Leftists Freak Out at the Thought of Cameras Exposing Fanatical CRT Teachers

lI'm asking the question over and over because I'm looking for a straight on topic answer not a evasive answer and pivot to attack the left.
The left deserves to be attacked when it engages in brainwashing young white children

You are deflecting by only talking about the past and refusing to discuss the present
I'm establishing a precedent and trying to work my way to modern times and the current situation but you don't seem interested in having a straight forward conversation.
That doesn't mean that schools are teaching it or that the kooks accurately represent what the subject is about.
It means that school was teaching it as the headmaster admitted privately to the teacher

But then denied saying it till the recording came out
Did you listen to the audio... He wasn't talking about his school, he was talking about us as a society and how we talk about these issues. He wasn't throwing his school under the bus like y'all are trying to paint, he was explaining how the language used can be counterproductive... Like I said it happens from kooks on both sides because less and less of us can just be honest and straight forward about subjects like this. Its a shame

Leftists Freak Out at the Thought of Cameras Exposing Fanatical CRT Teachers​

7 Jul 2021 ~~ By John Nolte
The far-left HuffPost is freaking over Tucker Carlson’s suggestion that cameras be placed in public school classrooms.
“Tucker Carlson Goes Full ‘1984’ With ‘Cameras In The Classroom’ Proposal,” screams the left-wing outlet’s headline.
“The Fox News personality suggested police-style body cameras to check on what every teacher is telling their students,” the sub-headline reads.
“Carlson, in a rant reminiscent of something from George Orwell’s classic dystopian novel ‘1984,’” author Lee Moran bleats, “called the teaching that racism is at least partly systemic… a ‘civilization-ending poison’ and ‘B.S.’”
Before we go any further… I’ve read 1984 at least three times and am unfamiliar with anything Tucker said that is “reminiscent of something from George Orwell’s classic dystopian novel[.]”
In fact, Tucker’s suggestion is the exact opposite of “something from George Orwell’s classic dystopian novel[.]” Tucker is suggesting we monitor the government. 1984 is about (among other things) the government monitoring private citizens. So Moran got his metaphor exactly wrong, which tells me he’s probably a product of government-run public schools.
Regardless, he huffs on, “He warned ‘we can’t really be sure’ how far it is being spread until ‘we finally get cameras in the classroom, as we put them on the chests of police officers.’”
What I found interesting about this piece is that other than screaming 1984!!!, no case or argument is made against the idea of cameras in government-run public school classrooms.
Is there one?
Is there a good argument against this kind of accountability and transparency?
The real issue here is just how brazenly public school teachers have become when it comes to teaching our kids pretty much everything but what they need to know. Leftists are never happier than when they’ve insinuated themselves between parent and child. Too many schools can’t teach kids to read or write, but they are sure teaching them to hate their country and all about “demi-sexuality.”
Tucker’s smart to bring this up, to make it part of the national conversation. Teachers and their evil unions are going to have a hard time explaining why they oppose such a thing. They will be on defense, which is exactly where they belong.

Cameras would certainly expose incompetence, along with indoctrination and its techniques, favoritism, laziness, CRT, anything BLM, gay rights, religion bashing, white guilt/privilege advancement, etc.
Easy to see why Progressive Marxist/DSA Commies oppose this.
What have the teachers got to hide? We are in the age of Zoom and zero in-class learning. Stick a camera in the corner so those students who wish to work from home and via Zoom can. Oh, and you need to record the classes in case the student was out for some reason. All the better if the parents can review what is being taught in class.
If we demand body-cams for cops, why not cameras in the classroom?
Hahahaha, the party of small government, personal Liberty and freedom wants to put cameras in classrooms?! Are you shitting me?! What a bunch of unprincipled idiots
So you’re Ok with police officers having body cams but no cameras in classrooms? Typical Leftist hypocrisy
Yes absolutely... You're on the cameras in classrooms train too AZ?!

Wow, the breakdown of conservatives is amazing to watch
#1) I am not a conservative, I am just right of you because you're a deranged leftist.

#2) If our police officers are wearing cameras why should we not have cameras in the classroom? What is the downside?
The downside would be the fact that it would blow up an already stagnant and bloated bureaucracy in the school system and flood already strained resources towards dealing with the drama of helicopter parents from both sides who object to something they see in class. It will make teaching a nightmare, take focus away from the students and education, and institutes a principle of big brother survellience on developing children which is not healthy. There are all kinds of horrible side effects that this would cause. You really don't see that?!

I'm fine with cams in day care for infants... I'm fine with steaming lectures for remote learning... I'm not fine with politicizing the schools more than they already are and opening the door for kooky helicopter parents to suck up even more school resources and attention.
Very negative of you. Perhaps kids will behave better and teachers will be able to teach and get through to kids as there will be repercussions. Teachers no longer have to be law enforcement and get into he said she said arguments with parents as everything will be recorded. You really don't see that?!!? Do you have kids?

This isn't about politicizing. It is about making sure kids behave. My wife teaches. The biggest issue is misguided parents who believe the load of crap the kids tell them.
No, they won't because you idea is simply going nowhere. If you were to propose this idea to my local school board, the howls of laughter would be epic.
Then you have a typical school board run by snobs who are out of touch with the public
Any school board would laugh you out of the meeting. You simply cannot see how ridiculous and unworkable your solution to a problem that does not exist truly is!
They may disagree but they will not laugh.
Yes, if Mac was presenting it, they would be rolling in the aisles.
I have learned that despite titles, people are just people. As I said, if police officers are wearing body cams, I see zero issue with cameras in the classroom. Kids may behave better too, knowing there are cameras. Win/Win IMO.
You are correct. People would probably behave better at work if they had cameras on them all the time and if all of their communications were monitored. Is that they way you'd want businesses to operate as well? Some already do, should we do that with all businesses?

How about roadways... We could camera those up and give auto tickets for all traffic violations. Miss a blinker, go over the speed limit, roll through a stop sign at 2am... Ticket. How does that sound?
Many roadways do have cameras. Businesses are private. Schools are public. Cameras 100%.
Many roadways do but not in the way that I just laid out. Do you want things to go to the way I described? Not all businesses are private... many of the largest are public companies. Either way public or private could decide to do that to their employees, do you support that?
Publicly traded isn't the same as public. Private companies may do as they wish and employees may leave. You don't believe private companies piss off employees with internal politics and such?
Very negative of you. Perhaps kids will behave better and teachers will be able to teach and get through to kids as there will be repercussions. ...
Most students who "act out" have parents who are unlikely to watch any such video (for a number of reasons, and that is IF they have family around to watch). Even the most conscientious parents, and even if they expressed support this idea (which will never happen) would run out of steam pretty quickly and you would be left with unwatched streaming and a bunch of richer lawyers.
Very negative of you. Perhaps kids will behave better and teachers will be able to teach and get through to kids as there will be repercussions. ...
Most students who "act out" have parents who are unlikely to watch any such video (for a number of reasons, and that is IF they have family around to watch). Even the most conscientious parents, and even if they expressed support this idea (which will never happen) would run out of steam pretty quickly and you would be left with unwatched streaming and a bunch of richer lawyers.

That might tame some of the antics of students if they know they are being montored...
Very negative of you. Perhaps kids will behave better and teachers will be able to teach and get through to kids as there will be repercussions. ...
Most students who "act out" have parents who are unlikely to watch any such video (for a number of reasons, and that is IF they have family around to watch). Even the most conscientious parents, and even if they expressed support this idea (which will never happen) would run out of steam pretty quickly and you would be left with unwatched streaming and a bunch of richer lawyers.

That might tame some of the antics of students if they know they are being montored...
Please read what I posted.

Leftists Freak Out at the Thought of Cameras Exposing Fanatical CRT Teachers​

7 Jul 2021 ~~ By John Nolte
The far-left HuffPost is freaking over Tucker Carlson’s suggestion that cameras be placed in public school classrooms.
“Tucker Carlson Goes Full ‘1984’ With ‘Cameras In The Classroom’ Proposal,” screams the left-wing outlet’s headline.
“The Fox News personality suggested police-style body cameras to check on what every teacher is telling their students,” the sub-headline reads.
“Carlson, in a rant reminiscent of something from George Orwell’s classic dystopian novel ‘1984,’” author Lee Moran bleats, “called the teaching that racism is at least partly systemic… a ‘civilization-ending poison’ and ‘B.S.’”
Before we go any further… I’ve read 1984 at least three times and am unfamiliar with anything Tucker said that is “reminiscent of something from George Orwell’s classic dystopian novel[.]”
In fact, Tucker’s suggestion is the exact opposite of “something from George Orwell’s classic dystopian novel[.]” Tucker is suggesting we monitor the government. 1984 is about (among other things) the government monitoring private citizens. So Moran got his metaphor exactly wrong, which tells me he’s probably a product of government-run public schools.
Regardless, he huffs on, “He warned ‘we can’t really be sure’ how far it is being spread until ‘we finally get cameras in the classroom, as we put them on the chests of police officers.’”
What I found interesting about this piece is that other than screaming 1984!!!, no case or argument is made against the idea of cameras in government-run public school classrooms.
Is there one?
Is there a good argument against this kind of accountability and transparency?
The real issue here is just how brazenly public school teachers have become when it comes to teaching our kids pretty much everything but what they need to know. Leftists are never happier than when they’ve insinuated themselves between parent and child. Too many schools can’t teach kids to read or write, but they are sure teaching them to hate their country and all about “demi-sexuality.”
Tucker’s smart to bring this up, to make it part of the national conversation. Teachers and their evil unions are going to have a hard time explaining why they oppose such a thing. They will be on defense, which is exactly where they belong.

Cameras would certainly expose incompetence, along with indoctrination and its techniques, favoritism, laziness, CRT, anything BLM, gay rights, religion bashing, white guilt/privilege advancement, etc.
Easy to see why Progressive Marxist/DSA Commies oppose this.
What have the teachers got to hide? We are in the age of Zoom and zero in-class learning. Stick a camera in the corner so those students who wish to work from home and via Zoom can. Oh, and you need to record the classes in case the student was out for some reason. All the better if the parents can review what is being taught in class.
If we demand body-cams for cops, why not cameras in the classroom?
Hahahaha, the party of small government, personal Liberty and freedom wants to put cameras in classrooms?! Are you shitting me?! What a bunch of unprincipled idiots
So you’re Ok with police officers having body cams but no cameras in classrooms? Typical Leftist hypocrisy
Yes absolutely... You're on the cameras in classrooms train too AZ?!

Wow, the breakdown of conservatives is amazing to watch
#1) I am not a conservative, I am just right of you because you're a deranged leftist.

#2) If our police officers are wearing cameras why should we not have cameras in the classroom? What is the downside?
The downside would be the fact that it would blow up an already stagnant and bloated bureaucracy in the school system and flood already strained resources towards dealing with the drama of helicopter parents from both sides who object to something they see in class. It will make teaching a nightmare, take focus away from the students and education, and institutes a principle of big brother survellience on developing children which is not healthy. There are all kinds of horrible side effects that this would cause. You really don't see that?!

I'm fine with cams in day care for infants... I'm fine with steaming lectures for remote learning... I'm not fine with politicizing the schools more than they already are and opening the door for kooky helicopter parents to suck up even more school resources and attention.
Very negative of you. Perhaps kids will behave better and teachers will be able to teach and get through to kids as there will be repercussions. Teachers no longer have to be law enforcement and get into he said she said arguments with parents as everything will be recorded. You really don't see that?!!? Do you have kids?

This isn't about politicizing. It is about making sure kids behave. My wife teaches. The biggest issue is misguided parents who believe the load of crap the kids tell them.
Not negative, realistic. I work with a lot of kids and you can see the effect that the Helicopter parents have on them. Its not healthy. There is a way to care and be involved without having your nose in every area of their business. Of course every parent has the right to raise their kids however they want. I'm not going to support measures to enable that stuff though and bog down an already struggling educational system.

Your wife is a teacher... How did she like the Zoom Covid classes? Does she support putting live cams in classrooms for parents to watch?
No, they won't because you idea is simply going nowhere. If you were to propose this idea to my local school board, the howls of laughter would be epic.
Then you have a typical school board run by snobs who are out of touch with the public
Any school board would laugh you out of the meeting. You simply cannot see how ridiculous and unworkable your solution to a problem that does not exist truly is!
They may disagree but they will not laugh.
Yes, if Mac was presenting it, they would be rolling in the aisles.
I have learned that despite titles, people are just people. As I said, if police officers are wearing body cams, I see zero issue with cameras in the classroom. Kids may behave better too, knowing there are cameras. Win/Win IMO.
You are correct. People would probably behave better at work if they had cameras on them all the time and if all of their communications were monitored. Is that they way you'd want businesses to operate as well? Some already do, should we do that with all businesses?

How about roadways... We could camera those up and give auto tickets for all traffic violations. Miss a blinker, go over the speed limit, roll through a stop sign at 2am... Ticket. How does that sound?
Many roadways do have cameras. Businesses are private. Schools are public. Cameras 100%.
Many roadways do but not in the way that I just laid out. Do you want things to go to the way I described? Not all businesses are private... many of the largest are public companies. Either way public or private could decide to do that to their employees, do you support that?
Publicly traded isn't the same as public. Private companies may do as they wish and employees may leave. You don't believe private companies piss off employees with internal politics and such?
I'm not making a legal argument about what can and can't happen. I'm asking if you support and promote the practice. Do you think it a good and healthy and productive thing to do. If we put cams up everywhere are we living in the kind of country you want to live in... Thats what I'm asking
Very negative of you. Perhaps kids will behave better and teachers will be able to teach and get through to kids as there will be repercussions. ...
Most students who "act out" have parents who are unlikely to watch any such video (for a number of reasons, and that is IF they have family around to watch). Even the most conscientious parents, and even if they expressed support this idea (which will never happen) would run out of steam pretty quickly and you would be left with unwatched streaming and a bunch of richer lawyers.
I am not 100% certain. We have friends where both parents work and don’t see what is happening.

Leftists Freak Out at the Thought of Cameras Exposing Fanatical CRT Teachers​

7 Jul 2021 ~~ By John Nolte
The far-left HuffPost is freaking over Tucker Carlson’s suggestion that cameras be placed in public school classrooms.
“Tucker Carlson Goes Full ‘1984’ With ‘Cameras In The Classroom’ Proposal,” screams the left-wing outlet’s headline.
“The Fox News personality suggested police-style body cameras to check on what every teacher is telling their students,” the sub-headline reads.
“Carlson, in a rant reminiscent of something from George Orwell’s classic dystopian novel ‘1984,’” author Lee Moran bleats, “called the teaching that racism is at least partly systemic… a ‘civilization-ending poison’ and ‘B.S.’”
Before we go any further… I’ve read 1984 at least three times and am unfamiliar with anything Tucker said that is “reminiscent of something from George Orwell’s classic dystopian novel[.]”
In fact, Tucker’s suggestion is the exact opposite of “something from George Orwell’s classic dystopian novel[.]” Tucker is suggesting we monitor the government. 1984 is about (among other things) the government monitoring private citizens. So Moran got his metaphor exactly wrong, which tells me he’s probably a product of government-run public schools.
Regardless, he huffs on, “He warned ‘we can’t really be sure’ how far it is being spread until ‘we finally get cameras in the classroom, as we put them on the chests of police officers.’”
What I found interesting about this piece is that other than screaming 1984!!!, no case or argument is made against the idea of cameras in government-run public school classrooms.
Is there one?
Is there a good argument against this kind of accountability and transparency?
The real issue here is just how brazenly public school teachers have become when it comes to teaching our kids pretty much everything but what they need to know. Leftists are never happier than when they’ve insinuated themselves between parent and child. Too many schools can’t teach kids to read or write, but they are sure teaching them to hate their country and all about “demi-sexuality.”
Tucker’s smart to bring this up, to make it part of the national conversation. Teachers and their evil unions are going to have a hard time explaining why they oppose such a thing. They will be on defense, which is exactly where they belong.

Cameras would certainly expose incompetence, along with indoctrination and its techniques, favoritism, laziness, CRT, anything BLM, gay rights, religion bashing, white guilt/privilege advancement, etc.
Easy to see why Progressive Marxist/DSA Commies oppose this.
What have the teachers got to hide? We are in the age of Zoom and zero in-class learning. Stick a camera in the corner so those students who wish to work from home and via Zoom can. Oh, and you need to record the classes in case the student was out for some reason. All the better if the parents can review what is being taught in class.
If we demand body-cams for cops, why not cameras in the classroom?
Hahahaha, the party of small government, personal Liberty and freedom wants to put cameras in classrooms?! Are you shitting me?! What a bunch of unprincipled idiots
So you’re Ok with police officers having body cams but no cameras in classrooms? Typical Leftist hypocrisy
Yes absolutely... You're on the cameras in classrooms train too AZ?!

Wow, the breakdown of conservatives is amazing to watch
#1) I am not a conservative, I am just right of you because you're a deranged leftist.

#2) If our police officers are wearing cameras why should we not have cameras in the classroom? What is the downside?
The downside would be the fact that it would blow up an already stagnant and bloated bureaucracy in the school system and flood already strained resources towards dealing with the drama of helicopter parents from both sides who object to something they see in class. It will make teaching a nightmare, take focus away from the students and education, and institutes a principle of big brother survellience on developing children which is not healthy. There are all kinds of horrible side effects that this would cause. You really don't see that?!

I'm fine with cams in day care for infants... I'm fine with steaming lectures for remote learning... I'm not fine with politicizing the schools more than they already are and opening the door for kooky helicopter parents to suck up even more school resources and attention.
Very negative of you. Perhaps kids will behave better and teachers will be able to teach and get through to kids as there will be repercussions. Teachers no longer have to be law enforcement and get into he said she said arguments with parents as everything will be recorded. You really don't see that?!!? Do you have kids?

This isn't about politicizing. It is about making sure kids behave. My wife teaches. The biggest issue is misguided parents who believe the load of crap the kids tell them.
Not negative, realistic. I work with a lot of kids and you can see the effect that the Helicopter parents have on them. Its not healthy. There is a way to care and be involved without having your nose in every area of their business. Of course every parent has the right to raise their kids however they want. I'm not going to support measures to enable that stuff though and bog down an already struggling educational system.

Your wife is a teacher... How did she like the Zoom Covid classes? Does she support putting live cams in classrooms for parents to watch?
She went into the school as she teaches 3rd grade. Elementary school kids were there in person. Those that were on Zoom fell behind in her POV. Middle and High School were on Zoom. It was stupid. She used film the kids with her cell to show me the horrors and then delete the videos. I said “If the parents only knew”…
No, they won't because you idea is simply going nowhere. If you were to propose this idea to my local school board, the howls of laughter would be epic.
Then you have a typical school board run by snobs who are out of touch with the public
Any school board would laugh you out of the meeting. You simply cannot see how ridiculous and unworkable your solution to a problem that does not exist truly is!
They may disagree but they will not laugh.
Yes, if Mac was presenting it, they would be rolling in the aisles.
I have learned that despite titles, people are just people. As I said, if police officers are wearing body cams, I see zero issue with cameras in the classroom. Kids may behave better too, knowing there are cameras. Win/Win IMO.
You are correct. People would probably behave better at work if they had cameras on them all the time and if all of their communications were monitored. Is that they way you'd want businesses to operate as well? Some already do, should we do that with all businesses?

How about roadways... We could camera those up and give auto tickets for all traffic violations. Miss a blinker, go over the speed limit, roll through a stop sign at 2am... Ticket. How does that sound?
Many roadways do have cameras. Businesses are private. Schools are public. Cameras 100%.
Many roadways do but not in the way that I just laid out. Do you want things to go to the way I described? Not all businesses are private... many of the largest are public companies. Either way public or private could decide to do that to their employees, do you support that?
Publicly traded isn't the same as public. Private companies may do as they wish and employees may leave. You don't believe private companies piss off employees with internal politics and such?
I'm not making a legal argument about what can and can't happen. I'm asking if you support and promote the practice. Do you think it a good and healthy and productive thing to do. If we put cams up everywhere are we living in the kind of country you want to live in... Thats what I'm asking
I support it in the school system. You already see it in super markets, dept stores, fast food stores. I do not have anything to hide. Record me all you want. So yes, morally I am OK with it. We have the Ring door bell. It records every time we leave and come in. Helps keeping tabs on the kids. If you were a parent you would think differently IMO.
Very negative of you. Perhaps kids will behave better and teachers will be able to teach and get through to kids as there will be repercussions. ...
Most students who "act out" have parents who are unlikely to watch any such video (for a number of reasons, and that is IF they have family around to watch). Even the most conscientious parents, and even if they expressed support this idea (which will never happen) would run out of steam pretty quickly and you would be left with unwatched streaming and a bunch of richer lawyers.
I am not 100% certain. We have friends where both parents work and don’t see what is happening.
And those kids know it.

Leftists Freak Out at the Thought of Cameras Exposing Fanatical CRT Teachers​

7 Jul 2021 ~~ By John Nolte
The far-left HuffPost is freaking over Tucker Carlson’s suggestion that cameras be placed in public school classrooms.
“Tucker Carlson Goes Full ‘1984’ With ‘Cameras In The Classroom’ Proposal,” screams the left-wing outlet’s headline.
“The Fox News personality suggested police-style body cameras to check on what every teacher is telling their students,” the sub-headline reads.
“Carlson, in a rant reminiscent of something from George Orwell’s classic dystopian novel ‘1984,’” author Lee Moran bleats, “called the teaching that racism is at least partly systemic… a ‘civilization-ending poison’ and ‘B.S.’”
Before we go any further… I’ve read 1984 at least three times and am unfamiliar with anything Tucker said that is “reminiscent of something from George Orwell’s classic dystopian novel[.]”
In fact, Tucker’s suggestion is the exact opposite of “something from George Orwell’s classic dystopian novel[.]” Tucker is suggesting we monitor the government. 1984 is about (among other things) the government monitoring private citizens. So Moran got his metaphor exactly wrong, which tells me he’s probably a product of government-run public schools.
Regardless, he huffs on, “He warned ‘we can’t really be sure’ how far it is being spread until ‘we finally get cameras in the classroom, as we put them on the chests of police officers.’”
What I found interesting about this piece is that other than screaming 1984!!!, no case or argument is made against the idea of cameras in government-run public school classrooms.
Is there one?
Is there a good argument against this kind of accountability and transparency?
The real issue here is just how brazenly public school teachers have become when it comes to teaching our kids pretty much everything but what they need to know. Leftists are never happier than when they’ve insinuated themselves between parent and child. Too many schools can’t teach kids to read or write, but they are sure teaching them to hate their country and all about “demi-sexuality.”
Tucker’s smart to bring this up, to make it part of the national conversation. Teachers and their evil unions are going to have a hard time explaining why they oppose such a thing. They will be on defense, which is exactly where they belong.

Cameras would certainly expose incompetence, along with indoctrination and its techniques, favoritism, laziness, CRT, anything BLM, gay rights, religion bashing, white guilt/privilege advancement, etc.
Easy to see why Progressive Marxist/DSA Commies oppose this.
What have the teachers got to hide? We are in the age of Zoom and zero in-class learning. Stick a camera in the corner so those students who wish to work from home and via Zoom can. Oh, and you need to record the classes in case the student was out for some reason. All the better if the parents can review what is being taught in class.
If we demand body-cams for cops, why not cameras in the classroom?
Hahahaha, the party of small government, personal Liberty and freedom wants to put cameras in classrooms?! Are you shitting me?! What a bunch of unprincipled idiots
So you’re Ok with police officers having body cams but no cameras in classrooms? Typical Leftist hypocrisy
Yes absolutely... You're on the cameras in classrooms train too AZ?!

Wow, the breakdown of conservatives is amazing to watch
#1) I am not a conservative, I am just right of you because you're a deranged leftist.

#2) If our police officers are wearing cameras why should we not have cameras in the classroom? What is the downside?
The downside would be the fact that it would blow up an already stagnant and bloated bureaucracy in the school system and flood already strained resources towards dealing with the drama of helicopter parents from both sides who object to something they see in class. It will make teaching a nightmare, take focus away from the students and education, and institutes a principle of big brother survellience on developing children which is not healthy. There are all kinds of horrible side effects that this would cause. You really don't see that?!

I'm fine with cams in day care for infants... I'm fine with steaming lectures for remote learning... I'm not fine with politicizing the schools more than they already are and opening the door for kooky helicopter parents to suck up even more school resources and attention.
Very negative of you. Perhaps kids will behave better and teachers will be able to teach and get through to kids as there will be repercussions. Teachers no longer have to be law enforcement and get into he said she said arguments with parents as everything will be recorded. You really don't see that?!!? Do you have kids?

This isn't about politicizing. It is about making sure kids behave. My wife teaches. The biggest issue is misguided parents who believe the load of crap the kids tell them.
Not negative, realistic. I work with a lot of kids and you can see the effect that the Helicopter parents have on them. Its not healthy. There is a way to care and be involved without having your nose in every area of their business. Of course every parent has the right to raise their kids however they want. I'm not going to support measures to enable that stuff though and bog down an already struggling educational system.

Your wife is a teacher... How did she like the Zoom Covid classes? Does she support putting live cams in classrooms for parents to watch?
She went into the school as she teaches 3rd grade. Elementary school kids were there in person. Those that were on Zoom fell behind in her POV. Middle and High School were on Zoom. It was stupid. She used film the kids with her cell to show me the horrors and then delete the videos. I said “If the parents only knew”…
And how does she feel about putting cameras up in the classroom for parents to watch?

I have sever teacher friends that did the entire year over zoom and it was a nightmare. A lady friend of mine was telling me that not only did the kids get nothing out of it but the heli parents would hang out and watch the lessons and then bitch and complain so a much more time went into dealing with parent drama. No thanks. I'd love to know your wife's honest opinion
No, they won't because you idea is simply going nowhere. If you were to propose this idea to my local school board, the howls of laughter would be epic.
Then you have a typical school board run by snobs who are out of touch with the public
Any school board would laugh you out of the meeting. You simply cannot see how ridiculous and unworkable your solution to a problem that does not exist truly is!
They may disagree but they will not laugh.
Yes, if Mac was presenting it, they would be rolling in the aisles.
I have learned that despite titles, people are just people. As I said, if police officers are wearing body cams, I see zero issue with cameras in the classroom. Kids may behave better too, knowing there are cameras. Win/Win IMO.
You are correct. People would probably behave better at work if they had cameras on them all the time and if all of their communications were monitored. Is that they way you'd want businesses to operate as well? Some already do, should we do that with all businesses?

How about roadways... We could camera those up and give auto tickets for all traffic violations. Miss a blinker, go over the speed limit, roll through a stop sign at 2am... Ticket. How does that sound?
Many roadways do have cameras. Businesses are private. Schools are public. Cameras 100%.
Many roadways do but not in the way that I just laid out. Do you want things to go to the way I described? Not all businesses are private... many of the largest are public companies. Either way public or private could decide to do that to their employees, do you support that?
Publicly traded isn't the same as public. Private companies may do as they wish and employees may leave. You don't believe private companies piss off employees with internal politics and such?
I'm not making a legal argument about what can and can't happen. I'm asking if you support and promote the practice. Do you think it a good and healthy and productive thing to do. If we put cams up everywhere are we living in the kind of country you want to live in... Thats what I'm asking
I support it in the school system. You already see it in super markets, dept stores, fast food stores. I do not have anything to hide. Record me all you want. So yes, morally I am OK with it. We have the Ring door bell. It records every time we leave and come in. Helps keeping tabs on the kids. If you were a parent you would think differently IMO.
I'm fine with cams for safety and security and distance education/productivity. I'm not ok with monitoring all conversations and interactions. That is overkill.
I'm establishing a precedent and trying to work my way to modern times and the current situation but you don't seem interested in having a straight forward conversation.
You are not being straight forward

We have discussed the past

There once was slavery in America

But not anymore

Today America’s children are being brainwashed to hate white people and that must stop
No, they won't because you idea is simply going nowhere. If you were to propose this idea to my local school board, the howls of laughter would be epic.
Then you have a typical school board run by snobs who are out of touch with the public
Any school board would laugh you out of the meeting. You simply cannot see how ridiculous and unworkable your solution to a problem that does not exist truly is!
They may disagree but they will not laugh.
Yes, if Mac was presenting it, they would be rolling in the aisles.
I have learned that despite titles, people are just people. As I said, if police officers are wearing body cams, I see zero issue with cameras in the classroom. Kids may behave better too, knowing there are cameras. Win/Win IMO.
You are correct. People would probably behave better at work if they had cameras on them all the time and if all of their communications were monitored. Is that they way you'd want businesses to operate as well? Some already do, should we do that with all businesses?

How about roadways... We could camera those up and give auto tickets for all traffic violations. Miss a blinker, go over the speed limit, roll through a stop sign at 2am... Ticket. How does that sound?
Many roadways do have cameras. Businesses are private. Schools are public. Cameras 100%.
Many roadways do but not in the way that I just laid out. Do you want things to go to the way I described? Not all businesses are private... many of the largest are public companies. Either way public or private could decide to do that to their employees, do you support that?
Publicly traded isn't the same as public. Private companies may do as they wish and employees may leave. You don't believe private companies piss off employees with internal politics and such?
I'm not making a legal argument about what can and can't happen. I'm asking if you support and promote the practice. Do you think it a good and healthy and productive thing to do. If we put cams up everywhere are we living in the kind of country you want to live in... Thats what I'm asking
I support it in the school system. You already see it in super markets, dept stores, fast food stores. I do not have anything to hide. Record me all you want. So yes, morally I am OK with it. We have the Ring door bell. It records every time we leave and come in. Helps keeping tabs on the kids. If you were a parent you would think differently IMO.
I'm fine with cams for safety and security and distance education/productivity. I'm not ok with monitoring all conversations and interactions. That is overkill.
So we are on the same page. Don’t care if the teachers say all Jews are idiots and should be killed. I do care if another student punches a kid or disrupts the class constantly and the school doesn’t do anything about it. Because that is happening and teachers do want cameras to illustrate that.

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