Left's war on Christmas has utterly failed.


Diamond Member
Sep 24, 2010
So it is Christmas time and leftists are as during any other time, pissed. The problem is now that all the Christmas movies people like are in fact, fascist, and of course way too white just like Christmas itself.

Hallmark movies are fascist propaganda

Too bad, people are watching even more of these "fascist" Christmas movies than ever before. Christmas is awesome, leftism is a failure.
I've been to four 5 star restaurants in one week over Christmas and got a Merry Christmas at every one of them....

That's great... that's at least 5 more hard-left tears to add to the collection.
I will be dribbling some quotes from the regressive masterpiece now.

"Ultimately, there is probably no way to square the claim to believe in "diversity" with fascistic impulse that guides the current crop of Hallmark movies, which center always around these frankly MAGA-style ideas about what constitutes "real" America. As the Jewish movies show, the best that Hallmark can do is some token "diversity" that wipes out most of what makes people actually diverse. Their money comes from selling a vision of America that increasingly authoritarian conservatives wish to believe once existed and can be restored again — an America that excludes most of an increasingly urban, racially diverse, cosmopolitan nation. That won't change no matter how many inclusive Zola ads the network airs."


Remember, white = fascist according to the left.
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I bet more people watched Die Hard....Now there's a real Christmas movie!

In home alone the scene with Trump was so fascist that it had to be removed from the film.

I wonder if they had to remove die hard completely. Not only is it a fascist, it's a fantasy of the patriarchy.
There never was a "war on Christmas." Nobody is stopping anyone from celebrating any holiday. This has been a political ploy taken straight from the "Christian" right-wingers' Big Book of Grimest Fairy Tales. Poor widdle boys and girls. Can't put up a tree. Can't decorate a church and get to services there. Can't get that Christmas goose and cook it and make a feast. Can't get presents or receive them. Can't sing holiday songs. The rest of us who celebrate Christmas had a good time.
So it is Christmas time and leftists are as during any other time, pissed. The problem is now that all the Christmas movies people like are in fact, fascist, and of course way too white just like Christmas itself.

Hallmark movies are fascist propaganda

Too bad, people are watching even more of these "fascist" Christmas movies than ever before. Christmas is awesome, leftism is a failure.

Get over yourself, snowflake. You'll be crying and bitching about the fake war on Christmas again next year.
So it is Christmas time and leftists are as during any other time, pissed. The problem is now that all the Christmas movies people like are in fact, fascist, and of course way too white just like Christmas itself.

Hallmark movies are fascist propaganda

Too bad, people are watching even more of these "fascist" Christmas movies than ever before. Christmas is awesome, leftism is a failure.

Get over yourself, snowflake. You'll be crying and bitching about the fake war on Christmas again next year.

Which Donald Trump scenes will hard leftists be erasing then?

Just looking at your offerings... Anal sex for 14 year old children. I believe Americans will go with Christmas while you take it up the ass, thanks for the offer.
So it is Christmas time and leftists are as during any other time, pissed. The problem is now that all the Christmas movies people like are in fact, fascist, and of course way too white just like Christmas itself.

Hallmark movies are fascist propaganda

Too bad, people are watching even more of these "fascist" Christmas movies than ever before. Christmas is awesome, leftism is a failure.

Merry Christmas, America! Let’s Remember the Children Who Live in Fear of Our Killer Drones.
There never was a "war on Christmas." Nobody is stopping anyone from celebrating any holiday. This has been a political ploy taken straight from the "Christian" right-wingers' Big Book of Grimest Fairy Tales. Poor widdle boys and girls. Can't put up a tree. Can't decorate a church and get to services there. Can't get that Christmas goose and cook it and make a feast. Can't get presents or receive them. Can't sing holiday songs. The rest of us who celebrate Christmas had a good time.

So are Christmas movies fascist propaganda or not? State your position on the matter. Have we finally reached the culmination point of retard where even you are able to admit that the far left article is horseshit?
There never was a "war on Christmas." Nobody is stopping anyone from celebrating any holiday. This has been a political ploy taken straight from the "Christian" right-wingers' Big Book of Grimest Fairy Tales. Poor widdle boys and girls. Can't put up a tree. Can't decorate a church and get to services there. Can't get that Christmas goose and cook it and make a feast. Can't get presents or receive them. Can't sing holiday songs. The rest of us who celebrate Christmas had a good time.
The reason why lefties hate Christmas and are at war with it is because it is a Christian holiday, and Christianity is the polar opposite of everything lefties/commies stand for.
Christmas is so awesome and the leftists have lost so hard that they can not even admit that they are in war with it. Of course, it's quite hard case when you air articles declaring Christmas movies fascist, but dumb people are fooled.

Christmas contains the word Christ. That is enough to blow fuses in some circles.

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