Zone1 Lefts Push to Eradicate All Minorities from Public View Continues

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Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Biden, with nothing more important going on such as the crashing economy, says it’s time for the Atlanta Braves to change their name.

Can’t you feel all the healing?

Good thing us whitey Vikings and the Quaker Oats dude are safe and allowed to be seen in public.

It is enough to get me to root for the Braves

I just love it when the entire stadium does the Brave Chopping motion as they sing their little non-PC song.

There is nothing the announcers can do to silence them.
Topic is welcome in Politics, Sports forum. Not in Zone1 Race Relations. It's more politics than Race and it's ALSO a "hot - current news cycle" topic which we've ALWAYS excluded from Zone 1 Discussion in CDZ.

I'm unaware of ANY honest or productive or civil discussion goin on in today's USA politics. And we cant moderate these topics under the Zone1 rules. Already too many non-compliant posts on Page 1.
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