Lefty toad knocks off the wrong MAGA hat… And pays the price…

Good show, MAGA man.

It’s good to see our side not taking their hateful antics.

Read and view the video at
citizenfreepress.com ...
Now that was hilarious, a “Native American” that looks like a fat slob drinking from a plastic cup, enjoying Western culture in western clothing, yet screaming “genocide bitch, genocide bitch”.

Nothing is stopping you from living on a reservation in a loin cloth eating berries and living in a teepee, “bitch”.
Good show, MAGA man.

It’s good to see our side not taking their hateful antics.

Read and view the video at
citizenfreepress.com ...

Your side was being hateful. He should have been arrested for assault. The person knocked his hat off. That does not allow the other guy to start throwing a flurry of punches.

Yes it does. Keep your fucking hands to yourself. Didn't you learn this when you were like... 3?

No it does not. You Trump thugs are nothing but animals. The guy who did the punch should have kept his hands to himself.

Nope. You aggressively touch me without my permission, you're getting cold cocked. Welcome to the real world cupcake.

I suggest you keep this video in mind as your ilk continually disparage, harass, and taunt those who dare to have a different worldview than you. One of these days the dam of restraint will break and God help your side when it does.
World Shocked As Real Bat Child Discovered In SF

Good show, MAGA man.

It’s good to see our side not taking their hateful antics.

Read and view the video at
citizenfreepress.com ...

Your side was being hateful. He should have been arrested for assault. The person knocked his hat off. That does not allow the other guy to start throwing a flurry of punches.

Yes it does. Keep your fucking hands to yourself. Didn't you learn this when you were like... 3?

No it does not. You Trump thugs are nothing but animals. The guy who did the punch should have kept his hands to himself.
Touching someones clothes aggressively can indeed be considered assault. Youre too dumb to understand the rules, so let me help you out by showing you this link.


Spitting on someone or throwing a drink on them will also earn you lefties an epic ass whoopin, free from any criminal punishment. In fact, YOU will go to jail on top of getting your ass kicked.
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The whole thing is stupid and pointless. Jackasses confronting jackasses fighting over nothing and not even knowing what they are fighting about.
The guy in the red cap knew exactly what he was fighting about; he was defending himself.

He was not defending himself. He committed a assault. The force he used was disproportionate. He was hardly in any danger because a person knocked his hat off.
all it takes is one swing, that's assault, you can miss and get your ass kicked and your miss started the fight. It's instigation and thinking someone won't fight back. They saw the guy throw his drink as well. It's obvious the fat fk had a problem. Funny he got his ass handed to him. hey, you think that fat fk would do that again?

All he did was knock his hat off. There is no evidence he meant to do more than that. There is such a thing as proportionality. You do not have the right to beat someone to a pulp. That is not self-defense. That was proven when charges were brought against the Proud Boys in New York. It is obvious that the guy in the MAGA hat also has a problem. He should be prosecuted.
he didnt beat him to a pulp ! trust me that was not a proper ass kicking ! he just knocked him around a little .. democrat assailants are so weak that only a little ruffing up will send them running like the cowards all modern democrats are !

That is assault nevertheless and what he wanted to do was worse than what the other guy did.
The whole thing is stupid and pointless. Jackasses confronting jackasses fighting over nothing and not even knowing what they are fighting about.
The guy in the red cap knew exactly what he was fighting about; he was defending himself.
yes you are correct ... and once again a true American patriot beat the shit out of a weak limp wristed communist coward in a one on one confrontation initiated by the faggot left .

He is no patriot. He is a common thug. He is the faggot and you are as well.
bwaaa haaaaa haaaaa the thug and faggot is the piece of dog shit that laid hands on the man in the hat ! i know its hard for weak cowardly triggered faggots like you and your violent terrorist antifa wimps to understand that laying your hands on someone or knocking of someones hat is the equivalent of striking someone its been like that for hundreds of yrs ! its very simple the coward tried to bully someone smaller than it and yes i said it and in the end the democrat got what it deserved .

Standing up against violence is not weak. You are the one who is weak. The guy committed a assault as well. However his was much worse as he used disproportionate force.
Good show, MAGA man.

It’s good to see our side not taking their hateful antics.

Read and view the video at
citizenfreepress.com ...

Your side was being hateful. He should have been arrested for assault. The person knocked his hat off. That does not allow the other guy to start throwing a flurry of punches.

Yes it does. Keep your fucking hands to yourself. Didn't you learn this when you were like... 3?

No it does not. You Trump thugs are nothing but animals. The guy who did the punch should have kept his hands to himself.
Touching someones clothes aggressively can indeed be considered assault. Youre too dumb to understand the rules, so let me help you out by showing you this link.


Spitting on someone or throwing a drink on them will also earn you lefties an epic ass whoopin, free from any criminal punishment. In fact, YOU will go to jail on top of getting your ass kicked.

Can but trying to punch someone is definitely assault. You are the one who is dumb. The Proud Boys were charged for what they did. They used disproportionate force and were charged with felonies because of it.

No it will not. It will land you in jail which is where animals like you should be.
Good show, MAGA man.

It’s good to see our side not taking their hateful antics.

Read and view the video at
citizenfreepress.com ...

Your side was being hateful. He should have been arrested for assault. The person knocked his hat off. That does not allow the other guy to start throwing a flurry of punches.

Yes it does. Keep your fucking hands to yourself. Didn't you learn this when you were like... 3?

No it does not. You Trump thugs are nothing but animals. The guy who did the punch should have kept his hands to himself.
Touching someones clothes aggressively can indeed be considered assault. Youre too dumb to understand the rules, so let me help you out by showing you this link.


Spitting on someone or throwing a drink on them will also earn you lefties an epic ass whoopin, free from any criminal punishment. In fact, YOU will go to jail on top of getting your ass kicked.

Can but trying to punch someone is definitely assault. You are the one who is dumb. The Proud Boys were charged for what they did. They used disproportionate force and were charged with felonies because of it.

No it will not. It will land you in jail which is where animals like you should be.
Did the proud boys get busted for punching someone who knocked off their hat? Nope, that didnt happen. Your arguments arent very well thought out.

As for punching someone, it isnt assault if the person knocked off your hat first. You dumbass lefties need to learn our laws because, your ignorance is going to get your asses kicked.
The whole thing is stupid and pointless. Jackasses confronting jackasses fighting over nothing and not even knowing what they are fighting about.
The guy in the red cap knew exactly what he was fighting about; he was defending himself.

He was not defending himself. He committed a assault. The force he used was disproportionate. He was hardly in any danger because a person knocked his hat off.

What I don't get is the need for Trump gear. I mean, I like Trump. But Obama, Hillary, Biden and others don't have apparel. Supporters show up at rallies holding signs, passing out flyers. I've yet to see one tee shirt. Maybe bumper stickers. Wearing hats and tee shirts is PERSONAL. You're not at a rally, you are on your own walking down the street. It's no wonder many see it as a challenge, as defiance, as a provocation, and if someone confronts you, you cannot be too surprised.

You SHOULD be able to walk down the street wearing whatever you want. But that's not the reality. You are provoking others and shouldn't be too surprised if it gets you a negative response. Self-defense? More like looking for a fight. It's no one's business who I vote for nor theirs mine. But if someone asks me, I'll sure as hell do my best to convince them why I'm voting for Trump as a good thing. I'd rather get Trump another vote than make him another enemy.
its a statement ! people wearing those hats are saying that they are fed up with business as usual in DC .

Yes but are those seeing it getting that message?

Are people NOT wearing the cap or protesting it necessarily saying they are FOR business as usual in Washington?

Who's for business as usual in Washington other than the people IN Washington?
The whole thing is stupid and pointless. Jackasses confronting jackasses fighting over nothing and not even knowing what they are fighting about.
The guy in the red cap knew exactly what he was fighting about; he was defending himself.

He was not defending himself. He committed a assault. The force he used was disproportionate. He was hardly in any danger because a person knocked his hat off.
all it takes is one swing, that's assault, you can miss and get your ass kicked and your miss started the fight. It's instigation and thinking someone won't fight back. They saw the guy throw his drink as well. It's obvious the fat fk had a problem. Funny he got his ass handed to him. hey, you think that fat fk would do that again?

All he did was knock his hat off. There is no evidence he meant to do more than that. There is such a thing as proportionality. You do not have the right to beat someone to a pulp. That is not self-defense. That was proven when charges were brought against the Proud Boys in New York. It is obvious that the guy in the MAGA hat also has a problem. He should be prosecuted.

Wrong. You don't knock someone's cap off without expecting a response. That in itself is an assault and a provocation and no one sits back waiting to see if it ends just there.

Expect to see a fair share of snowflakes getting their asses knocked out in the coming months!:113:
The whole thing is stupid and pointless. Jackasses confronting jackasses fighting over nothing and not even knowing what they are fighting about.
The guy in the red cap knew exactly what he was fighting about; he was defending himself.

He was not defending himself. He committed a assault. The force he used was disproportionate. He was hardly in any danger because a person knocked his hat off.
all it takes is one swing, that's assault, you can miss and get your ass kicked and your miss started the fight. It's instigation and thinking someone won't fight back. They saw the guy throw his drink as well. It's obvious the fat fk had a problem. Funny he got his ass handed to him. hey, you think that fat fk would do that again?

All he did was knock his hat off. There is no evidence he meant to do more than that. There is such a thing as proportionality. You do not have the right to beat someone to a pulp. That is not self-defense. That was proven when charges were brought against the Proud Boys in New York. It is obvious that the guy in the MAGA hat also has a problem. He should be prosecuted.

Wrong. You don't knock someone's cap off without expecting a response. That in itself is an assault and a provocation and no one sits back waiting to see if it ends just there.

Snowflakes dont understand violence. Generally find out the hard way. Most of these fairies never have competed physically against other men and have never taken a beating before. An army....of fags.
The guy committed a assault as well. However his was much worse as he used disproportionate force.

There's an old expression: "Don't let your mouth write a check that your ass can't cash."

Soyboy here thought he was a tough guy and got his ass handed to him. Don't want to be met with "disproportionate force"? Don't put your fucking hands on someone.
The guy in the red cap knew exactly what he was fighting about; he was defending himself.

He was not defending himself. He committed a assault. The force he used was disproportionate. He was hardly in any danger because a person knocked his hat off.
all it takes is one swing, that's assault, you can miss and get your ass kicked and your miss started the fight. It's instigation and thinking someone won't fight back. They saw the guy throw his drink as well. It's obvious the fat fk had a problem. Funny he got his ass handed to him. hey, you think that fat fk would do that again?

All he did was knock his hat off. There is no evidence he meant to do more than that. There is such a thing as proportionality. You do not have the right to beat someone to a pulp. That is not self-defense. That was proven when charges were brought against the Proud Boys in New York. It is obvious that the guy in the MAGA hat also has a problem. He should be prosecuted.
he didnt beat him to a pulp ! trust me that was not a proper ass kicking ! he just knocked him around a little .. democrat assailants are so weak that only a little ruffing up will send them running like the cowards all modern democrats are !

That is assault nevertheless and what he wanted to do was worse than what the other guy did.
nope, it's called self defense. Look it up. LOOK UP SELF DEFENSE moron.
The guy in the red cap knew exactly what he was fighting about; he was defending himself.

He was not defending himself. He committed a assault. The force he used was disproportionate. He was hardly in any danger because a person knocked his hat off.
all it takes is one swing, that's assault, you can miss and get your ass kicked and your miss started the fight. It's instigation and thinking someone won't fight back. They saw the guy throw his drink as well. It's obvious the fat fk had a problem. Funny he got his ass handed to him. hey, you think that fat fk would do that again?

All he did was knock his hat off. There is no evidence he meant to do more than that. There is such a thing as proportionality. You do not have the right to beat someone to a pulp. That is not self-defense. That was proven when charges were brought against the Proud Boys in New York. It is obvious that the guy in the MAGA hat also has a problem. He should be prosecuted.

Wrong. You don't knock someone's cap off without expecting a response. That in itself is an assault and a provocation and no one sits back waiting to see if it ends just there.

Snowflakes dont understand violence. Generally find out the hard way. Most of these fairies never have competed physically against other men and have never taken a beating before. An army....of fags.
oh no ! i have to disagree.... left wing males have started competing physically ! for the past few yrs they've been competing as transgenders against other women ! :pinkygirly::auiqs.jpg:
The whole thing is stupid and pointless. Jackasses confronting jackasses fighting over nothing and not even knowing what they are fighting about.
The guy in the red cap knew exactly what he was fighting about; he was defending himself.
yes you are correct ... and once again a true American patriot beat the shit out of a weak limp wristed communist coward in a one on one confrontation initiated by the faggot left .

He is no patriot. He is a common thug. He is the faggot and you are as well.
bwaaa haaaaa haaaaa the thug and faggot is the piece of dog shit that laid hands on the man in the hat ! i know its hard for weak cowardly triggered faggots like you and your violent terrorist antifa wimps to understand that laying your hands on someone or knocking of someones hat is the equivalent of striking someone its been like that for hundreds of yrs ! its very simple the coward tried to bully someone smaller than it and yes i said it and in the end the democrat got what it deserved .

Standing up against violence is not weak. You are the one who is weak. The guy committed a assault as well. However his was much worse as he used disproportionate force.
he was reacting with force against the force the homosexual [all democrats are homosexuals] used against him ! the homosexual [democrat] used force by knocking his hat off before any force was used against it [all democrats are its] and then the human kicked it's ass !
He was not defending himself. He committed a assault. The force he used was disproportionate. He was hardly in any danger because a person knocked his hat off.
all it takes is one swing, that's assault, you can miss and get your ass kicked and your miss started the fight. It's instigation and thinking someone won't fight back. They saw the guy throw his drink as well. It's obvious the fat fk had a problem. Funny he got his ass handed to him. hey, you think that fat fk would do that again?

All he did was knock his hat off. There is no evidence he meant to do more than that. There is such a thing as proportionality. You do not have the right to beat someone to a pulp. That is not self-defense. That was proven when charges were brought against the Proud Boys in New York. It is obvious that the guy in the MAGA hat also has a problem. He should be prosecuted.
he didnt beat him to a pulp ! trust me that was not a proper ass kicking ! he just knocked him around a little .. democrat assailants are so weak that only a little ruffing up will send them running like the cowards all modern democrats are !

That is assault nevertheless and what he wanted to do was worse than what the other guy did.
nope, it's called self defense. Look it up. LOOK UP SELF DEFENSE moron.
there's no use in trying to relay common sense to a democrat ....it is unable to understand complex reasoning .

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