Leftists, You Did This to Yourself

That was amazingly stupid. At a time when the polls showed a close race and she needed to win over some Trump supporters, she bashed them. Gosh, I can't believe that didn't work the way she wanted. Usually when you call people names to insult them, they immediately want to support you.

I think the WikiLeaks hurt her, too. Knowing that she lied about so much didn't set well with people.

I knew some Hillary voters. I wouldn't call them supporters, but they said she had more experience than Trump. They were also MSNBC and CNN watchers, so they likely didn't hear much truth about Hillary.

I'm struggling with the logic. If they switched and voted for Hillary, then they weren't Trump supporters. Those who were going to vote Trump, ie, Trump supporters, were NEVER going to vote for Hillary.

Logic really ISN'T you strong suit, and your grasp of the obvious is pretty shaky as well.

And that would be because..........? How many people who voted for Trump in the primaries, wouldn't have voted for him in the election? Maybe those who died, and that'd be about it.

This election wasn't really about who voted for Trump, Frigid...it was more about who DIDN'T vote for Clinton and why they didn't turn out for her!

She alienated the young liberal vote with what Debbie Wasserman Schultz did to Bernie Sanders. Making DWS an "Honorary Chairperson" of the Clinton campaign right after she was forced to step down during the Democratic Convention was one of the dumbest political moves I've ever seen. It was a poke in the eye for all those people who supported Sanders and worked hard for him...one more example of Hillary Clinton thinking she was "entitled" to liberal votes.

Wrong. Thousands of union voters in the rust belt flipped from Democrat to Trump and that is what won him the 3 states he needed to win the electoral vote.
They and a lot of people who used their vote to smack the democrats for lying to them for the last 40 years.
The fact that Clinton could not hold those voters should tell you that the democrat party has a serious problem. One the leadership never thought existed.
Logic really ISN'T you strong suit, and your grasp of the obvious is pretty shaky as well.

And that would be because..........? How many people who voted for Trump in the primaries, wouldn't have voted for him in the election? Maybe those who died, and that'd be about it.

This election wasn't really about who voted for Trump, Frigid...it was more about who DIDN'T vote for Clinton and why they didn't turn out for her!

She alienated the young liberal vote with what Debbie Wasserman Schultz did to Bernie Sanders. Making DWS an "Honorary Chairperson" of the Clinton campaign right after she was forced to step down during the Democratic Convention was one of the dumbest political moves I've ever seen. It was a poke in the eye for all those people who supported Sanders and worked hard for him...one more example of Hillary Clinton thinking she was "entitled" to liberal votes.

Wrong. Thousands of union voters in the rust belt flipped from Democrat to Trump and that is what won him the 3 states he needed to win the electoral vote.

because to those people, jobs and a real future became more important than PC bullshit.

No. The union people, or labor generally, that supported Trump supported him because he presented himself as a protectionist. An anti-free trade, anti-NAFTA protectionist. Hillary Clinton was seen as the opposite.
Right. NAFTA, CAFTA and the TPP are seen by those in organized labor and the hundreds of towns and cities across the country that were decimated by free trade.
This election wasn't really about who voted for Trump, Frigid...it was more about who DIDN'T vote for Clinton and why they didn't turn out for her!

She alienated the young liberal vote with what Debbie Wasserman Schultz did to Bernie Sanders. Making DWS an "Honorary Chairperson" of the Clinton campaign right after she was forced to step down during the Democratic Convention was one of the dumbest political moves I've ever seen. It was a poke in the eye for all those people who supported Sanders and worked hard for him...one more example of Hillary Clinton thinking she was "entitled" to liberal votes.

Wrong. Thousands of union voters in the rust belt flipped from Democrat to Trump and that is what won him the 3 states he needed to win the electoral vote.

because to those people, jobs and a real future became more important than PC bullshit.

No. The union people, or labor generally, that supported Trump supported him because he presented himself as a protectionist. An anti-free trade, anti-NAFTA protectionist. Hillary Clinton was seen as the opposite.


No group that wants higher pay and benefits for its members will support a party that wants to bring in millions of people that drive wages and benefits downward.

The exit polls don't support your claim.
As we have seen, exit polls are no more reliable than pre election polls.
It is not the rank and file that supported open borders. It is the union bosses who see these people as potential future members
SEIU is the most vocal supporter of open borders and amnesty.
because to those people, jobs and a real future became more important than PC bullshit.

No. The union people, or labor generally, that supported Trump supported him because he presented himself as a protectionist. An anti-free trade, anti-NAFTA protectionist. Hillary Clinton was seen as the opposite.


No group that wants higher pay and benefits for its members will support a party that wants to bring in millions of people that drive wages and benefits downward.

The exit polls don't support your claim.

Geez, wake up, the exit pollsters LIED. Do you not understand that?

So you support the OP's claims, which are based on polls, but all polls lie.

You're fucking retarded.

Still want to tell us how Trump is leading in the popular vote?
Doesn't matter. The EC vote is the decider.
That was amazingly stupid. At a time when the polls showed a close race and she needed to win over some Trump supporters, she bashed them. Gosh, I can't believe that didn't work the way she wanted. Usually when you call people names to insult them, they immediately want to support you.

I think the WikiLeaks hurt her, too. Knowing that she lied about so much didn't set well with people.

I knew some Hillary voters. I wouldn't call them supporters, but they said she had more experience than Trump. They were also MSNBC and CNN watchers, so they likely didn't hear much truth about Hillary.

I'm struggling with the logic. If they switched and voted for Hillary, then they weren't Trump supporters. Those who were going to vote Trump, ie, Trump supporters, were NEVER going to vote for Hillary.

Logic really ISN'T you strong suit, and your grasp of the obvious is pretty shaky as well.

And that would be because..........? How many people who voted for Trump in the primaries, wouldn't have voted for him in the election? Maybe those who died, and that'd be about it.

This election wasn't really about who voted for Trump, Frigid...it was more about who DIDN'T vote for Clinton and why they didn't turn out for her!

She alienated the young liberal vote with what Debbie Wasserman Schultz did to Bernie Sanders. Making DWS an "Honorary Chairperson" of the Clinton campaign right after she was forced to step down during the Democratic Convention was one of the dumbest political moves I've ever seen. It was a poke in the eye for all those people who supported Sanders and worked hard for him...one more example of Hillary Clinton thinking she was "entitled" to liberal votes.

No, I disagree. This election was all about the rich still getting their way, but playing the game with Trump pretending to be anti-establishment.

He was supposedly against what already existed, and yet the rich are probably going to do BETTER under the "anti-establishment" guy, oh, what a surprise. The people lose AGAIN, the powerful win AGAIN.

How does your premise even make sense when the rich and powerful were pouring millions into the campaign of Hillary Clinton...not Donald Trump? Clinton spent something like 1.3 billion dollars on this race...money that she got in large part from the wealthy and connected both here and abroad.

As for who the rich has done better under? The rich have gotten far wealthier under Obama than the Middle Class or the lower classes have. This election in large part was about those in the Middle Class deciding that progressive policies weren't making their lives better and those in the lower classes simply wanting someone in office who would make it possible for them to get a steady job with a decent paycheck. My point all along is that normally liberal voters didn't turn out for Clinton because they didn't see her as the solution to their problems but rather as a continuation of the same policies that Barack Obama gave us that led to one of the weakest economic recoveries in modern economic history.
“Clinton’s own polling people found the big turning point was when she called Trump voters a ‘basket of deplorables.’ Americans don’t like being talked down to, and had already gotten rid of Romney for the same sin. The spectacle of Clinton taking hundreds of thousands of dollars to give a speech to the people who put them out of their homes in 2008-9 also turned many of them off so that they stayed home, while another section of them decided to take a chance on Trump. He will screw them over, but from their point of view, they worried that she might have, as well. Trump was promising to stop the hemorrhaging of jobs via protectionism, whereas everyone understood that Sec. Clinton’s first instinct was to do TPP and send more jobs to Asia. So it was Clinton’s public persona and public positions that hurt her and depressed Democratic turnout in places like Detroit and Flint, not anything in Wikileaks (can anyone name even one newsworthy email?)”

No, America, it wasn't Russia: You did it to Yourself

So, Trump insults, insults, insults and insults, then Hillary makes one insult and it cost her the election?

Did I just hear someone say the US is totally fucked up?

So who did Trump insult in mass? Hillary basically said that Trump voters are homophobic, racist, sexist, pigs. Yeah, I think that one insult pales in comparison to whatever Trump said. She insulted tens of millions of people in that one comment.

What you on the left don't understand is the country is growing weary with these categories you place everybody in. If you say Obama is an idiot, it's not long before some brainwashed lefty comes along and claims the comment was racist.

People are sick of it already. It was old 20 years ago and it's old today.
Weirdo is just spewing. Its the same meltdown crap we saw late Nov 8th and all day on the 9th. Tuning into the lefty cable news channels such as CNN and MSNBC and watching those left wing extremist talking heads cringe and cry was comical

It's okay, I understand their anger. The country is swinging to the right like we've never seen before. Between the federal, state, and local governments, DumBama caused them to lose hundreds and hundreds of seats across the land.

They were so self convinced that the GOP was the party of the past; the party of old white men; the dying party, that when they discovered it was their party that was actually dying, it was a reality check.

The anger is not at who won or who lost. Like I said, I've never voted either party. The anger is at people acting like children and unable to get through a post without resorting to childish tactics. You can choose to debate properly, or you can choose to be childish, if it is the latter I'll leave you alone.
because to those people, jobs and a real future became more important than PC bullshit.

No. The union people, or labor generally, that supported Trump supported him because he presented himself as a protectionist. An anti-free trade, anti-NAFTA protectionist. Hillary Clinton was seen as the opposite.


No group that wants higher pay and benefits for its members will support a party that wants to bring in millions of people that drive wages and benefits downward.

The exit polls don't support your claim.

With all due respect, Carbineer...the exit polls didn't support much of anything...just saying. They got it so wrong it's almost laughable.

The exit polls show exactly how Trump won states like Ohio, Wisconsin, and Michigan.
What fucking difference does it make? All that matters is the results. We don't care how we go here.
Of course, you libs are looking for comfort so you keep trotting out the excuses and theories to make yourselves feel better about your loss.
No. The union people, or labor generally, that supported Trump supported him because he presented himself as a protectionist. An anti-free trade, anti-NAFTA protectionist. Hillary Clinton was seen as the opposite.


No group that wants higher pay and benefits for its members will support a party that wants to bring in millions of people that drive wages and benefits downward.

The exit polls don't support your claim.

With all due respect, Carbineer...the exit polls didn't support much of anything...just saying. They got it so wrong it's almost laughable.

The exit polls show exactly how Trump won states like Ohio, Wisconsin, and Michigan.

Exit polls are only reliable if people answer the questions honestly. When you on the left promote that Trump supporters are generally uneducated racist white deplorable people, how can you expect to get honest exit poll results when you ask them who they voted for?
Excellent point. Trump supporters got pretty sick and tired of being impugned insulted excluded and attacked because they supported Trump.
I actually had a co-worker with whom I got along quite well tell me that I had better not vote for Trump, or she would stop talking to me.
What the hell is that all about?.....
Are you typing from your safe space now?

You think your zingers will protext you from the same bunch you feared just a month ago? Bankers, insiders, elitist and you defend them as if there is something in it for you. Sad.
No snowflake....Trump will do that!!!!!!

I've never felt safeer from you fascist democrats.....

Trump will protect you from the people he told you to fear and then hired? ROFLMAO!!!!

You down't grasp draining the swamp because you are the swamp, klown

Like someone said the other day, Trump is draining the swamp,

right into his administration.
Left wing talking point.

No group that wants higher pay and benefits for its members will support a party that wants to bring in millions of people that drive wages and benefits downward.

The exit polls don't support your claim.

With all due respect, Carbineer...the exit polls didn't support much of anything...just saying. They got it so wrong it's almost laughable.

The exit polls show exactly how Trump won states like Ohio, Wisconsin, and Michigan.

Exit polls are only reliable if people answer the questions honestly. When you on the left promote that Trump supporters are generally uneducated racist white deplorable people, how can you expect to get honest exit poll results when you ask them who they voted for?

IOW, if the exit polls don't support something you agree with, they must be wrong.


The exit polls said that 42% of voters think international trade takes American jobs.

Trump won those voters 2 to 1.

You think that's about people LYING? What are they lying about?
no...The exit polls were wrong because Hillary Clinton did not win the election.
I'm struggling with the logic. If they switched and voted for Hillary, then they weren't Trump supporters. Those who were going to vote Trump, ie, Trump supporters, were NEVER going to vote for Hillary.

Logic really ISN'T you strong suit, and your grasp of the obvious is pretty shaky as well.

And that would be because..........? How many people who voted for Trump in the primaries, wouldn't have voted for him in the election? Maybe those who died, and that'd be about it.

This election wasn't really about who voted for Trump, Frigid...it was more about who DIDN'T vote for Clinton and why they didn't turn out for her!

She alienated the young liberal vote with what Debbie Wasserman Schultz did to Bernie Sanders. Making DWS an "Honorary Chairperson" of the Clinton campaign right after she was forced to step down during the Democratic Convention was one of the dumbest political moves I've ever seen. It was a poke in the eye for all those people who supported Sanders and worked hard for him...one more example of Hillary Clinton thinking she was "entitled" to liberal votes.

No, I disagree. This election was all about the rich still getting their way, but playing the game with Trump pretending to be anti-establishment.

He was supposedly against what already existed, and yet the rich are probably going to do BETTER under the "anti-establishment" guy, oh, what a surprise. The people lose AGAIN, the powerful win AGAIN.

How does your premise even make sense when the rich and powerful were pouring millions into the campaign of Hillary Clinton...not Donald Trump? Clinton spent something like 1.3 billion dollars on this race...money that she got in large part from the wealthy and connected both here and abroad.

As for who the rich has done better under? The rich have gotten far wealthier under Obama than the Middle Class or the lower classes have. This election in large part was about those in the Middle Class deciding that progressive policies weren't making their lives better and those in the lower classes simply wanting someone in office who would make it possible for them to get a steady job with a decent paycheck. My point all along is that normally liberal voters didn't turn out for Clinton because they didn't see her as the solution to their problems but rather as a continuation of the same policies that Barack Obama gave us that led to one of the weakest economic recoveries in modern economic history.

How does it make sense? Well, not everything makes much sense, does it?

The Democratic Party aren't totally disconnected from the rich, the rich want the stability, the status quo and the Democrats are this as much as the Republicans are.

The rich have done better because the economy has done better. The poor have jobs or they don't have jobs, and those jobs won't pay much anyway. That's their lot in life and they'll never surge ahead. The rich often do well in bad times and good, money doesn't just disappear, it ends up in the banks of rich people and they don't spend it, this is how economic crises happen. However sometimes some people just make more money in good times.

I'd say the biggest problem people who have jobs see is that their lives are miserable. They think that Trump will offer them something they don't have, the same happened in the UK with Brexit. It's a feeling, it's emotion, it's about this unknown thing (that doesn't exist). Trump offered this hope "make America great again", Obama offered it, Hillary didn't. She didn't offer something that is fake and false to the people. You can see from a lot of the right wingers who are intent of talking about "butt hurt" and all that nonsense that they're gained happiness from Trump's win. Not from any real substance, not from getting a better job, or anything like that, but simply because "their guy" won and therefore this somehow makes them feel better about themselves, and then they can come on here and attempt to bully those who lose, and wow, their lives are even better.

It's sad.
Logic really ISN'T you strong suit, and your grasp of the obvious is pretty shaky as well.

And that would be because..........? How many people who voted for Trump in the primaries, wouldn't have voted for him in the election? Maybe those who died, and that'd be about it.

This election wasn't really about who voted for Trump, Frigid...it was more about who DIDN'T vote for Clinton and why they didn't turn out for her!

She alienated the young liberal vote with what Debbie Wasserman Schultz did to Bernie Sanders. Making DWS an "Honorary Chairperson" of the Clinton campaign right after she was forced to step down during the Democratic Convention was one of the dumbest political moves I've ever seen. It was a poke in the eye for all those people who supported Sanders and worked hard for him...one more example of Hillary Clinton thinking she was "entitled" to liberal votes.

No, I disagree. This election was all about the rich still getting their way, but playing the game with Trump pretending to be anti-establishment.

He was supposedly against what already existed, and yet the rich are probably going to do BETTER under the "anti-establishment" guy, oh, what a surprise. The people lose AGAIN, the powerful win AGAIN.

How does your premise even make sense when the rich and powerful were pouring millions into the campaign of Hillary Clinton...not Donald Trump? Clinton spent something like 1.3 billion dollars on this race...money that she got in large part from the wealthy and connected both here and abroad.

As for who the rich has done better under? The rich have gotten far wealthier under Obama than the Middle Class or the lower classes have. This election in large part was about those in the Middle Class deciding that progressive policies weren't making their lives better and those in the lower classes simply wanting someone in office who would make it possible for them to get a steady job with a decent paycheck. My point all along is that normally liberal voters didn't turn out for Clinton because they didn't see her as the solution to their problems but rather as a continuation of the same policies that Barack Obama gave us that led to one of the weakest economic recoveries in modern economic history.

How does it make sense? Well, not everything makes much sense, does it?

The Democratic Party aren't totally disconnected from the rich, the rich want the stability, the status quo and the Democrats are this as much as the Republicans are.

The rich have done better because the economy has done better. The poor have jobs or they don't have jobs, and those jobs won't pay much anyway. That's their lot in life and they'll never surge ahead. The rich often do well in bad times and good, money doesn't just disappear, it ends up in the banks of rich people and they don't spend it, this is how economic crises happen. However sometimes some people just make more money in good times.

I'd say the biggest problem people who have jobs see is that their lives are miserable. They think that Trump will offer them something they don't have, the same happened in the UK with Brexit. It's a feeling, it's emotion, it's about this unknown thing (that doesn't exist). Trump offered this hope "make America great again", Obama offered it, Hillary didn't. She didn't offer something that is fake and false to the people. You can see from a lot of the right wingers who are intent of talking about "butt hurt" and all that nonsense that they're gained happiness from Trump's win. Not from any real substance, not from getting a better job, or anything like that, but simply because "their guy" won and therefore this somehow makes them feel better about themselves, and then they can come on here and attempt to bully those who lose, and wow, their lives are even better.

It's sad.

Who are you kidding, Frigid! The rich made a killing off interest free money they were able to invest in the stock market while the rest of America couldn't qualify for a loan! Why? Because Barry's only means to keep the stock market from cratering was doing non stop quantitative easing for most of his Presidency.

It's the poor's "lot in life" to have jobs that don't pay much? Since when? This is America...the land of opportunity...a place that people from all over the planet tried to get into because through hard work you could improve your lot in life. Forty years of liberal policies have reduced us to the point where people like you think that the poor are doomed to always be poor and their only means of survival is government subsidies. THAT is sad!
“Clinton’s own polling people found the big turning point was when she called Trump voters a ‘basket of deplorables.’ Americans don’t like being talked down to, and had already gotten rid of Romney for the same sin. The spectacle of Clinton taking hundreds of thousands of dollars to give a speech to the people who put them out of their homes in 2008-9 also turned many of them off so that they stayed home, while another section of them decided to take a chance on Trump. He will screw them over, but from their point of view, they worried that she might have, as well. Trump was promising to stop the hemorrhaging of jobs via protectionism, whereas everyone understood that Sec. Clinton’s first instinct was to do TPP and send more jobs to Asia. So it was Clinton’s public persona and public positions that hurt her and depressed Democratic turnout in places like Detroit and Flint, not anything in Wikileaks (can anyone name even one newsworthy email?)”

No, America, it wasn't Russia: You did it to Yourself

So, Trump insults, insults, insults and insults, then Hillary makes one insult and it cost her the election?

Did I just hear someone say the US is totally fucked up?

So who did Trump insult in mass? Hillary basically said that Trump voters are homophobic, racist, sexist, pigs. Yeah, I think that one insult pales in comparison to whatever Trump said. She insulted tens of millions of people in that one comment.

What you on the left don't understand is the country is growing weary with these categories you place everybody in. If you say Obama is an idiot, it's not long before some brainwashed lefty comes along and claims the comment was racist.

People are sick of it already. It was old 20 years ago and it's old today.
Weirdo is just spewing. Its the same meltdown crap we saw late Nov 8th and all day on the 9th. Tuning into the lefty cable news channels such as CNN and MSNBC and watching those left wing extremist talking heads cringe and cry was comical

It's okay, I understand their anger. The country is swinging to the right like we've never seen before. Between the federal, state, and local governments, DumBama caused them to lose hundreds and hundreds of seats across the land.

They were so self convinced that the GOP was the party of the past; the party of old white men; the dying party, that when they discovered it was their party that was actually dying, it was a reality check.

The anger is not at who won or who lost. Like I said, I've never voted either party. The anger is at people acting like children and unable to get through a post without resorting to childish tactics. You can choose to debate properly, or you can choose to be childish, if it is the latter I'll leave you alone.

You're not a leftist? You think you can set the rules for debate but nobody else can? You decide what a proper debate is? I guess it's from the same cut of cloth that says leftists can only decide what a "fair share" is.

Sorry, but you don't create the rules here. You either debate or you don't. If you decide your adversaries don't meet your credentials, then respond only if you desire. The rest of us will carry on.
So, Trump insults, insults, insults and insults, then Hillary makes one insult and it cost her the election?

Did I just hear someone say the US is totally fucked up?

So who did Trump insult in mass? Hillary basically said that Trump voters are homophobic, racist, sexist, pigs. Yeah, I think that one insult pales in comparison to whatever Trump said. She insulted tens of millions of people in that one comment.

What you on the left don't understand is the country is growing weary with these categories you place everybody in. If you say Obama is an idiot, it's not long before some brainwashed lefty comes along and claims the comment was racist.

People are sick of it already. It was old 20 years ago and it's old today.
Weirdo is just spewing. Its the same meltdown crap we saw late Nov 8th and all day on the 9th. Tuning into the lefty cable news channels such as CNN and MSNBC and watching those left wing extremist talking heads cringe and cry was comical

It's okay, I understand their anger. The country is swinging to the right like we've never seen before. Between the federal, state, and local governments, DumBama caused them to lose hundreds and hundreds of seats across the land.

They were so self convinced that the GOP was the party of the past; the party of old white men; the dying party, that when they discovered it was their party that was actually dying, it was a reality check.

The anger is not at who won or who lost. Like I said, I've never voted either party. The anger is at people acting like children and unable to get through a post without resorting to childish tactics. You can choose to debate properly, or you can choose to be childish, if it is the latter I'll leave you alone.

You're not a leftist? You think you can set the rules for debate but nobody else can? You decide what a proper debate is? I guess it's from the same cut of cloth that says leftists can only decide what a "fair share" is.

Sorry, but you don't create the rules here. You either debate or you don't. If you decide your adversaries don't meet your credentials, then respond only if you desire. The rest of us will carry on.

Yes, I can decide what a proper debate is, and if it doesn't meet my criteria then I'm perfectly entitled to say I'm not doing this childish shit. Is that okay with you?

If two people have a debate, then they set the rules. These are my rules, either live with them, or go be a child and play with the other people who couldn't make a decent argument if it hit them flat in the face. Really, I don't care. I come on here to have an adult discussion. You just tell me if you're not grown up enough to get through a whole post without acting like a child and I will keep away from you and let you play in kindergarden.

Your choice dude.
“Clinton’s own polling people found the big turning point was when she called Trump voters a ‘basket of deplorables.’ Americans don’t like being talked down to, and had already gotten rid of Romney for the same sin. The spectacle of Clinton taking hundreds of thousands of dollars to give a speech to the people who put them out of their homes in 2008-9 also turned many of them off so that they stayed home, while another section of them decided to take a chance on Trump. He will screw them over, but from their point of view, they worried that she might have, as well. Trump was promising to stop the hemorrhaging of jobs via protectionism, whereas everyone understood that Sec. Clinton’s first instinct was to do TPP and send more jobs to Asia. So it was Clinton’s public persona and public positions that hurt her and depressed Democratic turnout in places like Detroit and Flint, not anything in Wikileaks (can anyone name even one newsworthy email?)”

No, America, it wasn't Russia: You did it to Yourself

So, Trump insults, insults, insults and insults, then Hillary makes one insult and it cost her the election?

Did I just hear someone say the US is totally fucked up?
Also you sexual pervert want men in girls locker rooms. Americans had enough, expect Californians home of the fruits and nuts.

Dude, work on your English first.
“Clinton’s own polling people found the big turning point was when she called Trump voters a ‘basket of deplorables.’ Americans don’t like being talked down to, and had already gotten rid of Romney for the same sin. The spectacle of Clinton taking hundreds of thousands of dollars to give a speech to the people who put them out of their homes in 2008-9 also turned many of them off so that they stayed home, while another section of them decided to take a chance on Trump. He will screw them over, but from their point of view, they worried that she might have, as well. Trump was promising to stop the hemorrhaging of jobs via protectionism, whereas everyone understood that Sec. Clinton’s first instinct was to do TPP and send more jobs to Asia. So it was Clinton’s public persona and public positions that hurt her and depressed Democratic turnout in places like Detroit and Flint, not anything in Wikileaks (can anyone name even one newsworthy email?)”

No, America, it wasn't Russia: You did it to Yourself
The American people did this to themselves by not showing up to vote in 2010 to throw out the obstructionists. Same in 2014 and 2016. Poor people just fucked themselves as well as blue collar lower middle class
I love this term "obstruction" we get from you lefties.
There is no such thing.
Such an idea presupposes the notion that Congress exists to do the bidding of the Executive Branch.
What you whiners refer to as obstruction, is actually the checks and balances the Founders placed into the formation of our government.
I happen to think that the people who turned away from the democrat party to vote for Trump got sick and tired iof being pandered to and patronized by the democrat party and then being ignored once the campaign was over.
They did not screw themselves. They voted for their shot at prosperity. Which if they decide to participate, will come their way.
They turned away from a GOP member being potus too.

The American people fucked up. Just like you think they did when they elected Obama except they really fucked up this time. You'll see
“Clinton’s own polling people found the big turning point was when she called Trump voters a ‘basket of deplorables.’ Americans don’t like being talked down to, and had already gotten rid of Romney for the same sin. The spectacle of Clinton taking hundreds of thousands of dollars to give a speech to the people who put them out of their homes in 2008-9 also turned many of them off so that they stayed home, while another section of them decided to take a chance on Trump. He will screw them over, but from their point of view, they worried that she might have, as well. Trump was promising to stop the hemorrhaging of jobs via protectionism, whereas everyone understood that Sec. Clinton’s first instinct was to do TPP and send more jobs to Asia. So it was Clinton’s public persona and public positions that hurt her and depressed Democratic turnout in places like Detroit and Flint, not anything in Wikileaks (can anyone name even one newsworthy email?)”

No, America, it wasn't Russia: You did it to Yourself
The American people did this to themselves by not showing up to vote in 2010 to throw out the obstructionists. Same in 2014 and 2016. Poor people just fucked themselves as well as blue collar lower middle class
I love this term "obstruction" we get from you lefties.
There is no such thing.
Such an idea presupposes the notion that Congress exists to do the bidding of the Executive Branch.
What you whiners refer to as obstruction, is actually the checks and balances the Founders placed into the formation of our government.
I happen to think that the people who turned away from the democrat party to vote for Trump got sick and tired iof being pandered to and patronized by the democrat party and then being ignored once the campaign was over.
They did not screw themselves. They voted for their shot at prosperity. Which if they decide to participate, will come their way.
They turned away from a GOP member being potus too.

The American people fucked up. Just like you think they did when they elected Obama except they really fucked up this time. You'll see

With all due respect, Sealy...one could make the argument that it was the Progressive Wing of the Democratic Party that "fucked up"! Back in 2008 the Middle Class wanted someone to help them with out of control healthcare costs and gave Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi an opportunity to "fix" healthcare. Instead of doing so however, those three deliberately lied to the American people as they pushed through the "Affordable Care Act"...something that was nothing more than an income redistribution scheme in which the Middle Class would subsidize the cost of healthcare for the poor. This election was simply the chickens coming home to roost from all those lies.
“Clinton’s own polling people found the big turning point was when she called Trump voters a ‘basket of deplorables.’ Americans don’t like being talked down to, and had already gotten rid of Romney for the same sin. The spectacle of Clinton taking hundreds of thousands of dollars to give a speech to the people who put them out of their homes in 2008-9 also turned many of them off so that they stayed home, while another section of them decided to take a chance on Trump. He will screw them over, but from their point of view, they worried that she might have, as well. Trump was promising to stop the hemorrhaging of jobs via protectionism, whereas everyone understood that Sec. Clinton’s first instinct was to do TPP and send more jobs to Asia. So it was Clinton’s public persona and public positions that hurt her and depressed Democratic turnout in places like Detroit and Flint, not anything in Wikileaks (can anyone name even one newsworthy email?)”

No, America, it wasn't Russia: You did it to Yourself
The American people did this to themselves by not showing up to vote in 2010 to throw out the obstructionists. Same in 2014 and 2016. Poor people just fucked themselves as well as blue collar lower middle class
I love this term "obstruction" we get from you lefties.
There is no such thing.
Such an idea presupposes the notion that Congress exists to do the bidding of the Executive Branch.
What you whiners refer to as obstruction, is actually the checks and balances the Founders placed into the formation of our government.
I happen to think that the people who turned away from the democrat party to vote for Trump got sick and tired iof being pandered to and patronized by the democrat party and then being ignored once the campaign was over.
They did not screw themselves. They voted for their shot at prosperity. Which if they decide to participate, will come their way.
They turned away from a GOP member being potus too.

The American people fucked up. Just like you think they did when they elected Obama except they really fucked up this time. You'll see

With all due respect, Sealy...one could make the argument that it was the Progressive Wing of the Democratic Party that "fucked up"! Back in 2008 the Middle Class wanted someone to help them with out of control healthcare costs and gave Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi an opportunity to "fix" healthcare. Instead of doing so however, those three deliberately lied to the American people as they pushed through the "Affordable Care Act"...something that was nothing more than an income redistribution scheme in which the Middle Class would subsidize the cost of healthcare for the poor. This election was simply the chickens coming home to roost from all those lies.

I think the people who got Obama elected are just lazy and racist and ignorant and didn't show up in 2010, just like they didn't show up in 2014. But notice they showed up in 2012? Why weren't "they" upset in 2012? This is why your theory is wrong. And why didn't the poor ignorant lazy idiots who got healthcare because of Obama show up and vote? Do you see? They let themselves down. They let the Democratic party down.

But I agree the GOP's constant bitching about the ACA helped get Trump elected. But that doesn't explain why Trump beat the GOP in the GOP primaries. Can you explain that?

And they didn't deliberately lie. We wanted single payer and the healtcare giants didn't let that have a seat at the table. The entire system is corrupt. Even when we tried to reform healthcare the bad actors were in charge. You people are fucked.
“Clinton’s own polling people found the big turning point was when she called Trump voters a ‘basket of deplorables.’ Americans don’t like being talked down to, and had already gotten rid of Romney for the same sin. The spectacle of Clinton taking hundreds of thousands of dollars to give a speech to the people who put them out of their homes in 2008-9 also turned many of them off so that they stayed home, while another section of them decided to take a chance on Trump. He will screw them over, but from their point of view, they worried that she might have, as well. Trump was promising to stop the hemorrhaging of jobs via protectionism, whereas everyone understood that Sec. Clinton’s first instinct was to do TPP and send more jobs to Asia. So it was Clinton’s public persona and public positions that hurt her and depressed Democratic turnout in places like Detroit and Flint, not anything in Wikileaks (can anyone name even one newsworthy email?)”

No, America, it wasn't Russia: You did it to Yourself
The American people did this to themselves by not showing up to vote in 2010 to throw out the obstructionists. Same in 2014 and 2016. Poor people just fucked themselves as well as blue collar lower middle class
I love this term "obstruction" we get from you lefties.
There is no such thing.
Such an idea presupposes the notion that Congress exists to do the bidding of the Executive Branch.
What you whiners refer to as obstruction, is actually the checks and balances the Founders placed into the formation of our government.
I happen to think that the people who turned away from the democrat party to vote for Trump got sick and tired iof being pandered to and patronized by the democrat party and then being ignored once the campaign was over.
They did not screw themselves. They voted for their shot at prosperity. Which if they decide to participate, will come their way.
They turned away from a GOP member being potus too.

The American people fucked up. Just like you think they did when they elected Obama except they really fucked up this time. You'll see

With all due respect, Sealy...one could make the argument that it was the Progressive Wing of the Democratic Party that "fucked up"! Back in 2008 the Middle Class wanted someone to help them with out of control healthcare costs and gave Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi an opportunity to "fix" healthcare. Instead of doing so however, those three deliberately lied to the American people as they pushed through the "Affordable Care Act"...something that was nothing more than an income redistribution scheme in which the Middle Class would subsidize the cost of healthcare for the poor. This election was simply the chickens coming home to roost from all those lies.

I think the people who got Obama elected are just lazy and racist and ignorant and didn't show up in 2010, just like they didn't show up in 2014. But notice they showed up in 2012? Why weren't "they" upset in 2012? This is why your theory is wrong. And why didn't the poor ignorant lazy idiots who got healthcare because of Obama show up and vote? Do you see? They let themselves down. They let the Democratic party down.

But I agree the GOP's constant bitching about the ACA helped get Trump elected. But that doesn't explain why Trump beat the GOP in the GOP primaries. Can you explain that?

And they didn't deliberately lie. We wanted single payer and the healtcare giants didn't let that have a seat at the table. The entire system is corrupt. Even when we tried to reform healthcare the bad actors were in charge. You people are fucked.

The problem was that people liked DumBama personally, but his policies sucked. That's what explains the historic midterm sweeps by the Republicans. In spite of all our problems in this country, DumBama still has high favorable ratings.

The Democrat party screwed up by thinking DumBama's success was because of their positions and policies. Hillary just picked up the ball and ran with it. As we seen, Hilary is no Obama. He was liked personally, she wasn't.

The Republican party is a torn party and has been for a while. Trump won because Republican voters were sick of promises that never materialized; the biggest one immigration. Trump won out of retaliation.
“Clinton’s own polling people found the big turning point was when she called Trump voters a ‘basket of deplorables.’ Americans don’t like being talked down to, and had already gotten rid of Romney for the same sin. The spectacle of Clinton taking hundreds of thousands of dollars to give a speech to the people who put them out of their homes in 2008-9 also turned many of them off so that they stayed home, while another section of them decided to take a chance on Trump. He will screw them over, but from their point of view, they worried that she might have, as well. Trump was promising to stop the hemorrhaging of jobs via protectionism, whereas everyone understood that Sec. Clinton’s first instinct was to do TPP and send more jobs to Asia. So it was Clinton’s public persona and public positions that hurt her and depressed Democratic turnout in places like Detroit and Flint, not anything in Wikileaks (can anyone name even one newsworthy email?)”

No, America, it wasn't Russia: You did it to Yourself
The American people did this to themselves by not showing up to vote in 2010 to throw out the obstructionists. Same in 2014 and 2016. Poor people just fucked themselves as well as blue collar lower middle class
I love this term "obstruction" we get from you lefties.
There is no such thing.
Such an idea presupposes the notion that Congress exists to do the bidding of the Executive Branch.
What you whiners refer to as obstruction, is actually the checks and balances the Founders placed into the formation of our government.
I happen to think that the people who turned away from the democrat party to vote for Trump got sick and tired iof being pandered to and patronized by the democrat party and then being ignored once the campaign was over.
They did not screw themselves. They voted for their shot at prosperity. Which if they decide to participate, will come their way.
They turned away from a GOP member being potus too.

The American people fucked up. Just like you think they did when they elected Obama except they really fucked up this time. You'll see

With all due respect, Sealy...one could make the argument that it was the Progressive Wing of the Democratic Party that "fucked up"! Back in 2008 the Middle Class wanted someone to help them with out of control healthcare costs and gave Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi an opportunity to "fix" healthcare. Instead of doing so however, those three deliberately lied to the American people as they pushed through the "Affordable Care Act"...something that was nothing more than an income redistribution scheme in which the Middle Class would subsidize the cost of healthcare for the poor. This election was simply the chickens coming home to roost from all those lies.

I think the people who got Obama elected are just lazy and racist and ignorant and didn't show up in 2010, just like they didn't show up in 2014. But notice they showed up in 2012? Why weren't "they" upset in 2012? This is why your theory is wrong. And why didn't the poor ignorant lazy idiots who got healthcare because of Obama show up and vote? Do you see? They let themselves down. They let the Democratic party down.

But I agree the GOP's constant bitching about the ACA helped get Trump elected. But that doesn't explain why Trump beat the GOP in the GOP primaries. Can you explain that?

And they didn't deliberately lie. We wanted single payer and the healtcare giants didn't let that have a seat at the table. The entire system is corrupt. Even when we tried to reform healthcare the bad actors were in charge. You people are fucked.

Did you somehow miss the whole Peter Gruber thing, Sealy? He admitted that they did indeed deliberately lie.

Yes, the left wing of the Democratic Party wanted single payer but the truth is you couldn't convince moderate Democrats to go for that because they knew it would get them thrown out of office come next election. So instead you gave us the Affordable Care Act...probably the most badly written piece of major legislation in the history of the country. Something that those who crafted it KNEW wouldn't do what they promised it would do which is why they told lie after lie about the ACA.

Part of the reason that Hillary was having problems leading up to the election (beyond her emails and general corruption!) was that across the country, Middle Class Americans were getting huge rate increases to their health insurance plans. When you're sitting around the kitchen table with your spouse trying to come to terms with increases that in some cases doubled your rate it's hard not to blame the people who sold you that pig in a poke and Hillary was one of those people!

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