Leftists Launching Recall Of Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler For Not Being Far Enough To The Left

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Only in Portland, where gangs of far left antifa thugs have free reign to riot, tax after tax after tax is passed, major roads are narrowed to make way for bike and pedestrian paths, and gender neutral bathrooms seem to be the highest priority, can one of the nations furthest-left mayors not be far enough to the left to satisfy the far left activists. All the virtue signaling city resolutions condemning hate and “white supremacy” can’t help Mayor Ted Wheeler now, as the aforementioned far left activists have formed a PAC to recall him and are planning on gathering signatures starting next month.

The official website of the campaign, called Total Recall PAC, reads:

Portland remembers the failures that brought national attention to our city in 2020.

Total Recall PAC is a grassroots political action committee formed after the November 2020 election, where Portland’s failed Mayor won re-election with 47% of the vote. The majority is unified against status quo politicians, and volunteers are organizing to hold them accountable for malfeasance, wrongdoing, abuse of power, violating the will of the voters, and lying to get elected. Portland’s elected officials have stood in the way of racial and economic justice for too long, colluded against the Black Lives Matter movement, violated campaign finance regulations, and made false promises to support reforming our out-of-control police department.

The laws allowing recalls in Portland are summarized on the city auditor’s website. After an official has served 6 months in office, a recall effort can begin. Because we must wait until July, Total Recall PAC is right now working to spread the word about recall elections as a tool of our democracy that requires people power and participation. We’re training a growing coalition of volunteers and organizers, and raising money to combat the wealth and power of the status quo. This summer, we’ll file paperwork to begin the official effort, and we’ll have 90 days to gather 47,788 signatures. We are confident we will be able to collect far more.

To meet our goal, we’ll need a mix of volunteers and paid signature gatherers, so we need people who share our values to volunteer and to donate. We’re exploring how we can hold COVID-safe outdoor events, deliver signature sheets directly by couriers, and any other methods that will help us be successful. If you have energy to help, we need you!

Once the required number of signatures are verified, the “Five-Day Resignation Period” begins. During this time the subject of a recall has a chance to either resign, or to submit a written justification of their behavior while in office. If they lack the courage to resign, a special election is held no later than 35 days after the end of the Resignation Period. Total Recall PAC will work to ensure a majority of Portland votes to recall politicians who don’t share our values and who lack the support of the majority.

The question on the ballot will read, “Do you recall?” And we will, because Portland remembers.

The PAC was formed in November, just a few weeks after Wheeler narrowly won reelection against pro-antifa and open communist challenger, Sarah Iannarone.

The Oregonian reports:

TRENDING: Steve Bannon: Georgia Will Hold a Forensic Audit - Three Republican Senate Seats Are Coming Back after Full Forensic Audit Completed (VIDEO)

A progressive-backed effort to recall Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler has brought on a campaign manager and plans to officially launch in a matter of weeks, the group announced Tuesday.

Audrey Caines, an environmental and social justice organizer, joined Total Recall PDX last month, becoming the first salaried staffer of the self-described grassroots campaign.

Caines recently worked with Portland Rising Tide, an environmental group that has fought the construction of a natural gas pipeline in southern Oregon and has blocked oil trains traveling along the Columbia River Gorge.

In an interview Tuesday, Caines said the recall effort has attracted close to 200 volunteers — many of whom will hit the streets the week of July 9 to begin gathering the nearly 50,000 signatures required to initiate a citywide recall in Portland.

Local activists Alan Kessler and Seth Woolley formed a political action committee to unseat the mayor last November, less than two weeks after Wheeler won his re-election with just 46% of the vote.

Woolley, a campaign finance watchdog, ran unsuccessfully last year for the City Council seat held by then-Commissioner Chloe Eudaly.

Kessler, an attorney and public records advocate, served as a campaign lawyer for progressive challenger Sarah Iannarone, who narrowly lost her bid to unseat Wheeler last November.

Filings show the group, Total Recall PDX, has raised nearly $40,000 and has just over $26,500 on hand.

Those calling for the mayor’s recall have criticized a large personal loan Wheeler made to his campaign as well as the financial support his re-election bid received from the city’s business interests, which spent heavily on his behalf.

The group has also blasted Wheeler over the city’s police response during months of racial justice protests and for his recent decision to not support immediate expansion of Portland Street Response, an experimental program to provide a non-police response to those in crisis outdoors.

Once a recall effort is officially launched, petitioners have 90 days to gather signatures from registered voters represented by the office-holder who add up to 15% of all ballots cast for governor in the jurisdiction during the last gubernatorial election.

That number is 47,788 based on votes cast in Portland during the Nov. 6, 2018, governor’s race, according to the city auditor’s office.

Caines said the campaign will seek to gather twice the number of required signatures, 95,576 — nearly 25% of all 431,522 registered voters in the city of Portland.

Oddly enough, this recall effort will likely attract conservative and pro-business support for the exact opposite reasons, as it appears that no one is happy with Wheeler’s style of “leadership.” In fact, another group, Rose City Recall, has launched a website promoting a different possible Wheeler recall, but they seem to come from a right leaning perspective.

Last month antifa terrorists issued a direct threat to Wheeler, demanding he resign or there will be blood and mass destruction of the city.

If the recall campaign is successful, no one is quite sure what would happen until a new mayor is elected, as Portland doesn’t have a Deputy Mayor position. It would practically be anarchy in the streets!

More at thegatewaypundit ^

I had to check and see if this was The Babylon Bee.

It wasn’t.
Good, I hope they can his ass and install a true BLM communist and abolish the police.

Stop pussyfooting around lefties. You gotta mean it. Man the fuck up and live by your own words, “ACAB”, “defund the police”, “fuck the police”.
Only in Portland, where gangs of far left antifa thugs have free reign to riot, tax after tax after tax is passed, major roads are narrowed to make way for bike and pedestrian paths, and gender neutral bathrooms seem to be the highest priority, can one of the nations furthest-left mayors not be far enough to the left to satisfy the far left activists. All the virtue signaling city resolutions condemning hate and “white supremacy” can’t help Mayor Ted Wheeler now, as the aforementioned far left activists have formed a PAC to recall him and are planning on gathering signatures starting next month.

The official website of the campaign, called Total Recall PAC, reads:

Portland remembers the failures that brought national attention to our city in 2020.

Total Recall PAC is a grassroots political action committee formed after the November 2020 election, where Portland’s failed Mayor won re-election with 47% of the vote. The majority is unified against status quo politicians, and volunteers are organizing to hold them accountable for malfeasance, wrongdoing, abuse of power, violating the will of the voters, and lying to get elected. Portland’s elected officials have stood in the way of racial and economic justice for too long, colluded against the Black Lives Matter movement, violated campaign finance regulations, and made false promises to support reforming our out-of-control police department.

The laws allowing recalls in Portland are summarized on the city auditor’s website. After an official has served 6 months in office, a recall effort can begin. Because we must wait until July, Total Recall PAC is right now working to spread the word about recall elections as a tool of our democracy that requires people power and participation. We’re training a growing coalition of volunteers and organizers, and raising money to combat the wealth and power of the status quo. This summer, we’ll file paperwork to begin the official effort, and we’ll have 90 days to gather 47,788 signatures. We are confident we will be able to collect far more.

To meet our goal, we’ll need a mix of volunteers and paid signature gatherers, so we need people who share our values to volunteer and to donate. We’re exploring how we can hold COVID-safe outdoor events, deliver signature sheets directly by couriers, and any other methods that will help us be successful. If you have energy to help, we need you!

Once the required number of signatures are verified, the “Five-Day Resignation Period” begins. During this time the subject of a recall has a chance to either resign, or to submit a written justification of their behavior while in office. If they lack the courage to resign, a special election is held no later than 35 days after the end of the Resignation Period. Total Recall PAC will work to ensure a majority of Portland votes to recall politicians who don’t share our values and who lack the support of the majority.

The question on the ballot will read, “Do you recall?” And we will, because Portland remembers.

The PAC was formed in November, just a few weeks after Wheeler narrowly won reelection against pro-antifa and open communist challenger, Sarah Iannarone.

The Oregonian reports:

TRENDING: Steve Bannon: Georgia Will Hold a Forensic Audit - Three Republican Senate Seats Are Coming Back after Full Forensic Audit Completed (VIDEO)

A progressive-backed effort to recall Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler has brought on a campaign manager and plans to officially launch in a matter of weeks, the group announced Tuesday.

Audrey Caines, an environmental and social justice organizer, joined Total Recall PDX last month, becoming the first salaried staffer of the self-described grassroots campaign.

Caines recently worked with Portland Rising Tide, an environmental group that has fought the construction of a natural gas pipeline in southern Oregon and has blocked oil trains traveling along the Columbia River Gorge.

In an interview Tuesday, Caines said the recall effort has attracted close to 200 volunteers — many of whom will hit the streets the week of July 9 to begin gathering the nearly 50,000 signatures required to initiate a citywide recall in Portland.

Local activists Alan Kessler and Seth Woolley formed a political action committee to unseat the mayor last November, less than two weeks after Wheeler won his re-election with just 46% of the vote.

Woolley, a campaign finance watchdog, ran unsuccessfully last year for the City Council seat held by then-Commissioner Chloe Eudaly.

Kessler, an attorney and public records advocate, served as a campaign lawyer for progressive challenger Sarah Iannarone, who narrowly lost her bid to unseat Wheeler last November.

Filings show the group, Total Recall PDX, has raised nearly $40,000 and has just over $26,500 on hand.

Those calling for the mayor’s recall have criticized a large personal loan Wheeler made to his campaign as well as the financial support his re-election bid received from the city’s business interests, which spent heavily on his behalf.

The group has also blasted Wheeler over the city’s police response during months of racial justice protests and for his recent decision to not support immediate expansion of Portland Street Response, an experimental program to provide a non-police response to those in crisis outdoors.

Once a recall effort is officially launched, petitioners have 90 days to gather signatures from registered voters represented by the office-holder who add up to 15% of all ballots cast for governor in the jurisdiction during the last gubernatorial election.

That number is 47,788 based on votes cast in Portland during the Nov. 6, 2018, governor’s race, according to the city auditor’s office.

Caines said the campaign will seek to gather twice the number of required signatures, 95,576 — nearly 25% of all 431,522 registered voters in the city of Portland.

Oddly enough, this recall effort will likely attract conservative and pro-business support for the exact opposite reasons, as it appears that no one is happy with Wheeler’s style of “leadership.” In fact, another group, Rose City Recall, has launched a website promoting a different possible Wheeler recall, but they seem to come from a right leaning perspective.

Last month antifa terrorists issued a direct threat to Wheeler, demanding he resign or there will be blood and mass destruction of the city.

If the recall campaign is successful, no one is quite sure what would happen until a new mayor is elected, as Portland doesn’t have a Deputy Mayor position. It would practically be anarchy in the streets!

More at thegatewaypundit ^

I had to check and see if this was The Babylon Bee.

It wasn’t.
Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis and all other disgusting blue shitholes will be led by black, trannies who sometimes identify as a salmon in due time...bank on it
Only in Portland, where gangs of far left antifa thugs have free reign to riot, tax after tax after tax is passed, major roads are narrowed to make way for bike and pedestrian paths, and gender neutral bathrooms seem to be the highest priority, can one of the nations furthest-left mayors not be far enough to the left to satisfy the far left activists. All the virtue signaling city resolutions condemning hate and “white supremacy” can’t help Mayor Ted Wheeler now, as the aforementioned far left activists have formed a PAC to recall him and are planning on gathering signatures starting next month.

The official website of the campaign, called Total Recall PAC, reads:

Portland remembers the failures that brought national attention to our city in 2020.

Total Recall PAC is a grassroots political action committee formed after the November 2020 election, where Portland’s failed Mayor won re-election with 47% of the vote. The majority is unified against status quo politicians, and volunteers are organizing to hold them accountable for malfeasance, wrongdoing, abuse of power, violating the will of the voters, and lying to get elected. Portland’s elected officials have stood in the way of racial and economic justice for too long, colluded against the Black Lives Matter movement, violated campaign finance regulations, and made false promises to support reforming our out-of-control police department.

The laws allowing recalls in Portland are summarized on the city auditor’s website. After an official has served 6 months in office, a recall effort can begin. Because we must wait until July, Total Recall PAC is right now working to spread the word about recall elections as a tool of our democracy that requires people power and participation. We’re training a growing coalition of volunteers and organizers, and raising money to combat the wealth and power of the status quo. This summer, we’ll file paperwork to begin the official effort, and we’ll have 90 days to gather 47,788 signatures. We are confident we will be able to collect far more.

To meet our goal, we’ll need a mix of volunteers and paid signature gatherers, so we need people who share our values to volunteer and to donate. We’re exploring how we can hold COVID-safe outdoor events, deliver signature sheets directly by couriers, and any other methods that will help us be successful. If you have energy to help, we need you!

Once the required number of signatures are verified, the “Five-Day Resignation Period” begins. During this time the subject of a recall has a chance to either resign, or to submit a written justification of their behavior while in office. If they lack the courage to resign, a special election is held no later than 35 days after the end of the Resignation Period. Total Recall PAC will work to ensure a majority of Portland votes to recall politicians who don’t share our values and who lack the support of the majority.

The question on the ballot will read, “Do you recall?” And we will, because Portland remembers.

The PAC was formed in November, just a few weeks after Wheeler narrowly won reelection against pro-antifa and open communist challenger, Sarah Iannarone.

The Oregonian reports:

TRENDING: Steve Bannon: Georgia Will Hold a Forensic Audit - Three Republican Senate Seats Are Coming Back after Full Forensic Audit Completed (VIDEO)

A progressive-backed effort to recall Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler has brought on a campaign manager and plans to officially launch in a matter of weeks, the group announced Tuesday.

Audrey Caines, an environmental and social justice organizer, joined Total Recall PDX last month, becoming the first salaried staffer of the self-described grassroots campaign.

Caines recently worked with Portland Rising Tide, an environmental group that has fought the construction of a natural gas pipeline in southern Oregon and has blocked oil trains traveling along the Columbia River Gorge.

In an interview Tuesday, Caines said the recall effort has attracted close to 200 volunteers — many of whom will hit the streets the week of July 9 to begin gathering the nearly 50,000 signatures required to initiate a citywide recall in Portland.

Local activists Alan Kessler and Seth Woolley formed a political action committee to unseat the mayor last November, less than two weeks after Wheeler won his re-election with just 46% of the vote.

Woolley, a campaign finance watchdog, ran unsuccessfully last year for the City Council seat held by then-Commissioner Chloe Eudaly.

Kessler, an attorney and public records advocate, served as a campaign lawyer for progressive challenger Sarah Iannarone, who narrowly lost her bid to unseat Wheeler last November.

Filings show the group, Total Recall PDX, has raised nearly $40,000 and has just over $26,500 on hand.

Those calling for the mayor’s recall have criticized a large personal loan Wheeler made to his campaign as well as the financial support his re-election bid received from the city’s business interests, which spent heavily on his behalf.

The group has also blasted Wheeler over the city’s police response during months of racial justice protests and for his recent decision to not support immediate expansion of Portland Street Response, an experimental program to provide a non-police response to those in crisis outdoors.

Once a recall effort is officially launched, petitioners have 90 days to gather signatures from registered voters represented by the office-holder who add up to 15% of all ballots cast for governor in the jurisdiction during the last gubernatorial election.

That number is 47,788 based on votes cast in Portland during the Nov. 6, 2018, governor’s race, according to the city auditor’s office.

Caines said the campaign will seek to gather twice the number of required signatures, 95,576 — nearly 25% of all 431,522 registered voters in the city of Portland.

Oddly enough, this recall effort will likely attract conservative and pro-business support for the exact opposite reasons, as it appears that no one is happy with Wheeler’s style of “leadership.” In fact, another group, Rose City Recall, has launched a website promoting a different possible Wheeler recall, but they seem to come from a right leaning perspective.

Last month antifa terrorists issued a direct threat to Wheeler, demanding he resign or there will be blood and mass destruction of the city.

If the recall campaign is successful, no one is quite sure what would happen until a new mayor is elected, as Portland doesn’t have a Deputy Mayor position. It would practically be anarchy in the streets!

More at thegatewaypundit ^

I had to check and see if this was The Babylon Bee.

It wasn’t.
They should go after the city council and Brown too.
Only in Portland, where gangs of far left antifa thugs have free reign to riot, tax after tax after tax is passed, major roads are narrowed to make way for bike and pedestrian paths, and gender neutral bathrooms seem to be the highest priority, can one of the nations furthest-left mayors not be far enough to the left to satisfy the far left activists. All the virtue signaling city resolutions condemning hate and “white supremacy” can’t help Mayor Ted Wheeler now, as the aforementioned far left activists have formed a PAC to recall him and are planning on gathering signatures starting next month.

The official website of the campaign, called Total Recall PAC, reads:

Portland remembers the failures that brought national attention to our city in 2020.

Total Recall PAC is a grassroots political action committee formed after the November 2020 election, where Portland’s failed Mayor won re-election with 47% of the vote. The majority is unified against status quo politicians, and volunteers are organizing to hold them accountable for malfeasance, wrongdoing, abuse of power, violating the will of the voters, and lying to get elected. Portland’s elected officials have stood in the way of racial and economic justice for too long, colluded against the Black Lives Matter movement, violated campaign finance regulations, and made false promises to support reforming our out-of-control police department.

The laws allowing recalls in Portland are summarized on the city auditor’s website. After an official has served 6 months in office, a recall effort can begin. Because we must wait until July, Total Recall PAC is right now working to spread the word about recall elections as a tool of our democracy that requires people power and participation. We’re training a growing coalition of volunteers and organizers, and raising money to combat the wealth and power of the status quo. This summer, we’ll file paperwork to begin the official effort, and we’ll have 90 days to gather 47,788 signatures. We are confident we will be able to collect far more.

To meet our goal, we’ll need a mix of volunteers and paid signature gatherers, so we need people who share our values to volunteer and to donate. We’re exploring how we can hold COVID-safe outdoor events, deliver signature sheets directly by couriers, and any other methods that will help us be successful. If you have energy to help, we need you!

Once the required number of signatures are verified, the “Five-Day Resignation Period” begins. During this time the subject of a recall has a chance to either resign, or to submit a written justification of their behavior while in office. If they lack the courage to resign, a special election is held no later than 35 days after the end of the Resignation Period. Total Recall PAC will work to ensure a majority of Portland votes to recall politicians who don’t share our values and who lack the support of the majority.

The question on the ballot will read, “Do you recall?” And we will, because Portland remembers.

The PAC was formed in November, just a few weeks after Wheeler narrowly won reelection against pro-antifa and open communist challenger, Sarah Iannarone.

The Oregonian reports:

TRENDING: Steve Bannon: Georgia Will Hold a Forensic Audit - Three Republican Senate Seats Are Coming Back after Full Forensic Audit Completed (VIDEO)

A progressive-backed effort to recall Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler has brought on a campaign manager and plans to officially launch in a matter of weeks, the group announced Tuesday.

Audrey Caines, an environmental and social justice organizer, joined Total Recall PDX last month, becoming the first salaried staffer of the self-described grassroots campaign.

Caines recently worked with Portland Rising Tide, an environmental group that has fought the construction of a natural gas pipeline in southern Oregon and has blocked oil trains traveling along the Columbia River Gorge.

In an interview Tuesday, Caines said the recall effort has attracted close to 200 volunteers — many of whom will hit the streets the week of July 9 to begin gathering the nearly 50,000 signatures required to initiate a citywide recall in Portland.

Local activists Alan Kessler and Seth Woolley formed a political action committee to unseat the mayor last November, less than two weeks after Wheeler won his re-election with just 46% of the vote.

Woolley, a campaign finance watchdog, ran unsuccessfully last year for the City Council seat held by then-Commissioner Chloe Eudaly.

Kessler, an attorney and public records advocate, served as a campaign lawyer for progressive challenger Sarah Iannarone, who narrowly lost her bid to unseat Wheeler last November.

Filings show the group, Total Recall PDX, has raised nearly $40,000 and has just over $26,500 on hand.

Those calling for the mayor’s recall have criticized a large personal loan Wheeler made to his campaign as well as the financial support his re-election bid received from the city’s business interests, which spent heavily on his behalf.

The group has also blasted Wheeler over the city’s police response during months of racial justice protests and for his recent decision to not support immediate expansion of Portland Street Response, an experimental program to provide a non-police response to those in crisis outdoors.

Once a recall effort is officially launched, petitioners have 90 days to gather signatures from registered voters represented by the office-holder who add up to 15% of all ballots cast for governor in the jurisdiction during the last gubernatorial election.

That number is 47,788 based on votes cast in Portland during the Nov. 6, 2018, governor’s race, according to the city auditor’s office.

Caines said the campaign will seek to gather twice the number of required signatures, 95,576 — nearly 25% of all 431,522 registered voters in the city of Portland.

Oddly enough, this recall effort will likely attract conservative and pro-business support for the exact opposite reasons, as it appears that no one is happy with Wheeler’s style of “leadership.” In fact, another group, Rose City Recall, has launched a website promoting a different possible Wheeler recall, but they seem to come from a right leaning perspective.

Last month antifa terrorists issued a direct threat to Wheeler, demanding he resign or there will be blood and mass destruction of the city.

If the recall campaign is successful, no one is quite sure what would happen until a new mayor is elected, as Portland doesn’t have a Deputy Mayor position. It would practically be anarchy in the streets!

More at thegatewaypundit ^

I had to check and see if this was The Babylon Bee.

It wasn’t.

Mayor Wheeler was just reelected last November.

It couldn't happen to a more deserving doofus, but the electorate there seems awfully fickle.
When you unleash the animals to win elections it’s almost impossible to put them back in their cages.
The Nazis had the exact same problem with their SA (SA was the organization before the SS)--------they became so violent and uncontrollable that the nazis organized all of the other followers including the SS to go lock up and kill the SA especially their higher ups. The SA had some survivors and they remained in the nazi party, but the survivors lost most of their power and never seen as powerful as the SS afterwords. At some point, the dems are going to have to deal with their animals too.
Activists should burn Portland to the ground. The rest of the police department should resign then the fire department.
Only in Portland, where gangs of far left antifa thugs have free reign to riot, tax after tax after tax is passed, major roads are narrowed to make way for bike and pedestrian paths, and gender neutral bathrooms seem to be the highest priority, can one of the nations furthest-left mayors not be far enough to the left to satisfy the far left activists. All the virtue signaling city resolutions condemning hate and “white supremacy” can’t help Mayor Ted Wheeler now, as the aforementioned far left activists have formed a PAC to recall him and are planning on gathering signatures starting next month.

The official website of the campaign, called Total Recall PAC, reads:

Portland remembers the failures that brought national attention to our city in 2020.

Total Recall PAC is a grassroots political action committee formed after the November 2020 election, where Portland’s failed Mayor won re-election with 47% of the vote. The majority is unified against status quo politicians, and volunteers are organizing to hold them accountable for malfeasance, wrongdoing, abuse of power, violating the will of the voters, and lying to get elected. Portland’s elected officials have stood in the way of racial and economic justice for too long, colluded against the Black Lives Matter movement, violated campaign finance regulations, and made false promises to support reforming our out-of-control police department.

The laws allowing recalls in Portland are summarized on the city auditor’s website. After an official has served 6 months in office, a recall effort can begin. Because we must wait until July, Total Recall PAC is right now working to spread the word about recall elections as a tool of our democracy that requires people power and participation. We’re training a growing coalition of volunteers and organizers, and raising money to combat the wealth and power of the status quo. This summer, we’ll file paperwork to begin the official effort, and we’ll have 90 days to gather 47,788 signatures. We are confident we will be able to collect far more.

To meet our goal, we’ll need a mix of volunteers and paid signature gatherers, so we need people who share our values to volunteer and to donate. We’re exploring how we can hold COVID-safe outdoor events, deliver signature sheets directly by couriers, and any other methods that will help us be successful. If you have energy to help, we need you!

Once the required number of signatures are verified, the “Five-Day Resignation Period” begins. During this time the subject of a recall has a chance to either resign, or to submit a written justification of their behavior while in office. If they lack the courage to resign, a special election is held no later than 35 days after the end of the Resignation Period. Total Recall PAC will work to ensure a majority of Portland votes to recall politicians who don’t share our values and who lack the support of the majority.

The question on the ballot will read, “Do you recall?” And we will, because Portland remembers.

The PAC was formed in November, just a few weeks after Wheeler narrowly won reelection against pro-antifa and open communist challenger, Sarah Iannarone.

The Oregonian reports:

TRENDING: Steve Bannon: Georgia Will Hold a Forensic Audit - Three Republican Senate Seats Are Coming Back after Full Forensic Audit Completed (VIDEO)

A progressive-backed effort to recall Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler has brought on a campaign manager and plans to officially launch in a matter of weeks, the group announced Tuesday.

Audrey Caines, an environmental and social justice organizer, joined Total Recall PDX last month, becoming the first salaried staffer of the self-described grassroots campaign.

Caines recently worked with Portland Rising Tide, an environmental group that has fought the construction of a natural gas pipeline in southern Oregon and has blocked oil trains traveling along the Columbia River Gorge.

In an interview Tuesday, Caines said the recall effort has attracted close to 200 volunteers — many of whom will hit the streets the week of July 9 to begin gathering the nearly 50,000 signatures required to initiate a citywide recall in Portland.

Local activists Alan Kessler and Seth Woolley formed a political action committee to unseat the mayor last November, less than two weeks after Wheeler won his re-election with just 46% of the vote.

Woolley, a campaign finance watchdog, ran unsuccessfully last year for the City Council seat held by then-Commissioner Chloe Eudaly.

Kessler, an attorney and public records advocate, served as a campaign lawyer for progressive challenger Sarah Iannarone, who narrowly lost her bid to unseat Wheeler last November.

Filings show the group, Total Recall PDX, has raised nearly $40,000 and has just over $26,500 on hand.

Those calling for the mayor’s recall have criticized a large personal loan Wheeler made to his campaign as well as the financial support his re-election bid received from the city’s business interests, which spent heavily on his behalf.

The group has also blasted Wheeler over the city’s police response during months of racial justice protests and for his recent decision to not support immediate expansion of Portland Street Response, an experimental program to provide a non-police response to those in crisis outdoors.

Once a recall effort is officially launched, petitioners have 90 days to gather signatures from registered voters represented by the office-holder who add up to 15% of all ballots cast for governor in the jurisdiction during the last gubernatorial election.

That number is 47,788 based on votes cast in Portland during the Nov. 6, 2018, governor’s race, according to the city auditor’s office.

Caines said the campaign will seek to gather twice the number of required signatures, 95,576 — nearly 25% of all 431,522 registered voters in the city of Portland.

Oddly enough, this recall effort will likely attract conservative and pro-business support for the exact opposite reasons, as it appears that no one is happy with Wheeler’s style of “leadership.” In fact, another group, Rose City Recall, has launched a website promoting a different possible Wheeler recall, but they seem to come from a right leaning perspective.

Last month antifa terrorists issued a direct threat to Wheeler, demanding he resign or there will be blood and mass destruction of the city.

If the recall campaign is successful, no one is quite sure what would happen until a new mayor is elected, as Portland doesn’t have a Deputy Mayor position. It would practically be anarchy in the streets!

More at thegatewaypundit ^

I had to check and see if this was The Babylon Bee.

It wasn’t.
I feel bad for the good people who love Portland and want to keep living there. This new generation of assholes, Biden loyalists, will destroy this country if they have their way.

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