Leftists Denounce University for Replacing Gender Studies w/Constitution


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
The reality of leftism is even more absurd than rightwing commentators have been claiming. They positively believe that teaching the Constitution is subversive and an attack on "diversity":

Leftists Denounce ?American Taliban? University for Replacing Gender Studies w/Constitution | FrontPage Magazine

Leftists Denounce “American Taliban” University for Replacing Gender Studies w/Constitution

The University of South Carolina is dumping its Gender Studies center which became notorious for holding an event titled “How to Be a Lesbian in 10 Days or Less” and is going to teach the US Constitution instead.

The horror. The humanity. The heterocisgenderpatriarchal privilege.

The Center for Women’s and Gender Studies (CWGS) at the University of South Carolina Upstate (USCU) will close on July 1 and the funding, previously allocated for CWGS, will be used to teach the Constitution, Declaration of Independence, and Federalist Papers.

The South Carolina House of Representatives wanted further cuts at both USCU and the College of Charleston, which had already seen budget cuts over mandated gay literature for freshmen students. However, the Senate was hesitant to cut funds for fear of academic censorship.

The chambers compromised by allotting the discussed funds toward teaching the provisions and principles of the Constitution, Declaration of Independence, and Federalist Papers, as well as “the study of and devotion to American institutions and ideals.

The move puts South Carolina colleges back in compliance with a 90-year-old state law which requires colleges to teach students a year’s worth of courses on the nation’s founding documents.

The left is outraged and revolting. As usual.

The Morning News, owned by Warren Buffett, editorialized that this was “A chilling act of retribution” and “Required reading programs serve several purposes. Most importantly, though, the programs are intended to prepare students for the expectations of college-level discourse and open them up for the diversity they’ll find both on campus and in the real world. We’re not sure reciting the Bill of Rights, no doubt important to know, qualifies in that regard.”

Just so you understand, the Morning News’ official editorial is insisting that knowing the Bill of Rights is irrelevant to “college level discourse” and the real world. Unlike, “How to be a Lesbian in Ten Days.”
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Lol is this for real? It sounds like a South Park joke. "Gender studies??? What in tarnation!!! Wut these here hooligans need is Jesus! And the constitution!!! Amen!"

The reality of leftism is even more absurd than rightwing commentators have been claiming. They positively believe that teaching the Constitution is subversive and an attack on "diversity"
Ironic considering that the South went to war against this country. And they should have done both but the right-wingers are God and Country as usual, even though Jesus taught the exact opposite.

And How to be a Lesbian in Ten Days, with college girls? Now there is porn I can get behind.
The reality of leftism is even more absurd than rightwing commentators have been claiming. They positively believe that teaching the Constitution is subversive and an attack on "diversity"
Ironic considering that the South went to war against this country. And they should have done both but the right-wingers are God and Country as usual, even though Jesus taught the exact opposite.

And How to be a Lesbian in Ten Days, with college girls? Now there is porn I can get behind.

The South did not go to war against this country. Lincoln invaded the South. Apparently everything you know is wrong.
The reality of leftism is even more absurd than rightwing commentators have been claiming. They positively believe that teaching the Constitution is subversive and an attack on "diversity"
Ironic considering that the South went to war against this country. And they should have done both but the right-wingers are God and Country as usual, even though Jesus taught the exact opposite.

And How to be a Lesbian in Ten Days, with college girls? Now there is porn I can get behind.

The South did not go to war against this country. Lincoln invaded the South. Apparently everything you know is wrong.
Interesting spin, and wrong. Thanks for that though. Thinking like that is why the South lost. Oh wait, I know, you'll say they won. Got it...
The reality of leftism is even more absurd than rightwing commentators have been claiming. They positively believe that teaching the Constitution is subversive and an attack on "diversity"
Ironic considering that the South went to war against this country. And they should have done both but the right-wingers are God and Country as usual, even though Jesus taught the exact opposite.

And How to be a Lesbian in Ten Days, with college girls? Now there is porn I can get behind.

The South did not go to war against this country. Lincoln invaded the South. Apparently everything you know is wrong.

Clearly everything you think you know is wrong. The South started the Civil War, fact.

Battle of Fort Sumter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Read it and weep, conservatard.

Anyway, on the issue of the OP, this is absolutely disgusting behavior on the part of the SC legislature. These students need seminars, courses, and other educational material on diversity, sexuality, and other meaningful 21st Century topics. Abolishing them to fulfill the requirements of some 90-year-old law written about some 200-year-old pieces of paper is appalling.
Anyway, on the issue of the OP, this is absolutely disgusting behavior on the part of the SC legislature. These students need seminars, courses, and other educational material on diversity, sexuality, and other meaningful 21st Century topics. Abolishing them to fulfill the requirements of some 90-year-old law written about some 200-year-old pieces of paper is appalling.

So you think learning about Homo Sex and other Liberal dogma is more important then the Constitution?
Anyway, on the issue of the OP, this is absolutely disgusting behavior on the part of the SC legislature. These students need seminars, courses, and other educational material on diversity, sexuality, and other meaningful 21st Century topics. Abolishing them to fulfill the requirements of some 90-year-old law written about some 200-year-old pieces of paper is appalling.

So you think learning about Homo Sex and other Liberal dogma is more important then the Constitution?
In your case English would be a good subject.
But lefties need courses to understand gender. Has South Carolina no heart?
Anyway, on the issue of the OP, this is absolutely disgusting behavior on the part of the SC legislature. These students need seminars, courses, and other educational material on diversity, sexuality, and other meaningful 21st Century topics. Abolishing them to fulfill the requirements of some 90-year-old law written about some 200-year-old pieces of paper is appalling.

So you think learning about Homo Sex and other Liberal dogma is more important then the Constitution?

By a landslide, yes.
The reality of leftism is even more absurd than rightwing commentators have been claiming. They positively believe that teaching the Constitution is subversive and an attack on "diversity"
Ironic considering that the South went to war against this country. And they should have done both but the right-wingers are God and Country as usual, even though Jesus taught the exact opposite.

And How to be a Lesbian in Ten Days, with college girls? Now there is porn I can get behind.

And as you have posted from the age of 14 up.

You are quite disgusting.
Anyway, on the issue of the OP, this is absolutely disgusting behavior on the part of the SC legislature. These students need seminars, courses, and other educational material on diversity, sexuality, and other meaningful 21st Century topics. Abolishing them to fulfill the requirements of some 90-year-old law written about some 200-year-old pieces of paper is appalling.

So you think learning about Homo Sex and other Liberal dogma is more important then the Constitution?

By a landslide, yes.
You know your moonbat friends on these boards think that your ilk framed our government. Maybe you all should have attended a school that teaches more substantive material so you could have written a more enduring document than the Constitution, which you both drafted and scorn.
Anyway, on the issue of the OP, this is absolutely disgusting behavior on the part of the SC legislature. These students need seminars, courses, and other educational material on diversity, sexuality, and other meaningful 21st Century topics. Abolishing them to fulfill the requirements of some 90-year-old law written about some 200-year-old pieces of paper is appalling.

So you think learning about Homo Sex and other Liberal dogma is more important then the Constitution?

By a landslide, yes.

This illustrates exactly how stupid you people are.

The Constitution is the very document that will give you the freedoms you desire.

But that would never satisfy someone like you, you are hellbent on shoving whatever you think down everyone else's throats.
But lefties need courses to understand gender. Has South Carolina no heart?

They need a course in gender studies?

Here's the cliff notes version



Y'all pass
Still too complicated, Pop. They still need the courses, as this thread attests to. In fact, they've even complicated it more with more genders to choose from.
So you think learning about Homo Sex and other Liberal dogma is more important then the Constitution?

By a landslide, yes.

This illustrates exactly how stupid you people are.

The Constitution is the very document that will give you the freedoms you desire.

But that would never satisfy someone like you, you are hellbent on shoving whatever you think down everyone else's throats.
The lefties wrote the Constitution, don't you know. That's why they prefer to learn about their genitals.
Ironic considering that the South went to war against this country. And they should have done both but the right-wingers are God and Country as usual, even though Jesus taught the exact opposite.

And How to be a Lesbian in Ten Days, with college girls? Now there is porn I can get behind.

The South did not go to war against this country. Lincoln invaded the South. Apparently everything you know is wrong.

Clearly everything you think you know is wrong. The South started the Civil War, fact.

Battle of Fort Sumter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Read it and weep, conservatard.

Anyway, on the issue of the OP, this is absolutely disgusting behavior on the part of the SC legislature. These students need seminars, courses, and other educational material on diversity, sexuality, and other meaningful 21st Century topics. Abolishing them to fulfill the requirements of some 90-year-old law written about some 200-year-old pieces of paper is appalling.

Teaching about the Constitution at a university is only acceptable if your name is Barack Obama.:lol:
So you think learning about Homo Sex and other Liberal dogma is more important then the Constitution?

By a landslide, yes.

This illustrates exactly how stupid you people are.

The Constitution is the very document that will give you the freedoms you desire.

But that would never satisfy someone like you, you are hellbent on shoving whatever you think down everyone else's throats.

Is it? Really? I thought that, according to you conservatard religious extremists, your magical sky wizard buddy was the one who gave us freedom, and the Constitution merely declared certain freedoms off-limits to the government? Are you rightwingers finally literally giving up the ghost? Are you admitting that there is no higher authority on this earth than President Obama? How wonderful of you.

And to your last snippy remark, no, it's not shoving our beliefs down someone else's throat. This is merely giving people a chance to discover for themselves what concepts like gender equality, sexuality, the patriarchy, and white privilege really mean. They all come out of it with a better understanding of how a heteronormative society is ultimately harmful to Homosexual-Americans, and how bigoted the cis scum that run this country are.
By a landslide, yes.

This illustrates exactly how stupid you people are.

The Constitution is the very document that will give you the freedoms you desire.

But that would never satisfy someone like you, you are hellbent on shoving whatever you think down everyone else's throats.

Is it? Really? I thought that, according to you conservatard religious extremists, your magical sky wizard buddy was the one who gave us freedom, and the Constitution merely declared certain freedoms off-limits to the government? Are you rightwingers finally literally giving up the ghost? Are you admitting that there is no higher authority on this earth than President Obama? How wonderful of you.

And to your last snippy remark, no, it's not shoving our beliefs down someone else's throat. This is merely giving people a chance to discover for themselves what concepts like gender equality, sexuality, the patriarchy, and white privilege really mean. They all come out of it with a better understanding of how a heteronormative society is ultimately harmful to Homosexual-Americans, and how bigoted the cis scum that run this country are.

Sorry kid, the hard truth is you are a tiny minority in Society and yet you act like everyone owes you the world.

Nobody owes you shit.

Here is another sad little truth for you, all they will learn is what some dumb fuck leftwing fanatic will tell them.

They will get a slant about society, they will get lies about any dissenting thought and they will be told that to believe ANY other way than the way they are taught is to be "backward" and to be "uneducated".

So shove your "gender" studies up your ass.
^^^^^^^^ No pun intended.
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"They positively believe that teaching the Constitution is subversive and an attack on 'diversity'" is the post of an anarchists who does not believe in the Constitution,

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