. which of course won't keep your retarded ass from begging. :0)

I like that .. you begging.

Unlike the plantation black Democrats, I don't beg. I simply present facts about how blacks have done miserably under Democrat policies hoping they'll see the light.

If your people, at least the entitlement minded ones, want to do what Lyndon Johnson said, go ahead. It means you'll always be behind white people like me when it comes to success.

:0) You're BEGGING .. and you BEG everyday on this board.

.. and your argument is decidedly 8th grade without a shred of logic.

Why of why won't black people vote for us? :lol:

LBJ :lol::lol::lol:

Behind YOU? :lol::lol::lol: You're a fucking moron .. and I seriously doubt that you've had the career or life that I have.

Unbeknownst to your dumb ass, this is why all your BEGGING falls on deaf ears. You assume that because I'm black you must be better off. :0)

What a nitwit.

There's never been a question why 95% of blacks vote Democrats. I've said it before and will repeat it. They like the entitlement mentality the Democrats have created for them.

I'm sure you can prove that you've had a career or life better than mine. You make the claim, back it up, BOY. If you can't or won't, you've confirmed yourself on the plantation list and just one of million of your kind LBJ said he have voting Democrat for 200 years. The sad part is you was a good little Kunta and obliged yet don't realize you've been played for what you are.

Again you prove your ignorance .. again you prove the intelligence of blacks not voting for republicans.

Plantation? Is that it?

Black people on what you call plantations, :0) are the gate-keepers to the White House today. You don't get to sit in the big chair in the Oval Office unless you go through black voters. You know that, which is why you're constantly begging.

You and the Republican party on the other hand, are running a clown for president who has absolutely no chance of winning .. the Republican Party is tearing itself apart .. and its base and share of the electorate is rapidly aging and shrinking. You post like you must be at least 70 years old.

Let me show you something scary .. for you ..

It's Official: The U.S. is Becoming a Minority-Majority Nation
Census data shows there are more minority children under age 5 than whites.
It's Official: The U.S. is Becoming a Minority-Majority Nation

You wouldn't even know how to live in such a world .. but your grandchildren will have to.

You're 70 years old homeboy. Grow up.

Who you going to blame for your failures then?
:lol: Yet your pale ass is here begging for black votes every fucking day.

Give it up dummy .. IT'S NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN .. which of course won't keep your retarded ass from begging. :0)

I like that .. you begging.

Unlike the plantation black Democrats, I don't beg. I simply present facts about how blacks have done miserably under Democrat policies hoping they'll see the light.

If your people, at least the entitlement minded ones, want to do what Lyndon Johnson said, go ahead. It means you'll always be behind white people like me when it comes to success.

:0) You're BEGGING .. and you BEG everyday on this board.

.. and your argument is decidedly 8th grade without a shred of logic.

Why of why won't black people vote for us? :lol:

LBJ :lol::lol::lol:

Behind YOU? :lol::lol::lol: You're a fucking moron .. and I seriously doubt that you've had the career or life that I have.

Unbeknownst to your dumb ass, this is why all your BEGGING falls on deaf ears. You assume that because I'm black you must be better off. :0)

What a nitwit.

There's never been a question why 95% of blacks vote Democrats. I've said it before and will repeat it. They like the entitlement mentality the Democrats have created for them.

I'm sure you can prove that you've had a career or life better than mine. You make the claim, back it up, BOY. If you can't or won't, you've confirmed yourself on the plantation list and just one of million of your kind LBJ said he have voting Democrat for 200 years. The sad part is you was a good little Kunta and obliged yet don't realize you've been played for what you are.

Again you prove your ignorance .. again you prove the intelligence of blacks not voting for republicans.

Plantation? Is that it?

Black people on what you call plantations, :0) are the gate-keepers to the White House today. You don't get to sit in the big chair in the Oval Office unless you go through black voters. You know that, which is why you're constantly begging.

You and the Republican party on the other hand, are running a clown for president who has absolutely no chance of winning .. the Republican Party is tearing itself apart .. and its base and share of the electorate is rapidly aging and shrinking. You post like you must be at least 70 years old.

Let me show you something scary .. for you ..

It's Official: The U.S. is Becoming a Minority-Majority Nation
Census data shows there are more minority children under age 5 than whites.
It's Official: The U.S. is Becoming a Minority-Majority Nation

You wouldn't even know how to live in such a world .. but your grandchildren will have to.

You're 70 years old homeboy. Grow up.

Who you going to blame for your failures then?

Many blame white people yet forget that many of the choices blacks make produce the results for which they blame whites. Do whites cause over 70% of the births to blacks to be illegitimate? Do whites cause the higher than any other group choice to drop out of school? Do white cause the choice to commit crimes at a rate much higher than their proportion in society? The answer to all of them is no yet, for some reason, whites are considered the reason the black community as a whole has economic and social problems.
That you didn't even try to answer my question shows you don't have much but rhetoric on your side.

That's like asking me to answer why the moon is made out of cheese.

I'd like you to name 3 black conservatives we should be afraid of, politically.

If the 37% of pro-life blacks flipped, you lefties would never win a national election again.

That's the black conservatives you lefties are afraid of politically.

You need to keep them terrified of the GOP. Because if they ever realize that they have a home in the GOP, where they won't be treated with complete contempt and their views and agenda would not be dismissed,

You would be fucked.

You didn't do the math, did ya? 15 to 20 percent of blacks already typically vote Republican. Most of whom, I would guess identify themselves as conservative.

That means if 100% of the 37% of whom you speak (don't know where you get that 37% figure) vote Republican, the popular vote might swing by about 3½ million. And neither conservatives or Liberals vote 100% with a political party.

Significant, to be sure, but not necessarily enough to categorically state, "you lefties would never win a national election again." :rolleyes:

Could be enough to swing an election; or might not be. Depends on the candidates, depends on the success or failure of the outgoing president, depends on in which states they reside, depends on the mood of the nation, depends on the weather.

There are so many variables which lend to a candidate winning a presidential election that a roughly 3½ million vote swing could make a difference.

In 2008 and 2012, that variable was skin color for the Democrat.

No it wasn't. The variable in 2008 and 2012 was how much of the moderate vote the Democrat won.
I explained in my post why I concluded that he had dismissed pro-life blacks and their beliefs.

You stated your disagreement with my claim, but in no way at all challenged or even addressed my reasoning.

Thus, your "in reality" is actually, just in your completely unsupported and groundless opinion.

And as you completely failed to even TRY to challenge my point, it still stands.

This is not about a reasonable disagreement on the issues, or even a legitimate conflict of interests.

This is about that the fact that people like you have terrorized and race baited the black community for generations to the point that Pro-life Blacks view the party that supports the mass murder of black babies as their only ally against the Evul Republicans.

Great job.

If your goal was to tear this nation apart.
Not at all. No one gets to tell a woman that she can't terminate her pregnancy as long as said pregnant woman seeks a legal abortion. Rendering your "37%" unqualified to begin with. rightwinger pointed out that black women are free to get an abortion, should they so choose -- and that includes 100%, whether they're pro-life or pro-choice.

Your own qualifier, ie "as long as she seeks a legal abortion" contradicts your whole point, that "no one can tell a woman she can't terminate her pregnancy" or that pro-life blacks are "unqualified" to have an opinion on the matter.

THus, my point about RW dismissing the interests and agenda of 37% of blacks stands.

PRO-LIFE BLACKS, BY DEFINITION, want to deny black women the "right" to kill their unborn babies.

And yet the vast majority of them vote for white libs like you who want to see those black babies "murdered" in the millions.

This is not about a reasonable disagreement on the issues, or even a legitimate conflict of interests.

This is about that the fact that people like you have terrorized and race baited the black community for generations to the point that Pro-life Blacks view the party that supports the mass murder of black babies as their only ally against the Evul Republicans.

Great job.

If your goal was to tear this nation apart.

and you inability to respect or to even understand the viewpoint of someone who disagrees with you is incredible.
That "qualifier" is the law respecting the viability of an unborn child and changes nothing in my post. And those restrictions apply to all women regardless of race. Leaving rightwinger's point that 100% black women are free to choose for themselves; even if some may be pro-life and choose not to terminate their pregnancies. That's still a choice.

correll said:
And yet the vast majority of them vote for white libs like you who want to see those black babies "murdered" in the millions.
You poor misguided soul.

1. Thus, laws "telling a woman that she can't terminate her pregnancy" are common and normal. Your pretense that this is some type of aberration or sin on the part of pro-lifers is nonsense.

Yes, laws can determine when abortion is not legal. Pro-lifers cannot. I offered no aberration or sin on them, as you seem to think. Merely that they don't have a voice in womens' right to choose.

Sure you did. Stop your lying.

2. D'uh. Yes, the laws apply regardless of race. Thanks for the newsflash. NOTHING I said suggested otherwise.

You keep mentioning the "37% of blacks" as though their opinion counts more than others on the matter of abortion. They don't.

My point, as I have repeatedly and clearly stated, is to point out the large percentage of blacks who vote for the dems despite very, very serious policy disagreements with them.

Please stop wasting my time by being purposefully obtuse.

3. 100% of black women are NOT free to choose for themselves. There are plenty of laws on the books limiting their choices.

Hence the qualifier of being within the law. Yes, within the law, which provides women the choice to have an abortion, often until the point of fetal viability, every woman, regardless of race, is free to choose for themselves. Even those among the 37% you refer to.

It is a "qualifier" that negated your overall point. YOur statement was meaningless contradictory nonsense.

4. Your insistence on framing the question as though the opposing viewpoint of the pro-lifers is completely non-valid IS MY POINT.

Then you have no point because I never said their viewpoint was "non-valid." I said they have the same choices as all women do. They can choose to have an abortion or they can choose to not have an abortion. That's why when rightwinger's points out black women can make their own choice to have an abortion -- that includes 100% of black women. There is no 37% who are denied that option.

THe point is not about whether they can have an abortion. THe point is that you insist on framing the question with YOUR PRO-CHOICE assumptions as the only valid basis of the question with NO validity given to the other side.

The side of millions of your supporters.

Which is evidence for my argument that black bloc voting is not about issues, but about Fear induced by generation of constant Race Baiting Panic Mongering Propaganda from the Left.

This is the central Truth, which you are desperately hiding from.

IE Why are pro-life blacks voting for libs who have nothing but contempt for them? AND whom from their perspective want to see those black babies "murdered" in the millions.

Generalizing does you no good.

When discussing large groups and millions of votes, generalizations are just fine.

All you did there was dodge my point. Again. Because you cannot face the Truth.

5. Calling me a "poor soul" is not an answer. It is a cowardly and dishonest dodge.


It was never meant to be an answer to anything. Why would you think it was? It was neither a dodge nor cowardly. It was my pity that you believe what you posted.

And that is the dishonest and cowardly Logical Fallacy Of Appeal to Ridicule.

THus your claim is invalid and my point stands.

You dodged. You continued to dodge a LOT because you are unable to honestly refute the OP, or any of my points.
:lol: Yet your pale ass is here begging for black votes every fucking day.

Give it up dummy .. IT'S NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN .. which of course won't keep your retarded ass from begging. :0)

I like that .. you begging.

Unlike the plantation black Democrats, I don't beg. I simply present facts about how blacks have done miserably under Democrat policies hoping they'll see the light.

If your people, at least the entitlement minded ones, want to do what Lyndon Johnson said, go ahead. It means you'll always be behind white people like me when it comes to success.

:0) You're BEGGING .. and you BEG everyday on this board.

.. and your argument is decidedly 8th grade without a shred of logic.

Why of why won't black people vote for us? :lol:

LBJ :lol::lol::lol:

Behind YOU? :lol::lol::lol: You're a fucking moron .. and I seriously doubt that you've had the career or life that I have.

Unbeknownst to your dumb ass, this is why all your BEGGING falls on deaf ears. You assume that because I'm black you must be better off. :0)

What a nitwit.

There's never been a question why 95% of blacks vote Democrats. I've said it before and will repeat it. They like the entitlement mentality the Democrats have created for them.

I'm sure you can prove that you've had a career or life better than mine. You make the claim, back it up, BOY. If you can't or won't, you've confirmed yourself on the plantation list and just one of million of your kind LBJ said he have voting Democrat for 200 years. The sad part is you was a good little Kunta and obliged yet don't realize you've been played for what you are.

No, they vote Democrat because the liberal Democrats won them equal rights.

But everyday, you lefties are on this thread arguing that blacks do HAVE equal rights, and are CONSTANTLY DISCRIMINATED AGAINST.

So, your claim that LIbs won them rights as the reason for their voting dem makes no sense.

Which time are you libs lying?

When you claim they are being discriminated against?

Or when you claim to have won them equal rights?


They have equal rights under the law that they didn't have previously, thanks to liberal democrats.
That's like asking me to answer why the moon is made out of cheese.

I'd like you to name 3 black conservatives we should be afraid of, politically.

If the 37% of pro-life blacks flipped, you lefties would never win a national election again.

That's the black conservatives you lefties are afraid of politically.

You need to keep them terrified of the GOP. Because if they ever realize that they have a home in the GOP, where they won't be treated with complete contempt and their views and agenda would not be dismissed,

You would be fucked.

You didn't do the math, did ya? 15 to 20 percent of blacks already typically vote Republican. Most of whom, I would guess identify themselves as conservative.

That means if 100% of the 37% of whom you speak (don't know where you get that 37% figure) vote Republican, the popular vote might swing by about 3½ million. And neither conservatives or Liberals vote 100% with a political party.

Significant, to be sure, but not necessarily enough to categorically state, "you lefties would never win a national election again." :rolleyes:

Could be enough to swing an election; or might not be. Depends on the candidates, depends on the success or failure of the outgoing president, depends on in which states they reside, depends on the mood of the nation, depends on the weather.

There are so many variables which lend to a candidate winning a presidential election that a roughly 3½ million vote swing could make a difference.

In 2008 and 2012, that variable was skin color for the Democrat.

No it wasn't. The variable in 2008 and 2012 was how much of the moderate vote the Democrat won.

Keep telling yourself that while noting that there were millions more black voters in 2008 than in any other election despite those voting for the first time having had the opportunity to do so in previous elections.
Unlike the plantation black Democrats, I don't beg. I simply present facts about how blacks have done miserably under Democrat policies hoping they'll see the light.

If your people, at least the entitlement minded ones, want to do what Lyndon Johnson said, go ahead. It means you'll always be behind white people like me when it comes to success.

:0) You're BEGGING .. and you BEG everyday on this board.

.. and your argument is decidedly 8th grade without a shred of logic.

Why of why won't black people vote for us? :lol:

LBJ :lol::lol::lol:

Behind YOU? :lol::lol::lol: You're a fucking moron .. and I seriously doubt that you've had the career or life that I have.

Unbeknownst to your dumb ass, this is why all your BEGGING falls on deaf ears. You assume that because I'm black you must be better off. :0)

What a nitwit.

There's never been a question why 95% of blacks vote Democrats. I've said it before and will repeat it. They like the entitlement mentality the Democrats have created for them.

I'm sure you can prove that you've had a career or life better than mine. You make the claim, back it up, BOY. If you can't or won't, you've confirmed yourself on the plantation list and just one of million of your kind LBJ said he have voting Democrat for 200 years. The sad part is you was a good little Kunta and obliged yet don't realize you've been played for what you are.

No, they vote Democrat because the liberal Democrats won them equal rights.

But everyday, you lefties are on this thread arguing that blacks do HAVE equal rights, and are CONSTANTLY DISCRIMINATED AGAINST.

So, your claim that LIbs won them rights as the reason for their voting dem makes no sense.

Which time are you libs lying?

When you claim they are being discriminated against?

Or when you claim to have won them equal rights?


They have equal rights under the law that they didn't have previously, thanks to liberal democrats.

With all those rights, why have blacks constantly fallen behind all other groups in just about every economic and social category? Black unemployment is twice that of whites despite having programs like affirmative action giving them advantages based on a characteristic that if used to deny would be wrong but OK if benefiting them.
That you didn't even try to answer my question shows you don't have much but rhetoric on your side.

That's like asking me to answer why the moon is made out of cheese.

I'd like you to name 3 black conservatives we should be afraid of, politically.

If the 37% of pro-life blacks flipped, you lefties would never win a national election again.

That's the black conservatives you lefties are afraid of politically.

You need to keep them terrified of the GOP. Because if they ever realize that they have a home in the GOP, where they won't be treated with complete contempt and their views and agenda would not be dismissed,

You would be fucked.

You didn't do the math, did ya? 15 to 20 percent of blacks already typically vote Republican. Most of whom, I would guess identify themselves as conservative.

That means if 100% of the 37% of whom you speak (don't know where you get that 37% figure) vote Republican, the popular vote might swing by about 3½ million. And neither conservatives or Liberals vote 100% with a political party.

Significant, to be sure, but not necessarily enough to categorically state, "you lefties would never win a national election again." :rolleyes:

Could be enough to swing an election; or might not be. Depends on the candidates, depends on the success or failure of the outgoing president, depends on in which states they reside, depends on the mood of the nation, depends on the weather.

There are so many variables which lend to a candidate winning a presidential election that a roughly 3½ million vote swing could make a difference.

In 2008 and 2012, that variable was skin color for the Democrat.
So? For many, in this election it will be gender.
If the 37% of pro-life blacks flipped, you lefties would never win a national election again.

That's the black conservatives you lefties are afraid of politically.

You need to keep them terrified of the GOP. Because if they ever realize that they have a home in the GOP, where they won't be treated with complete contempt and their views and agenda would not be dismissed,

You would be fucked.

That's a tedious way for you to say you can't name any.

It is the real answer that your question was designed to hide from.

One, two, three black conservatives, nothing to be afraid of,by themselves.

Millions of blacks who you lefties depend on for their votes, but who disagree with you on the issues, that is what you are afraid of.

As of now, blacks put staying on the Democrat plantation as a higher priority that opposition to abortion. Should that ever change, Democrats will lose in a bad way and wonder what happened.

;0) That will NEVER happen .. pretty sure you already know that.

Blacks were overwhelmingly republican .. republicans preferred the company of racists .. one of the dumbest moves in American political history.

The Democratic Party sends its best wishes on your journey to oblivion. :0)

Which lefties always CLAIM, but can never support.

Nixon SLAMMED though desegregation of Southern Schools.

That is the exact OPPOSITE of pandering to racists southerns.

The GOP has NEVER been the party of racism like the Dems were and are again.
And yet, there are pitifully few black Republicans in Congress.
That's like asking me to answer why the moon is made out of cheese.

I'd like you to name 3 black conservatives we should be afraid of, politically.

If the 37% of pro-life blacks flipped, you lefties would never win a national election again.

That's the black conservatives you lefties are afraid of politically.

You need to keep them terrified of the GOP. Because if they ever realize that they have a home in the GOP, where they won't be treated with complete contempt and their views and agenda would not be dismissed,

You would be fucked.

You didn't do the math, did ya? 15 to 20 percent of blacks already typically vote Republican. Most of whom, I would guess identify themselves as conservative.

That means if 100% of the 37% of whom you speak (don't know where you get that 37% figure) vote Republican, the popular vote might swing by about 3½ million. And neither conservatives or Liberals vote 100% with a political party.

Significant, to be sure, but not necessarily enough to categorically state, "you lefties would never win a national election again." :rolleyes:

Could be enough to swing an election; or might not be. Depends on the candidates, depends on the success or failure of the outgoing president, depends on in which states they reside, depends on the mood of the nation, depends on the weather.

There are so many variables which lend to a candidate winning a presidential election that a roughly 3½ million vote swing could make a difference.

In 2008 and 2012, that variable was skin color for the Democrat.
So? For many, in this election it will be gender.

Based on many wanting a female President because she's female, yes.
That's a tedious way for you to say you can't name any.

It is the real answer that your question was designed to hide from.

One, two, three black conservatives, nothing to be afraid of,by themselves.

Millions of blacks who you lefties depend on for their votes, but who disagree with you on the issues, that is what you are afraid of.

As of now, blacks put staying on the Democrat plantation as a higher priority that opposition to abortion. Should that ever change, Democrats will lose in a bad way and wonder what happened.

;0) That will NEVER happen .. pretty sure you already know that.

Blacks were overwhelmingly republican .. republicans preferred the company of racists .. one of the dumbest moves in American political history.

The Democratic Party sends its best wishes on your journey to oblivion. :0)

Which lefties always CLAIM, but can never support.

Nixon SLAMMED though desegregation of Southern Schools.

That is the exact OPPOSITE of pandering to racists southerns.

The GOP has NEVER been the party of racism like the Dems were and are again.
And yet, there are pitifully few black Republicans in Congress.

I challenged the Myth of the SOuthern Strategy and the GOP being racist,

What you did NOT do, is to make any attempt to debunk my point about Nixon forcing desegregation on Southern Schools, which is, as I said, the EXACT OPPOSITE of pandering to racist southerners.


And you are too dishonest to admit that.

Query: How can you actively run away from the Truth and not realize that that means you are wrong?
That's a tedious way for you to say you can't name any.

It is the real answer that your question was designed to hide from.

One, two, three black conservatives, nothing to be afraid of,by themselves.

Millions of blacks who you lefties depend on for their votes, but who disagree with you on the issues, that is what you are afraid of.

As of now, blacks put staying on the Democrat plantation as a higher priority that opposition to abortion. Should that ever change, Democrats will lose in a bad way and wonder what happened.

;0) That will NEVER happen .. pretty sure you already know that.

Blacks were overwhelmingly republican .. republicans preferred the company of racists .. one of the dumbest moves in American political history.

The Democratic Party sends its best wishes on your journey to oblivion. :0)

Which lefties always CLAIM, but can never support.

Nixon SLAMMED though desegregation of Southern Schools.

That is the exact OPPOSITE of pandering to racists southerns.

The GOP has NEVER been the party of racism like the Dems were and are again.
And yet, there are pitifully few black Republicans in Congress.

And yet, there is pitifully only ONE black Democrat in the Senate representing the self proclaimed party of diversity. In case you didn't know, the number of black Senators is equal for Republicans and Democrats.
Not at all. No one gets to tell a woman that she can't terminate her pregnancy as long as said pregnant woman seeks a legal abortion. Rendering your "37%" unqualified to begin with. rightwinger pointed out that black women are free to get an abortion, should they so choose -- and that includes 100%, whether they're pro-life or pro-choice.

Your own qualifier, ie "as long as she seeks a legal abortion" contradicts your whole point, that "no one can tell a woman she can't terminate her pregnancy" or that pro-life blacks are "unqualified" to have an opinion on the matter.

THus, my point about RW dismissing the interests and agenda of 37% of blacks stands.

PRO-LIFE BLACKS, BY DEFINITION, want to deny black women the "right" to kill their unborn babies.

And yet the vast majority of them vote for white libs like you who want to see those black babies "murdered" in the millions.

This is not about a reasonable disagreement on the issues, or even a legitimate conflict of interests.

This is about that the fact that people like you have terrorized and race baited the black community for generations to the point that Pro-life Blacks view the party that supports the mass murder of black babies as their only ally against the Evul Republicans.

Great job.

If your goal was to tear this nation apart.

and you inability to respect or to even understand the viewpoint of someone who disagrees with you is incredible.
That "qualifier" is the law respecting the viability of an unborn child and changes nothing in my post. And those restrictions apply to all women regardless of race. Leaving rightwinger's point that 100% black women are free to choose for themselves; even if some may be pro-life and choose not to terminate their pregnancies. That's still a choice.

correll said:
And yet the vast majority of them vote for white libs like you who want to see those black babies "murdered" in the millions.
You poor misguided soul.

1. Thus, laws "telling a woman that she can't terminate her pregnancy" are common and normal. Your pretense that this is some type of aberration or sin on the part of pro-lifers is nonsense.

Yes, laws can determine when abortion is not legal. Pro-lifers cannot. I offered no aberration or sin on them, as you seem to think. Merely that they don't have a voice in womens' right to choose.

Sure you did. Stop your lying.

2. D'uh. Yes, the laws apply regardless of race. Thanks for the newsflash. NOTHING I said suggested otherwise.

You keep mentioning the "37% of blacks" as though their opinion counts more than others on the matter of abortion. They don't.

My point, as I have repeatedly and clearly stated, is to point out the large percentage of blacks who vote for the dems despite very, very serious policy disagreements with them.

Please stop wasting my time by being purposefully obtuse.

3. 100% of black women are NOT free to choose for themselves. There are plenty of laws on the books limiting their choices.

Hence the qualifier of being within the law. Yes, within the law, which provides women the choice to have an abortion, often until the point of fetal viability, every woman, regardless of race, is free to choose for themselves. Even those among the 37% you refer to.

It is a "qualifier" that negated your overall point. YOur statement was meaningless contradictory nonsense.

4. Your insistence on framing the question as though the opposing viewpoint of the pro-lifers is completely non-valid IS MY POINT.

Then you have no point because I never said their viewpoint was "non-valid." I said they have the same choices as all women do. They can choose to have an abortion or they can choose to not have an abortion. That's why when rightwinger's points out black women can make their own choice to have an abortion -- that includes 100% of black women. There is no 37% who are denied that option.

THe point is not about whether they can have an abortion. THe point is that you insist on framing the question with YOUR PRO-CHOICE assumptions as the only valid basis of the question with NO validity given to the other side.

The side of millions of your supporters.

Which is evidence for my argument that black bloc voting is not about issues, but about Fear induced by generation of constant Race Baiting Panic Mongering Propaganda from the Left.

This is the central Truth, which you are desperately hiding from.

IE Why are pro-life blacks voting for libs who have nothing but contempt for them? AND whom from their perspective want to see those black babies "murdered" in the millions.

Generalizing does you no good.

When discussing large groups and millions of votes, generalizations are just fine.

All you did there was dodge my point. Again. Because you cannot face the Truth.

5. Calling me a "poor soul" is not an answer. It is a cowardly and dishonest dodge.


It was never meant to be an answer to anything. Why would you think it was? It was neither a dodge nor cowardly. It was my pity that you believe what you posted.

And that is the dishonest and cowardly Logical Fallacy Of Appeal to Ridicule.

THus your claim is invalid and my point stands.

You dodged. You continued to dodge a LOT because you are unable to honestly refute the OP, or any of my points.
1. You're delusional.

2. You denied the reality that 100% of black women are free to choose to have an abortion within the law.

3. The qualifier was to point eliminate illegal abortions from the debate; which are applicable to everyone. That in no way negated my point that 100% of black women are free to choose for themselves.

4. Nope, the point is the black women among those 37% are able to choose for themselves the same as the other 63%.

5. Again... I made no appeal to anyone or anything. I neither dodged nor evaded nor made a claim. I pitied you; and still do.

And your point was DOA the moment you denied rightwinger's claim that 100% of black women are free to choose for themselves. Within the law, of course, just like everyone else.
It is the real answer that your question was designed to hide from.

One, two, three black conservatives, nothing to be afraid of,by themselves.

Millions of blacks who you lefties depend on for their votes, but who disagree with you on the issues, that is what you are afraid of.

As of now, blacks put staying on the Democrat plantation as a higher priority that opposition to abortion. Should that ever change, Democrats will lose in a bad way and wonder what happened.

;0) That will NEVER happen .. pretty sure you already know that.

Blacks were overwhelmingly republican .. republicans preferred the company of racists .. one of the dumbest moves in American political history.

The Democratic Party sends its best wishes on your journey to oblivion. :0)

Which lefties always CLAIM, but can never support.

Nixon SLAMMED though desegregation of Southern Schools.

That is the exact OPPOSITE of pandering to racists southerns.

The GOP has NEVER been the party of racism like the Dems were and are again.
And yet, there are pitifully few black Republicans in Congress.

I challenged the Myth of the SOuthern Strategy and the GOP being racist,

What you did NOT do, is to make any attempt to debunk my point about Nixon forcing desegregation on Southern Schools, which is, as I said, the EXACT OPPOSITE of pandering to racist southerners.


And you are too dishonest to admit that.

Query: How can you actively run away from the Truth and not realize that that means you are wrong?
Your claim is that the GOP was not racist in the 60's during the passage of the Civil Rights Act. I don't see anyone contesting that. What you don't seem to comprehend is that it was, and is, a north/south issue as much as was a Republican/Democrat issue. The reason so many Republicans supported it while so many Democrats opposed it was because almost all of the Congressional Republicans were in the north while almost all of the Democrats were in the south. Northern Democrats, like northern Reublicans, supported it. Likewise, southern Republicans, like southern Democrats, opposed it.

And that was in the 60's. Nowadays, those regions no longer resemble the political makeup they did 50 years ago. Now the north is mostly Democrat and the south is mostly Republican.

The south is the same racist region it's always been. That's not to say there aren't racists in the north, racists exist in every part of the country. But more so in the south.
I'd like you to name 3 black conservatives we should be afraid of, politically.

If the 37% of pro-life blacks flipped, you lefties would never win a national election again.

That's the black conservatives you lefties are afraid of politically.

You need to keep them terrified of the GOP. Because if they ever realize that they have a home in the GOP, where they won't be treated with complete contempt and their views and agenda would not be dismissed,

You would be fucked.

You didn't do the math, did ya? 15 to 20 percent of blacks already typically vote Republican. Most of whom, I would guess identify themselves as conservative.

That means if 100% of the 37% of whom you speak (don't know where you get that 37% figure) vote Republican, the popular vote might swing by about 3½ million. And neither conservatives or Liberals vote 100% with a political party.

Significant, to be sure, but not necessarily enough to categorically state, "you lefties would never win a national election again." :rolleyes:

Could be enough to swing an election; or might not be. Depends on the candidates, depends on the success or failure of the outgoing president, depends on in which states they reside, depends on the mood of the nation, depends on the weather.

There are so many variables which lend to a candidate winning a presidential election that a roughly 3½ million vote swing could make a difference.

In 2008 and 2012, that variable was skin color for the Democrat.
So? For many, in this election it will be gender.

Based on many wanting a female President because she's female, yes.
For many, yes. For many, voting a man because they don't want a woman in office. Again, so what?

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