Leftists, You Did This to Yourself

“Clinton’s own polling people found the big turning point was when she called Trump voters a ‘basket of deplorables.’ Americans don’t like being talked down to, and had already gotten rid of Romney for the same sin. The spectacle of Clinton taking hundreds of thousands of dollars to give a speech to the people who put them out of their homes in 2008-9 also turned many of them off so that they stayed home, while another section of them decided to take a chance on Trump. He will screw them over, but from their point of view, they worried that she might have, as well. Trump was promising to stop the hemorrhaging of jobs via protectionism, whereas everyone understood that Sec. Clinton’s first instinct was to do TPP and send more jobs to Asia. So it was Clinton’s public persona and public positions that hurt her and depressed Democratic turnout in places like Detroit and Flint, not anything in Wikileaks (can anyone name even one newsworthy email?)”

No, America, it wasn't Russia: You did it to Yourself

So, Trump insults, insults, insults and insults, then Hillary makes one insult and it cost her the election?

Did I just hear someone say the US is totally fucked up?

So who did Trump insult in mass? Hillary basically said that Trump voters are homophobic, racist, sexist, pigs. Yeah, I think that one insult pales in comparison to whatever Trump said. She insulted tens of millions of people in that one comment.

What you on the left don't understand is the country is growing weary with these categories you place everybody in. If you say Obama is an idiot, it's not long before some brainwashed lefty comes along and claims the comment was racist.

People are sick of it already. It was old 20 years ago and it's old today.

Oh, you mean that Trump didn't insult Mexicans, POWs, women, the disabled, yeah, right if you think Hillary trumped that then... well... you're just playing the sill partisan bullshit game. I mean, for someone who called Obama a silly name as if you're still in high school....

Awwww, butt hurt because I called DumBama names? Talk about high school.

Trump did insult people who were Mexican, women, and yes, disabled. Those were insults to individual people, not an entire class of them.

As long as you leftists keep on blaming everybody else for your losses, then you'll never be able to figure out why you lost in the first place. But Bush!!! But Trump!!!!! But McConnell!!!!

Don't get me wrong, I hope you on the left continue down that track. You did nothing wrong, it's everything else that's Fd up. Keep believing it.

Oh fucking jesus. "butt hurt because I called DumBama names"?

You do realize this is a POLITICAL FORUM and not a little kids' playground don't you?

I really, really don't understand why people people feel the need to act like this when they come to places like this.

I don't know why you focus on people insulting your hero instead of discussing the subject instead. Nice diversion, but it's very transparent.
“Clinton’s own polling people found the big turning point was when she called Trump voters a ‘basket of deplorables.’ Americans don’t like being talked down to, and had already gotten rid of Romney for the same sin. The spectacle of Clinton taking hundreds of thousands of dollars to give a speech to the people who put them out of their homes in 2008-9 also turned many of them off so that they stayed home, while another section of them decided to take a chance on Trump. He will screw them over, but from their point of view, they worried that she might have, as well. Trump was promising to stop the hemorrhaging of jobs via protectionism, whereas everyone understood that Sec. Clinton’s first instinct was to do TPP and send more jobs to Asia. So it was Clinton’s public persona and public positions that hurt her and depressed Democratic turnout in places like Detroit and Flint, not anything in Wikileaks (can anyone name even one newsworthy email?)”

No, America, it wasn't Russia: You did it to Yourself

That was amazingly stupid. At a time when the polls showed a close race and she needed to win over some Trump supporters, she bashed them. Gosh, I can't believe that didn't work the way she wanted. Usually when you call people names to insult them, they immediately want to support you.

I think the WikiLeaks hurt her, too. Knowing that she lied about so much didn't set well with people.

I knew some Hillary voters. I wouldn't call them supporters, but they said she had more experience than Trump. They were also MSNBC and CNN watchers, so they likely didn't hear much truth about Hillary.

I'm struggling with the logic. If they switched and voted for Hillary, then they weren't Trump supporters. Those who were going to vote Trump, ie, Trump supporters, were NEVER going to vote for Hillary.

Logic really ISN'T you strong suit, and your grasp of the obvious is pretty shaky as well.

And that would be because..........? How many people who voted for Trump in the primaries, wouldn't have voted for him in the election? Maybe those who died, and that'd be about it.

This election wasn't really about who voted for Trump, Frigid...it was more about who DIDN'T vote for Clinton and why they didn't turn out for her!

She alienated the young liberal vote with what Debbie Wasserman Schultz did to Bernie Sanders. Making DWS an "Honorary Chairperson" of the Clinton campaign right after she was forced to step down during the Democratic Convention was one of the dumbest political moves I've ever seen. It was a poke in the eye for all those people who supported Sanders and worked hard for him...one more example of Hillary Clinton thinking she was "entitled" to liberal votes.

No, I disagree. This election was all about the rich still getting their way, but playing the game with Trump pretending to be anti-establishment.

He was supposedly against what already existed, and yet the rich are probably going to do BETTER under the "anti-establishment" guy, oh, what a surprise. The people lose AGAIN, the powerful win AGAIN.
So, Trump insults, insults, insults and insults, then Hillary makes one insult and it cost her the election?

Did I just hear someone say the US is totally fucked up?

So who did Trump insult in mass? Hillary basically said that Trump voters are homophobic, racist, sexist, pigs. Yeah, I think that one insult pales in comparison to whatever Trump said. She insulted tens of millions of people in that one comment.

What you on the left don't understand is the country is growing weary with these categories you place everybody in. If you say Obama is an idiot, it's not long before some brainwashed lefty comes along and claims the comment was racist.

People are sick of it already. It was old 20 years ago and it's old today.

Oh, you mean that Trump didn't insult Mexicans, POWs, women, the disabled, yeah, right if you think Hillary trumped that then... well... you're just playing the sill partisan bullshit game. I mean, for someone who called Obama a silly name as if you're still in high school....

Awwww, butt hurt because I called DumBama names? Talk about high school.

Trump did insult people who were Mexican, women, and yes, disabled. Those were insults to individual people, not an entire class of them.

As long as you leftists keep on blaming everybody else for your losses, then you'll never be able to figure out why you lost in the first place. But Bush!!! But Trump!!!!! But McConnell!!!!

Don't get me wrong, I hope you on the left continue down that track. You did nothing wrong, it's everything else that's Fd up. Keep believing it.

Oh fucking jesus. "butt hurt because I called DumBama names"?

You do realize this is a POLITICAL FORUM and not a little kids' playground don't you?

I really, really don't understand why people people feel the need to act like this when they come to places like this.

I don't know why you focus on people insulting your hero instead of discussing the subject instead. Nice diversion, but it's very transparent.

Oh fuck off with "your hero", I never voted for Obama, I've never voted Democrat or Republican, they repulse me. Second, I don't insult unless someone shows that they really deserve it, even a guy like Bush who went to Iraq I don't insult. The only reason I'll call him Dubya is because this is what people do call him, not as an insult and because there are two Bushs.

I used to have respect for you, and on this board that's quite hard to find among the trash, but I'm losing that respect very quickly.
“Clinton’s own polling people found the big turning point was when she called Trump voters a ‘basket of deplorables.’ Americans don’t like being talked down to, and had already gotten rid of Romney for the same sin. The spectacle of Clinton taking hundreds of thousands of dollars to give a speech to the people who put them out of their homes in 2008-9 also turned many of them off so that they stayed home, while another section of them decided to take a chance on Trump. He will screw them over, but from their point of view, they worried that she might have, as well. Trump was promising to stop the hemorrhaging of jobs via protectionism, whereas everyone understood that Sec. Clinton’s first instinct was to do TPP and send more jobs to Asia. So it was Clinton’s public persona and public positions that hurt her and depressed Democratic turnout in places like Detroit and Flint, not anything in Wikileaks (can anyone name even one newsworthy email?)”

No, America, it wasn't Russia: You did it to Yourself

So, Trump insults, insults, insults and insults, then Hillary makes one insult and it cost her the election?

Did I just hear someone say the US is totally fucked up?
Also you sexual pervert want men in girls locker rooms. Americans had enough, expect Californians home of the fruits and nuts.

Dude, work on your English first.
The spectacle of Clinton taking hundreds of thousands of dollars to give a speech to the people who put them out of their homes in 2008-9 also turned many of them off so that they stayed home, while another section of them decided to take a chance on Trump.

And then Trump nominated the same people who put them out their homes but when it's Trump it's always a good reason. Hillary? Bad reason.

And Republicans post shit like this pretending that being foreclosed on is a bad thing AND the king of Foreclosures being in the Administration is a good thing.
Name one person who was put out of their home by any person who is in the administration. Then name that person.
So who did Trump insult in mass? Hillary basically said that Trump voters are homophobic, racist, sexist, pigs. Yeah, I think that one insult pales in comparison to whatever Trump said. She insulted tens of millions of people in that one comment.

What you on the left don't understand is the country is growing weary with these categories you place everybody in. If you say Obama is an idiot, it's not long before some brainwashed lefty comes along and claims the comment was racist.

People are sick of it already. It was old 20 years ago and it's old today.

Oh, you mean that Trump didn't insult Mexicans, POWs, women, the disabled, yeah, right if you think Hillary trumped that then... well... you're just playing the sill partisan bullshit game. I mean, for someone who called Obama a silly name as if you're still in high school....

Awwww, butt hurt because I called DumBama names? Talk about high school.

Trump did insult people who were Mexican, women, and yes, disabled. Those were insults to individual people, not an entire class of them.

As long as you leftists keep on blaming everybody else for your losses, then you'll never be able to figure out why you lost in the first place. But Bush!!! But Trump!!!!! But McConnell!!!!

Don't get me wrong, I hope you on the left continue down that track. You did nothing wrong, it's everything else that's Fd up. Keep believing it.

Oh fucking jesus. "butt hurt because I called DumBama names"?

You do realize this is a POLITICAL FORUM and not a little kids' playground don't you?

I really, really don't understand why people people feel the need to act like this when they come to places like this.

I don't know why you focus on people insulting your hero instead of discussing the subject instead. Nice diversion, but it's very transparent.

Oh fuck off with "your hero", I never voted for Obama, I've never voted Democrat or Republican, they repulse me. Second, I don't insult unless someone shows that they really deserve it, even a guy like Bush who went to Iraq I don't insult. The only reason I'll call him Dubya is because this is what people do call him, not as an insult and because there are two Bushs.

I used to have respect for you, and on this board that's quite hard to find among the trash, but I'm losing that respect very quickly.
Shut up. You're an ideological lefty.
That was amazingly stupid. At a time when the polls showed a close race and she needed to win over some Trump supporters, she bashed them. Gosh, I can't believe that didn't work the way she wanted. Usually when you call people names to insult them, they immediately want to support you.

I think the WikiLeaks hurt her, too. Knowing that she lied about so much didn't set well with people.

I knew some Hillary voters. I wouldn't call them supporters, but they said she had more experience than Trump. They were also MSNBC and CNN watchers, so they likely didn't hear much truth about Hillary.

I'm struggling with the logic. If they switched and voted for Hillary, then they weren't Trump supporters. Those who were going to vote Trump, ie, Trump supporters, were NEVER going to vote for Hillary.

Logic really ISN'T you strong suit, and your grasp of the obvious is pretty shaky as well.

And that would be because..........? How many people who voted for Trump in the primaries, wouldn't have voted for him in the election? Maybe those who died, and that'd be about it.

This election wasn't really about who voted for Trump, Frigid...it was more about who DIDN'T vote for Clinton and why they didn't turn out for her!

She alienated the young liberal vote with what Debbie Wasserman Schultz did to Bernie Sanders. Making DWS an "Honorary Chairperson" of the Clinton campaign right after she was forced to step down during the Democratic Convention was one of the dumbest political moves I've ever seen. It was a poke in the eye for all those people who supported Sanders and worked hard for him...one more example of Hillary Clinton thinking she was "entitled" to liberal votes.

No, I disagree. This election was all about the rich still getting their way, but playing the game with Trump pretending to be anti-establishment.

He was supposedly against what already existed, and yet the rich are probably going to do BETTER under the "anti-establishment" guy, oh, what a surprise. The people lose AGAIN, the powerful win AGAIN.
Bullshit. This election was about the incompetence of Hillary Clinton. If she was just a little bit likable, she would have won. All her pandering to the rich wall street elites did her absolutely no good.
The spectacle of Clinton taking hundreds of thousands of dollars to give a speech to the people who put them out of their homes in 2008-9 also turned many of them off so that they stayed home, while another section of them decided to take a chance on Trump.

And then Trump nominated the same people who put them out their homes but when it's Trump it's always a good reason. Hillary? Bad reason.

And Republicans post shit like this pretending that being foreclosed on is a bad thing AND the king of Foreclosures being in the Administration is a good thing.
What part of "Clinton's own polling people" did you not understand?
“Clinton’s own polling people found the big turning point was when she called Trump voters a ‘basket of deplorables.’ Americans don’t like being talked down to, and had already gotten rid of Romney for the same sin. The spectacle of Clinton taking hundreds of thousands of dollars to give a speech to the people who put them out of their homes in 2008-9 also turned many of them off so that they stayed home, while another section of them decided to take a chance on Trump. He will screw them over, but from their point of view, they worried that she might have, as well. Trump was promising to stop the hemorrhaging of jobs via protectionism, whereas everyone understood that Sec. Clinton’s first instinct was to do TPP and send more jobs to Asia. So it was Clinton’s public persona and public positions that hurt her and depressed Democratic turnout in places like Detroit and Flint, not anything in Wikileaks (can anyone name even one newsworthy email?)”

No, America, it wasn't Russia: You did it to Yourself

So, Trump insults, insults, insults and insults, then Hillary makes one insult and it cost her the election?

Did I just hear someone say the US is totally fucked up?
Stop whining. It was much more than insults to individuals. Clinton trashed half the people in the country.
The spectacle of Clinton taking hundreds of thousands of dollars to give a speech to the people who put them out of their homes in 2008-9 also turned many of them off so that they stayed home, while another section of them decided to take a chance on Trump.

And then Trump nominated the same people who put them out their homes but when it's Trump it's always a good reason. Hillary? Bad reason.

And Republicans post shit like this pretending that being foreclosed on is a bad thing AND the king of Foreclosures being in the Administration is a good thing.
Your insane whining is proof the left can't learn from their mistakes.

Your focus on me while ignoring the substance of my post is proof you don't care about American Democracy at all.
Which democracy is that? Here we go...
Look if you are going to start carping about the electoral college, don't. That ship has sailed.
If you are going to roll out the "Democracy" card, forget it. This is a representative republic. Not a democracy.
The spectacle of Clinton taking hundreds of thousands of dollars to give a speech to the people who put them out of their homes in 2008-9 also turned many of them off so that they stayed home, while another section of them decided to take a chance on Trump.

And then Trump nominated the same people who put them out their homes but when it's Trump it's always a good reason. Hillary? Bad reason.

And Republicans post shit like this pretending that being foreclosed on is a bad thing AND the king of Foreclosures being in the Administration is a good thing.
If Trump is nominating the same people Hillary wanted

Cut the shit. I'm not discussing your hypothetical bullshit. I'm talking about you guys fearing the elites until Trump said they were cool. And how that is going to protect your stupid ass defending a Foreclosure kin and ties to Russia.
Wow...Left wing kool aid drinker
“Clinton’s own polling people found the big turning point was when she called Trump voters a ‘basket of deplorables.’ Americans don’t like being talked down to, and had already gotten rid of Romney for the same sin. The spectacle of Clinton taking hundreds of thousands of dollars to give a speech to the people who put them out of their homes in 2008-9 also turned many of them off so that they stayed home, while another section of them decided to take a chance on Trump. He will screw them over, but from their point of view, they worried that she might have, as well. Trump was promising to stop the hemorrhaging of jobs via protectionism, whereas everyone understood that Sec. Clinton’s first instinct was to do TPP and send more jobs to Asia. So it was Clinton’s public persona and public positions that hurt her and depressed Democratic turnout in places like Detroit and Flint, not anything in Wikileaks (can anyone name even one newsworthy email?)”

No, America, it wasn't Russia: You did it to Yourself

So, Trump insults, insults, insults and insults, then Hillary makes one insult and it cost her the election?

Did I just hear someone say the US is totally fucked up?

So who did Trump insult in mass? Hillary basically said that Trump voters are homophobic, racist, sexist, pigs. Yeah, I think that one insult pales in comparison to whatever Trump said. She insulted tens of millions of people in that one comment.

What you on the left don't understand is the country is growing weary with these categories you place everybody in. If you say Obama is an idiot, it's not long before some brainwashed lefty comes along and claims the comment was racist.

People are sick of it already. It was old 20 years ago and it's old today.
Weirdo is just spewing. Its the same meltdown crap we saw late Nov 8th and all day on the 9th. Tuning into the lefty cable news channels such as CNN and MSNBC and watching those left wing extremist talking heads cringe and cry was comical
The spectacle of Clinton taking hundreds of thousands of dollars to give a speech to the people who put them out of their homes in 2008-9 also turned many of them off so that they stayed home, while another section of them decided to take a chance on Trump.

And then Trump nominated the same people who put them out their homes but when it's Trump it's always a good reason. Hillary? Bad reason.

And Republicans post shit like this pretending that being foreclosed on is a bad thing AND the king of Foreclosures being in the Administration is a good thing.

The only people that put them out of their homes were the people that took the loans. If you're going to take an ARM loan, you better understand that at 2% interest rates, it's only going to go up from there. If you can't put that in numbers, take somebody with you to explain what that means if your interest rates double.
Those who decided to agree to those terms did so because they "wanted" the house. They thought only about the ease at which they could get into a home with little or no initial out of pocket expense.
“Clinton’s own polling people found the big turning point was when she called Trump voters a ‘basket of deplorables.’ Americans don’t like being talked down to, and had already gotten rid of Romney for the same sin. The spectacle of Clinton taking hundreds of thousands of dollars to give a speech to the people who put them out of their homes in 2008-9 also turned many of them off so that they stayed home, while another section of them decided to take a chance on Trump. He will screw them over, but from their point of view, they worried that she might have, as well. Trump was promising to stop the hemorrhaging of jobs via protectionism, whereas everyone understood that Sec. Clinton’s first instinct was to do TPP and send more jobs to Asia. So it was Clinton’s public persona and public positions that hurt her and depressed Democratic turnout in places like Detroit and Flint, not anything in Wikileaks (can anyone name even one newsworthy email?)”

No, America, it wasn't Russia: You did it to Yourself
The American people did this to themselves by not showing up to vote in 2010 to throw out the obstructionists. Same in 2014 and 2016. Poor people just fucked themselves as well as blue collar lower middle class
“Clinton’s own polling people found the big turning point was when she called Trump voters a ‘basket of deplorables.’ Americans don’t like being talked down to, and had already gotten rid of Romney for the same sin. The spectacle of Clinton taking hundreds of thousands of dollars to give a speech to the people who put them out of their homes in 2008-9 also turned many of them off so that they stayed home, while another section of them decided to take a chance on Trump. He will screw them over, but from their point of view, they worried that she might have, as well. Trump was promising to stop the hemorrhaging of jobs via protectionism, whereas everyone understood that Sec. Clinton’s first instinct was to do TPP and send more jobs to Asia. So it was Clinton’s public persona and public positions that hurt her and depressed Democratic turnout in places like Detroit and Flint, not anything in Wikileaks (can anyone name even one newsworthy email?)”

No, America, it wasn't Russia: You did it to Yourself

So, Trump insults, insults, insults and insults, then Hillary makes one insult and it cost her the election?

Did I just hear someone say the US is totally fucked up?

So who did Trump insult in mass? Hillary basically said that Trump voters are homophobic, racist, sexist, pigs. Yeah, I think that one insult pales in comparison to whatever Trump said. She insulted tens of millions of people in that one comment.

What you on the left don't understand is the country is growing weary with these categories you place everybody in. If you say Obama is an idiot, it's not long before some brainwashed lefty comes along and claims the comment was racist.

People are sick of it already. It was old 20 years ago and it's old today.

Oh, you mean that Trump didn't insult Mexicans, POWs, women, the disabled, yeah, right if you think Hillary trumped that then... well... you're just playing the sill partisan bullshit game. I mean, for someone who called Obama a silly name as if you're still in high school....
See that is where you go wrong. There is no right to not be offended.
If Trump had committed such transgressions to the degree you snowflakes claim, he should have been trounced on Nov 8th.
Clinton lost because she had no message. She had no plan. She was too deep in debt to her wealthy benefactors. She lost because she was represented by the very same people she was trashing during the campaign. She lost because of her husband. She lost because she told the country her admin was going to be the third term of Obama
“Clinton’s own polling people found the big turning point was when she called Trump voters a ‘basket of deplorables.’ Americans don’t like being talked down to, and had already gotten rid of Romney for the same sin. The spectacle of Clinton taking hundreds of thousands of dollars to give a speech to the people who put them out of their homes in 2008-9 also turned many of them off so that they stayed home, while another section of them decided to take a chance on Trump. He will screw them over, but from their point of view, they worried that she might have, as well. Trump was promising to stop the hemorrhaging of jobs via protectionism, whereas everyone understood that Sec. Clinton’s first instinct was to do TPP and send more jobs to Asia. So it was Clinton’s public persona and public positions that hurt her and depressed Democratic turnout in places like Detroit and Flint, not anything in Wikileaks (can anyone name even one newsworthy email?)”

No, America, it wasn't Russia: You did it to Yourself
The American people did this to themselves by not showing up to vote in 2010 to throw out the obstructionists. Same in 2014 and 2016. Poor people just fucked themselves as well as blue collar lower middle class
I love this term "obstruction" we get from you lefties.
There is no such thing.
Such an idea presupposes the notion that Congress exists to do the bidding of the Executive Branch.
What you whiners refer to as obstruction, is actually the checks and balances the Founders placed into the formation of our government.
I happen to think that the people who turned away from the democrat party to vote for Trump got sick and tired iof being pandered to and patronized by the democrat party and then being ignored once the campaign was over.
They did not screw themselves. They voted for their shot at prosperity. Which if they decide to participate, will come their way.
The spectacle of Clinton taking hundreds of thousands of dollars to give a speech to the people who put them out of their homes in 2008-9 also turned many of them off so that they stayed home, while another section of them decided to take a chance on Trump.

And then Trump nominated the same people who put them out their homes but when it's Trump it's always a good reason. Hillary? Bad reason.

And Republicans post shit like this pretending that being foreclosed on is a bad thing AND the king of Foreclosures being in the Administration is a good thing.

The only people that put them out of their homes were the people that took the loans. If you're going to take an ARM loan, you better understand that at 2% interest rates, it's only going to go up from there. If you can't put that in numbers, take somebody with you to explain what that means if your interest rates double.
Those who decided to agree to those terms did so because they "wanted" the house. They thought only about the ease at which they could get into a home with little or no initial out of pocket expense.

Absolutely. The federal government created regulations that allowed the ignorant to buy a house when they were not financially capable, nor had any understanding of what buying a house meant.

They went to the bank, signed papers they didn't understand nor cared to, and got screwed when the interest rates went up. At the time, all they cared about is knowing if they signed all those papers, they would get a house of their own.

It was pure vote buying. It worked out great for us landlords in the end, but during that housing boom, we were really getting screwed. We couldn't even find lousy renters let alone any. I lost a few tenants because they bought houses with no money down and risky credit. Both tenants regretted their move later, but it was too late. They couldn't turn back the clock. I warned them, but they thought I was only looking out for my own self interest.
“Clinton’s own polling people found the big turning point was when she called Trump voters a ‘basket of deplorables.’ Americans don’t like being talked down to, and had already gotten rid of Romney for the same sin. The spectacle of Clinton taking hundreds of thousands of dollars to give a speech to the people who put them out of their homes in 2008-9 also turned many of them off so that they stayed home, while another section of them decided to take a chance on Trump. He will screw them over, but from their point of view, they worried that she might have, as well. Trump was promising to stop the hemorrhaging of jobs via protectionism, whereas everyone understood that Sec. Clinton’s first instinct was to do TPP and send more jobs to Asia. So it was Clinton’s public persona and public positions that hurt her and depressed Democratic turnout in places like Detroit and Flint, not anything in Wikileaks (can anyone name even one newsworthy email?)”

No, America, it wasn't Russia: You did it to Yourself

That was amazingly stupid. At a time when the polls showed a close race and she needed to win over some Trump supporters, she bashed them. Gosh, I can't believe that didn't work the way she wanted. Usually when you call people names to insult them, they immediately want to support you.

I think the WikiLeaks hurt her, too. Knowing that she lied about so much didn't set well with people.

I knew some Hillary voters. I wouldn't call them supporters, but they said she had more experience than Trump. They were also MSNBC and CNN watchers, so they likely didn't hear much truth about Hillary.

I'm struggling with the logic. If they switched and voted for Hillary, then they weren't Trump supporters. Those who were going to vote Trump, ie, Trump supporters, were NEVER going to vote for Hillary.

Logic really ISN'T you strong suit, and your grasp of the obvious is pretty shaky as well.

And that would be because..........? How many people who voted for Trump in the primaries, wouldn't have voted for him in the election? Maybe those who died, and that'd be about it.

This election wasn't really about who voted for Trump, Frigid...it was more about who DIDN'T vote for Clinton and why they didn't turn out for her!

She alienated the young liberal vote with what Debbie Wasserman Schultz did to Bernie Sanders. Making DWS an "Honorary Chairperson" of the Clinton campaign right after she was forced to step down during the Democratic Convention was one of the dumbest political moves I've ever seen. It was a poke in the eye for all those people who supported Sanders and worked hard for him...one more example of Hillary Clinton thinking she was "entitled" to liberal votes.
If Hillary's people and Hillary herself were not so in tune with the idea of taking care of people who helped in the past and doing favors, they would have distanced themselves as far as possible from DWS.
“Clinton’s own polling people found the big turning point was when she called Trump voters a ‘basket of deplorables.’ Americans don’t like being talked down to, and had already gotten rid of Romney for the same sin. The spectacle of Clinton taking hundreds of thousands of dollars to give a speech to the people who put them out of their homes in 2008-9 also turned many of them off so that they stayed home, while another section of them decided to take a chance on Trump. He will screw them over, but from their point of view, they worried that she might have, as well. Trump was promising to stop the hemorrhaging of jobs via protectionism, whereas everyone understood that Sec. Clinton’s first instinct was to do TPP and send more jobs to Asia. So it was Clinton’s public persona and public positions that hurt her and depressed Democratic turnout in places like Detroit and Flint, not anything in Wikileaks (can anyone name even one newsworthy email?)”

No, America, it wasn't Russia: You did it to Yourself

Clinton was leading Trump by only 2.7 percentage points in the polls when she made the deplorables statement. IOW the OP is horseshit.
Wow, Just wow..
Hey genius, if the race was that close, then why idd those on the left all but give this thing to Clinton before the first vote out of NH was counted?
“Clinton’s own polling people found the big turning point was when she called Trump voters a ‘basket of deplorables.’ Americans don’t like being talked down to, and had already gotten rid of Romney for the same sin. The spectacle of Clinton taking hundreds of thousands of dollars to give a speech to the people who put them out of their homes in 2008-9 also turned many of them off so that they stayed home, while another section of them decided to take a chance on Trump. He will screw them over, but from their point of view, they worried that she might have, as well. Trump was promising to stop the hemorrhaging of jobs via protectionism, whereas everyone understood that Sec. Clinton’s first instinct was to do TPP and send more jobs to Asia. So it was Clinton’s public persona and public positions that hurt her and depressed Democratic turnout in places like Detroit and Flint, not anything in Wikileaks (can anyone name even one newsworthy email?)”

No, America, it wasn't Russia: You did it to Yourself

So, Trump insults, insults, insults and insults, then Hillary makes one insult and it cost her the election?

Did I just hear someone say the US is totally fucked up?

So who did Trump insult in mass? Hillary basically said that Trump voters are homophobic, racist, sexist, pigs. Yeah, I think that one insult pales in comparison to whatever Trump said. She insulted tens of millions of people in that one comment.

What you on the left don't understand is the country is growing weary with these categories you place everybody in. If you say Obama is an idiot, it's not long before some brainwashed lefty comes along and claims the comment was racist.

People are sick of it already. It was old 20 years ago and it's old today.
Weirdo is just spewing. Its the same meltdown crap we saw late Nov 8th and all day on the 9th. Tuning into the lefty cable news channels such as CNN and MSNBC and watching those left wing extremist talking heads cringe and cry was comical

It's okay, I understand their anger. The country is swinging to the right like we've never seen before. Between the federal, state, and local governments, DumBama caused them to lose hundreds and hundreds of seats across the land.

They were so self convinced that the GOP was the party of the past; the party of old white men; the dying party, that when they discovered it was their party that was actually dying, it was a reality check.

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