Legal Expert Warns Musk He May Have Just Made A Big Mistake


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
In a tweet justifying the new policy, Musk argued that he could no longer allow "relentless free advertising of competitors" on his social media platform, while then adding that "no traditional publisher allows this and neither will Twitter."

However, as former federal prosecutor Renato Mariotti noted in a reply to Musk, Twitter and other social media platforms are not traditional publishers, as such publishers have civil and criminal legal liability for the things that they publish.

Be careful space boy. This whole free speech thing ain't what you thought it was.
There is nothing special about Twitter that makes it any different than any other site.
A legal expert? How did relatively unknown federal prosecutor Renato Mariotti become the best "legal expert" Raw Story could come up with with? The crazy left is becoming unhinged and laughable.
It's Musk's business, right leftards? Or did that change from when you claimed a business can do as it wants?

You fools look ridiculous.... well until it comes to baking cakes, photography, web design....

True, but if Musk says they are a publisher, who are we to disagree with him?

This is what happens when morbidly rich fucks are given tax breaks. It's time to go back to pre 1980 tax rates for all of them. Not to mention the reinstatement of Glass Steagall, and all of the anti trust laws that allows them to buy back their own stock.

This will effectively get them out of politics, and media, and a lot less free time on their hands to exploit with money.
This is what happens when morbidly rich fucks are given tax breaks. It's time to go back to pre 1980 tax rates for all of them. Not to mention the reinstatement of Glass Steagall, and all of the anti trust laws that allows them to buy back their own stock.

This will effectively get them out of politics, and media, and a lot less free time on their hands to exploit with money.


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