Leftists changing their minds on illegal immigrants


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017


You don't need to go to moonbats like "Cher" to find quotes from people who are "fed up" with illegal aliens. Some of the people on record are Bill Clinton, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer...but THAT was THEN. THIS is NOW.

The Democrat Party decided in the 2005-7 timeframe that the future of the Democrat Party lies in the legalization of our thirty-million-and-climbing stock of illegals. They know that at some time in the not too distant future, they will control both houses of Congress and the White House, and when that happens - the INSTANT that it happens - every one of those illegal bastards will be on a short "PATH to CITIZENSHIP."

And when that happens, the chances of a Republican EVER being elected President again will be as remote as a Republican mayor of Los Angeles.

Never forget what the stakes are in the immigration battle. We have ONE SIDE that is trying, in vain, to enforce the EXISTING IMMIGRATION LAWS of the United States, and the other side that is campaigning to prevent it. Which side are you on?


But yeah, send them to the rust belt. We need people.

You’re in some deep shit when you “need people” with an iQ equivalent to that of third graders, people who can’t speak the native language, people with no communication / people skills, people destined to ride the backs of good, hard working taxpayers, people guaranteed to have litters of children funded by taxpayers, people guaranteed to give birth to immoral, indecent future criminals.
Your bleeding heart tells you you want wetbacks...a sane mind knows for fact that you do not.


But yeah, send them to the rust belt. We need people.

You’re in some deep shit when you “need people” with an iQ equivalent to that of third graders, people who can’t speak the native language, people with no communication / people skills, people destined to ride the backs of good, hard working taxpayers, people guaranteed to have litters of children funded by taxpayers, people guaranteed to give birth to immoral, indecent future criminals.
Your bleeding heart tells you you want wetbacks...a sane mind knows for fact that you do not.

Bleeding heart?

I just want space force to get funded. Need demand for our property to jeep the GDP up, that kind of stuff. A billion plus ppl in China. 300 million here. Ya know.

Anyways, it isn't like the most successful Europeans came over here. Its overly simplistic but a bunch of folks from the fringes of christianity fled other christians and a bunch of folks who couldn't afford more expensive potatoes did.

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