Leftists Freak Out at the Thought of Cameras Exposing Fanatical CRT Teachers

I call you ignorant on the topic because you tout all these accusations but can't answer my questions and show any actual knowledge about the thing you are critiquing. I say you get your info from propaganda news sources because you said thats where you got it from. I'm not defending CRT I'm questioning your opposition to it. I may completely agree with you but taking an opposing position and questioning your arguments is the best way to vet out all the details about the subject. you don't seem equipped engage that way. Would love for you to prove me wrong
What fucking questions?

All you have done is parrot that I don't know what CRT is and I get my information from propaganda sites.

Neither of which you have evidence to support.

By your own admission you don't know anything about CRT so how in the hell would you know what was propaganda and what was not?

You are LYING.
Well I've asked you like a dozen or so times to cite some real examples of what is actually being taught in schools that you are objecting to and you've danced around a direct answer to that for pages.

I know you get your info from the media and not from the source. So I call it propaganda because of the one sided, ignorant and non-objective manner in which you engage in these discussions
I call you ignorant on the topic because you tout all these accusations but can't answer my questions and show any actual knowledge about the thing you are critiquing. I say you get your info from propaganda news sources because you said thats where you got it from. I'm not defending CRT I'm questioning your opposition to it. I may completely agree with you but taking an opposing position and questioning your arguments is the best way to vet out all the details about the subject. you don't seem equipped engage that way. Would love for you to prove me wrong
What fucking questions?

All you have done is parrot that I don't know what CRT is and I get my information from propaganda sites.

Neither of which you have evidence to support.

By your own admission you don't know anything about CRT so how in the hell would you know what was propaganda and what was not?

You are LYING.
Well I've asked you like a dozen or so times to cite some real examples of what is actually being taught in schools that you are objecting to and you've danced around a direct answer to that for pages.

I know you get your info from the media and not from the source. So I call it propaganda because of the one sided, ignorant and non-objective manner in which you engage in these discussions
They are SO gullible. And they will con-tinue to be grifted.
Well I've asked you like a dozen or so times to cite some real examples of what is actually being taught in schools that you are objecting to and you've danced around a direct answer to that for pages.

I know you get your info from the media and not from the source. So I call it propaganda because of the one sided, ignorant and non-objective manner in which you engage in these discussions
If CRT wasn't being taught in or being prepped to be taught in schools then why are there so many parents storming the school board meetings?

I have already posted that this is a Hot Topic in Dallas that is being covered by ALL the local news stations that you ignorantly claim is propaganda.

Why are lawmakers in 26 States proposing laws to ban CRT and limit what teachers can teach on Racism and Sexism?

You are playing games.

You support this racist agenda but, are too cowardly to admit it on this open form.
Well I've asked you like a dozen or so times to cite some real examples of what is actually being taught in schools that you are objecting to and you've danced around a direct answer to that for pages.

I know you get your info from the media and not from the source. So I call it propaganda because of the one sided, ignorant and non-objective manner in which you engage in these discussions
If CRT wasn't being taught in or being prepped to be taught in schools then why are there so many parents storming the school board meetings?

I have already posted that this is a Hot Topic in Dallas that is being covered by ALL the local news stations that you ignorantly claim is propaganda.

Why are lawmakers in 26 States proposing laws to ban CRT and limit what teachers can teach on Racism and Sexism?

You are playing games.

You support this racist agenda but, are too cowardly to admit it on this open form.

It apparent that this post has hit a raw nerve in the ranks of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats. Obviously not all or a majority are teachers defending their turf here. The more than one hundred-twenty five negative responses by the leftists, in some cases dripping with acid and profanity contain no cogency, fact or logic.

It apparent that this post has hit a raw nerve in the ranks of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats. Obviously not all or a majority are teachers defending their turf here. The more than one hundred-twenty five negative responses by the leftists, in some cases dripping with acid and profanity contain no cogency, fact or logic.
Leftist have to LIE.

This particular one, unlike the others here, actually has an bit of understanding about what they are supporting here.

They know CRT is Racist and that it teaches children to Hate White Americans and they know that they cannot come out and justify their open support for such racist insanity.

Make no mistake ...

They know what it is or they would not be dancing around it so much.
Well I've asked you like a dozen or so times to cite some real examples of what is actually being taught in schools that you are objecting to and you've danced around a direct answer to that for pages.

I know you get your info from the media and not from the source. So I call it propaganda because of the one sided, ignorant and non-objective manner in which you engage in these discussions
If CRT wasn't being taught in or being prepped to be taught in schools then why are there so many parents storming the school board meetings?

I have already posted that this is a Hot Topic in Dallas that is being covered by ALL the local news stations that you ignorantly claim is propaganda.

Why are lawmakers in 26 States proposing laws to ban CRT and limit what teachers can teach on Racism and Sexism?

You are playing games.

You support this racist agenda but, are too cowardly to admit it on this open form.

It apparent that this post has hit a raw nerve in the ranks of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats. Obviously not all or a majority are teachers defending their turf here. The more than one hundred-twenty five negative responses by the leftists, in some cases dripping with acid and profanity contain no cogency, fact or logic.
Yes well emotions tend to fly when it comes to matters of race and the perception that other are trying to squash education, awareness, and discussion about these kind of issues.

Leftists Freak Out at the Thought of Cameras Exposing Fanatical CRT Teachers​

7 Jul 2021 ~~ By John Nolte
The far-left HuffPost is freaking over Tucker Carlson’s suggestion that cameras be placed in public school classrooms.
“Tucker Carlson Goes Full ‘1984’ With ‘Cameras In The Classroom’ Proposal,” screams the left-wing outlet’s headline.
“The Fox News personality suggested police-style body cameras to check on what every teacher is telling their students,” the sub-headline reads.
“Carlson, in a rant reminiscent of something from George Orwell’s classic dystopian novel ‘1984,’” author Lee Moran bleats, “called the teaching that racism is at least partly systemic… a ‘civilization-ending poison’ and ‘B.S.’”
Before we go any further… I’ve read 1984 at least three times and am unfamiliar with anything Tucker said that is “reminiscent of something from George Orwell’s classic dystopian novel[.]”
In fact, Tucker’s suggestion is the exact opposite of “something from George Orwell’s classic dystopian novel[.]” Tucker is suggesting we monitor the government. 1984 is about (among other things) the government monitoring private citizens. So Moran got his metaphor exactly wrong, which tells me he’s probably a product of government-run public schools.
Regardless, he huffs on, “He warned ‘we can’t really be sure’ how far it is being spread until ‘we finally get cameras in the classroom, as we put them on the chests of police officers.’”
What I found interesting about this piece is that other than screaming 1984!!!, no case or argument is made against the idea of cameras in government-run public school classrooms.
Is there one?
Is there a good argument against this kind of accountability and transparency?
The real issue here is just how brazenly public school teachers have become when it comes to teaching our kids pretty much everything but what they need to know. Leftists are never happier than when they’ve insinuated themselves between parent and child. Too many schools can’t teach kids to read or write, but they are sure teaching them to hate their country and all about “demi-sexuality.”
Tucker’s smart to bring this up, to make it part of the national conversation. Teachers and their evil unions are going to have a hard time explaining why they oppose such a thing. They will be on defense, which is exactly where they belong.

Cameras would certainly expose incompetence, along with indoctrination and its techniques, favoritism, laziness, CRT, anything BLM, gay rights, religion bashing, white guilt/privilege advancement, etc.
Easy to see why Progressive Marxist/DSA Commies oppose this.
What have the teachers got to hide? We are in the age of Zoom and zero in-class learning. Stick a camera in the corner so those students who wish to work from home and via Zoom can. Oh, and you need to record the classes in case the student was out for some reason. All the better if the parents can review what is being taught in class.
If we demand body-cams for cops, why not cameras in the classroom?
CRT = accurate history.
left wing indoctrination many african blacks still go naked

It apparent that this post has hit a raw nerve in the ranks of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats. Obviously not all or a majority are teachers defending their turf here. The more than one hundred-twenty five negative responses by the leftists, in some cases dripping with acid and profanity contain no cogency, fact or logic.
Leftist have to LIE.

This particular one, unlike the others here, actually has an bit of understanding about what they are supporting here.

They know CRT is Racist and that it teaches children to Hate White Americans and they know that they cannot come out and justify their open support for such racist insanity.

Make no mistake ...

They know what it is or they would not be dancing around it so much.
I don’t know if it’s teaching what you say it’s teaching. I’ve been trying to ask you for an example of how they are teaching it and you haven’t shown one. So yeah, I’m being skeptical

your only source of argument is that parents are pissed, and Republican lawmakers are trying to block it.

block what?! Explain what is being taught that needs to be blocked. Pages and pages and you still can’t answer that
Did you think that every workshop a teacher goes to is curriculum to turn around and teach students the same?
$34,000 is s lot of hard earned taxpayer to waste on frivolous bullshit that they dont intend to use

Its obvious the lib teachers are lying their asses off

Thats why we want and need cameras in the classroom
You are officially obsessed.
Well I've asked you like a dozen or so times to cite some real examples of what is actually being taught in schools that you are objecting to and you've danced around a direct answer to that for pages.

I know you get your info from the media and not from the source. So I call it propaganda because of the one sided, ignorant and non-objective manner in which you engage in these discussions
If CRT wasn't being taught in or being prepped to be taught in schools then why are there so many parents storming the school board meetings?

I have already posted that this is a Hot Topic in Dallas that is being covered by ALL the local news stations that you ignorantly claim is propaganda.

Why are lawmakers in 26 States proposing laws to ban CRT and limit what teachers can teach on Racism and Sexism?

You are playing games.

You support this racist agenda but, are too cowardly to admit it on this open form.

It apparent that this post has hit a raw nerve in the ranks of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats. Obviously not all or a majority are teachers defending their turf here. The more than one hundred-twenty five negative responses by the leftists, in some cases dripping with acid and profanity contain no cogency, fact or logic.
Yes well emotions tend to fly when it comes to matters of race and the perception that other are trying to squash education, awareness, and discussion about these kind of issues.
Doc, you don't think emotions fly around racial issues? Seriously? How in the world do you disagree with that?
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Ok, so if that was taught in history class in regards to things like slavery, voting rights, mortgage and loans, segregation in schools and in the public square etc etc etc. You would think that acceptable... Is that correct?
What happened in history is not happening now

But the lib teachers are telling the kids it never stopped
Ok, so if that was taught in history class in regards to things like slavery, voting rights, mortgage and loans, segregation in schools and in the public square etc etc etc. You would think that acceptable... Is that correct?
What happened in history is not happening now

But the lib teachers are telling the kids it never stopped
When was the last time you set foot in a school?
I don’t know if it’s teaching what you say it’s teaching. I’ve been trying to ask you for an example of how they are teaching it and you haven’t shown one. So yeah, I’m being skeptical

your only source of argument is that parents are pissed, and Republican lawmakers are trying to block it.

block what?! Explain what is being taught that needs to be blocked. Pages and pages and you still can’t answer that
I have explained what is being taught, many times over.

You simply choose to ignore what I am posting.

Because you are too cowardice to admit what CRT teaches.

You aren't fooling any of us.
Ok, so if that was taught in history class in regards to things like slavery, voting rights, mortgage and loans, segregation in schools and in the public square etc etc etc. You would think that acceptable... Is that correct?
What happened in history is not happening now

But the lib teachers are telling the kids it never stopped
Just back up and answer my question. I’m not talking about the here and now yet. We will get there. I’m talking about the quote you posted as applied to the impact of our institutions had for, let’s say, the first 100 years of our country. In that case do you think the quote holds true and is legit to be taught in schools?
I don’t know if it’s teaching what you say it’s teaching. I’ve been trying to ask you for an example of how they are teaching it and you haven’t shown one. So yeah, I’m being skeptical

your only source of argument is that parents are pissed, and Republican lawmakers are trying to block it.

block what?! Explain what is being taught that needs to be blocked. Pages and pages and you still can’t answer that
I have explained what is being taught, many times over.

You simply choose to ignore what I am posting.

Because you are too cowardice to admit what CRT teaches.

You aren't fooling any of us.
You've explained what's being taught by just saying its being taught and when I ask for examples so I can see exactly what it is you have nothing to show. I'm not just going to take your word on it because you read an article or saw a news report. I want to see exactly what is being taught and how it is being presented. You can't show that. I'm not ignoring anything, I'm searching for details.
Ok, so if that was taught in history class in regards to things like slavery, voting rights, mortgage and loans, segregation in schools and in the public square etc etc etc. You would think that acceptable... Is that correct?
What happened in history is not happening now

But the lib teachers are telling the kids it never stopped
Just back up and answer my question. I’m not talking about the here and now yet. We will get there. I’m talking about the quote you posted as applied to the impact of our institutions had for, let’s say, the first 100 years of our country. In that case do you think the quote holds true and is legit to be taught in schools?
You've explained what's being taught by just saying its being taught and when I ask for examples so I can see exactly what it is you have nothing to show. I'm not just going to take your word on it because you read an article or saw a news report. I want to see exactly what is being taught and how it is being presented. You can't show that. I'm not ignoring anything, I'm searching for details.
You are a Lazy LYING POS ......

You claim you are coach in the public school system but, you can't use Google to figure out what the whole CRT reality is about.

Fuck You !!!

I know you know what CRT is .

You are simply too much of a coward to admit that you support the RACIST LIES of CRT !!!
he was right, you don't know a damn thing about CRT except what the right wing media tells you what it is.
Which rightwing media did this come from?


Critical race theorists hold that the law and legal institutions in the United States are inherently racist insofar as they function to create and maintain social, economic, and political inequalities between whites and nonwhites, especially African Americans.
Yet the tin foil hats are claiming teachers are instructing kids to hate white people. I doubt that true CRT is being taught in middle schools but you would think so to hear the hysteria from the right.
I call you ignorant on the topic because you tout all these accusations but can't answer my questions and show any actual knowledge about the thing you are critiquing. I say you get your info from propaganda news sources because you said thats where you got it from. I'm not defending CRT I'm questioning your opposition to it. I may completely agree with you but taking an opposing position and questioning your arguments is the best way to vet out all the details about the subject. you don't seem equipped engage that way. Would love for you to prove me wrong
What fucking questions?

All you have done is parrot that I don't know what CRT is and I get my information from propaganda sites.

Neither of which you have evidence to support.

By your own admission you don't know anything about CRT so how in the hell would you know what was propaganda and what was not?

You are LYING.
Well I've asked you like a dozen or so times to cite some real examples of what is actually being taught in schools that you are objecting to and you've danced around a direct answer to that for pages.

I know you get your info from the media and not from the source. So I call it propaganda because of the one sided, ignorant and non-objective manner in which you engage in these discussions
CRT examines the social policies that maintain systamatic racism in our culture. A little over the heads of middle schoolers yet the right swears those kids are being taught to hate white people. I think it is a subject for seniors in high schools and beyond.

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