Legal Experts say Fani has ruined her case against Trump!

Well, I think we all here can agree that criminal defendants in their cases will always....always.....believe the prosecutor is "unquestionably partisan". So yeah, Trump and enablers probably do think the DA' Office is "partisan". It has been ever thus.
And Bidenfluffers will never admit the political nature of these ridiculous prosecutions. Just saying
No one has yet to explain how Fani's affair has anything to do with serial adulterer Donald Trump's creation of illegal fake electors.

So she might get disqualified. Big deal. That does not eliminate the case against Sore Loser Trump's attempted coup.

And the irony of Trump attacking someone's sex life presents a danger of an irony vortex opening up and swallowing the Universe.
Oh come on Robert and Rawley.... they have Trump on tape! We knew when the tape was released by the Ga. Secretary of State at the time that Trump was trying to interfere and subvert the election results....that was 3 to 4 years ago..... before the DA ever got involved....

It has to go before a jury of 12, before he's found guilty or not guilty.... I understand that....and it'll be up to the 12 who get to see all the evidence in court, and get the full Defense presentation in court, before making that decision.... But for the sake of justice, that trial needs to take place....if he's found not guilty, then he's not guilty.... If he's found guilty, then he is guilty...of course he can also appeal the verdict and that has to play out....
I have listened to what Trump said many times. What he wanted was a fair election.
The only thing Trump achieved was a big tax break for himself.

Trump failed to pass a promised infrastructure bill. Biden got it done.

Trump failed to repeal and replace Obamacare with something "beautiful".

He failed to build the wall, and he failed to get Mexico to pay for it.

He failed to grow the economy by the promised 4 to 6 percent.

He failed to achieve his promised $4,000 pay raise for workers.

He failed to eliminate the deficit as promised. He DOUBLED it.

He failed to bring down drug prices as promised.

He utterly failed to drain the swamp, and enlarged and widened it instead, creating the most corrupt Administration since Harding.

He failed to provide maternity leave, as promised, to women whose employers didn't provided that benefit.

He failed to bring back coal jobs as promised.

He failed to release his tax returns as promised.

He failed to protect American steel jobs as promised.

He alienated our allies and sucked up to communist dictators and thugs.

He added $8 trillion to the debt in half the time it took Obama, contributing to the current inflation.

He widened the trade deficit with China and Mexico to record levels.

His far left protectionist tariffs cost Americans $34 billion a year, eliminated 300,000 jobs, and cost taxpayers $22 billion in rescue subsidies for farmers.

He blew off Covid as a hoax, and ignored it until it could no longer be ignored. He said Covid would magically go away and refused to enact testing and contact tracing, allowing Covid to spread completely unhindered at the most critical period in the beginning of the pandemic.

He spent more time golfing than Obama, despite saying he would "not have time to go golf" during the campaign. He spent nearly a third of his term golfing.

He lost the House, the Senate, and the White House. An achievement not seen since the last businessman president, Herbert Hoover.

And of course, he staged a coup when the American people kicked his incompetent game show host balls over the moon.

Worst. President. EVAH!

How anyone could expect such a stupid, ignorant, incompetent game show to be elected again is beyond me.
We had a fair election. Trump lost.

Yes, but we wanted a fair election where Trump got thrown out on his ass by 7 million votes.
No, Moon Bat you are once again confused. The election was not fair. It was stolen by the Democrat scum.

The Democrats used the Chinese caused Pandemic as a cover to create fraudulent mail in and harvested ballots in Democrat controlled swing districts, counted by Democrats to steal the Electoral College delegates from Trump and the American people.

You know who the Chinese are don't you? They are the ones that made the Potatohead family filthy ass rich and now their man is in the White House.

Now we are a Banana Republic just like the Chinese wanted and the leadership of the Leftest leadership of the Banana Republic are doing everything possible to destroy Trump, their main political opposition.

Stop trying to defend the Democrat scum. That just makes you look like an idiot.
“Just say the election was corrupt and leave the rest to me and Republican congressmen."

Mr. President, we’ll send you the link from WSB.

Trump: I don’t care about the link. I don’t need it.

Trump hired not one, but TWO, research firms to prove his Big Lie.

The TWO firms Trump hired found no fraud.


Lyin' Donald buried those reports and continued to lie.

The Michigan Republican House Speaker and Republican Senate Majority Leader said there was no fraud and would certify the election. Traitor Tump ignored them and continued to lie.

The US Attorney General and the Deputy Attorney General told Trump there was no fraud. Crooked Donald ignored them and continued to lie.

A recount in Wisconsin demanded by Trump found there was no fraud and actually increased Trump's loss by a wider margin. Trump continued to lie.

State and federal courts, including many helmed by Trump appointees, found no proof of fraud. Trump ignored them and continued to lie.

The Director of National Intelligence informed Trump the election was secure and there was no fraud. Trump ignored him and continued to lie.

The Department of Homeland Security's Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency told Trump there was no fraud. Trump ignored them and continued to lie.

The senior White House attorneys told Trump there was no fraud. Trump ignored them and continued to lie.

Senior staffers of Trump's own campaign team told him he had lost! Trump ignored them and continued to lie.

State legislators and secretaries of state all around the country, many of whom were Republicans who had backed Trump's re-election, told Trump there was no fraud and he had lost. Trump ignored them and continued to lie.

Trump knew he lost.

With his Big Lie defeated at every turn, Trump drafted illegal fake electors in seven states.


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