Leftists, not Trump, to blame for division and violence.

Democrats Leftists are entirely to blame for the violence that has been erupting. This kind of seething hatred doesn't foment overnight and Trump is a very recent arrival on the political radar and it is ridiculous to blame him for the Democrats churning hate and violence over the last decades. Consider:

1. They created a movie depicting the assassination of George Bush.

2. They vilify police officers who use deadly force against violent criminals.

3. They use the IRS and NSA to target conservatives for special persecution.

4. They sue states who dare to enforce federal immigration laws.

5. They threaten to prosecute anyone who dares oppose the global warming cult.

6. They set out to destroy Christians who don't want to accommodate deviant lifestyles.

7. Obama: "If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon"

8. They blame conservative talk radio for the Oklahoma City bombing.

9. They accuse returning combat vets of being potential terrorists.

10. They say any woman not voting for Clinton "has a special place in hell."

The message has been sent loud and clear for YEARS! Violence against conservatives is justified. This isn't Trump, this is Leftists filling America with hate and calls to violence. Let's get that straight.
I agree, the left has helped to intensify the growing divide in our modern society...especially far left radicals like BLM. However, if you were to ignore what Trump or Fox News or other conservatives have done over the years, it would be disingenuous.

Instead of pointing fingers and blaming whatever the opposing side is, a more reasonable understanding is that both sides are at fault equally as far as increasing divisive tensions. It is shameful that you, instead of seeking to create a bridge of understanding between the sides, are partaking in the finger pointing and doing what you can to increase tension and divide between the sides.

For shame.
It isn't two sided. What movie have we made depicting the assassination of a Democrat president? What rallies have we shut down through terrorism and threats of violence? What federal agencies have we used to target Left wing groups pursuing constitutionally protected activities?

Go try to sell your "both sides do it" bullshit elsewhere. I'm not buying it.
Are you saying that a movie can incite violence?
Democrats Leftists are entirely to blame for the violence that has been erupting. This kind of seething hatred doesn't foment overnight and Trump is a very recent arrival on the political radar and it is ridiculous to blame him for the Democrats churning hate and violence over the last decades. Consider:

1. They created a movie depicting the assassination of George Bush.

2. They vilify police officers who use deadly force against violent criminals.

3. They use the IRS and NSA to target conservatives for special persecution.

4. They sue states who dare to enforce federal immigration laws.

5. They threaten to prosecute anyone who dares oppose the global warming cult.

6. They set out to destroy Christians who don't want to accommodate deviant lifestyles.

7. Obama: "If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon"

8. They blame conservative talk radio for the Oklahoma City bombing.

9. They accuse returning combat vets of being potential terrorists.

10. They say any woman not voting for Clinton "has a special place in hell."

The message has been sent loud and clear for YEARS! Violence against conservatives is justified. This isn't Trump, this is Leftists filling America with hate and calls to violence. Let's get that straight.

All you demonstrated there, is that you only get "news" from right-wing entertainment sites
So let me get this clear.... The OP is blaming Trump rally woes on Obama?

Mind boggling!
Actually I went all the way back to 1995. You people have been stoking this fire for decades.

"You people"?

Well , "YOU PEOPLE" are full blown idiots.

Don't look now but about half the GOP hates Trump and many will avoid the polls if he is the nominee. So NOW half the GOP are liberals?

Your automatically calling/labeling everyone that disagrees with you a liberal is getting more bizarre by the hour.

I haven't stoked anyone's fire. I didn't vote for Clinton or Obama. I didn't vote for Reagan either because he was an actor/liar that used to be a democrat and only changed scripts to "play" a republican. He originally chose to be a democrat in California then he was CHOSEN to play a republican.
So let me get this clear.... The OP is blaming Trump rally woes on Obama?

Mind boggling!
Actually I went all the way back to 1995. You people have been stoking this fire for decades.

"You people"?

Well , "YOU PEOPLE" are full blown idiots.

Don't look now but about half the GOP hates Trump and many will avoid the polls if he is the nominee. So NOW half the GOP are liberals?

Your automatically calling/labeling everyone that disagrees with you a liberal is getting more bizarre by the hour.

I haven't stoked anyone's fire. I didn't vote for Clinton or Obama. I didn't vote for Reagan either because he was an actor/liar that used to be a democrat and only changed scripts to "play" a republican. He originally chose to be a democrat in California then he was CHOSEN to play a republican.
You people need to take responsibility for the division and violence in this country. Donald Trump hasn't been president for the last 8 years.
Leftists, not Trump, to blame for division and violence.
This is just like what Hitler and the nazis said about the Jews.
Ah, the Hitler analogy. That doesn't make you look idiotic AT ALL.
Supporting him does. Like those that follow Satan, Trump minions can't see the consequences of their choices.

Yeah, let's vote for communist Sanders... 100 million dead. Thank the smart liberal regressives for this salvation!

The unoriginality of the Hitler card. I am a human, Hitler was one, therefore I am Hitler... Logic and liberals never mix.
Leftists, not Trump, to blame for division and violence.
This is just like what Hitler and the nazis said about the Jews.
Ah, the Hitler analogy. That doesn't make you look idiotic AT ALL.
Supporting him does. Like those that follow Satan, Trump minions can't see the consequences of their choices.

Yeah, let's vote for communist Sanders... 100 million dead. Thank the smart liberal regressives for this salvation!

The unoriginality of the Hitler card. I am a human, Hitler was one, therefore I am Hitler... Logic and liberals never mix.
Communist? 100 million Dead? That Trump koolaid really gives you a mind fuck.
Leftists, not Trump, to blame for division and violence.
This is just like what Hitler and the nazis said about the Jews.
Ah, the Hitler analogy. That doesn't make you look idiotic AT ALL.
Supporting him does. Like those that follow Satan, Trump minions can't see the consequences of their choices.

Yeah, let's vote for communist Sanders... 100 million dead. Thank the smart liberal regressives for this salvation!

The unoriginality of the Hitler card. I am a human, Hitler was one, therefore I am Hitler... Logic and liberals never mix.
Communist? 100 million Dead? That Trump koolaid really gives you a mind fuck.

Good that you are finally coming to your senses regarding how ridiculously dumb your argument was. That was a parody of the liberal consistency! Somehow, when the tables are turned these regressives start to finally understand logic, first time in their lives.
"Leftists, not Trump, to blame for division and violence."

This is clearly a lie, as proven by the facts.

With their unwarranted hostility toward gay Americans, Muslims, and immigrants, among others, conservatives for the most part seek to divide Americans, foment conflict and unrest, consistent with the right's politics of fear.
When someone comes to challenge the liberal created division, they will bark, and claim that the man is the cause for the division. These are their vote farms.

Old dishonest tactic from the liberal regressive book of never ending lies, bigotry and illogic.

Their whole ideology is based on creating artificial divisions. Or what was it again that Marxism, Feminism, and black supremacy was about? Yes they are afraid that the race card will not work anymore as Trump ravels the lies.
Last edited:
Leftists, not Trump, to blame for division and violence.
This is just like what Hitler and the nazis said about the Jews.
Ah, the Hitler analogy. That doesn't make you look idiotic AT ALL.
Supporting him does. Like those that follow Satan, Trump minions can't see the consequences of their choices.

Yeah, let's vote for communist Sanders... 100 million dead. Thank the smart liberal regressives for this salvation!

The unoriginality of the Hitler card. I am a human, Hitler was one, therefore I am Hitler... Logic and liberals never mix.
Communist? 100 million Dead? That Trump koolaid really gives you a mind fuck.
Yes. That's how many people communists killed in the 20th century. And here you are calling Trump Satan because he wants to build a wall. You're a nut.
Leftists, not Trump, to blame for division and violence.
This is just like what Hitler and the nazis said about the Jews.
Ah, the Hitler analogy. That doesn't make you look idiotic AT ALL.
Supporting him does. Like those that follow Satan, Trump minions can't see the consequences of their choices.

Yeah, let's vote for communist Sanders... 100 million dead. Thank the smart liberal regressives for this salvation!

The unoriginality of the Hitler card. I am a human, Hitler was one, therefore I am Hitler... Logic and liberals never mix.

And yet somehow you just tried to connect Bernie Sanders with "100 million dead".

Ooooooopsie. :rofl:
Leftists, not Trump, to blame for division and violence.
This is just like what Hitler and the nazis said about the Jews.
Ah, the Hitler analogy. That doesn't make you look idiotic AT ALL.
Supporting him does. Like those that follow Satan, Trump minions can't see the consequences of their choices.

Yeah, let's vote for communist Sanders... 100 million dead. Thank the smart liberal regressives for this salvation!

The unoriginality of the Hitler card. I am a human, Hitler was one, therefore I am Hitler... Logic and liberals never mix.

And yet somehow you just tried to connect Bernie Sanders with "100 million dead".

Ooooooopsie. :rofl:
He's also a communist.

Leftists, not Trump, to blame for division and violence.
This is just like what Hitler and the nazis said about the Jews.
Ah, the Hitler analogy. That doesn't make you look idiotic AT ALL.
Supporting him does. Like those that follow Satan, Trump minions can't see the consequences of their choices.

Yeah, let's vote for communist Sanders... 100 million dead. Thank the smart liberal regressives for this salvation!

The unoriginality of the Hitler card. I am a human, Hitler was one, therefore I am Hitler... Logic and liberals never mix.

And yet somehow you just tried to connect Bernie Sanders with "100 million dead".

Ooooooopsie. :rofl:
He's also a communist.


Yes, "Duh" is the only thing that goes with that sentence. Good job.
When someone comes to challenge the liberal created division, they will bark, and claim that the man is the cause for the division. These are their vote farms.

Old dishonest tactic from the liberal regressive book of never ending lies, bigotry and illogic.

Their whole ideology is based on creating artificial divisions. Or what was it again that Marxism, Feminism, and black supremacy was about? Yes they are afraid that the race card will not work anymore as Trump ravels the lies.
Wake up moron...It's cons that create the hate...hate of blacks...hate of women's rights to their own bodies...hate of liberals....hate of equal marriage rights...hate of the poor....hate of education....hate of Social Security....hate of the government....cons even hate each other, Trump and Cruz prove that. You are not fooling anyone by trying to blame everyone else for YOUR OWN HATE. You are just a coward.
Leftists, not Trump, to blame for division and violence.
This is just like what Hitler and the nazis said about the Jews.
Ah, the Hitler analogy. That doesn't make you look idiotic AT ALL.
Supporting him does. Like those that follow Satan, Trump minions can't see the consequences of their choices.

Yeah, let's vote for communist Sanders... 100 million dead. Thank the smart liberal regressives for this salvation!

The unoriginality of the Hitler card. I am a human, Hitler was one, therefore I am Hitler... Logic and liberals never mix.

And yet somehow you just tried to connect Bernie Sanders with "100 million dead".

Ooooooopsie. :rofl:
He's also a communist.

You know Bernie is NOT a communist, yet you continue to try to use nazi style propaganda of lies to deceive....but the only ones dumb enough to buy that shit is Trump followers. You'll probably never learn the consequences of lying. You're just too fucking stupid.
Ah, the Hitler analogy. That doesn't make you look idiotic AT ALL.
Supporting him does. Like those that follow Satan, Trump minions can't see the consequences of their choices.

Yeah, let's vote for communist Sanders... 100 million dead. Thank the smart liberal regressives for this salvation!

The unoriginality of the Hitler card. I am a human, Hitler was one, therefore I am Hitler... Logic and liberals never mix.

And yet somehow you just tried to connect Bernie Sanders with "100 million dead".

Ooooooopsie. :rofl:
He's also a communist.

You know Bernie is NOT a communist, yet you continue to try to use nazi style propaganda of lies to deceive....but the only ones dumb enough to buy that shit is Trump followers. You'll probably never learn the consequences of lying. You're just too fucking stupid.
Yes, Bernie is a communist.
When someone comes to challenge the liberal created division, they will bark, and claim that the man is the cause for the division. These are their vote farms.

Old dishonest tactic from the liberal regressive book of never ending lies, bigotry and illogic.

Their whole ideology is based on creating artificial divisions. Or what was it again that Marxism, Feminism, and black supremacy was about? Yes they are afraid that the race card will not work anymore as Trump ravels the lies.
Wake up moron...It's cons that create the hate...hate of blacks...hate of women's rights to their own bodies...hate of liberals....hate of equal marriage rights...hate of the poor....hate of education....hate of Social Security....hate of the government....cons even hate each other, Trump and Cruz prove that. You are not fooling anyone by trying to blame everyone else for YOUR OWN HATE. You are just a coward.

How many times can a liberal regressive use the race card in different ways in a single post... without saying anything else at the same time? Many.

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