Leftists owe the rest of us an explanation for the Florida shooting

His point was to lie and claim there were no guns on campus.

Oh, maybe he forgot or wasn't aware?

In any event, we all know that more gun control won't prevent these schools shootings. We've tried for years and we still have maniacs doing horrible things....and the 2nd Amendment is part of the Constitution fortunately and not going anywhere.

The reality of the situation is we have to either find a better way to stop these people with mental health issues......
or find another path. We have not yet tried training and arming select teachers. Who's to say it won't work until it's tried?

In this modern era, it is impossible to stop the flow of guns into the country just as tens of thousands of tons of cocaine and other drugs still get in. It's mission Impossible, We cannot have a gun free society regardless.

With that settled, we have to come up with real world solutions....unless you want more dead school children?
Damn Rino’s — making conservatives look bad again.

You actually understand that? Amazing.
We banned guns from schools, just like you wanted. Even people with concealed carry permits trained to use their guns safely didn't have them. And your plan worked. No one had a gun and was able to defend themselves and shoot back. And 17 people died because of it.

You owe us an explanation. What is wrong with your plan? Why isn't it working?

Maybe you can ask your drug dealer why banning guns doesn't work the next time you buy a doobie ...


There is no federal law banning teachers or security guards from carrying guns in public elementary or public high schools...

Those are state or local laws, if there are any....that means the local voters decided to do such, if there are any that actually prevent it....is my understanding.

The federal laws do not permit students from bringing guns on school grounds, or establishments that are in the 1 mile surrounding public zone but not any private property. of which licenses to carry in those zones are permitted..

so, I CALL HOGWASH! Unless you can prove otherwise! ;)

You got it, my dear.

"The Gun-Free School Zones Act (GFSZA) is an act of the U.S. Congress prohibiting any unauthorized individual from knowingly possessing a loaded or unsecured firearm at a place that the individual knows, or has reasonable cause to believe, is a school zone as defined by 18 U.S.C. § 921(a)(25). The law applies to public, private, and parochial elementary schools and high schools."

Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990 - Wikipedia

Even though you're wrong, I don't get your argument how that lets leftists off the hook because you are fighting for schools to be gun free zones at every level.

Are you going to admit you were wrong now?

Hey, Bush Sr. is the one that signed it into law. How is that "leftist"?

I don't know how to answer that question. I would ask you in what possible way HW signing it makes it not leftist.

The rube HW always thought the reading his lips line was what made raising taxes wrong. It was raising taxes that was wrong. He screwed the students in Tiananmin square. He hiked government spending. In what way was HW not a leftist?
Maybe every kid can be given a gun when they enter fifth grade. That way when school shootings happen, everyone can unload on the "shooter" and we can have 5 - 10 times as many casualties!!
I'm sure you'd get wood if that happened.

Please refrain from fantasizing about my penis. You're in danger of making me violently ill.

JakeStarkey's seen it and he said there's nothing worth fantasizing about

Who? I don't fraternize with men in that way. If you do, that's totally fine; it's your right to love whom you choose. But I'm not into that kinda thing. Whatever gay social circles you frequent are your own, and do not extend to me.

Now you're going with a rendition of you're rubber and I'm glue. Just the type of thing I expected from you

Hey man; rubber, glue, whatever; if it gets you off, by all means, have at it. You and your man/men are FREE to exercise your sexuality as you will, provided you're interfering with the sovereignty of no other corporeal, sentient body, enjoying its own rights and its own dignity.
Damn Rino’s — making conservatives look bad again.

You actually understand that? Amazing.
We banned guns from schools, just like you wanted. Even people with concealed carry permits trained to use their guns safely didn't have them. And your plan worked. No one had a gun and was able to defend themselves and shoot back. And 17 people died because of it.

You owe us an explanation. What is wrong with your plan? Why isn't it working?

Maybe you can ask your drug dealer why banning guns doesn't work the next time you buy a doobie ...


There is no federal law banning teachers or security guards from carrying guns in public elementary or public high schools...

Those are state or local laws, if there are any....that means the local voters decided to do such, if there are any that actually prevent it....is my understanding.

The federal laws do not permit students from bringing guns on school grounds, or establishments that are in the 1 mile surrounding public zone but not any private property. of which licenses to carry in those zones are permitted..

so, I CALL HOGWASH! Unless you can prove otherwise! ;)

You got it, my dear.

"The Gun-Free School Zones Act (GFSZA) is an act of the U.S. Congress prohibiting any unauthorized individual from knowingly possessing a loaded or unsecured firearm at a place that the individual knows, or has reasonable cause to believe, is a school zone as defined by 18 U.S.C. § 921(a)(25). The law applies to public, private, and parochial elementary schools and high schools."

Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990 - Wikipedia

Even though you're wrong, I don't get your argument how that lets leftists off the hook because you are fighting for schools to be gun free zones at every level.

Are you going to admit you were wrong now?

Hey, Bush Sr. is the one that signed it into law. How is that "leftist"?

I don't know how to answer that question. I would ask you in what possible way HW signing it makes it not leftist.

The rube HW always thought the reading his lips line was what made raising taxes wrong. It was raising taxes that was wrong. He screwed the students in Tiananmin square. He hiked government spending. In what way was HW not a leftist?

Wow...................Bush Sr. was elected to office as a Republican candidate in a time before the GOP was screaming about RINO's, and you're calling him a leftist?

You guys keep changing the rules and the terms when it appears to suit your agenda. No, Bush Sr. wasn't a leftist, he was a Republican conservative.
Hey man; rubber, glue, whatever; if it gets you off, by all means, have at it. You and your man/men are FREE to exercise your sexuality as you will, provided you're interfering with the sovereignty of no other corporeal, sentient body, enjoying its own rights and its own dignity.

We banned guns from schools, just like you wanted. Even people with concealed carry permits trained to use their guns safely didn't have them. And your plan worked. No one had a gun and was able to defend themselves and shoot back. And 17 people died because of it.

You owe us an explanation. What is wrong with your plan? Why isn't it working?

Maybe you can ask your drug dealer why banning guns doesn't work the next time you buy a doobie ...

Conservatives and Trump made their very first piece of major legislation passed, giving the mentally ill the right to buy guns.

The law repealed was Unconstitutional. You want to limit people's rights? Do it in court. It was a flagrant violation of the fifth amendment protection of due process.

Should government employees be able to put your name in a database and thereby remove your right to trial by jury or requiring a warrant to search your home? Unless your answer is yes, cut the stupid shit.

I am totally in favor of going to court and removing the right of disturbed people to carry a gun, BTW, don't move on to your stupid next stupid leftist answer that I want crazy people to have guns. But waive someone's rights based on the opinion of a government employee? No way

What a dumb fucking comment. Why? Because the first argument gun nutters go to is, "It's not a gun problem, it is a mental illness problem!" Hell, even the sponsor of the bill in 2017 to make it so that people with mental illness could buy guns, Chuck Grassley-R, came out the day after the Parkland shooting to say that the government needed laws to keep guns out of the hands of people with mental illness.

It's fucking stupid. The blood of the kids in Parkland are NOT on the hands of Liberals... they are on the hands of Conservatives. So YOU need to cut the stupid shit out.
Leftists owe the rest of us an explanation for the Florida shooting.

easy ... the dems MADE RW's join the NRA and fight tooth and nail for assault rifle freedom.


Funny, Nikolas Cruz wasn't wearing an NRA T-Shirt when he shot up the school.

Funny how you won't answer his question though.
"The Gun-Free School Zones Act (GFSZA) is an act of the U.S. Congress prohibiting any unauthorized individual from knowingly possessing a loaded or unsecured firearm at a place that the individual knows, or has reasonable cause to believe, is a school zone as defined by 18 U.S.C. § 921(a)(25). The law applies to public, private, and parochial elementary schools and high schools."
that's president Bush 1, not Clinton



U.S. Congress prohibiting any unauthorized individual....

teachers and security guards CAN BE AUTHORIZED, my dear!

so no, NOT ready to call uncle yet! :D

If you read the link, authorized means school districts can authorize them individually. So for example, they can hire security guards and authorize them to carry a gun.

Regardless, you said gun free zones are not Federal, and you're arguing the ... wait for it ... Gun-Free Zones Act doesn't prove that there is a Federal gun free zone law.

I knew you wouldn't man up to it. Before you were just wrong. Now you're a liar
Wow...................Bush Sr. was elected to office as a Republican candidate in a time before the GOP was screaming about RINO's, and you're calling him a leftist?

You guys keep changing the rules and the terms when it appears to suit your agenda. No, Bush Sr. wasn't a leftist, he was a Republican conservative.

The Bush family aligns itself with Globalists.
That's well known.

They're not so much Left as they are for themselves....using the easy path of manipulating people on the Left especially for their own ends.
It's fucking stupid. The blood of the kids in Parkland are NOT on the hands of Liberals... they are on the hands of Conservatives. So YOU need to cut the stupid shit out.

You know what's bullshit?

Saying the blood of these kids are on everyone else's hands but the killer's. Behold the hatred and division politics brings, when we blame the deaths of people we don't know on people we don't know. All because of their political inclination.
I'm sure you'd get wood if that happened.

Please refrain from fantasizing about my penis. You're in danger of making me violently ill.

JakeStarkey's seen it and he said there's nothing worth fantasizing about

Who? I don't fraternize with men in that way. If you do, that's totally fine; it's your right to love whom you choose. But I'm not into that kinda thing. Whatever gay social circles you frequent are your own, and do not extend to me.

Now you're going with a rendition of you're rubber and I'm glue. Just the type of thing I expected from you

Hey man; rubber, glue, whatever; if it gets you off, by all means, have at it. You and your man/men are FREE to exercise your sexuality as you will, provided you're interfering with the sovereignty of no other corporeal, sentient body, enjoying its own rights and its own dignity.

I like how you're just repeating back to me whatever I say to you, your playground intellect. Then you talk about "dignity." Classic
Please refrain from fantasizing about my penis. You're in danger of making me violently ill.

JakeStarkey's seen it and he said there's nothing worth fantasizing about

Who? I don't fraternize with men in that way. If you do, that's totally fine; it's your right to love whom you choose. But I'm not into that kinda thing. Whatever gay social circles you frequent are your own, and do not extend to me.

Now you're going with a rendition of you're rubber and I'm glue. Just the type of thing I expected from you

Hey man; rubber, glue, whatever; if it gets you off, by all means, have at it. You and your man/men are FREE to exercise your sexuality as you will, provided you're interfering with the sovereignty of no other corporeal, sentient body, enjoying its own rights and its own dignity.

I like how you're just repeating back to me whatever I say to you, your playground intellect. Then you talk about "dignity." Classic

I mean, what more do you think you deserve from me? A serious response?
Damn Rino’s — making conservatives look bad again.

You actually understand that? Amazing.
We banned guns from schools, just like you wanted. Even people with concealed carry permits trained to use their guns safely didn't have them. And your plan worked. No one had a gun and was able to defend themselves and shoot back. And 17 people died because of it.

You owe us an explanation. What is wrong with your plan? Why isn't it working?

Maybe you can ask your drug dealer why banning guns doesn't work the next time you buy a doobie ...


There is no federal law banning teachers or security guards from carrying guns in public elementary or public high schools...

Those are state or local laws, if there are any....that means the local voters decided to do such, if there are any that actually prevent it....is my understanding.

The federal laws do not permit students from bringing guns on school grounds, or establishments that are in the 1 mile surrounding public zone but not any private property. of which licenses to carry in those zones are permitted..

so, I CALL HOGWASH! Unless you can prove otherwise! ;)

You got it, my dear.

"The Gun-Free School Zones Act (GFSZA) is an act of the U.S. Congress prohibiting any unauthorized individual from knowingly possessing a loaded or unsecured firearm at a place that the individual knows, or has reasonable cause to believe, is a school zone as defined by 18 U.S.C. § 921(a)(25). The law applies to public, private, and parochial elementary schools and high schools."

Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990 - Wikipedia

Even though you're wrong, I don't get your argument how that lets leftists off the hook because you are fighting for schools to be gun free zones at every level.

Are you going to admit you were wrong now?

Hey, Bush Sr. is the one that signed it into law. How is that "leftist"?

I don't know how to answer that question. I would ask you in what possible way HW signing it makes it not leftist.

The rube HW always thought the reading his lips line was what made raising taxes wrong. It was raising taxes that was wrong. He screwed the students in Tiananmin square. He hiked government spending. In what way was HW not a leftist?

Wow...................Bush Sr. was elected to office as a Republican candidate in a time before the GOP was screaming about RINO's, and you're calling him a leftist?

You guys keep changing the rules and the terms when it appears to suit your agenda. No, Bush Sr. wasn't a leftist, he was a Republican conservative.

I originally left the Republican party because of HW's leftist tax and spend policies. Republicans never did give me a reason to come back. No, he was a RINO at the time whether we used that term or not. How old are you? Twelve?
JakeStarkey's seen it and he said there's nothing worth fantasizing about

Who? I don't fraternize with men in that way. If you do, that's totally fine; it's your right to love whom you choose. But I'm not into that kinda thing. Whatever gay social circles you frequent are your own, and do not extend to me.

Now you're going with a rendition of you're rubber and I'm glue. Just the type of thing I expected from you

Hey man; rubber, glue, whatever; if it gets you off, by all means, have at it. You and your man/men are FREE to exercise your sexuality as you will, provided you're interfering with the sovereignty of no other corporeal, sentient body, enjoying its own rights and its own dignity.

I like how you're just repeating back to me whatever I say to you, your playground intellect. Then you talk about "dignity." Classic

I mean, what more do you think you deserve from me? A serious response?

At this point, no, I don't expect a serious response from you. Why would I possibly do that?
What a dumb fucking comment. Why? Because the first argument gun nutters go to is, "It's not a gun problem, it is a mental illness problem!" Hell, even the sponsor of the bill in 2017 to make it so that people with mental illness could buy guns, Chuck Grassley-R, came out the day after the Parkland shooting to say that the government needed laws to keep guns out of the hands of people with mental illness.

It's fucking stupid. The blood of the kids in Parkland are NOT on the hands of Liberals... they are on the hands of Conservatives. So YOU need to cut the stupid shit out.

It is a mental health issue. Noone in their right mind would go shooting innocent people. I'm sure we're in agreement on that.

With over 300 million people in this nation, there are going to be a lot of unbalanced people. Rest assured as many as 1000 are right now thinking of shooting up a school or a large gathering of people.

We MUST get better a paying attention the the warning signs.

However, you can't change the Constitution for 300+ million people because of 1000 mentally ill persons.

If we could all just focus on bettering the process of catching these dangerous people before they act it would do a lot. Obviously, noone wants the mentally ill to have guns. We as a nation need to have a serious discussion on ways of dealing with the rising mental health crisis while preserving the liberty and safety of the people and the Constitution.

It's doable if everyone would just calm down and stop the knee-jerking
"Leftists owe the rest of us an explanation for the Florida shooting"

No, they don't.

We followed your plan, it was a gun free zone. 17 are dead. Damned straight you owe us an explanation for your failure

You did not follow any plan from the left. Asshole.

You and all the leftists on the board are clinging to gun free zones, liar.

Also, I remember now that I revoked your right to ask me questions because you scream like a bitch for me to answer your questions even when I'm not on the board, and you refuse to answer every question I ask you. I asked you how it possibly makes sense to have a CC, which has no purpose other than to defend yourself, yet you oppose teachers defending themselves even to save children. You run away every time.

Also, you never explained the relevance of how you kept asking me why the shooter stopped. I told you multiple times that he waited until he starting thinking the cops had enough time to arrive, then he tried to run out with the fleeing kids and his clothes were recognized by a cop who arrested him. So? What was your point?
Who? I don't fraternize with men in that way. If you do, that's totally fine; it's your right to love whom you choose. But I'm not into that kinda thing. Whatever gay social circles you frequent are your own, and do not extend to me.

Now you're going with a rendition of you're rubber and I'm glue. Just the type of thing I expected from you

Hey man; rubber, glue, whatever; if it gets you off, by all means, have at it. You and your man/men are FREE to exercise your sexuality as you will, provided you're interfering with the sovereignty of no other corporeal, sentient body, enjoying its own rights and its own dignity.

I like how you're just repeating back to me whatever I say to you, your playground intellect. Then you talk about "dignity." Classic

I mean, what more do you think you deserve from me? A serious response?

At this point, no, I don't expect a serious response from you. Why would I possibly do that?

You originally came after me due to a smartass response I made to another poster. So it's not as though you've given me cause to take you seriously. Not to mention you're now complaining because I'm making fun of you, yet at the same time acting as though it's a waste of time (it is). So why respond at all? I mean, I'm enjoying myself, but you seem to be in pain. Maybe you should swing down to the gay bar and get a load off. Then you'll feel better, I'm sure.

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