Leftists Taunt Ashli Babbitt’s Mother and J6 Prisoners Outside DC Gitmo: ‘You’re a F*cking Dumb B*tch! Insurrectionist!

Did anyone on this forum ever know about the "facility" in Washington D.C. where they have solitary confinement cells that are used to imprison Americans? I did not. But now I do. Violent crime is rampant in D.C. Are these "cels" being used to protect us or are they, in fact, being used to intimidate us?
Did anyone on this forum ever know about the "facility" in Washington D.C. where they have solitary confinement cells that are used to imprison Americans? I did not. But now I do. Violent crime is rampant in D.C. Are these "cels" being used to protect us or are they, in fact, being used to intimidate us?
the facility is called jail. it's where they put societal fuckups.
I challenge anyone to find another instance where a police officer has shot an unarmed woman, posing no immediate harm, without first using less lethal tactics.... in the face... and then have his identity hidden.. and experienced no repercussions or consequences to his career.
Oh no imp....this is not a run of the mill jail....far from it. It apparently is where "they" put political prisoners that they want to punish.
Oh no imp....this is not a run of the mill jail....far from it. It apparently is where "they" put political prisoners that they want to punish.
here is an idea. don't do stupid shit and wind up behind bars. it's a pretty simple concept to follow. millions do it every day.
You have to pay people to do it....lolololol.....................These people are so miserable with themselves....Fun to watch them suffer
Hey…they had to brainwash their cult members in public school and with subliminal messaging in shows on Disney + and Netflix. What do you expect. They need to be led around by the nose. 🤫
Hey…they had to brainwash their cult members in public school and with subliminal messaging in shows on Disney + and Netflix. What do you expect. They need to be led around by the nose. 🤫
you don't need the media to brainwash idiots.


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Your indiscretion is showing. Trump should be held accountable for Ashli's death because he drove her to the place of her death with his lies.
That is debatable. Biden killing 13 military people in Afghanistan is just one of his tickets to hell. Joe is guaranteed to be there for a half century of his accomplishments. He had one last chance. The seduction and abuse of power cemented it. Jill is going with him.
Imp...Many people do stupid stuff and end up "behind bars". The majority of J6 prisoners would most likely agree that they did stupid stuff and deserve punishment. However, when you look into the conditions of their incarceration and penal charges, a clear picture emerges, of political prisoners being overly harshly treated. Some may view this mistreatment as a "win" for their "team", but any thinking American can clearly see this as extremely dangerous waters that we are all wading in.
That is debatable. Biden killing 13 military people in Afghanistan is just one of his tickets to hell. Joe is guaranteed to be there for a half century of his accomplishments. He had one last chance. The seduction and abuse of power cemented it. Jill is going with him.
The whole Biden clan is a lost cause.
Clearly you do or they wouldn’t be taking programming and censorship instructions from the Puppet in chief along with social media.
I have no social media presence anywhere. And I don't take instruction from anyone.
That is debatable. Biden killing 13 military people in Afghanistan is just one of his tickets to hell. Joe is guaranteed to be there for a half century of his accomplishments. He had one last chance. The seduction and abuse of power cemented it. Jill is going with him.
Biden killed people? And yet you keep insisting he's senile and can't even get off his couch.

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