Leftist Stupidity on Wages and Prices


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012

In discussions on "minimum wage," Conservatives often stump Leftists with the simple question, "If $15/hr is good, then why not $50/hr? Wouldn't that be better?"

The assumption is that even a Leftist can understand that a $50/hr minimum wage would cause more problems than not.

But maybe they can't.

Here we have a law that imposes a MW of $20/hr on fast food workers in the Golden State. One wonders if anyone in that playground (legislature and governor's mansion) has ever actually had a job. It certainly doesn't seem like it.

Is it not obvious that,
  • This law will drive hundreds of thousands of small businesses out of business?
  • Fast food hours worked and headcount will drop precipitously?
  • Californians will be much less inclined to dine at fast food restaurants?
  • California restaurants will be devising hundreds of schemes NOT to be covered by this law?
Would you pay $20 for a Happy Meal?

You get the government you deserve. Manifestly.

In discussions on "minimum wage," Conservatives often stump Leftists with the simple question, "If $15/hr is good, then why not $50/hr? Wouldn't that be better?"

The assumption is that even a Leftist can understand that a $50/hr minimum wage would cause more problems than not.

But maybe they can't.

Here we have a law that imposes a MW of $20/hr on fast food workers in the Golden State. One wonders if anyone in that playground (legislature and governor's mansion) has ever actually had a job. It certainly doesn't seem like it.

Is it not obvious that,
  • This law will drive hundreds of thousands of small businesses out of business?
  • Fast food hours worked and headcount will drop precipitously?
  • Californians will be much less inclined to dine at fast food restaurants?
  • California restaurants will be devising hundreds of schemes NOT to be covered by this law?
Would you pay $20 for a Happy Meal?

You get the government you deserve. Manifestly.
I thought people were already paying $20 for a Happy Meal.

If not, give it a few months and that will be without increasing the MW.

The way government operates today, printing out trililons of dollars a minute, it is only a matter of time before they crash the system.

But voters are clueless. You get a few in the GOP to protest spending by threatening a shut down and they are the radical loons according to the media as they lose their fight 100% of the time.

But the media and academia refuse to teach children about basic economics. Why? Because they are Marxists and Marxists know if they did, it would be the end of their little revolution thingy.

In discussions on "minimum wage," Conservatives often stump Leftists with the simple question, "If $15/hr is good, then why not $50/hr? Wouldn't that be better?"

The assumption is that even a Leftist can understand that a $50/hr minimum wage would cause more problems than not.

But maybe they can't.

Here we have a law that imposes a MW of $20/hr on fast food workers in the Golden State. One wonders if anyone in that playground (legislature and governor's mansion) has ever actually had a job. It certainly doesn't seem like it.

Is it not obvious that,
  • This law will drive hundreds of thousands of small businesses out of business?
  • Fast food hours worked and headcount will drop precipitously?
  • Californians will be much less inclined to dine at fast food restaurants?
  • California restaurants will be devising hundreds of schemes NOT to be covered by this law?
Would you pay $20 for a Happy Meal?

You get the government you deserve. Manifestly.

So you support the current $7.25 minimum wage
Looking at the California law, it exempts fast food joints that "make their own bread"? What difference does that make? Are their liberal legislators or campaign contributors who own Panera or Subway locations? Are they just kissing up to Jared Fogle and the rest of the Chomo American community involved with those chains?
So you support the current $7.25 minimum wage
The minimum wage is $0.

In discussions on "minimum wage," Conservatives often stump Leftists with the simple question, "If $15/hr is good, then why not $50/hr? Wouldn't that be better?"

The assumption is that even a Leftist can understand that a $50/hr minimum wage would cause more problems than not.

But maybe they can't.

Here we have a law that imposes a MW of $20/hr on fast food workers in the Golden State. One wonders if anyone in that playground (legislature and governor's mansion) has ever actually had a job. It certainly doesn't seem like it.

Is it not obvious that,
  • This law will drive hundreds of thousands of small businesses out of business?
  • Fast food hours worked and headcount will drop precipitously?
  • Californians will be much less inclined to dine at fast food restaurants?
  • California restaurants will be devising hundreds of schemes NOT to be covered by this law?
Would you pay $20 for a Happy Meal?

You get the government you deserve. Manifestly.
Seems like way too much of an hourly wage for fast food workers.

Still...before the pandemic all we heard from employers is the same thing you said above but it was about $15 an hour; not twenty.

And before that it was preaching the dangers of $10 an hour minimum wage...

Stores in my neighborhood routinely are listing their starting wage on banners outside of their restaurants; some as high as $17 an hour. I was driving through Tivoli, TX the other day (hardly a massive metropolis) and the Dairy Queen was paying $13 an hour to start. This was after I left a convenience store in Port Lavaca that was advertising a $16 an hour wage to start.

The gloom and doom predictions have not come true. We still have McDonalds, Burger Kings, Starbucks, Applebees, etc... I agree that $20 an hour seems too high for those types of jobs but your past predictions of disaster have never come true. Perhaps you should stop making them?
This is the part to where someone will point out automated ordering and machines that replaced humans.
Seems like way too much of an hourly wage for fast food workers.

Still...before the pandemic all we heard from employers is the same thing you said above but it was about $15 an hour; not twenty.

And before that it was preaching the dangers of $10 an hour minimum wage...

Stores in my neighborhood routinely are listing their starting wage on banners outside of their restaurants; some as high as $17 an hour. I was driving through Tivoli, TX the other day (hardly a massive metropolis) and the Dairy Queen was paying $13 an hour to start. This was after I left a convenience store in Port Lavaca that was advertising a $16 an hour wage to start.

The gloom and doom predictions have not come true. We still have McDonalds, Burger Kings, Starbucks, Applebees, etc... I agree that $20 an hour seems too high for those types of jobs but your past predictions of disaster have never come true. Perhaps you should stop making them?
And yet here we are with high unemployment for youth who thus now spend their time shopping in inner cities.

the appropriate minimum wage is $0. It's all between employer and employee, and the Federal government has no power or right to interfere with that relationship.

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