Left's war on Christmas has utterly failed.

So it is Christmas time and leftists are as during any other time, pissed. The problem is now that all the Christmas movies people like are in fact, fascist, and of course way too white just like Christmas itself.

Hallmark movies are fascist propaganda

Too bad, people are watching even more of these "fascist" Christmas movies than ever before. Christmas is awesome, leftism is a failure.

talk about TRIGGERED

you moronicons are EASILY triggered over a non existent war.

Happy Holidays!

Yes, whoever wrote that article is very triggered about Christmas movies.

Do you believe they are fascist propaganda? Are you as triggered?
When a threat to my traditional marriage manifests itself I will take notice.....until then....crickets. All of this stuff is over the top.
When a threat to my traditional marriage manifests itself I will take notice.....until then....crickets. All of this stuff is over the top.

You will take note as in you will join the movement?
So it is Christmas time and leftists are as during any other time, pissed. The problem is now that all the Christmas movies people like are in fact, fascist, and of course way too white just like Christmas itself.

Hallmark movies are fascist propaganda

Too bad, people are watching even more of these "fascist" Christmas movies than ever before. Christmas is awesome, leftism is a failure.

talk about TRIGGERED

you moronicons are EASILY triggered over a non existent war.

Happy Holidays!

Yes, whoever wrote that article is very triggered about Christmas movies.

Do you believe they are fascist propaganda? Are you as triggered?

"Do you believe they are fascist propaganda? Are you as triggered?"

Nope and Nope.

I laugh at you being triggered by this nonsense.

I say "merry christmas" AND "happy holidays" AND "happy Festivus" AND "seasons greetings" ....


Happy Holidays!
The overall number of marriages is declining. This isn't necessarily a bad thing. Focusing on careers without a relationship is perhaps a good choice for young people in this nation. Times are changing.
So it is Christmas time and leftists are as during any other time, pissed. The problem is now that all the Christmas movies people like are in fact, fascist, and of course way too white just like Christmas itself.

Hallmark movies are fascist propaganda

Too bad, people are watching even more of these "fascist" Christmas movies than ever before. Christmas is awesome, leftism is a failure.

talk about TRIGGERED

you moronicons are EASILY triggered over a non existent war.

Happy Holidays!

The reason why you hate Christmas is because it is a Christian holiday. Lefties hate Christianity because it is the opposite of everything lefties stand for.
So it is Christmas time and leftists are as during any other time, pissed. The problem is now that all the Christmas movies people like are in fact, fascist, and of course way too white just like Christmas itself.

Hallmark movies are fascist propaganda

Too bad, people are watching even more of these "fascist" Christmas movies than ever before. Christmas is awesome, leftism is a failure.

talk about TRIGGERED

you moronicons are EASILY triggered over a non existent war.

Happy Holidays!

Yes, whoever wrote that article is very triggered about Christmas movies.

Do you believe they are fascist propaganda? Are you as triggered?

"Do you believe they are fascist propaganda? Are you as triggered?"

Nope and Nope.

I laugh at you being triggered by this nonsense.

I say "merry christmas" AND "happy holidays" AND "happy Festivus" AND "seasons greetings" ....


Happy Holidays!

Well good that you don't. Your leftists pals however, do believe Christmas movies are fascist propaganda. I thank you for not being as crazy as they are.
Join what movement? It's not my job to police, nor try to improve anything, nor even consider things that don't affect me. I've been married to the same woman for almost 52 years. I don't care who others marry or this or that. It's not worth fighting for. I'll take care of my wife that's more than doing my part. WaaaaY more.
The overall number of marriages is declining. This isn't necessarily a bad thing. Focusing on careers without a relationship is perhaps a good choice for young people in this nation. Times are changing.
Wrong. This is how western civilization is being destroyed. Western civilization was founded upon judo Christian values that are passed along via the family and the church. What you see as changing times is your naive perception of the war on the Christianity, families, and western civilization.
Christmas movies are a staple of our house this time of year. It's a wonderful Life is a great classic. It's about what you have, not how much you have nor where you live.
Well if you want people working to attain wealth when are they supposed to find time to Foster a healthy marriage? This new hard working generation has figured out that its hard to focus on a career and a marriage. Divorce rates are climbing...the stresses the working world places upon people are rising. Many are finding happiness without marriage and kids. That's their choice and nobody sees it as a bad thing as long as they are working and not collecting welfare.
The overall number of marriages is declining. This isn't necessarily a bad thing. Focusing on careers without a relationship is perhaps a good choice for young people in this nation. Times are changing.

"The overall number of marriages is declining. This isn't necessarily a bad thing. Focusing on careers without a relationship is perhaps a good choice for young people in this nation. Times are changing. "


in the old days;

1. people got married young (way too young) but today most people are waiting longer before marrying and many people aren't even bothering to marry at all.

2. people live longer these days and are finding that relationships/love quite often doesn't last that long. People change and quite often they drift apart.

3. in the old days it took 2 people to make a home and to pay bills and cook, clean, chores....

but today most everyone is perfectly capable of taking care of themselves and we no longer need 1 person at home sewing clothes or canning fruit.
Yes waiting until one is in their mid to late 30s before marrying is a growing trend that is good. Less divorces at this age.
So it is Christmas time and leftists are as during any other time, pissed. The problem is now that all the Christmas movies people like are in fact, fascist, and of course way too white just like Christmas itself.

Hallmark movies are fascist propaganda

Too bad, people are watching even more of these "fascist" Christmas movies than ever before. Christmas is awesome, leftism is a failure.

talk about TRIGGERED

you moronicons are EASILY triggered over a non existent war.

Happy Holidays!

The reason why you hate Christmas is because it is a Christian holiday. Lefties hate Christianity because it is the opposite of everything lefties stand for.

Where do you idiots get this stuff from? In all of my years, I have never met anyone of any religion or any politics who "hates Christmas." Where are all of these "Christians" coming from who feel so persecuted? They must be very weak people. We Christians celebrate Christmas, and I've lived by Jews and Muslims who don't seem to need any help to celebrate their holidays. Why all of this complaining by "Christians" all of a sudden?
So it is Christmas time and leftists are as during any other time, pissed. The problem is now that all the Christmas movies people like are in fact, fascist, and of course way too white just like Christmas itself.

Hallmark movies are fascist propaganda

Too bad, people are watching even more of these "fascist" Christmas movies than ever before. Christmas is awesome, leftism is a failure.

talk about TRIGGERED

you moronicons are EASILY triggered over a non existent war.

Happy Holidays!

The reason why you hate Christmas is because it is a Christian holiday. Lefties hate Christianity because it is the opposite of everything lefties stand for.

Where do you idiots get this stuff from? In all of my years, I have never met anyone of any religion or any politics who "hates Christmas." Where are all of these "Christians" coming from who feel so persecuted? They must be very weak people. We Christians celebrate Christmas, and I've lived by Jews and Muslims who don't seem to need any help to celebrate their holidays. Why all of this complaining by "Christians" all of a sudden?

And yet articles are published about how Christmas movies are fascist.
So it is Christmas time and leftists are as during any other time, pissed. The problem is now that all the Christmas movies people like are in fact, fascist, and of course way too white just like Christmas itself.

Hallmark movies are fascist propaganda

Too bad, people are watching even more of these "fascist" Christmas movies than ever before. Christmas is awesome, leftism is a failure.

talk about TRIGGERED

you moronicons are EASILY triggered over a non existent war.

Happy Holidays!

The reason why you hate Christmas is because it is a Christian holiday. Lefties hate Christianity because it is the opposite of everything lefties stand for.

"The reason why you hate Christmas is because it is a Christian holiday. Lefties hate Christianity because it is the opposite of everything lefties stand for"

I do appreciate the inanities and nonsense that subhuman moronicons spout.

YOU have been TRIGGERED!

I don't hate Xmas

I and my family celebrate a secular Xmas and just ignore the religious connections.

We had a very nice Xmas; food, family, music, christmas movies

and I got a BB gun!
So it is Christmas time and leftists are as during any other time, pissed. The problem is now that all the Christmas movies people like are in fact, fascist, and of course way too white just like Christmas itself.

Hallmark movies are fascist propaganda

Too bad, people are watching even more of these "fascist" Christmas movies than ever before. Christmas is awesome, leftism is a failure.

Salon's the same website that gave a mouthpiece to an admitted pedophile who was found out to be frequenting chatrooms or message boards for wannabe pedophiles or child rapists; there's no reason to give that archaic rag any attention; even a website like the "Daily Stormer" might be a more credible and reliable source than that one.
Reality is simply fascist or "Christian" propaganda to the radical, anarchist left, the cult of critical theory, and so forth.
So it is Christmas time and leftists are as during any other time, pissed. The problem is now that all the Christmas movies people like are in fact, fascist, and of course way too white just like Christmas itself.

Hallmark movies are fascist propaganda

Too bad, people are watching even more of these "fascist" Christmas movies than ever before. Christmas is awesome, leftism is a failure.

talk about TRIGGERED

you moronicons are EASILY triggered over a non existent war.

Happy Holidays!

The reason why you hate Christmas is because it is a Christian holiday. Lefties hate Christianity because it is the opposite of everything lefties stand for.

Where do you idiots get this stuff from? In all of my years, I have never met anyone of any religion or any politics who "hates Christmas." Where are all of these "Christians" coming from who feel so persecuted? They must be very weak people. We Christians celebrate Christmas, and I've lived by Jews and Muslims who don't seem to need any help to celebrate their holidays. Why all of this complaining by "Christians" all of a sudden?

And yet articles are published about how Christmas movies are fascist.

Thank goodness your right wing biased media ignored all the real important issues of the day and managed to concentrate on a nonexistent war so you mindless morons would have some bullshit to focus on.

I've never seen or read any such articles.

The ONLY ARTICLES I see or read are ones written by deranged conservatives insisting that I am engaged in a war on Xmas.

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