Leftists, You Did This to Yourself

As for why people weren't upset in 2012? What that election showed me, Sealy is that no matter what Barack Obama did he was going to get unwavering support from the black community and the far left simply because he was the first black President. Plus the hidden costs of the ACA hadn't reared their ugly heads yet and people who were getting subsidized insurance were happy and those that would end up paying for that were still oblivious.

No group that wants higher pay and benefits for its members will support a party that wants to bring in millions of people that drive wages and benefits downward.

The exit polls don't support your claim.

Geez, wake up, the exit pollsters LIED. Do you not understand that?

So you support the OP's claims, which are based on polls, but all polls lie.

You're fucking retarded.

Still want to tell us how Trump is leading in the popular vote?

The OP is about why you libs lost. are you in the right thread?

Then you should have read the OP.

Here's the first line:

“Clinton’s own polling people found the big turning point was when she called Trump voters a ‘basket of deplorables.’ "

I made a certain word bigger for you.

Yes, we get that (even without the large bold font). What you refuse to get is that those same pollsters continued the lie that she was still leading and that Trump had no path to 270 EC votes. The lied to you. Try to deal with that reality.
The American people did this to themselves by not showing up to vote in 2010 to throw out the obstructionists. Same in 2014 and 2016. Poor people just fucked themselves as well as blue collar lower middle class
I love this term "obstruction" we get from you lefties.
There is no such thing.
Such an idea presupposes the notion that Congress exists to do the bidding of the Executive Branch.
What you whiners refer to as obstruction, is actually the checks and balances the Founders placed into the formation of our government.
I happen to think that the people who turned away from the democrat party to vote for Trump got sick and tired iof being pandered to and patronized by the democrat party and then being ignored once the campaign was over.
They did not screw themselves. They voted for their shot at prosperity. Which if they decide to participate, will come their way.
They turned away from a GOP member being potus too.

The American people fucked up. Just like you think they did when they elected Obama except they really fucked up this time. You'll see

With all due respect, Sealy...one could make the argument that it was the Progressive Wing of the Democratic Party that "fucked up"! Back in 2008 the Middle Class wanted someone to help them with out of control healthcare costs and gave Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi an opportunity to "fix" healthcare. Instead of doing so however, those three deliberately lied to the American people as they pushed through the "Affordable Care Act"...something that was nothing more than an income redistribution scheme in which the Middle Class would subsidize the cost of healthcare for the poor. This election was simply the chickens coming home to roost from all those lies.

I think the people who got Obama elected are just lazy and racist and ignorant and didn't show up in 2010, just like they didn't show up in 2014. But notice they showed up in 2012? Why weren't "they" upset in 2012? This is why your theory is wrong. And why didn't the poor ignorant lazy idiots who got healthcare because of Obama show up and vote? Do you see? They let themselves down. They let the Democratic party down.

But I agree the GOP's constant bitching about the ACA helped get Trump elected. But that doesn't explain why Trump beat the GOP in the GOP primaries. Can you explain that?

And they didn't deliberately lie. We wanted single payer and the healtcare giants didn't let that have a seat at the table. The entire system is corrupt. Even when we tried to reform healthcare the bad actors were in charge. You people are fucked.

Did you somehow miss the whole Peter Gruber thing, Sealy? He admitted that they did indeed deliberately lie.

Yes, the left wing of the Democratic Party wanted single payer but the truth is you couldn't convince moderate Democrats to go for that because they knew it would get them thrown out of office come next election. So instead you gave us the Affordable Care Act...probably the most badly written piece of major legislation in the history of the country. Something that those who crafted it KNEW wouldn't do what they promised it would do which is why they told lie after lie about the ACA.

Part of the reason that Hillary was having problems leading up to the election (beyond her emails and general corruption!) was that across the country, Middle Class Americans were getting huge rate increases to their health insurance plans. When you're sitting around the kitchen table with your spouse trying to come to terms with increases that in some cases doubled your rate it's hard not to blame the people who sold you that pig in a poke and Hillary was one of those people!

Your timing couldn't be better. I just hung up with Commie Care, and what they told me was very enlightening.

Basically what they said is that with my so-called subsidy, I would have to pay over one-third of my net income into a plan that doesn't cover anything. $7,000 deductible and $7,150 out of pocket. For my doctors and facilities, that's the cheapest plan they have. There were only two plans to begin with.

I could get a plan for almost half of that, but that would mean never seeing my doctor or facility again. Plus it's the same crappy plan as the first one.

Even the lady on the phone agreed with me how silly this all is. I can't afford those plans, but the kid down the street making french fries at McDonald's does have coverage, however it's likely he's a Democrat voter.

What a scam against working people this is.
The American people did this to themselves by not showing up to vote in 2010 to throw out the obstructionists. Same in 2014 and 2016. Poor people just fucked themselves as well as blue collar lower middle class
I love this term "obstruction" we get from you lefties.
There is no such thing.
Such an idea presupposes the notion that Congress exists to do the bidding of the Executive Branch.
What you whiners refer to as obstruction, is actually the checks and balances the Founders placed into the formation of our government.
I happen to think that the people who turned away from the democrat party to vote for Trump got sick and tired iof being pandered to and patronized by the democrat party and then being ignored once the campaign was over.
They did not screw themselves. They voted for their shot at prosperity. Which if they decide to participate, will come their way.
They turned away from a GOP member being potus too.

The American people fucked up. Just like you think they did when they elected Obama except they really fucked up this time. You'll see

With all due respect, Sealy...one could make the argument that it was the Progressive Wing of the Democratic Party that "fucked up"! Back in 2008 the Middle Class wanted someone to help them with out of control healthcare costs and gave Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi an opportunity to "fix" healthcare. Instead of doing so however, those three deliberately lied to the American people as they pushed through the "Affordable Care Act"...something that was nothing more than an income redistribution scheme in which the Middle Class would subsidize the cost of healthcare for the poor. This election was simply the chickens coming home to roost from all those lies.

I think the people who got Obama elected are just lazy and racist and ignorant and didn't show up in 2010, just like they didn't show up in 2014. But notice they showed up in 2012? Why weren't "they" upset in 2012? This is why your theory is wrong. And why didn't the poor ignorant lazy idiots who got healthcare because of Obama show up and vote? Do you see? They let themselves down. They let the Democratic party down.

But I agree the GOP's constant bitching about the ACA helped get Trump elected. But that doesn't explain why Trump beat the GOP in the GOP primaries. Can you explain that?

And they didn't deliberately lie. We wanted single payer and the healtcare giants didn't let that have a seat at the table. The entire system is corrupt. Even when we tried to reform healthcare the bad actors were in charge. You people are fucked.

The problem was that people liked DumBama personally, but his policies sucked. That's what explains the historic midterm sweeps by the Republicans. In spite of all our problems in this country, DumBama still has high favorable ratings.

The Democrat party screwed up by thinking DumBama's success was because of their positions and policies. Hillary just picked up the ball and ran with it. As we seen, Hilary is no Obama. He was liked personally, she wasn't.

The Republican party is a torn party and has been for a while. Trump won because Republican voters were sick of promises that never materialized; the biggest one immigration. Trump won out of retaliation.

I can't wait to either say I told you so or admit you are right.
The American people did this to themselves by not showing up to vote in 2010 to throw out the obstructionists. Same in 2014 and 2016. Poor people just fucked themselves as well as blue collar lower middle class
I love this term "obstruction" we get from you lefties.
There is no such thing.
Such an idea presupposes the notion that Congress exists to do the bidding of the Executive Branch.
What you whiners refer to as obstruction, is actually the checks and balances the Founders placed into the formation of our government.
I happen to think that the people who turned away from the democrat party to vote for Trump got sick and tired iof being pandered to and patronized by the democrat party and then being ignored once the campaign was over.
They did not screw themselves. They voted for their shot at prosperity. Which if they decide to participate, will come their way.
They turned away from a GOP member being potus too.

The American people fucked up. Just like you think they did when they elected Obama except they really fucked up this time. You'll see

With all due respect, Sealy...one could make the argument that it was the Progressive Wing of the Democratic Party that "fucked up"! Back in 2008 the Middle Class wanted someone to help them with out of control healthcare costs and gave Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi an opportunity to "fix" healthcare. Instead of doing so however, those three deliberately lied to the American people as they pushed through the "Affordable Care Act"...something that was nothing more than an income redistribution scheme in which the Middle Class would subsidize the cost of healthcare for the poor. This election was simply the chickens coming home to roost from all those lies.

I think the people who got Obama elected are just lazy and racist and ignorant and didn't show up in 2010, just like they didn't show up in 2014. But notice they showed up in 2012? Why weren't "they" upset in 2012? This is why your theory is wrong. And why didn't the poor ignorant lazy idiots who got healthcare because of Obama show up and vote? Do you see? They let themselves down. They let the Democratic party down.

But I agree the GOP's constant bitching about the ACA helped get Trump elected. But that doesn't explain why Trump beat the GOP in the GOP primaries. Can you explain that?

And they didn't deliberately lie. We wanted single payer and the healtcare giants didn't let that have a seat at the table. The entire system is corrupt. Even when we tried to reform healthcare the bad actors were in charge. You people are fucked.

Did you somehow miss the whole Peter Gruber thing, Sealy? He admitted that they did indeed deliberately lie.

Yes, the left wing of the Democratic Party wanted single payer but the truth is you couldn't convince moderate Democrats to go for that because they knew it would get them thrown out of office come next election. So instead you gave us the Affordable Care Act...probably the most badly written piece of major legislation in the history of the country. Something that those who crafted it KNEW wouldn't do what they promised it would do which is why they told lie after lie about the ACA.

Part of the reason that Hillary was having problems leading up to the election (beyond her emails and general corruption!) was that across the country, Middle Class Americans were getting huge rate increases to their health insurance plans. When you're sitting around the kitchen table with your spouse trying to come to terms with increases that in some cases doubled your rate it's hard not to blame the people who sold you that pig in a poke and Hillary was one of those people!

I believe that's true. People who's insurance got jacked up weren't happy. Lets see Republicans lower their rates because honestly costs were going out of control even in 2000.
I love this term "obstruction" we get from you lefties.
There is no such thing.
Such an idea presupposes the notion that Congress exists to do the bidding of the Executive Branch.
What you whiners refer to as obstruction, is actually the checks and balances the Founders placed into the formation of our government.
I happen to think that the people who turned away from the democrat party to vote for Trump got sick and tired iof being pandered to and patronized by the democrat party and then being ignored once the campaign was over.
They did not screw themselves. They voted for their shot at prosperity. Which if they decide to participate, will come their way.
They turned away from a GOP member being potus too.

The American people fucked up. Just like you think they did when they elected Obama except they really fucked up this time. You'll see

With all due respect, Sealy...one could make the argument that it was the Progressive Wing of the Democratic Party that "fucked up"! Back in 2008 the Middle Class wanted someone to help them with out of control healthcare costs and gave Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi an opportunity to "fix" healthcare. Instead of doing so however, those three deliberately lied to the American people as they pushed through the "Affordable Care Act"...something that was nothing more than an income redistribution scheme in which the Middle Class would subsidize the cost of healthcare for the poor. This election was simply the chickens coming home to roost from all those lies.

I think the people who got Obama elected are just lazy and racist and ignorant and didn't show up in 2010, just like they didn't show up in 2014. But notice they showed up in 2012? Why weren't "they" upset in 2012? This is why your theory is wrong. And why didn't the poor ignorant lazy idiots who got healthcare because of Obama show up and vote? Do you see? They let themselves down. They let the Democratic party down.

But I agree the GOP's constant bitching about the ACA helped get Trump elected. But that doesn't explain why Trump beat the GOP in the GOP primaries. Can you explain that?

And they didn't deliberately lie. We wanted single payer and the healtcare giants didn't let that have a seat at the table. The entire system is corrupt. Even when we tried to reform healthcare the bad actors were in charge. You people are fucked.

Did you somehow miss the whole Peter Gruber thing, Sealy? He admitted that they did indeed deliberately lie.

Yes, the left wing of the Democratic Party wanted single payer but the truth is you couldn't convince moderate Democrats to go for that because they knew it would get them thrown out of office come next election. So instead you gave us the Affordable Care Act...probably the most badly written piece of major legislation in the history of the country. Something that those who crafted it KNEW wouldn't do what they promised it would do which is why they told lie after lie about the ACA.

Part of the reason that Hillary was having problems leading up to the election (beyond her emails and general corruption!) was that across the country, Middle Class Americans were getting huge rate increases to their health insurance plans. When you're sitting around the kitchen table with your spouse trying to come to terms with increases that in some cases doubled your rate it's hard not to blame the people who sold you that pig in a poke and Hillary was one of those people!

Your timing couldn't be better. I just hung up with Commie Care, and what they told me was very enlightening.

Basically what they said is that with my so-called subsidy, I would have to pay over one-third of my net income into a plan that doesn't cover anything. $7,000 deductible and $7,150 out of pocket. For my doctors and facilities, that's the cheapest plan they have. There were only two plans to begin with.

I could get a plan for almost half of that, but that would mean never seeing my doctor or facility again. Plus it's the same crappy plan as the first one.

Even the lady on the phone agreed with me how silly this all is. I can't afford those plans, but the kid down the street making french fries at McDonald's does have coverage, however it's likely he's a Democrat voter.

What a scam against working people this is.

I hope they lower your rates next year. Let us know.
They turned away from a GOP member being potus too.

The American people fucked up. Just like you think they did when they elected Obama except they really fucked up this time. You'll see

With all due respect, Sealy...one could make the argument that it was the Progressive Wing of the Democratic Party that "fucked up"! Back in 2008 the Middle Class wanted someone to help them with out of control healthcare costs and gave Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi an opportunity to "fix" healthcare. Instead of doing so however, those three deliberately lied to the American people as they pushed through the "Affordable Care Act"...something that was nothing more than an income redistribution scheme in which the Middle Class would subsidize the cost of healthcare for the poor. This election was simply the chickens coming home to roost from all those lies.

I think the people who got Obama elected are just lazy and racist and ignorant and didn't show up in 2010, just like they didn't show up in 2014. But notice they showed up in 2012? Why weren't "they" upset in 2012? This is why your theory is wrong. And why didn't the poor ignorant lazy idiots who got healthcare because of Obama show up and vote? Do you see? They let themselves down. They let the Democratic party down.

But I agree the GOP's constant bitching about the ACA helped get Trump elected. But that doesn't explain why Trump beat the GOP in the GOP primaries. Can you explain that?

And they didn't deliberately lie. We wanted single payer and the healtcare giants didn't let that have a seat at the table. The entire system is corrupt. Even when we tried to reform healthcare the bad actors were in charge. You people are fucked.

Did you somehow miss the whole Peter Gruber thing, Sealy? He admitted that they did indeed deliberately lie.

Yes, the left wing of the Democratic Party wanted single payer but the truth is you couldn't convince moderate Democrats to go for that because they knew it would get them thrown out of office come next election. So instead you gave us the Affordable Care Act...probably the most badly written piece of major legislation in the history of the country. Something that those who crafted it KNEW wouldn't do what they promised it would do which is why they told lie after lie about the ACA.

Part of the reason that Hillary was having problems leading up to the election (beyond her emails and general corruption!) was that across the country, Middle Class Americans were getting huge rate increases to their health insurance plans. When you're sitting around the kitchen table with your spouse trying to come to terms with increases that in some cases doubled your rate it's hard not to blame the people who sold you that pig in a poke and Hillary was one of those people!

Your timing couldn't be better. I just hung up with Commie Care, and what they told me was very enlightening.

Basically what they said is that with my so-called subsidy, I would have to pay over one-third of my net income into a plan that doesn't cover anything. $7,000 deductible and $7,150 out of pocket. For my doctors and facilities, that's the cheapest plan they have. There were only two plans to begin with.

I could get a plan for almost half of that, but that would mean never seeing my doctor or facility again. Plus it's the same crappy plan as the first one.

Even the lady on the phone agreed with me how silly this all is. I can't afford those plans, but the kid down the street making french fries at McDonald's does have coverage, however it's likely he's a Democrat voter.

What a scam against working people this is.

I hope they lower your rates next year. Let us know.

They only way for that to happen is to get rid of Commie Care altogether. The plan was designed to cater to likely Democrat voters at the cost of likely Republican voters. Now that we have power, let's switch this around.
I love this term "obstruction" we get from you lefties.
There is no such thing.
Such an idea presupposes the notion that Congress exists to do the bidding of the Executive Branch.
What you whiners refer to as obstruction, is actually the checks and balances the Founders placed into the formation of our government.
I happen to think that the people who turned away from the democrat party to vote for Trump got sick and tired iof being pandered to and patronized by the democrat party and then being ignored once the campaign was over.
They did not screw themselves. They voted for their shot at prosperity. Which if they decide to participate, will come their way.
They turned away from a GOP member being potus too.

The American people fucked up. Just like you think they did when they elected Obama except they really fucked up this time. You'll see

With all due respect, Sealy...one could make the argument that it was the Progressive Wing of the Democratic Party that "fucked up"! Back in 2008 the Middle Class wanted someone to help them with out of control healthcare costs and gave Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi an opportunity to "fix" healthcare. Instead of doing so however, those three deliberately lied to the American people as they pushed through the "Affordable Care Act"...something that was nothing more than an income redistribution scheme in which the Middle Class would subsidize the cost of healthcare for the poor. This election was simply the chickens coming home to roost from all those lies.

I think the people who got Obama elected are just lazy and racist and ignorant and didn't show up in 2010, just like they didn't show up in 2014. But notice they showed up in 2012? Why weren't "they" upset in 2012? This is why your theory is wrong. And why didn't the poor ignorant lazy idiots who got healthcare because of Obama show up and vote? Do you see? They let themselves down. They let the Democratic party down.

But I agree the GOP's constant bitching about the ACA helped get Trump elected. But that doesn't explain why Trump beat the GOP in the GOP primaries. Can you explain that?

And they didn't deliberately lie. We wanted single payer and the healtcare giants didn't let that have a seat at the table. The entire system is corrupt. Even when we tried to reform healthcare the bad actors were in charge. You people are fucked.

Did you somehow miss the whole Peter Gruber thing, Sealy? He admitted that they did indeed deliberately lie.

Yes, the left wing of the Democratic Party wanted single payer but the truth is you couldn't convince moderate Democrats to go for that because they knew it would get them thrown out of office come next election. So instead you gave us the Affordable Care Act...probably the most badly written piece of major legislation in the history of the country. Something that those who crafted it KNEW wouldn't do what they promised it would do which is why they told lie after lie about the ACA.

Part of the reason that Hillary was having problems leading up to the election (beyond her emails and general corruption!) was that across the country, Middle Class Americans were getting huge rate increases to their health insurance plans. When you're sitting around the kitchen table with your spouse trying to come to terms with increases that in some cases doubled your rate it's hard not to blame the people who sold you that pig in a poke and Hillary was one of those people!

I believe that's true. People who's insurance got jacked up weren't happy. Lets see Republicans lower their rates because honestly costs were going out of control even in 2000.

Speaking from personal experience, Sealy...I've NEVER gotten a rate increase even close to what I got this year! I make too much to qualify for subsidies so I'm paying for my health insurance as well as helping to pay for the people who are getting subsidies...something I'm not happy about...especially since I've had to change doctors because my old one wouldn't take ACA patients! For me...going back to what we had before would be far superior to what I'm dealing with now.
They turned away from a GOP member being potus too.

The American people fucked up. Just like you think they did when they elected Obama except they really fucked up this time. You'll see

With all due respect, Sealy...one could make the argument that it was the Progressive Wing of the Democratic Party that "fucked up"! Back in 2008 the Middle Class wanted someone to help them with out of control healthcare costs and gave Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi an opportunity to "fix" healthcare. Instead of doing so however, those three deliberately lied to the American people as they pushed through the "Affordable Care Act"...something that was nothing more than an income redistribution scheme in which the Middle Class would subsidize the cost of healthcare for the poor. This election was simply the chickens coming home to roost from all those lies.

I think the people who got Obama elected are just lazy and racist and ignorant and didn't show up in 2010, just like they didn't show up in 2014. But notice they showed up in 2012? Why weren't "they" upset in 2012? This is why your theory is wrong. And why didn't the poor ignorant lazy idiots who got healthcare because of Obama show up and vote? Do you see? They let themselves down. They let the Democratic party down.

But I agree the GOP's constant bitching about the ACA helped get Trump elected. But that doesn't explain why Trump beat the GOP in the GOP primaries. Can you explain that?

And they didn't deliberately lie. We wanted single payer and the healtcare giants didn't let that have a seat at the table. The entire system is corrupt. Even when we tried to reform healthcare the bad actors were in charge. You people are fucked.

Did you somehow miss the whole Peter Gruber thing, Sealy? He admitted that they did indeed deliberately lie.

Yes, the left wing of the Democratic Party wanted single payer but the truth is you couldn't convince moderate Democrats to go for that because they knew it would get them thrown out of office come next election. So instead you gave us the Affordable Care Act...probably the most badly written piece of major legislation in the history of the country. Something that those who crafted it KNEW wouldn't do what they promised it would do which is why they told lie after lie about the ACA.

Part of the reason that Hillary was having problems leading up to the election (beyond her emails and general corruption!) was that across the country, Middle Class Americans were getting huge rate increases to their health insurance plans. When you're sitting around the kitchen table with your spouse trying to come to terms with increases that in some cases doubled your rate it's hard not to blame the people who sold you that pig in a poke and Hillary was one of those people!

I believe that's true. People who's insurance got jacked up weren't happy. Lets see Republicans lower their rates because honestly costs were going out of control even in 2000.

Speaking from personal experience, Sealy...I've NEVER gotten a rate increase even close to what I got this year! I make too much to qualify for subsidies so I'm paying for my health insurance as well as helping to pay for the people who are getting subsidies...something I'm not happy about...especially since I've had to change doctors because my old one wouldn't take ACA patients! For me...going back to what we had before would be far superior to what I'm dealing with now.

An election year sounds like a good year to sock it to you.

Do you see all the billionaires and corporate fat cats Trump is appointing? Do you really think these appointees care about the poorly educated blue collar American workers?

The Kremlin on Monday praised Rex Tillerson, front-runner to be U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s pick for Secretary of State
With all due respect, Sealy...one could make the argument that it was the Progressive Wing of the Democratic Party that "fucked up"! Back in 2008 the Middle Class wanted someone to help them with out of control healthcare costs and gave Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi an opportunity to "fix" healthcare. Instead of doing so however, those three deliberately lied to the American people as they pushed through the "Affordable Care Act"...something that was nothing more than an income redistribution scheme in which the Middle Class would subsidize the cost of healthcare for the poor. This election was simply the chickens coming home to roost from all those lies.

I think the people who got Obama elected are just lazy and racist and ignorant and didn't show up in 2010, just like they didn't show up in 2014. But notice they showed up in 2012? Why weren't "they" upset in 2012? This is why your theory is wrong. And why didn't the poor ignorant lazy idiots who got healthcare because of Obama show up and vote? Do you see? They let themselves down. They let the Democratic party down.

But I agree the GOP's constant bitching about the ACA helped get Trump elected. But that doesn't explain why Trump beat the GOP in the GOP primaries. Can you explain that?

And they didn't deliberately lie. We wanted single payer and the healtcare giants didn't let that have a seat at the table. The entire system is corrupt. Even when we tried to reform healthcare the bad actors were in charge. You people are fucked.

Did you somehow miss the whole Peter Gruber thing, Sealy? He admitted that they did indeed deliberately lie.

Yes, the left wing of the Democratic Party wanted single payer but the truth is you couldn't convince moderate Democrats to go for that because they knew it would get them thrown out of office come next election. So instead you gave us the Affordable Care Act...probably the most badly written piece of major legislation in the history of the country. Something that those who crafted it KNEW wouldn't do what they promised it would do which is why they told lie after lie about the ACA.

Part of the reason that Hillary was having problems leading up to the election (beyond her emails and general corruption!) was that across the country, Middle Class Americans were getting huge rate increases to their health insurance plans. When you're sitting around the kitchen table with your spouse trying to come to terms with increases that in some cases doubled your rate it's hard not to blame the people who sold you that pig in a poke and Hillary was one of those people!

I believe that's true. People who's insurance got jacked up weren't happy. Lets see Republicans lower their rates because honestly costs were going out of control even in 2000.

Speaking from personal experience, Sealy...I've NEVER gotten a rate increase even close to what I got this year! I make too much to qualify for subsidies so I'm paying for my health insurance as well as helping to pay for the people who are getting subsidies...something I'm not happy about...especially since I've had to change doctors because my old one wouldn't take ACA patients! For me...going back to what we had before would be far superior to what I'm dealing with now.

An election year sounds like a good year to sock it to you.

Do you see all the billionaires and corporate fat cats Trump is appointing? Do you really think these appointees care about the poorly educated blue collar American workers?

The Kremlin on Monday praised Rex Tillerson, front-runner to be U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s pick for Secretary of State

Trump is putting people he has faith in as problem solvers into positions of authority in his administration. I think those appointees care about getting the job they have given done, which is why Trump is choosing them. How many poorly educated blue collar American workers do you honestly think have the capabilities to do the jobs that he has to fill? I know that you on the left HATE successful people because it goes against your whole "It takes a village" mentality but Trump is looking for people that solve problems...not people that fit a politically correct niche.
I think the people who got Obama elected are just lazy and racist and ignorant and didn't show up in 2010, just like they didn't show up in 2014. But notice they showed up in 2012? Why weren't "they" upset in 2012? This is why your theory is wrong. And why didn't the poor ignorant lazy idiots who got healthcare because of Obama show up and vote? Do you see? They let themselves down. They let the Democratic party down.

But I agree the GOP's constant bitching about the ACA helped get Trump elected. But that doesn't explain why Trump beat the GOP in the GOP primaries. Can you explain that?

And they didn't deliberately lie. We wanted single payer and the healtcare giants didn't let that have a seat at the table. The entire system is corrupt. Even when we tried to reform healthcare the bad actors were in charge. You people are fucked.

Did you somehow miss the whole Peter Gruber thing, Sealy? He admitted that they did indeed deliberately lie.

Yes, the left wing of the Democratic Party wanted single payer but the truth is you couldn't convince moderate Democrats to go for that because they knew it would get them thrown out of office come next election. So instead you gave us the Affordable Care Act...probably the most badly written piece of major legislation in the history of the country. Something that those who crafted it KNEW wouldn't do what they promised it would do which is why they told lie after lie about the ACA.

Part of the reason that Hillary was having problems leading up to the election (beyond her emails and general corruption!) was that across the country, Middle Class Americans were getting huge rate increases to their health insurance plans. When you're sitting around the kitchen table with your spouse trying to come to terms with increases that in some cases doubled your rate it's hard not to blame the people who sold you that pig in a poke and Hillary was one of those people!

I believe that's true. People who's insurance got jacked up weren't happy. Lets see Republicans lower their rates because honestly costs were going out of control even in 2000.

Speaking from personal experience, Sealy...I've NEVER gotten a rate increase even close to what I got this year! I make too much to qualify for subsidies so I'm paying for my health insurance as well as helping to pay for the people who are getting subsidies...something I'm not happy about...especially since I've had to change doctors because my old one wouldn't take ACA patients! For me...going back to what we had before would be far superior to what I'm dealing with now.

An election year sounds like a good year to sock it to you.

Do you see all the billionaires and corporate fat cats Trump is appointing? Do you really think these appointees care about the poorly educated blue collar American workers?

The Kremlin on Monday praised Rex Tillerson, front-runner to be U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s pick for Secretary of State

Trump is putting people he has faith in as problem solvers into positions of authority in his administration. I think those appointees care about getting the job they have given done, which is why Trump is choosing them. How many poorly educated blue collar American workers do you honestly think have the capabilities to do the jobs that he has to fill? I know that you on the left HATE successful people because it goes against your whole "It takes a village" mentality but Trump is looking for people that solve problems...not people that fit a politically correct niche.

I hope you are right but remember we don't hate anybody. We are worried they are robber barons who just conned the uneducated blue collar worker. If I'm wrong we should find out very soon.

I find it interesting you untrusting sons of bitches are so trusting of these lobbyists, corporate fat cats, and billionaires. I have read up on this kind of mentality. You like being ruled. You'd rather have a king than the masses deciding.

Linda McMahon never won an election. That must mean people didn't like her ideas. So what does Trump do? He appoints her. Carson admits he doesn't have the skills to run the HUD but because he's a black rich asshole he's perfect for the job.

Mrs. Devoss could never win an election and Trump appointed her to do what the public has repeatedly said no to.

Oil companies, Goldman Sachs, Breitbart.

This is already clearly a disaster.
I think the people who got Obama elected are just lazy and racist and ignorant and didn't show up in 2010, just like they didn't show up in 2014. But notice they showed up in 2012? Why weren't "they" upset in 2012? This is why your theory is wrong. And why didn't the poor ignorant lazy idiots who got healthcare because of Obama show up and vote? Do you see? They let themselves down. They let the Democratic party down.

But I agree the GOP's constant bitching about the ACA helped get Trump elected. But that doesn't explain why Trump beat the GOP in the GOP primaries. Can you explain that?

And they didn't deliberately lie. We wanted single payer and the healtcare giants didn't let that have a seat at the table. The entire system is corrupt. Even when we tried to reform healthcare the bad actors were in charge. You people are fucked.

Did you somehow miss the whole Peter Gruber thing, Sealy? He admitted that they did indeed deliberately lie.

Yes, the left wing of the Democratic Party wanted single payer but the truth is you couldn't convince moderate Democrats to go for that because they knew it would get them thrown out of office come next election. So instead you gave us the Affordable Care Act...probably the most badly written piece of major legislation in the history of the country. Something that those who crafted it KNEW wouldn't do what they promised it would do which is why they told lie after lie about the ACA.

Part of the reason that Hillary was having problems leading up to the election (beyond her emails and general corruption!) was that across the country, Middle Class Americans were getting huge rate increases to their health insurance plans. When you're sitting around the kitchen table with your spouse trying to come to terms with increases that in some cases doubled your rate it's hard not to blame the people who sold you that pig in a poke and Hillary was one of those people!

I believe that's true. People who's insurance got jacked up weren't happy. Lets see Republicans lower their rates because honestly costs were going out of control even in 2000.

Speaking from personal experience, Sealy...I've NEVER gotten a rate increase even close to what I got this year! I make too much to qualify for subsidies so I'm paying for my health insurance as well as helping to pay for the people who are getting subsidies...something I'm not happy about...especially since I've had to change doctors because my old one wouldn't take ACA patients! For me...going back to what we had before would be far superior to what I'm dealing with now.

An election year sounds like a good year to sock it to you.

Do you see all the billionaires and corporate fat cats Trump is appointing? Do you really think these appointees care about the poorly educated blue collar American workers?

The Kremlin on Monday praised Rex Tillerson, front-runner to be U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s pick for Secretary of State

Trump is putting people he has faith in as problem solvers into positions of authority in his administration. I think those appointees care about getting the job they have given done, which is why Trump is choosing them. How many poorly educated blue collar American workers do you honestly think have the capabilities to do the jobs that he has to fill? I know that you on the left HATE successful people because it goes against your whole "It takes a village" mentality but Trump is looking for people that solve problems...not people that fit a politically correct niche.

Unlike Obama, Trump has a lifetime of experience hiring people. He has a lifetime experience of success. If a group of people can make this country run better than it is, WTF would I care if they are six figures a year people or billionaires? Most people get into politics to make money. These people already have money, so why would they be taking the job? Because they care about the country.

That aside, it wouldn't matter who Trump selected to be in his cabinet. Unless it was a real leftist, they would be criticized the same way by the left, so their concerns and complaints don't bother me the least. If they don't work out, I'm sure Trump will replace them as soon as he suspects trouble. He made a show out of firing people, so it's not beyond him to do so as President.
Logic really ISN'T you strong suit, and your grasp of the obvious is pretty shaky as well.

And that would be because..........? How many people who voted for Trump in the primaries, wouldn't have voted for him in the election? Maybe those who died, and that'd be about it.

This election wasn't really about who voted for Trump, Frigid...it was more about who DIDN'T vote for Clinton and why they didn't turn out for her!

She alienated the young liberal vote with what Debbie Wasserman Schultz did to Bernie Sanders. Making DWS an "Honorary Chairperson" of the Clinton campaign right after she was forced to step down during the Democratic Convention was one of the dumbest political moves I've ever seen. It was a poke in the eye for all those people who supported Sanders and worked hard for him...one more example of Hillary Clinton thinking she was "entitled" to liberal votes.

No, I disagree. This election was all about the rich still getting their way, but playing the game with Trump pretending to be anti-establishment.

He was supposedly against what already existed, and yet the rich are probably going to do BETTER under the "anti-establishment" guy, oh, what a surprise. The people lose AGAIN, the powerful win AGAIN.

How does your premise even make sense when the rich and powerful were pouring millions into the campaign of Hillary Clinton...not Donald Trump? Clinton spent something like 1.3 billion dollars on this race...money that she got in large part from the wealthy and connected both here and abroad.

As for who the rich has done better under? The rich have gotten far wealthier under Obama than the Middle Class or the lower classes have. This election in large part was about those in the Middle Class deciding that progressive policies weren't making their lives better and those in the lower classes simply wanting someone in office who would make it possible for them to get a steady job with a decent paycheck. My point all along is that normally liberal voters didn't turn out for Clinton because they didn't see her as the solution to their problems but rather as a continuation of the same policies that Barack Obama gave us that led to one of the weakest economic recoveries in modern economic history.

How does it make sense? Well, not everything makes much sense, does it?

The Democratic Party aren't totally disconnected from the rich, the rich want the stability, the status quo and the Democrats are this as much as the Republicans are.

The rich have done better because the economy has done better. The poor have jobs or they don't have jobs, and those jobs won't pay much anyway. That's their lot in life and they'll never surge ahead. The rich often do well in bad times and good, money doesn't just disappear, it ends up in the banks of rich people and they don't spend it, this is how economic crises happen. However sometimes some people just make more money in good times.

I'd say the biggest problem people who have jobs see is that their lives are miserable. They think that Trump will offer them something they don't have, the same happened in the UK with Brexit. It's a feeling, it's emotion, it's about this unknown thing (that doesn't exist). Trump offered this hope "make America great again", Obama offered it, Hillary didn't. She didn't offer something that is fake and false to the people. You can see from a lot of the right wingers who are intent of talking about "butt hurt" and all that nonsense that they're gained happiness from Trump's win. Not from any real substance, not from getting a better job, or anything like that, but simply because "their guy" won and therefore this somehow makes them feel better about themselves, and then they can come on here and attempt to bully those who lose, and wow, their lives are even better.

It's sad.
What economy has done "better"?...
Not one single quarter during Obama's tenure had one where the annualized growth percentage was greater that 2.5%...And that happened twice. In 32 quarters.
The net average GDP growth since 2009 is less than 2%. In financial circles that is essentially flat.
This has nothing to do with the wealthy.
I find it fascinating how you left wingers can impugn the wealthy then completely ignore the fact that this nation's largest corps and wealthiest individuals are solid one way supporters of liberal causes and democrat candidates.
Most of Hillary Clinton's support came from those same large companies and wealthy individuals.
Stop the hypocrisy already
And that would be because..........? How many people who voted for Trump in the primaries, wouldn't have voted for him in the election? Maybe those who died, and that'd be about it.

This election wasn't really about who voted for Trump, Frigid...it was more about who DIDN'T vote for Clinton and why they didn't turn out for her!

She alienated the young liberal vote with what Debbie Wasserman Schultz did to Bernie Sanders. Making DWS an "Honorary Chairperson" of the Clinton campaign right after she was forced to step down during the Democratic Convention was one of the dumbest political moves I've ever seen. It was a poke in the eye for all those people who supported Sanders and worked hard for him...one more example of Hillary Clinton thinking she was "entitled" to liberal votes.

No, I disagree. This election was all about the rich still getting their way, but playing the game with Trump pretending to be anti-establishment.

He was supposedly against what already existed, and yet the rich are probably going to do BETTER under the "anti-establishment" guy, oh, what a surprise. The people lose AGAIN, the powerful win AGAIN.

How does your premise even make sense when the rich and powerful were pouring millions into the campaign of Hillary Clinton...not Donald Trump? Clinton spent something like 1.3 billion dollars on this race...money that she got in large part from the wealthy and connected both here and abroad.

As for who the rich has done better under? The rich have gotten far wealthier under Obama than the Middle Class or the lower classes have. This election in large part was about those in the Middle Class deciding that progressive policies weren't making their lives better and those in the lower classes simply wanting someone in office who would make it possible for them to get a steady job with a decent paycheck. My point all along is that normally liberal voters didn't turn out for Clinton because they didn't see her as the solution to their problems but rather as a continuation of the same policies that Barack Obama gave us that led to one of the weakest economic recoveries in modern economic history.

How does it make sense? Well, not everything makes much sense, does it?

The Democratic Party aren't totally disconnected from the rich, the rich want the stability, the status quo and the Democrats are this as much as the Republicans are.

The rich have done better because the economy has done better. The poor have jobs or they don't have jobs, and those jobs won't pay much anyway. That's their lot in life and they'll never surge ahead. The rich often do well in bad times and good, money doesn't just disappear, it ends up in the banks of rich people and they don't spend it, this is how economic crises happen. However sometimes some people just make more money in good times.

I'd say the biggest problem people who have jobs see is that their lives are miserable. They think that Trump will offer them something they don't have, the same happened in the UK with Brexit. It's a feeling, it's emotion, it's about this unknown thing (that doesn't exist). Trump offered this hope "make America great again", Obama offered it, Hillary didn't. She didn't offer something that is fake and false to the people. You can see from a lot of the right wingers who are intent of talking about "butt hurt" and all that nonsense that they're gained happiness from Trump's win. Not from any real substance, not from getting a better job, or anything like that, but simply because "their guy" won and therefore this somehow makes them feel better about themselves, and then they can come on here and attempt to bully those who lose, and wow, their lives are even better.

It's sad.
What economy has done "better"?...
Not one single quarter during Obama's tenure had one where the annualized growth percentage was greater that 2.5%...And that happened twice. In 32 quarters.
The net average GDP growth since 2009 is less than 2%. In financial circles that is essentially flat.
This has nothing to do with the wealthy.
I find it fascinating how you left wingers can impugn the wealthy then completely ignore the fact that this nation's largest corps and wealthiest individuals are solid one way supporters of liberal causes and democrat candidates.
Most of Hillary Clinton's support came from those same large companies and wealthy individuals.
Stop the hypocrisy already
You've just handed our democracy over to billionaires and corporations. How do you feel about that stupid?
Did you somehow miss the whole Peter Gruber thing, Sealy? He admitted that they did indeed deliberately lie.

Yes, the left wing of the Democratic Party wanted single payer but the truth is you couldn't convince moderate Democrats to go for that because they knew it would get them thrown out of office come next election. So instead you gave us the Affordable Care Act...probably the most badly written piece of major legislation in the history of the country. Something that those who crafted it KNEW wouldn't do what they promised it would do which is why they told lie after lie about the ACA.

Part of the reason that Hillary was having problems leading up to the election (beyond her emails and general corruption!) was that across the country, Middle Class Americans were getting huge rate increases to their health insurance plans. When you're sitting around the kitchen table with your spouse trying to come to terms with increases that in some cases doubled your rate it's hard not to blame the people who sold you that pig in a poke and Hillary was one of those people!

I believe that's true. People who's insurance got jacked up weren't happy. Lets see Republicans lower their rates because honestly costs were going out of control even in 2000.

Speaking from personal experience, Sealy...I've NEVER gotten a rate increase even close to what I got this year! I make too much to qualify for subsidies so I'm paying for my health insurance as well as helping to pay for the people who are getting subsidies...something I'm not happy about...especially since I've had to change doctors because my old one wouldn't take ACA patients! For me...going back to what we had before would be far superior to what I'm dealing with now.

An election year sounds like a good year to sock it to you.

Do you see all the billionaires and corporate fat cats Trump is appointing? Do you really think these appointees care about the poorly educated blue collar American workers?

The Kremlin on Monday praised Rex Tillerson, front-runner to be U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s pick for Secretary of State

Trump is putting people he has faith in as problem solvers into positions of authority in his administration. I think those appointees care about getting the job they have given done, which is why Trump is choosing them. How many poorly educated blue collar American workers do you honestly think have the capabilities to do the jobs that he has to fill? I know that you on the left HATE successful people because it goes against your whole "It takes a village" mentality but Trump is looking for people that solve problems...not people that fit a politically correct niche.

I hope you are right but remember we don't hate anybody. We are worried they are robber barons who just conned the uneducated blue collar worker. If I'm wrong we should find out very soon.

I find it interesting you untrusting sons of bitches are so trusting of these lobbyists, corporate fat cats, and billionaires. I have read up on this kind of mentality. You like being ruled. You'd rather have a king than the masses deciding.

Linda McMahon never won an election. That must mean people didn't like her ideas. So what does Trump do? He appoints her. Carson admits he doesn't have the skills to run the HUD but because he's a black rich asshole he's perfect for the job.

Mrs. Devoss could never win an election and Trump appointed her to do what the public has repeatedly said no to.

Oil companies, Goldman Sachs, Breitbart.

This is already clearly a disaster.
"We are worried".....That's one of your side's traits. You worry.
Now it is fine to have certain concerns. However the hand wringing is not necessary.
I have always maintained that if Trump were elected, he would surround himself with brilliant minds. People who cut through the bull and get things done.
Also he would choose political outsiders. Not those who are unfamiliar with politics, but those who know there way around and through the political mine fields. And those who will not allow the traditional ways of glad handing back slapping and doing favors to stop them from implementing policy that will move the country forward.

On Linda McMahon. For the sake of convenience, you mentioned her elections losses. And to you that is rejection.
You failed to put that into proper context by mentioning she was running as a republican in Connecticut. A state where the GOP has as much chance or getting elected as the sun rising in the west, The last GOP Senator elected CT was Lowell Wiecker. And he last served nearly 28 years ago.
So your premise on McMahon's political losses is miused. Nice try
The exit polls don't support your claim.

Geez, wake up, the exit pollsters LIED. Do you not understand that?

So you support the OP's claims, which are based on polls, but all polls lie.

You're fucking retarded.

Still want to tell us how Trump is leading in the popular vote?

The OP is about why you libs lost. are you in the right thread?

Then you should have read the OP.

Here's the first line:

“Clinton’s own polling people found the big turning point was when she called Trump voters a ‘basket of deplorables.’ "

I made a certain word bigger for you.

Yes, we get that (even without the large bold font). What you refuse to get is that those same pollsters continued the lie that she was still leading and that Trump had no path to 270 EC votes. The lied to you. Try to deal with that reality.

Nobody in the polling business EVER said Trump had no path to 270.

You're as bad a pathological liar as Trump.
Did you somehow miss the whole Peter Gruber thing, Sealy? He admitted that they did indeed deliberately lie.

Yes, the left wing of the Democratic Party wanted single payer but the truth is you couldn't convince moderate Democrats to go for that because they knew it would get them thrown out of office come next election. So instead you gave us the Affordable Care Act...probably the most badly written piece of major legislation in the history of the country. Something that those who crafted it KNEW wouldn't do what they promised it would do which is why they told lie after lie about the ACA.

Part of the reason that Hillary was having problems leading up to the election (beyond her emails and general corruption!) was that across the country, Middle Class Americans were getting huge rate increases to their health insurance plans. When you're sitting around the kitchen table with your spouse trying to come to terms with increases that in some cases doubled your rate it's hard not to blame the people who sold you that pig in a poke and Hillary was one of those people!

I believe that's true. People who's insurance got jacked up weren't happy. Lets see Republicans lower their rates because honestly costs were going out of control even in 2000.

Speaking from personal experience, Sealy...I've NEVER gotten a rate increase even close to what I got this year! I make too much to qualify for subsidies so I'm paying for my health insurance as well as helping to pay for the people who are getting subsidies...something I'm not happy about...especially since I've had to change doctors because my old one wouldn't take ACA patients! For me...going back to what we had before would be far superior to what I'm dealing with now.

An election year sounds like a good year to sock it to you.

Do you see all the billionaires and corporate fat cats Trump is appointing? Do you really think these appointees care about the poorly educated blue collar American workers?

The Kremlin on Monday praised Rex Tillerson, front-runner to be U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s pick for Secretary of State

Trump is putting people he has faith in as problem solvers into positions of authority in his administration. I think those appointees care about getting the job they have given done, which is why Trump is choosing them. How many poorly educated blue collar American workers do you honestly think have the capabilities to do the jobs that he has to fill? I know that you on the left HATE successful people because it goes against your whole "It takes a village" mentality but Trump is looking for people that solve problems...not people that fit a politically correct niche.

I hope you are right but remember we don't hate anybody. We are worried they are robber barons who just conned the uneducated blue collar worker. If I'm wrong we should find out very soon.

I find it interesting you untrusting sons of bitches are so trusting of these lobbyists, corporate fat cats, and billionaires. I have read up on this kind of mentality. You like being ruled. You'd rather have a king than the masses deciding.

Linda McMahon never won an election. That must mean people didn't like her ideas. So what does Trump do? He appoints her. Carson admits he doesn't have the skills to run the HUD but because he's a black rich asshole he's perfect for the job.

Mrs. Devoss could never win an election and Trump appointed her to do what the public has repeatedly said no to.

Oil companies, Goldman Sachs, Breitbart.

This is already clearly a disaster.

For some reason you seem to think Presidential appointees need to run for office. Presidents pick people for their Administration to carry out the agenda they envision taking place. It's the President who runs for office...not his appointees. It doesn't matter one bit if Trump selects people who have never sought elected office.
This election wasn't really about who voted for Trump, Frigid...it was more about who DIDN'T vote for Clinton and why they didn't turn out for her!

She alienated the young liberal vote with what Debbie Wasserman Schultz did to Bernie Sanders. Making DWS an "Honorary Chairperson" of the Clinton campaign right after she was forced to step down during the Democratic Convention was one of the dumbest political moves I've ever seen. It was a poke in the eye for all those people who supported Sanders and worked hard for him...one more example of Hillary Clinton thinking she was "entitled" to liberal votes.

No, I disagree. This election was all about the rich still getting their way, but playing the game with Trump pretending to be anti-establishment.

He was supposedly against what already existed, and yet the rich are probably going to do BETTER under the "anti-establishment" guy, oh, what a surprise. The people lose AGAIN, the powerful win AGAIN.

How does your premise even make sense when the rich and powerful were pouring millions into the campaign of Hillary Clinton...not Donald Trump? Clinton spent something like 1.3 billion dollars on this race...money that she got in large part from the wealthy and connected both here and abroad.

As for who the rich has done better under? The rich have gotten far wealthier under Obama than the Middle Class or the lower classes have. This election in large part was about those in the Middle Class deciding that progressive policies weren't making their lives better and those in the lower classes simply wanting someone in office who would make it possible for them to get a steady job with a decent paycheck. My point all along is that normally liberal voters didn't turn out for Clinton because they didn't see her as the solution to their problems but rather as a continuation of the same policies that Barack Obama gave us that led to one of the weakest economic recoveries in modern economic history.

How does it make sense? Well, not everything makes much sense, does it?

The Democratic Party aren't totally disconnected from the rich, the rich want the stability, the status quo and the Democrats are this as much as the Republicans are.

The rich have done better because the economy has done better. The poor have jobs or they don't have jobs, and those jobs won't pay much anyway. That's their lot in life and they'll never surge ahead. The rich often do well in bad times and good, money doesn't just disappear, it ends up in the banks of rich people and they don't spend it, this is how economic crises happen. However sometimes some people just make more money in good times.

I'd say the biggest problem people who have jobs see is that their lives are miserable. They think that Trump will offer them something they don't have, the same happened in the UK with Brexit. It's a feeling, it's emotion, it's about this unknown thing (that doesn't exist). Trump offered this hope "make America great again", Obama offered it, Hillary didn't. She didn't offer something that is fake and false to the people. You can see from a lot of the right wingers who are intent of talking about "butt hurt" and all that nonsense that they're gained happiness from Trump's win. Not from any real substance, not from getting a better job, or anything like that, but simply because "their guy" won and therefore this somehow makes them feel better about themselves, and then they can come on here and attempt to bully those who lose, and wow, their lives are even better.

It's sad.
What economy has done "better"?...
Not one single quarter during Obama's tenure had one where the annualized growth percentage was greater that 2.5%...And that happened twice. In 32 quarters.
The net average GDP growth since 2009 is less than 2%. In financial circles that is essentially flat.
This has nothing to do with the wealthy.
I find it fascinating how you left wingers can impugn the wealthy then completely ignore the fact that this nation's largest corps and wealthiest individuals are solid one way supporters of liberal causes and democrat candidates.
Most of Hillary Clinton's support came from those same large companies and wealthy individuals.
Stop the hypocrisy already
You've just handed our democracy over to billionaires and corporations. How do you feel about that stupid?
Which corporations?
Geez, wake up, the exit pollsters LIED. Do you not understand that?

So you support the OP's claims, which are based on polls, but all polls lie.

You're fucking retarded.

Still want to tell us how Trump is leading in the popular vote?

The OP is about why you libs lost. are you in the right thread?

Then you should have read the OP.

Here's the first line:

“Clinton’s own polling people found the big turning point was when she called Trump voters a ‘basket of deplorables.’ "

I made a certain word bigger for you.

Yes, we get that (even without the large bold font). What you refuse to get is that those same pollsters continued the lie that she was still leading and that Trump had no path to 270 EC votes. The lied to you. Try to deal with that reality.

Nobody in the polling business EVER said Trump had no path to 270.

You're as bad a pathological liar as Trump.
This election wasn't really about who voted for Trump, Frigid...it was more about who DIDN'T vote for Clinton and why they didn't turn out for her!

She alienated the young liberal vote with what Debbie Wasserman Schultz did to Bernie Sanders. Making DWS an "Honorary Chairperson" of the Clinton campaign right after she was forced to step down during the Democratic Convention was one of the dumbest political moves I've ever seen. It was a poke in the eye for all those people who supported Sanders and worked hard for him...one more example of Hillary Clinton thinking she was "entitled" to liberal votes.

No, I disagree. This election was all about the rich still getting their way, but playing the game with Trump pretending to be anti-establishment.

He was supposedly against what already existed, and yet the rich are probably going to do BETTER under the "anti-establishment" guy, oh, what a surprise. The people lose AGAIN, the powerful win AGAIN.

How does your premise even make sense when the rich and powerful were pouring millions into the campaign of Hillary Clinton...not Donald Trump? Clinton spent something like 1.3 billion dollars on this race...money that she got in large part from the wealthy and connected both here and abroad.

As for who the rich has done better under? The rich have gotten far wealthier under Obama than the Middle Class or the lower classes have. This election in large part was about those in the Middle Class deciding that progressive policies weren't making their lives better and those in the lower classes simply wanting someone in office who would make it possible for them to get a steady job with a decent paycheck. My point all along is that normally liberal voters didn't turn out for Clinton because they didn't see her as the solution to their problems but rather as a continuation of the same policies that Barack Obama gave us that led to one of the weakest economic recoveries in modern economic history.

How does it make sense? Well, not everything makes much sense, does it?

The Democratic Party aren't totally disconnected from the rich, the rich want the stability, the status quo and the Democrats are this as much as the Republicans are.

The rich have done better because the economy has done better. The poor have jobs or they don't have jobs, and those jobs won't pay much anyway. That's their lot in life and they'll never surge ahead. The rich often do well in bad times and good, money doesn't just disappear, it ends up in the banks of rich people and they don't spend it, this is how economic crises happen. However sometimes some people just make more money in good times.

I'd say the biggest problem people who have jobs see is that their lives are miserable. They think that Trump will offer them something they don't have, the same happened in the UK with Brexit. It's a feeling, it's emotion, it's about this unknown thing (that doesn't exist). Trump offered this hope "make America great again", Obama offered it, Hillary didn't. She didn't offer something that is fake and false to the people. You can see from a lot of the right wingers who are intent of talking about "butt hurt" and all that nonsense that they're gained happiness from Trump's win. Not from any real substance, not from getting a better job, or anything like that, but simply because "their guy" won and therefore this somehow makes them feel better about themselves, and then they can come on here and attempt to bully those who lose, and wow, their lives are even better.

It's sad.
What economy has done "better"?...
Not one single quarter during Obama's tenure had one where the annualized growth percentage was greater that 2.5%...And that happened twice. In 32 quarters.
The net average GDP growth since 2009 is less than 2%. In financial circles that is essentially flat.
This has nothing to do with the wealthy.
I find it fascinating how you left wingers can impugn the wealthy then completely ignore the fact that this nation's largest corps and wealthiest individuals are solid one way supporters of liberal causes and democrat candidates.
Most of Hillary Clinton's support came from those same large companies and wealthy individuals.
Stop the hypocrisy already
You've just handed our democracy over to billionaires and corporations. How do you feel about that stupid?
First, and for the final time. The USA is NOT a democracy. Never has been. The form of government is a representative republic.
Now, based on your retort, it is clear you fail to understand, are not willing to understand or are ignoring the fact that you are part of hypocrisy.
You screech about the wealthy. Yet, you ignore for purposes of political convenience that your candidate was in bed and financially tied to the some of the wealthiest individuals and trusts in the country, She also had the backing of the nation's largest companies.
I am not at all concerned with the picks Trump has made. These are some of the most brilliant minds in the country.
My thinking is that you wring your hands over the irrational notion that something will be taken from you.
One thing is for sure. our system of doling out checks to every person who claims poverty will get a heavy examination. 55% of the federal budget goes to entitlements. Most of that is spent on administration and a good part is spent on those gaming the system.
Lastly. I don't "feel" anything. I THINK.
You should try it.

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