Left's war on Christmas has utterly failed.

No, because as a lifelong Christian who still attends the Lutheran Church I was baptized in we celebrate Christmas. Christmas movies are not fascist whatsoever. I'm just calling out the over the top rhetoric. Those on the extreme left who disagree with my Christian ideals are few in number it's just they make the most noise. Just like those on the extreme right. I'm slightly right of center on most things. I just don't worry about helping fix society. It's not my job to.

Dude, you are not center right on most things, in fact almost anything. You are very left winged. Also the name "Initforme", does not represent even your OWN description of Christianity in any way.

Christians value truth quite a bit, you should embrace the truth for starters.
If Christians value truth why do some of them support trump ?

Trump has driven an entire false news business to the verge of bankruptcy. He has increased the amount of truth in society considerably.

You hate the truth so why do you even care.
Trump and the truth are strangers. That is why he is hiding from Ms Pelosi and her friends. He is a liar but faux Christians dont give a fuck. Why is that ?
I have always supported truth that's why I'm voting 3rd party....again
The truth comes out, you are indeed the commie I knew you were. You are planning to vote for baby murder, queer marriage, porn, blackface, gun confiscation, and everything commies want. You resent Christianity because it is the opposite of everything you vote for and all that you stand for.
I bet more people watched Die Hard....Now there's a real Christmas movie!
I did see some of that film last night on one of the TVs where I do my work out.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. To me, it isn't a Christmas film though even though its setting is at Christmas time. The same thing goes with the first Lethal Weapon film.
I lost a grandma in the War on Christmas. Sadly, she got run over by a reindeer. :crybaby:
I live it how some weak minded can call a lifelong practicing Lutheran anti Christian. And get upset about it. You know nothing about me. Less than nothing.
I live it how some weak minded can call a lifelong practicing Lutheran anti Christian. And get upset about it. You know nothing about me. Less than nothing.

That's easy...

It's because you are not a Christian. I have hard time believing even you believe otherwise. But then, it's been a long time since I met a leftist that was not drenched in lies.
I never said that and I do not "hate" Christianity, and, as a matter of fact it is my religion and the basis for my spiritual seeking. There is a minority cult that has tried to meld the Christian faith with white-nationalist politics, however, and I object to this prostitution of the Christian faith. There are people who follow the likes of graham and falwell, whom I don't think are actually Christian.
You can't have it both ways. If you endorse the murder of babies, butt fucking, queer marriage, and all the anti Christian dogma that make lefties what they are, then you cannot also claim to be Christian.

Yes I can. Not all Christians feel the same way as you graham/falwellist/fundie cults do. I just don't follow your cult is all. Your cult does not define the Christian faith.

That is the Christianity as it was practiced for thousands of years, and the real Christianity still today. Rainbow flags are not Christian.

And you are calling it a cult, and yourself a Christian. That is some dumb shit right there. Why not just admit you have nothing to do with Christianity and are a hard-core leftist?

None of the graham/falwell/fundie nonsense has anything to do with Christianity over history. Rainbow flags reflect the essence of Christianity. The graham/falwell/fundie thing is a cult, and a relatively recent one. I have everything to do with Christianity, and pursue it as I am lead to. Being a "hard-core leftist" is a term that is political, and totally divorced from anyone's religion, and I'm not even a "hard-core leftist," as I am assuming what you mean by this.

"Rainbow flags reflect the essence of Christianity".

You are a far left whack-job. Nothing to do with Christianity.

The flag represents unity, acceptance of others just as they were created, love of neighbor, care for the stranger, the equality of human beings, which are key Christian concepts.
You can't have it both ways. If you endorse the murder of babies, butt fucking, queer marriage, and all the anti Christian dogma that make lefties what they are, then you cannot also claim to be Christian.

Yes I can. Not all Christians feel the same way as you graham/falwellist/fundie cults do. I just don't follow your cult is all. Your cult does not define the Christian faith.

That is the Christianity as it was practiced for thousands of years, and the real Christianity still today. Rainbow flags are not Christian.

And you are calling it a cult, and yourself a Christian. That is some dumb shit right there. Why not just admit you have nothing to do with Christianity and are a hard-core leftist?

None of the graham/falwell/fundie nonsense has anything to do with Christianity over history. Rainbow flags reflect the essence of Christianity. The graham/falwell/fundie thing is a cult, and a relatively recent one. I have everything to do with Christianity, and pursue it as I am lead to. Being a "hard-core leftist" is a term that is political, and totally divorced from anyone's religion, and I'm not even a "hard-core leftist," as I am assuming what you mean by this.

"Rainbow flags reflect the essence of Christianity".

You are a far left whack-job. Nothing to do with Christianity.

The flag represents unity, acceptance of others just as they were created, love of neighbor, care for the stranger, the equality of human beings, which are key Christian concepts.

It represents "You can worship Christ next door, we do Satan here". Child sacrifices and sex orgies come to mind when I see a church with that flag. They aren't searching for God there...
There never was a "war on Christmas." Nobody is stopping anyone from celebrating any holiday. This has been a political ploy taken straight from the "Christian" right-wingers' Big Book of Grimest Fairy Tales. Poor widdle boys and girls. Can't put up a tree. Can't decorate a church and get to services there. Can't get that Christmas goose and cook it and make a feast. Can't get presents or receive them. Can't sing holiday songs. The rest of us who celebrate Christmas had a good time.
The reason why lefties hate Christmas and are at war with it is because it is a Christian holiday, and Christianity is the polar opposite of everything lefties/commies stand for.
Christianity lost a lot of credibility when their leaders fondled Donnie as if is a gift from God. As they stood in front of their Mega Churches making millions, 10,000 children are locked up by the government. Their crime is coming here for help.

Christians would have a fit & demand they be released. Fake Christians cheer the man who locked them up.

Donald Trump is at the opposite end of the spectrum than Jesus. Jesus preached about people like Trump.

Jesus helped the poor. Trump kicks them in the face.

Trumps cure to homelessness is to bulldoze their cardboard homes & tents. A Christian's solution would be find them better places tol live.

Fuck you Trumpettres , You are NOT Christians at all.

The reason why you hate Christmas so much is because it is a Christian holiday. Lefties hate Christianity because it is the opposite of everything you stand for.

What is this "you" bit? When did I ever say that I hated Christmas or Christianity? Actually, I've been a Christian all of my life. These right-wing "Christian" cults are the ones who oppose the basic principles of the Christian faith, principles that are shared with other faiths.
Yes I can. Not all Christians feel the same way as you graham/falwellist/fundie cults do. I just don't follow your cult is all. Your cult does not define the Christian faith.

That is the Christianity as it was practiced for thousands of years, and the real Christianity still today. Rainbow flags are not Christian.

And you are calling it a cult, and yourself a Christian. That is some dumb shit right there. Why not just admit you have nothing to do with Christianity and are a hard-core leftist?

None of the graham/falwell/fundie nonsense has anything to do with Christianity over history. Rainbow flags reflect the essence of Christianity. The graham/falwell/fundie thing is a cult, and a relatively recent one. I have everything to do with Christianity, and pursue it as I am lead to. Being a "hard-core leftist" is a term that is political, and totally divorced from anyone's religion, and I'm not even a "hard-core leftist," as I am assuming what you mean by this.

"Rainbow flags reflect the essence of Christianity".

You are a far left whack-job. Nothing to do with Christianity.

The flag represents unity, acceptance of others just as they were created, love of neighbor, care for the stranger, the equality of human beings, which are key Christian concepts.

It represents "You can worship Christ next door, we do Satan here". Child sacrifices and sex orgies come to mind when I see a church with that flag. They aren't searching for God there...

You are truly out of your mind if this is what you think of when you see a church with a rainbow flag.
There never was a "war on Christmas." Nobody is stopping anyone from celebrating any holiday. This has been a political ploy taken straight from the "Christian" right-wingers' Big Book of Grimest Fairy Tales. Poor widdle boys and girls. Can't put up a tree. Can't decorate a church and get to services there. Can't get that Christmas goose and cook it and make a feast. Can't get presents or receive them. Can't sing holiday songs. The rest of us who celebrate Christmas had a good time.
The war in Christmas has to do with the attempt of self-willed people to eradicate any belief that CHRIST came to save sinners. One does this by promoting the notion that there is no such thing as sin, and that want the misguided call sin is simply an alternative pursuit or lifestyle. At the very same time such people endeavor to take the focus off CHRIST, and redirect it toward fanciful activities and material gain.
There never was a "war on Christmas." Nobody is stopping anyone from celebrating any holiday. This has been a political ploy taken straight from the "Christian" right-wingers' Big Book of Grimest Fairy Tales. Poor widdle boys and girls. Can't put up a tree. Can't decorate a church and get to services there. Can't get that Christmas goose and cook it and make a feast. Can't get presents or receive them. Can't sing holiday songs. The rest of us who celebrate Christmas had a good time.
The war in Christmas has to do with the attempt of self-willed people to eradicate any belief that CHRIST came to save sinners. One does this by promoting the notion that there is no such thing as sin, and that want the misguided call sin is simply an alternative pursuit or lifestyle. At the very same time such people endeavor to take the focus off CHRIST, and redirect it toward fanciful activities and material gain.

I rated your comment "funny" as in "ridiculous." The concept of "sin" is very fluid and is what the individual thinks that it means. The people who seek to "take the focus" off of Jesus are the ones who totally ignore the instructions he gave in the Sermon on the Mount, and quote everybody else but Jesus. Did Jesus waste his breath? What you do for the least of these, you do for me.
Anal sex for 14 year old children.
^ where his brain IMMEDIATELY goes to. Seek help.

My brain? The leftists showed it at my face. That is indeed where THEIR brain goes. I only report their crazy in the thread. And good I did, it appears you have big problems with it.
Augie IS a bit brain dead, just look at the majority of his posts. Totally lacking ANY intellect. Dreadful.
Anal sex for 14 year old children.
^ where his brain IMMEDIATELY goes to. Seek help.

My brain? The leftists showed it at my face. That is indeed where THEIR brain goes. I only report their crazy in the thread. And good I did, it appears you have big problems with it.
Augie IS a bit brain dead, just look at the majority of his posts. Totally lacking ANY intellect. Dreadful.

As usual I do not believe he is this stupid, just lies like a leftist.
Anal sex for 14 year old children.
^ where his brain IMMEDIATELY goes to. Seek help.

My brain? The leftists showed it at my face. That is indeed where THEIR brain goes. I only report their crazy in the thread. And good I did, it appears you have big problems with it.
Augie IS a bit brain dead, just look at the majority of his posts. Totally lacking ANY intellect. Dreadful.

As usual I do not believe he is this stupid, just lies like a leftist.
But being a Leftist, that DOES make him stupid............
So it is Christmas time and leftists are as during any other time, pissed. The problem is now that all the Christmas movies people like are in fact, fascist, and of course way too white just like Christmas itself.

Hallmark movies are fascist propaganda

Too bad, people are watching even more of these "fascist" Christmas movies than ever before. Christmas is awesome, leftism is a failure.

Now that Trump's President, we are finally Winning The War On Christmas!



Hates Men, Christians and Christmas

Amanda Marcotte of Salon‘s holiday ramblings have been extremely angry as of late, calling Christianity “white identity politics”, we’re not exactly sure where to begin with the crazy that comes out of this woman’s mouth. We know she hates Christian men.

President Trump ruined Christmas for her. Even though Amanda is a self-proclaimed atheist, Trump (and the Christians who support him) ruined any inkling of her desire to celebrate the holiday in a secular sense:

Forget Tiny Tim declaring, “God bless us, every one!” It’s clear that for that 40% of people in the Trump cult, it’s closer to “Damn anyone to hell who isn’t exactly like us!”-Amanda Marcotte, Salon

But wait, there’s more:

For years, Fox News has been hyping the annual “War on Christmas” lie, falsely claiming that “liberals” have banned saying “Merry Christmas” or other expressions of Yule-specific cheer. But Trump and his minions have taken this lie and pumped steroids in it. Now it has morphed into something even uglier, a way to imply that the point of Christmas is to declare white supremacist America as the only “real” America and to tell everyone else they can go hang.”-Amanda Marcotte, Salon

In her most recent insane rant, Amanda Marcotte whines about the onslaught of “Merry Christmas” greetings she received after publishing her hateful piece of tripe. Now, all of a sudden, she is a victim of “white identity politics” (AKA Christianity):

The principal harassment strategy was to track me down on social media, even on my Instagram feed, and flood it with “Merry Christmas” messages — from white male strangers — to taunt me for my personal grief. It’s particularly interesting that this was the weapon of choice. These people are taking what they supposedly believe is the birth celebration of their lord and savior and using it as a hurtful weapon.​

My experience is hardly unique. Stirred by years of Fox News lying to viewers and telling them that liberals are somehow trying to take Christmas away, conservatives have increasingly embraced the phrase “Merry Christmas” to mean, basically, ‘F**k you’ to anyone that they’ve deemed less than legitimate Americans.”-Amanda Marcotte

In the so-called fictitious “War on Christmas”, Marcotte declares war on Christmas by implying a simple “Merry Christmas” wish is just a way for white people (men, specifically, in her case), to strong-arm their way into telling a person who they deem “lesser” that they are indeed the “dominant” tribe. An atheist who has never really been bothered by Christmas and the Christmas spirit before, is all of a sudden aggrieved after she took it upon herself to spew her toxicity all over the Internet. Now she is mad because people are defending their holiday of celebration. Like a Jewish person defends Purim. Like a Muslim defends Ramadan. Once again, it is not okay to blast other religions or faiths but Christianity is fair game when attacking the ”40% of people in the Trump cult, who say ‘damn anyone to hell who isn’t exactly like us.'” And when someone tries to defend Christmas after a liberal atheist baboon flings poo at them, they become the “hateful white supremacist” who is supposed to be kind to their fellow man-ahem-woman-ahem-whatever. They become the reason why our country is so f*cked up.
So it is Christmas time and leftists are as during any other time, pissed. The problem is now that all the Christmas movies people like are in fact, fascist, and of course way too white just like Christmas itself.

Hallmark movies are fascist propaganda

Too bad, people are watching even more of these "fascist" Christmas movies than ever before. Christmas is awesome, leftism is a failure.

We got a taste of what progressive anti religion types were selling under Obama and said ....NO....we like Christmas...we are a proud Christian nation whether the progs like it or not...

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