Leftists...do you believe that the motivation to remove Trump from office is based on...

This is political opportunism, obviously.

That's just where we are as a country. The right wingers jumped on every last thing they saw when Obama was in office.

Our wingers are killing us.
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What's most disturbing about the responses to this thread is not the incredible lack of intellect of the lunatic lib responses, but the fact that Coyote, who is obviously a brainwashed lunatic lib, is ALSO a moderator on this site. As a moderator you should show NO bias, and have the ability to post unbiased, intelligent responses. This person doesn't have the ability to do EITHER of these things. Which begs the question, Why ARE they a moderator? And WHY are they allowed to post such crap?
You are new here kid. We moderators are allowed to post as members. It is punishment enough that we have to moderate unintelligent, delusional, and clearly brainwashed posts such as yours, that come from both sides of the aisle.
...a desire to improve the lives of poor and middle-class Americans? If so, why do you believe that to be true?
I think the desire is to hold the president accountable for his actions
id have to take you seriously to care

I thought we were having a polite conversation. Somehow, you became triggered and enraged.

I can tell you why. These suckers always cheerlead the power brokers as if, when the power brokers take Total Power, they will turn to the hoard of minions and say, "hey, in my black rotten heart, I'm suddenly overcome by gratitude for how great of a shill you've been. Come to the glittering city of power and take power with me!!" Or something similar. It never happens; it will never happen. That grown people believe it is beyond sad but what are you gonna do, really?
oh that’s interesting... what did I say that made you think I was cheerleading the power brokers?
3. Voice for the poor. Who told you that?

Trump is better for poor Americans than are Democrats. If you believe me, look at south Chicago, which has been a liberal utopia for 70 years.

Trump also championed and signed the justice reform bill, something Obama didn't do.

3. Voice for the poor. Who told you that?

Trump is better for poor Americans than are Democrats. If you believe me, look at south Chicago, which has been a liberal utopia for 70 years.

Trump also championed and signed the justice reform bill, something Obama didn't do.

Trump didn't champion it. Kushner did. It was Kushner's project.

Still , I am glad it passed and I hope it doesnt at the first step.

Trump Might Not Support Criminal Justice Reforms Anymore. That Doesn't Erase His Past Success.

The law has benefited thousands of federal prisoners, according to stats released in July by the Department of Justice. Trump has made note of the FIRST STEP Act in some speeches. But according to Politico, he doesn't actually care that much about it and is not happy that he might not benefit politically from its passage, while Democrats might.
He continue to love and lick Putin boots.

You're parroting Democratic lies. Trump just agreed to sell F-35's to Poland.

You pointed Trump is patriotic. You did not respond to that but gave me F35 crap.

Trump is the most un patriotic bastard POTUS ever.
You are just an ignorant poorly informed supporter.

Okay here’s another one what I’m talking about.
His policy Buy Americans Hire Americans.
1. His Maralago golf club and vineyards are full of foreign workers from overseas.

2. His products and so is Ivanka are made in China, Bangladesh and Mexico.

So explain to where and what patriotic means to you. Trump is the most hypocrite lying bastard POTUS ever.
They are collecting millions from their business because of their connections with the president.

Jared Kushner's personal wealth is about $800 MILLION. He wasn't hurting for money, neither was Ivanka. Trump didn't run for president because he needed the money. In fact, Trump spent around $80 MILLION of his own money campaigning for the position.

You're just another rabid Trump hater, frothing at the mouth and spewing your venom. Your loyalty is to the Democratic Party and NOT to poor and middle-class Americans.

That doesn’t matter. They are collecting millions from their connections with the president.
Yes it was... although we all know she was talking about the racists and bigots that supported him but keep running with that political football. I’m sure you’re fooling a ton of people.

Trump isn't divisive.

The left excoriated Mitt Romney, John McCain and W Bush before they excoriated Trump. They'll claim the next Republican candidate for president to be "divisive" too.

Yes he is. Only catered to a certain group people like you.
That’s all in your head dude. I’m playing guitar, sipping whiskey, and reading the occasion moronic post on this message board. Happy as a clam. Can you believe there are actually people out there trying to claim that Trump isn’t divisive? That’s like straight up delusional

And some dudes think they're women; that doesn't make it so.

Trump is better for poor and middle-class Americans than any Democrat. Until he demonstrates otherwise, I'll stick with him. You can vote for Warren, who wants open borders and free healthcare for all of Mexico.

His popularity below 40% proved you very wrong.
That’s all in your head dude. I’m playing guitar, sipping whiskey, and reading the occasion moronic post on this message board. Happy as a clam. Can you believe there are actually people out there trying to claim that Trump isn’t divisive? That’s like straight up delusional

And some dudes think they're women; that doesn't make it so.

Trump is better for poor and middle-class Americans than any Democrat. Until he demonstrates otherwise, I'll stick with him. You can vote for Warren, who wants open borders and free healthcare for all of Mexico.
Warren’s not gonna be prez. And you can pretend like trump is working for the poor and middle class all you want but that has nothing to do with the toxic decisiveness he is perpetuating in this country. I hate to burst your bubble but the president doesn’t have that huge a impact on the poor and middle class. Trump isn’t pulling any magic strings of salvation. He is just power tripping and trolling while setting up his business expansion and media empire which will come as soon as he leaves the White House. Mark my words

I think Trump is trying to provide a better business atmosphere for the country so that the economy can grown and so that Americans can have a better standard of living. You just hate Trump. Trump could deliver fantastic results for the American people and you would still oppose him because of your delusional, rabid hatred of Trump. You're unhinged.

Totally delusional. Like what?

There’s no way in hell that you can tell me that Trump is good person let alone a good president.
He continue to love and lick Putin boots.

You're parroting Democratic lies. Trump just agreed to sell F-35's to Poland.

You don’t even know how much Trump love Putin? That’s sucks.

Trump blasted just about every one even his own friends and members of his administration..... Except Putin.

Russia the only country that can annihilate America to this cruel world of Trump..
...a desire to improve the lives of poor and middle-class Americans? If so, why do you believe that to be true?
I think it’s a desire to get somebody They despise and are totally embarrassed of out of the White House. There are still people out there that respect things like honesty, integrity, and character... things that trump severely lacks.

I for one think trump is an embarrassment because of how he conducts himself. But I’m not for impeachment. He needs to be voted out or else there might actually be a civil war in this country.
There are still people out there that respect things like honesty, integrity, and character...
And, those people....are not Democrats.

(and not Republicans either, for that matter)


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