Leftists, You Did This to Yourself

No, I disagree. This election was all about the rich still getting their way, but playing the game with Trump pretending to be anti-establishment.

He was supposedly against what already existed, and yet the rich are probably going to do BETTER under the "anti-establishment" guy, oh, what a surprise. The people lose AGAIN, the powerful win AGAIN.

How does your premise even make sense when the rich and powerful were pouring millions into the campaign of Hillary Clinton...not Donald Trump? Clinton spent something like 1.3 billion dollars on this race...money that she got in large part from the wealthy and connected both here and abroad.

As for who the rich has done better under? The rich have gotten far wealthier under Obama than the Middle Class or the lower classes have. This election in large part was about those in the Middle Class deciding that progressive policies weren't making their lives better and those in the lower classes simply wanting someone in office who would make it possible for them to get a steady job with a decent paycheck. My point all along is that normally liberal voters didn't turn out for Clinton because they didn't see her as the solution to their problems but rather as a continuation of the same policies that Barack Obama gave us that led to one of the weakest economic recoveries in modern economic history.

How does it make sense? Well, not everything makes much sense, does it?

The Democratic Party aren't totally disconnected from the rich, the rich want the stability, the status quo and the Democrats are this as much as the Republicans are.

The rich have done better because the economy has done better. The poor have jobs or they don't have jobs, and those jobs won't pay much anyway. That's their lot in life and they'll never surge ahead. The rich often do well in bad times and good, money doesn't just disappear, it ends up in the banks of rich people and they don't spend it, this is how economic crises happen. However sometimes some people just make more money in good times.

I'd say the biggest problem people who have jobs see is that their lives are miserable. They think that Trump will offer them something they don't have, the same happened in the UK with Brexit. It's a feeling, it's emotion, it's about this unknown thing (that doesn't exist). Trump offered this hope "make America great again", Obama offered it, Hillary didn't. She didn't offer something that is fake and false to the people. You can see from a lot of the right wingers who are intent of talking about "butt hurt" and all that nonsense that they're gained happiness from Trump's win. Not from any real substance, not from getting a better job, or anything like that, but simply because "their guy" won and therefore this somehow makes them feel better about themselves, and then they can come on here and attempt to bully those who lose, and wow, their lives are even better.

It's sad.
What economy has done "better"?...
Not one single quarter during Obama's tenure had one where the annualized growth percentage was greater that 2.5%...And that happened twice. In 32 quarters.
The net average GDP growth since 2009 is less than 2%. In financial circles that is essentially flat.
This has nothing to do with the wealthy.
I find it fascinating how you left wingers can impugn the wealthy then completely ignore the fact that this nation's largest corps and wealthiest individuals are solid one way supporters of liberal causes and democrat candidates.
Most of Hillary Clinton's support came from those same large companies and wealthy individuals.
Stop the hypocrisy already
You've just handed our democracy over to billionaires and corporations. How do you feel about that stupid?
Which corporations?
Don;t bother asking. She has no idea
Geez, wake up, the exit pollsters LIED. Do you not understand that?

So you support the OP's claims, which are based on polls, but all polls lie.

You're fucking retarded.

Still want to tell us how Trump is leading in the popular vote?

The OP is about why you libs lost. are you in the right thread?

Then you should have read the OP.

Here's the first line:

“Clinton’s own polling people found the big turning point was when she called Trump voters a ‘basket of deplorables.’ "

I made a certain word bigger for you.

Yes, we get that (even without the large bold font). What you refuse to get is that those same pollsters continued the lie that she was still leading and that Trump had no path to 270 EC votes. The lied to you. Try to deal with that reality.

Nobody in the polling business EVER said Trump had no path to 270.

You're as bad a pathological liar as Trump.
That's nonsense. Every single poll, had Clinton leading every step of the way. The pundits never gave any indication that this election would go to Trump.

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