Leftists, You Did This to Yourself

That was amazingly stupid. At a time when the polls showed a close race and she needed to win over some Trump supporters, she bashed them. Gosh, I can't believe that didn't work the way she wanted. Usually when you call people names to insult them, they immediately want to support you.

I think the WikiLeaks hurt her, too. Knowing that she lied about so much didn't set well with people.

I knew some Hillary voters. I wouldn't call them supporters, but they said she had more experience than Trump. They were also MSNBC and CNN watchers, so they likely didn't hear much truth about Hillary.

I'm struggling with the logic. If they switched and voted for Hillary, then they weren't Trump supporters. Those who were going to vote Trump, ie, Trump supporters, were NEVER going to vote for Hillary.

Logic really ISN'T you strong suit, and your grasp of the obvious is pretty shaky as well.

And that would be because..........? How many people who voted for Trump in the primaries, wouldn't have voted for him in the election? Maybe those who died, and that'd be about it.

This election wasn't really about who voted for Trump, Frigid...it was more about who DIDN'T vote for Clinton and why they didn't turn out for her!

She alienated the young liberal vote with what Debbie Wasserman Schultz did to Bernie Sanders. Making DWS an "Honorary Chairperson" of the Clinton campaign right after she was forced to step down during the Democratic Convention was one of the dumbest political moves I've ever seen. It was a poke in the eye for all those people who supported Sanders and worked hard for him...one more example of Hillary Clinton thinking she was "entitled" to liberal votes.

Wrong. Thousands of union voters in the rust belt flipped from Democrat to Trump and that is what won him the 3 states he needed to win the electoral vote.

I'm not wrong, Carbineer. Yes, thousands of union voters in the Rust Belt did indeed "flip" from Democrat to Republican in this election because they didn't believe Clinton was invested in helping them but more importantly many thousands of other union voters simply stayed home and didn't vote at all. The Rust Belt union vote was one more segment of the vote that Clinton didn't inspire to turn out. You had the Sander's supporters...you had the black vote...and you had the union vote. Let's be honest here, it was the combination of all of these voting blocs not turning out that cost Clinton the Presidency and confounded the pollsters and the pundits so profoundly.
I'm struggling with the logic. If they switched and voted for Hillary, then they weren't Trump supporters. Those who were going to vote Trump, ie, Trump supporters, were NEVER going to vote for Hillary.

Logic really ISN'T you strong suit, and your grasp of the obvious is pretty shaky as well.

And that would be because..........? How many people who voted for Trump in the primaries, wouldn't have voted for him in the election? Maybe those who died, and that'd be about it.

This election wasn't really about who voted for Trump, Frigid...it was more about who DIDN'T vote for Clinton and why they didn't turn out for her!

She alienated the young liberal vote with what Debbie Wasserman Schultz did to Bernie Sanders. Making DWS an "Honorary Chairperson" of the Clinton campaign right after she was forced to step down during the Democratic Convention was one of the dumbest political moves I've ever seen. It was a poke in the eye for all those people who supported Sanders and worked hard for him...one more example of Hillary Clinton thinking she was "entitled" to liberal votes.

Wrong. Thousands of union voters in the rust belt flipped from Democrat to Trump and that is what won him the 3 states he needed to win the electoral vote.

because to those people, jobs and a real future became more important than PC bullshit.

No. The union people, or labor generally, that supported Trump supported him because he presented himself as a protectionist. An anti-free trade, anti-NAFTA protectionist. Hillary Clinton was seen as the opposite.
“Clinton’s own polling people found the big turning point was when she called Trump voters a ‘basket of deplorables.’ Americans don’t like being talked down to, and had already gotten rid of Romney for the same sin. The spectacle of Clinton taking hundreds of thousands of dollars to give a speech to the people who put them out of their homes in 2008-9 also turned many of them off so that they stayed home, while another section of them decided to take a chance on Trump. He will screw them over, but from their point of view, they worried that she might have, as well. Trump was promising to stop the hemorrhaging of jobs via protectionism, whereas everyone understood that Sec. Clinton’s first instinct was to do TPP and send more jobs to Asia. So it was Clinton’s public persona and public positions that hurt her and depressed Democratic turnout in places like Detroit and Flint, not anything in Wikileaks (can anyone name even one newsworthy email?)”

No, America, it wasn't Russia: You did it to Yourself

IOW, the truth is not always one's best strategy in politics.

^^^^^^ another libtardian who refuses to learn the lesson of November 2016, '

Pelosi as minority leader, radical muslim Ellison as DNC head. You dems are brain dead. I love it.

You lie.
“Clinton’s own polling people found the big turning point was when she called Trump voters a ‘basket of deplorables.’ Americans don’t like being talked down to, and had already gotten rid of Romney for the same sin. The spectacle of Clinton taking hundreds of thousands of dollars to give a speech to the people who put them out of their homes in 2008-9 also turned many of them off so that they stayed home, while another section of them decided to take a chance on Trump. He will screw them over, but from their point of view, they worried that she might have, as well. Trump was promising to stop the hemorrhaging of jobs via protectionism, whereas everyone understood that Sec. Clinton’s first instinct was to do TPP and send more jobs to Asia. So it was Clinton’s public persona and public positions that hurt her and depressed Democratic turnout in places like Detroit and Flint, not anything in Wikileaks (can anyone name even one newsworthy email?)”

No, America, it wasn't Russia: You did it to Yourself

IOW, the truth is not always one's best strategy in politics.

^^^^^^ another libtardian who refuses to learn the lesson of November 2016, '

Pelosi as minority leader, radical muslim Ellison as DNC head. You dems are brain dead. I love it.

You lie.

I stated my informed opinions. Stating opinions is not lying. You, however, lie every single day on this message board---------either that or you are nothing but a left wing talking point repeating parrot. Which is it NY?
Logic really ISN'T you strong suit, and your grasp of the obvious is pretty shaky as well.

And that would be because..........? How many people who voted for Trump in the primaries, wouldn't have voted for him in the election? Maybe those who died, and that'd be about it.

This election wasn't really about who voted for Trump, Frigid...it was more about who DIDN'T vote for Clinton and why they didn't turn out for her!

She alienated the young liberal vote with what Debbie Wasserman Schultz did to Bernie Sanders. Making DWS an "Honorary Chairperson" of the Clinton campaign right after she was forced to step down during the Democratic Convention was one of the dumbest political moves I've ever seen. It was a poke in the eye for all those people who supported Sanders and worked hard for him...one more example of Hillary Clinton thinking she was "entitled" to liberal votes.

Wrong. Thousands of union voters in the rust belt flipped from Democrat to Trump and that is what won him the 3 states he needed to win the electoral vote.

because to those people, jobs and a real future became more important than PC bullshit.

No. The union people, or labor generally, that supported Trump supported him because he presented himself as a protectionist. An anti-free trade, anti-NAFTA protectionist. Hillary Clinton was seen as the opposite.


No group that wants higher pay and benefits for its members will support a party that wants to bring in millions of people that drive wages and benefits downward.
“Clinton’s own polling people found the big turning point was when she called Trump voters a ‘basket of deplorables.’ Americans don’t like being talked down to, and had already gotten rid of Romney for the same sin. The spectacle of Clinton taking hundreds of thousands of dollars to give a speech to the people who put them out of their homes in 2008-9 also turned many of them off so that they stayed home, while another section of them decided to take a chance on Trump. He will screw them over, but from their point of view, they worried that she might have, as well. Trump was promising to stop the hemorrhaging of jobs via protectionism, whereas everyone understood that Sec. Clinton’s first instinct was to do TPP and send more jobs to Asia. So it was Clinton’s public persona and public positions that hurt her and depressed Democratic turnout in places like Detroit and Flint, not anything in Wikileaks (can anyone name even one newsworthy email?)”

No, America, it wasn't Russia: You did it to Yourself

IOW, the truth is not always one's best strategy in politics.

^^^^^^ another libtardian who refuses to learn the lesson of November 2016, '

Pelosi as minority leader, radical muslim Ellison as DNC head. You dems are brain dead. I love it.

You lie.

I stated my informed opinions. Stating opinions is not lying. You, however, lie every single day on this message board---------either that or you are nothing but a left wing talking point repeating parrot. Which is it NY?

You accused me of supporting Pelosi. You lie.
Clinton was leading by 3 when she made the statement and 5 weeks later was leading by 7.

The pollsters lied to you. Haven't you figured that out by now. They told you she was winning but she was really losing. They LIED and you bought into the lies. What does that say about you?
“Clinton’s own polling people found the big turning point was when she called Trump voters a ‘basket of deplorables.’ Americans don’t like being talked down to, and had already gotten rid of Romney for the same sin. The spectacle of Clinton taking hundreds of thousands of dollars to give a speech to the people who put them out of their homes in 2008-9 also turned many of them off so that they stayed home, while another section of them decided to take a chance on Trump. He will screw them over, but from their point of view, they worried that she might have, as well. Trump was promising to stop the hemorrhaging of jobs via protectionism, whereas everyone understood that Sec. Clinton’s first instinct was to do TPP and send more jobs to Asia. So it was Clinton’s public persona and public positions that hurt her and depressed Democratic turnout in places like Detroit and Flint, not anything in Wikileaks (can anyone name even one newsworthy email?)”

No, America, it wasn't Russia: You did it to Yourself

IOW, the truth is not always one's best strategy in politics.

^^^^^^ another libtardian who refuses to learn the lesson of November 2016, '

Pelosi as minority leader, radical muslim Ellison as DNC head. You dems are brain dead. I love it.

You lie.

I stated my informed opinions. Stating opinions is not lying. You, however, lie every single day on this message board---------either that or you are nothing but a left wing talking point repeating parrot. Which is it NY?

You accused me of supporting Pelosi. You lie.

OK, ya got me there. You didn't support the botoxed bitch from sanfrangayo, good for you.
And that would be because..........? How many people who voted for Trump in the primaries, wouldn't have voted for him in the election? Maybe those who died, and that'd be about it.

This election wasn't really about who voted for Trump, Frigid...it was more about who DIDN'T vote for Clinton and why they didn't turn out for her!

She alienated the young liberal vote with what Debbie Wasserman Schultz did to Bernie Sanders. Making DWS an "Honorary Chairperson" of the Clinton campaign right after she was forced to step down during the Democratic Convention was one of the dumbest political moves I've ever seen. It was a poke in the eye for all those people who supported Sanders and worked hard for him...one more example of Hillary Clinton thinking she was "entitled" to liberal votes.

Wrong. Thousands of union voters in the rust belt flipped from Democrat to Trump and that is what won him the 3 states he needed to win the electoral vote.

because to those people, jobs and a real future became more important than PC bullshit.

No. The union people, or labor generally, that supported Trump supported him because he presented himself as a protectionist. An anti-free trade, anti-NAFTA protectionist. Hillary Clinton was seen as the opposite.


No group that wants higher pay and benefits for its members will support a party that wants to bring in millions of people that drive wages and benefits downward.

The exit polls don't support your claim.
Clinton was leading by 3 when she made the statement and 5 weeks later was leading by 7.

The pollsters lied to you. Haven't you figured that out by now. They told you she was winning but she was really losing. They LIED and you bought into the lies. What does that say about you?

The national poll average was Hillary by 3.2%. Hillary's current lead, with more votes to count, is 2%.
This election wasn't really about who voted for Trump, Frigid...it was more about who DIDN'T vote for Clinton and why they didn't turn out for her!

She alienated the young liberal vote with what Debbie Wasserman Schultz did to Bernie Sanders. Making DWS an "Honorary Chairperson" of the Clinton campaign right after she was forced to step down during the Democratic Convention was one of the dumbest political moves I've ever seen. It was a poke in the eye for all those people who supported Sanders and worked hard for him...one more example of Hillary Clinton thinking she was "entitled" to liberal votes.

Wrong. Thousands of union voters in the rust belt flipped from Democrat to Trump and that is what won him the 3 states he needed to win the electoral vote.

because to those people, jobs and a real future became more important than PC bullshit.

No. The union people, or labor generally, that supported Trump supported him because he presented himself as a protectionist. An anti-free trade, anti-NAFTA protectionist. Hillary Clinton was seen as the opposite.


No group that wants higher pay and benefits for its members will support a party that wants to bring in millions of people that drive wages and benefits downward.

The exit polls don't support your claim.

Geez, wake up, the exit pollsters LIED. Do you not understand that?
Logic really ISN'T you strong suit, and your grasp of the obvious is pretty shaky as well.

And that would be because..........? How many people who voted for Trump in the primaries, wouldn't have voted for him in the election? Maybe those who died, and that'd be about it.

This election wasn't really about who voted for Trump, Frigid...it was more about who DIDN'T vote for Clinton and why they didn't turn out for her!

She alienated the young liberal vote with what Debbie Wasserman Schultz did to Bernie Sanders. Making DWS an "Honorary Chairperson" of the Clinton campaign right after she was forced to step down during the Democratic Convention was one of the dumbest political moves I've ever seen. It was a poke in the eye for all those people who supported Sanders and worked hard for him...one more example of Hillary Clinton thinking she was "entitled" to liberal votes.

Wrong. Thousands of union voters in the rust belt flipped from Democrat to Trump and that is what won him the 3 states he needed to win the electoral vote.

because to those people, jobs and a real future became more important than PC bullshit.

No. The union people, or labor generally, that supported Trump supported him because he presented himself as a protectionist. An anti-free trade, anti-NAFTA protectionist. Hillary Clinton was seen as the opposite.

I don't think Obama was any help either. He's the most anti-business President of our lifetime, and people have realized that.
IOW, the truth is not always one's best strategy in politics.

^^^^^^ another libtardian who refuses to learn the lesson of November 2016, '

Pelosi as minority leader, radical muslim Ellison as DNC head. You dems are brain dead. I love it.

You lie.

I stated my informed opinions. Stating opinions is not lying. You, however, lie every single day on this message board---------either that or you are nothing but a left wing talking point repeating parrot. Which is it NY?

You accused me of supporting Pelosi. You lie.

OK, ya got me there. You didn't support the botoxed bitch from sanfrangayo, good for you.

Then stop lying. Show some character. It's free.
This election wasn't really about who voted for Trump, Frigid...it was more about who DIDN'T vote for Clinton and why they didn't turn out for her!

She alienated the young liberal vote with what Debbie Wasserman Schultz did to Bernie Sanders. Making DWS an "Honorary Chairperson" of the Clinton campaign right after she was forced to step down during the Democratic Convention was one of the dumbest political moves I've ever seen. It was a poke in the eye for all those people who supported Sanders and worked hard for him...one more example of Hillary Clinton thinking she was "entitled" to liberal votes.

Wrong. Thousands of union voters in the rust belt flipped from Democrat to Trump and that is what won him the 3 states he needed to win the electoral vote.

because to those people, jobs and a real future became more important than PC bullshit.

No. The union people, or labor generally, that supported Trump supported him because he presented himself as a protectionist. An anti-free trade, anti-NAFTA protectionist. Hillary Clinton was seen as the opposite.


No group that wants higher pay and benefits for its members will support a party that wants to bring in millions of people that drive wages and benefits downward.

The exit polls don't support your claim.

With all due respect, Carbineer...the exit polls didn't support much of anything...just saying. They got it so wrong it's almost laughable.
Wrong. Thousands of union voters in the rust belt flipped from Democrat to Trump and that is what won him the 3 states he needed to win the electoral vote.

because to those people, jobs and a real future became more important than PC bullshit.

No. The union people, or labor generally, that supported Trump supported him because he presented himself as a protectionist. An anti-free trade, anti-NAFTA protectionist. Hillary Clinton was seen as the opposite.


No group that wants higher pay and benefits for its members will support a party that wants to bring in millions of people that drive wages and benefits downward.

The exit polls don't support your claim.

Geez, wake up, the exit pollsters LIED. Do you not understand that?

So you support the OP's claims, which are based on polls, but all polls lie.

You're fucking retarded.

Still want to tell us how Trump is leading in the popular vote?
Clinton was leading by 3 when she made the statement and 5 weeks later was leading by 7.

The pollsters lied to you. Haven't you figured that out by now. They told you she was winning but she was really losing. They LIED and you bought into the lies. What does that say about you?

The national poll average was Hillary by 3.2%. Hillary's current lead, with more votes to count, is 2%.

doesn't matter. we use the EC to select presidents. Its over, she lost, you lost, dems lost, libs lost, progressives lost. Sane people now control the whitehouse and both houses of congress. 2016 was a major rejection of liberalism and the democrat party. Until you deal with that reality, you dems will keep losing.
Wrong. Thousands of union voters in the rust belt flipped from Democrat to Trump and that is what won him the 3 states he needed to win the electoral vote.

because to those people, jobs and a real future became more important than PC bullshit.

No. The union people, or labor generally, that supported Trump supported him because he presented himself as a protectionist. An anti-free trade, anti-NAFTA protectionist. Hillary Clinton was seen as the opposite.


No group that wants higher pay and benefits for its members will support a party that wants to bring in millions of people that drive wages and benefits downward.

The exit polls don't support your claim.

With all due respect, Carbineer...the exit polls didn't support much of anything...just saying. They got it so wrong it's almost laughable.

The exit polls show exactly how Trump won states like Ohio, Wisconsin, and Michigan.
because to those people, jobs and a real future became more important than PC bullshit.

No. The union people, or labor generally, that supported Trump supported him because he presented himself as a protectionist. An anti-free trade, anti-NAFTA protectionist. Hillary Clinton was seen as the opposite.


No group that wants higher pay and benefits for its members will support a party that wants to bring in millions of people that drive wages and benefits downward.

The exit polls don't support your claim.

Geez, wake up, the exit pollsters LIED. Do you not understand that?

So you support the OP's claims, which are based on polls, but all polls lie.

You're fucking retarded.

Still want to tell us how Trump is leading in the popular vote?

The OP is about why you libs lost. are you in the right thread?
Clinton was leading by 3 when she made the statement and 5 weeks later was leading by 7.

The pollsters lied to you. Haven't you figured that out by now. They told you she was winning but she was really losing. They LIED and you bought into the lies. What does that say about you?

The national poll average was Hillary by 3.2%. Hillary's current lead, with more votes to count, is 2%.

doesn't matter. we use the EC to select presidents. Its over, she lost, you lost, dems lost, libs lost, progressives lost. Sane people now control the whitehouse and both houses of congress. 2016 was a major rejection of liberalism and the democrat party. Until you deal with that reality, you dems will keep losing.

It does matter because it proves you're lying once again.

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