Leftist Rep. Jayapal is Ok With a Little Bit of Rape Action by Hamas

“I said it’s horrific, and I think that rape is horrific. Sexual assault is horrific. I think that it happens in war situations. Terrorist organizations like Hamas obviously are using these as tools, however I think we have to be balanced about bringing in the outrages against Palestinians,” she said.
No we don’t need any balancing of outrage asseipe bitch
Yes, you Nazis are bold. We know.
I support the people of Palestine. Unapologetically

Those who support "Free Palestine", support Hamas and all that goes with that:
  • Homosexuality outlawed and punishable by death
  • “Honor” killings of women and children
  • Female genital mutilation
  • Women cannot vote, own property, or appear in public alone without a man's permission
  • Arranged marriages
  • Religious police (aka "beard police") enforcing sharia law
  • Child marriage
  • State imposed religion
This is so typical.

Always avoiding the heinous anti-Jewish crimes against humanity...

Please see below. I asked you this once already

Please see below. I asked you this once already

IMHO it's about political ideology here in the US...by the Squad. What say you?
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