Legal Experts say Fani has ruined her case against Trump!

Lying? On this particular Trump conspiracy case?
How does it apply to what Trump and his enablers did? In this particular case?


Well, I think we all here can agree that criminal defendants in their cases will always....always.....believe the prosecutor is "unquestionably partisan". So yeah, Trump and enablers probably do think the DA' Office is "partisan". It has been ever thus.

Well, that sounds like a wannabe defense attorney, I suppose.
And that's OK. We all can have our own individual personal narrow opinion. No foul, no harm.
It would help though, if such opinions were grounded in actual experience in this particular case.

Just sayin'.
Yes fani lied numbnuts
She lied on legal documents. She is charging people in this case for lying on legal documents. How can you not see the issue with this?
Except there's no evidence she lied on legal documents. One woman she fired said that she told her the relationship started earlier.

Except there's no evidence for that and at the time, Wade was undergoing cancer treatments.
Greedy sex-starved Fani Willis likely ruined her case with Trump, experts say.

CNN senior legal analyst Elie Honig said Tuesday that Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis may have destroyed her election interference case against former President Donald Trump.

Willis appointed her romantic partner Nathan Wade as special prosecutor in the case, which a Trump co-defendant alleges is a conflict of interest because of benefits she received based on their relationship. Judge Scott McAfee will consider a motion Thursday to disqualify Willis based on the allegations.

I think her problems continue to multiply,” Honig asserted. “So the allegation that several defendants, including Donald Trump, have made is that there‘s a conflict of interest, that she has been in this personal romantic relationship with one of the outside people brought in to prosecute this case. She has since admitted that that‘s true, and that there was an intermingling of finances that creates a conflict of interest.”

Wade purchased airline tickets to Miami and San Francisco in Willis’ name, according to bank statements contained in a filing in his divorce case.

“Yesterday, there was a hearing, a zoom hearing that we were able to see where the DA‘s office said, ‘Judge, you should just throw this out. There‘s not even a need to hold a hearing.’ Well, the judge said, ‘I disagree. There‘s some serious disputed facts here. Therefore, we‘re going to have a hearing on Thursday.’ That‘s going to be really interesting to watch, but that is going to be a really problematic proceeding for the DA,” Honig said.

trump ruined this bitch....lolol
She cannot hire her lover, period, and then use the taxpayer money she funneled to him to enjoy vacations in Napa, Belize, and on cruises.

Except she didn't hire her lover, the County Board did on her recommendation.

And there's no evidence he was her lover when he was hired.

If we start making 'which lawyers are fucking" a prerequisite of who can try cases, we are going to be in a lot of trouble. Lawyers are notorious horndogs!
No, you don't have any facts correct.

How she handles her personal money is none of your business
She wasn't her lover when he was hired by the County Board.
She offered the job to two Republicans, both of whom refused because they feared retaliation from Trump Supporters.
Except there's no evidence she lied on legal documents. One woman she fired said that she told her the relationship started earlier.

Except there's no evidence for that and at the time, Wade was undergoing cancer treatments.

You do know she is charging people based on the testimony of 1 person?
You do know she is charging people based on the testimony of 1 person?
Actually, no, she's charging people on a mountain of evidence that Trump tried to steal the 2020 Election in Georgia, including tape recording of Trump threatening officials.

Meanwhile, all you got is an employee who got fired slandering her ex-boss, and getting caught in a lie.
New trial and new attorneys.

Probably should just be dropped. What an embarassment for the Democrats.

Trial hasn't started yet.

No reason to get new attorneys, given no misconduct has been proven.

Taking a prosecution away from the duly elected representatives of the people of Fulton County would be an abuse of power.
No, you don't have any facts correct.

How she handles her personal money is none of your business
She wasn't her lover when he was hired by the County Board.
She offered the job to two Republicans, both of whom refused because they feared retaliation from Trump Supporters.
The accusation by the other side's lawyers is that Fani hired Wade for this lucrative job, so that she could get some of the money he made from the State job, as a payment to herself.....or something like.... "I'm a dumb broad that can't support myself, and needed my Lover to pay my way, so I gave him the job so I could collect some of his and Georgia tax payer money for myself...". :rolleyes:

I guess in the trumper view, only men have lovers for the companionship and sex, but women have lovers for the money only.... 🤔
What corruption is that? Rumor & innuendo? Willis testified for hours & she took every one of those hacks & handed their asses back to them.

They have NOTHING.

I see a possible ethics situation yes! If she lied under oath or supported a lie that was under oath, as the claim that Wade lied about when their Romance began in an affidavit that he filed from her office. If that is proven...

But it still doesn't make Trump's charges, with the evidence the grand jury had to make the criminal charges, any less criminal.... The romance doesn't change that ...... with regard to the evidence presented, and the grand jury charges imo.

This is Trump using his own form of Lawfare to continually escape his comeuppance due, with the Law... for his own malfeasance and yes, how it honestly looks to me....

Trump wins all the time by this kind of delay and shenanigans.... But not ever by facing his charges in a trial and a jury finding him not guilty, like every other citizen has to face.... again,in my view
A defendant proving his prosecutor lied on legal documents and in testimony is not shenanigans. It’s an excellent defense that any attorney would use to protect their client.

No, you don't have any facts correct.

How she handles her personal money is none of your business
She wasn't her lover when he was hired by the County Board.
She offered the job to two Republicans, both of whom refused because they feared retaliation from Trump Supporters.

Notice how the two dumbass Negros that testified yesterday had White lawyers?

They may be ghetto trash that got their positions through stupid White Guilt DEI policies but they ain't no fools when it is their asses hanging out.
"Yes fani lied numbnuts"

??? "Numbnuts"???
What's with that, my good fellow?
Why the anger?
Why the ad hominin epithets?

Are you OK, poster Bigr?

More importantly, for the sincere intentions of this thread:

  1. Can you prove she lied and it was directly related to the evidence?
  2. Directly related to any of the 19 defendants in the case?
  3. Including the 4 (so far) who have plead guilty?
  4. Just exactly what lies are you, Bigr, alleging she made?
  5. And what is the impact on the case overall?

Saddle up, Skippy.
Their one witness was a former employee in the DA's office who resigned rather then be fired for incompetence. Her testimony was a joke because she's a fool. Her testimony will be tossed. The rest of their case rests on innuendo & rumors with no facts to back up any of it. The entire exercise is a sideshow dreamed up by Trump's lackey of a defendant to have the entire case thrown out. And of course, being the MAGA fool that you are, you're swallowing the whole thing, whole.

When you said you had "little legal background", you were right. From where, YouTube?

Now go have another shit sandwich. You earned it.

Why would the friends testimony be tossed?
Because you feel it will be?
Just a dumb thing to believe.
Why would the friends testimony be tossed?
Because you feel it will be?
Just a dumb thing to believe.
Because she was a disgruntled employee that was fired,(forced to resign or would be fired with cause) is one possible reason....

And, because her story is not adding up with scrutiny.....
Yes it makes a difference defendants are offered relief when there is prosecutors misconduct. And lying under oath is prosecutor misconduct
Only assured if the misconduct directly affects the defendant's case... is what I've read on it.

Some ethics and misconduct issues are reprimanded in various ways as penalty, if there is no conflict and the misconduct was not something egregious.... the rules say they can continue their work loads.

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