Left's war on Christmas has utterly failed.

There never was a "war on Christmas." Nobody is stopping anyone from celebrating any holiday. This has been a political ploy taken straight from the "Christian" right-wingers' Big Book of Grimest Fairy Tales. Poor widdle boys and girls. Can't put up a tree. Can't decorate a church and get to services there. Can't get that Christmas goose and cook it and make a feast. Can't get presents or receive them. Can't sing holiday songs. The rest of us who celebrate Christmas had a good time.
The reason why lefties hate Christmas and are at war with it is because it is a Christian holiday, and Christianity is the polar opposite of everything lefties/commies stand for.
Bullshit. Christians from all across the political spectrum celebrate Christian holidays.
Nobody owns the Christian faith. It is not the exclusive property of right-wing fundies and they do not define what is the Christian faith.

I am quite sure Christians "own" their faith whatever that means. The faith that you hate. Weren't one of you venting about how Christianity is a white nationalist ideology in a other thread just a day ago?

I never said that and I do not "hate" Christianity, and, as a matter of fact it is my religion and the basis for my spiritual seeking. There is a minority cult that has tried to meld the Christian faith with white-nationalist politics, however, and I object to this prostitution of the Christian faith. There are people who follow the likes of graham and falwell, whom I don't think are actually Christian.
You can't have it both ways. If you endorse the murder of babies, butt fucking, queer marriage, and all the anti Christian dogma that make lefties what they are, then you cannot also claim to be Christian.

Yes I can. Not all Christians feel the same way as you graham/falwellist/fundie cults do. I just don't follow your cult is all. Your cult does not define the Christian faith.
The reason why lefties hate Christmas and are at war with it is because it is a Christian holiday, and Christianity is the polar opposite of everything lefties/commies stand for.
Bullshit. Christians from all across the political spectrum celebrate Christian holidays.
Nobody owns the Christian faith. It is not the exclusive property of right-wing fundies and they do not define what is the Christian faith.

I am quite sure Christians "own" their faith whatever that means. The faith that you hate. Weren't one of you venting about how Christianity is a white nationalist ideology in a other thread just a day ago?

I never said that and I do not "hate" Christianity, and, as a matter of fact it is my religion and the basis for my spiritual seeking. There is a minority cult that has tried to meld the Christian faith with white-nationalist politics, however, and I object to this prostitution of the Christian faith. There are people who follow the likes of graham and falwell, whom I don't think are actually Christian.
You can't have it both ways. If you endorse the murder of babies, butt fucking, queer marriage, and all the anti Christian dogma that make lefties what they are, then you cannot also claim to be Christian.

Yes I can. Not all Christians feel the same way as you graham/falwellist/fundie cults do. I just don't follow your cult is all. Your cult does not define the Christian faith.

That is the Christianity as it was practiced for thousands of years, and the real Christianity still today. Rainbow flags are not Christian.

And you are calling it a cult, and yourself a Christian. That is some dumb shit right there. Why not just admit you have nothing to do with Christianity and are a hard-core leftist?
Christianity revolves around helping the least among us. First and foremost. We have twisted versions of Christianity today based on greedy and power and the Democrats and republicans are clearly guilty in rationalizing their abject failures as far as the teachings of Christ.
Bullshit. Christians from all across the political spectrum celebrate Christian holidays.
Nobody owns the Christian faith. It is not the exclusive property of right-wing fundies and they do not define what is the Christian faith.

I am quite sure Christians "own" their faith whatever that means. The faith that you hate. Weren't one of you venting about how Christianity is a white nationalist ideology in a other thread just a day ago?

I never said that and I do not "hate" Christianity, and, as a matter of fact it is my religion and the basis for my spiritual seeking. There is a minority cult that has tried to meld the Christian faith with white-nationalist politics, however, and I object to this prostitution of the Christian faith. There are people who follow the likes of graham and falwell, whom I don't think are actually Christian.
You can't have it both ways. If you endorse the murder of babies, butt fucking, queer marriage, and all the anti Christian dogma that make lefties what they are, then you cannot also claim to be Christian.

Yes I can. Not all Christians feel the same way as you graham/falwellist/fundie cults do. I just don't follow your cult is all. Your cult does not define the Christian faith.

That is the Christianity as it was practiced for thousands of years, and the real Christianity still today. Rainbow flags are not Christian.

And you are calling it a cult, and yourself a Christian. That is some dumb shit right there. Why not just admit you have nothing to do with Christianity and are a hard-core leftist?

None of the graham/falwell/fundie nonsense has anything to do with Christianity over history. Rainbow flags reflect the essence of Christianity. The graham/falwell/fundie thing is a cult, and a relatively recent one. I have everything to do with Christianity, and pursue it as I am lead to. Being a "hard-core leftist" is a term that is political, and totally divorced from anyone's religion, and I'm not even a "hard-core leftist," as I am assuming what you mean by this.

Religion and politics are two, totally separate things.
I am quite sure Christians "own" their faith whatever that means. The faith that you hate. Weren't one of you venting about how Christianity is a white nationalist ideology in a other thread just a day ago?

I never said that and I do not "hate" Christianity, and, as a matter of fact it is my religion and the basis for my spiritual seeking. There is a minority cult that has tried to meld the Christian faith with white-nationalist politics, however, and I object to this prostitution of the Christian faith. There are people who follow the likes of graham and falwell, whom I don't think are actually Christian.
You can't have it both ways. If you endorse the murder of babies, butt fucking, queer marriage, and all the anti Christian dogma that make lefties what they are, then you cannot also claim to be Christian.

Yes I can. Not all Christians feel the same way as you graham/falwellist/fundie cults do. I just don't follow your cult is all. Your cult does not define the Christian faith.

That is the Christianity as it was practiced for thousands of years, and the real Christianity still today. Rainbow flags are not Christian.

And you are calling it a cult, and yourself a Christian. That is some dumb shit right there. Why not just admit you have nothing to do with Christianity and are a hard-core leftist?

None of the graham/falwell/fundie nonsense has anything to do with Christianity over history. Rainbow flags reflect the essence of Christianity. The graham/falwell/fundie thing is a cult, and a relatively recent one. I have everything to do with Christianity, and pursue it as I am lead to. Being a "hard-core leftist" is a term that is political, and totally divorced from anyone's religion, and I'm not even a "hard-core leftist," as I am assuming what you mean by this.

"Rainbow flags reflect the essence of Christianity".

You are a far left whack-job. Nothing to do with Christianity.
I am a white, married, heterosexual Christian male. Supposedly there are several wars against me. I have yet to encounter one but will let you know when I see one.
I am a white, married, heterosexual Christian male. Supposedly there are several wars against me. I have yet to encounter one but will let you know when I see one.

I seriously doubt you are white, married or heterosexual and definitely not a Christian.

But if that's true, you need some help with testosterone levels.

In any case, are Christmas movies fascist or not? The topic...
No, because as a lifelong Christian who still attends the Lutheran Church I was baptized in we celebrate Christmas. Christmas movies are not fascist whatsoever. I'm just calling out the over the top rhetoric. Those on the extreme left who disagree with my Christian ideals are few in number it's just they make the most noise. Just like those on the extreme right. I'm slightly right of center on most things. I just don't worry about helping fix society. It's not my job to.
There never was a "war on Christmas." Nobody is stopping anyone from celebrating any holiday. This has been a political ploy taken straight from the "Christian" right-wingers' Big Book of Grimest Fairy Tales. Poor widdle boys and girls. Can't put up a tree. Can't decorate a church and get to services there. Can't get that Christmas goose and cook it and make a feast. Can't get presents or receive them. Can't sing holiday songs. The rest of us who celebrate Christmas had a good time.
The reason why lefties hate Christmas and are at war with it is because it is a Christian holiday, and Christianity is the polar opposite of everything lefties/commies stand for.
Christianity lost a lot of credibility when their leaders fondled Donnie as if is a gift from God. As they stood in front of their Mega Churches making millions, 10,000 children are locked up by the government. Their crime is coming here for help.

Christians would have a fit & demand they be released. Fake Christians cheer the man who locked them up.

Donald Trump is at the opposite end of the spectrum than Jesus. Jesus preached about people like Trump.

Jesus helped the poor. Trump kicks them in the face.

Trumps cure to homelessness is to bulldoze their cardboard homes & tents. A Christian's solution would be find them better places tol live.

Fuck you Trumpettres , You are NOT Christians at all.

There never was a "war on Christmas." Nobody is stopping anyone from celebrating any holiday. This has been a political ploy taken straight from the "Christian" right-wingers' Big Book of Grimest Fairy Tales. Poor widdle boys and girls. Can't put up a tree. Can't decorate a church and get to services there. Can't get that Christmas goose and cook it and make a feast. Can't get presents or receive them. Can't sing holiday songs. The rest of us who celebrate Christmas had a good time.
The reason why lefties hate Christmas and are at war with it is because it is a Christian holiday, and Christianity is the polar opposite of everything lefties/commies stand for.
Christianity lost a lot of credibility when their leaders fondled Donnie as if is a gift from God. As they stood in front of their Mega Churches making millions, 10,000 children are locked up by the government. Their crime is coming here for help.

Christians would have a fit & demand they be released. Fake Christians cheer the man who locked them up.

Donald Trump is at the opposite end of the spectrum than Jesus. Jesus preached about people like Trump.

Jesus helped the poor. Trump kicks them in the face.

Trumps cure to homelessness is to bulldoze their cardboard homes & tents. A Christian's solution would be find them better places tol live.

Fuck you Trumpettres , You are NOT Christians at all.

The reason why you hate Christmas so much is because it is a Christian holiday. Lefties hate Christianity because it is the opposite of everything you stand for.
No, because as a lifelong Christian who still attends the Lutheran Church I was baptized in we celebrate Christmas. Christmas movies are not fascist whatsoever. I'm just calling out the over the top rhetoric. Those on the extreme left who disagree with my Christian ideals are few in number it's just they make the most noise. Just like those on the extreme right. I'm slightly right of center on most things. I just don't worry about helping fix society. It's not my job to.

Dude, you are not center right on most things, in fact almost anything. You are very left winged. Also the name "Initforme", does not represent even your OWN description of Christianity in any way.

Christians value truth quite a bit, you should embrace the truth for starters.
No, because as a lifelong Christian who still attends the Lutheran Church I was baptized in we celebrate Christmas. Christmas movies are not fascist whatsoever. I'm just calling out the over the top rhetoric. Those on the extreme left who disagree with my Christian ideals are few in number it's just they make the most noise. Just like those on the extreme right. I'm slightly right of center on most things. I just don't worry about helping fix society. It's not my job to.
Lefties hate everything about white Christian males. If you haven't figured this out yet, then you are not a white Christian male. Just start a thread that states how thankful you are that you voted for Trump, and that you are a white Christian male, and things will become clear really fast.
No, because as a lifelong Christian who still attends the Lutheran Church I was baptized in we celebrate Christmas. Christmas movies are not fascist whatsoever. I'm just calling out the over the top rhetoric. Those on the extreme left who disagree with my Christian ideals are few in number it's just they make the most noise. Just like those on the extreme right. I'm slightly right of center on most things. I just don't worry about helping fix society. It's not my job to.

Dude, you are not center right on most things, in fact almost anything. You are very left winged. Also the name "Initforme", does not represent even your OWN description of Christianity in any way.

Christians value truth quite a bit, you should embrace the truth for starters.
If Christians value truth why do some of them support trump ?
No, because as a lifelong Christian who still attends the Lutheran Church I was baptized in we celebrate Christmas. Christmas movies are not fascist whatsoever. I'm just calling out the over the top rhetoric. Those on the extreme left who disagree with my Christian ideals are few in number it's just they make the most noise. Just like those on the extreme right. I'm slightly right of center on most things. I just don't worry about helping fix society. It's not my job to.

Dude, you are not center right on most things, in fact almost anything. You are very left winged. Also the name "Initforme", does not represent even your OWN description of Christianity in any way.

Christians value truth quite a bit, you should embrace the truth for starters.
If Christians value truth why do some of them support trump ?

Trump has driven an entire false news business to the verge of bankruptcy. He has increased the amount of truth in society considerably.

You hate the truth so why do you even care.

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