Leftists are Racists


The Pale Orc
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 4, 2018
Boston, MA
This Study Argues Leftists Condescend To Minority Audiences. That's A Serious Problem.

Study organizers asked white participants to email with a partner without seeing that partner. The partner would be named in either stereotypically white or stereotypically black fashion. The study found, shockingly, that “well-intentioned liberal whites may draw on low-status/competence stereotypes to affiliate with minorities.”

How about conservatives? It turns out that conservatives spoke to white people in the same way they spoke to black people. “It was kind of an unpleasant surprise to see this subtle but persistent effect,” Dupree stated. “Even if it’s ultimately well-intentioned, it could be seen as patronizing.”

"The fact that white liberals tend to treat minority audiences more emotionally, and without resort to competence-related language, is certainly patronizing. It’s ridiculous for white liberals to think that they have to dumb themselves down in some way to speak with minority voters."

Washington Times also reported on the same study.

The key takeaway:
"The difference wasn’t statistically significant in speeches by Republican candidates, though “it was harder to find speeches from Republicans delivered to minority audiences."

So, liberals arent afraid to talk to other races. Conservatives are holed up in their safe spaces.
Leftists have won the PR battle with minorities, and non-white races.

But, make no mistake, the plan is to control the masses. Leftists use the unease, suspicion, and insecurity of minorities to manipulate so that they can implement their failed communist bullshit.
Washington Times also reported on the same study.

The key takeaway:
"The difference wasn’t statistically significant in speeches by Republican candidates, though “it was harder to find speeches from Republicans delivered to minority audiences."

So, liberals arent afraid to talk to other races. Conservatives are holed up in their safe spaces.

The email study was poignant you cannot deny that.
Leftists are RACIAL BIGOTS.

Please do not fall into the Left's bogus "language privilege" debate...
Leftists have won the PR battle with minorities

Got to hand it to LBJ, he sure made idiots of Black America, right down to offing their #1 leader at the time....

Son of Dr. King Asserts L.B.J. Role in Plot

"Three months ago, Dexter Scott King declared that he and his family believed that James Earl Ray was not guilty of the murder of his father, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Tonight, in a televised interview, Mr. King asserted that President Lyndon B. Johnson must have been part of a military and governmental conspiracy to kill Dr. King"


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