Legal Experts say Fani has ruined her case against Trump!

Our system of justice has been tainted by over zealous prosecutors and biased jurors.

No it hasn't. Your system of justice has been tainted by a criminal President, who was in the middle of a fraud trial when you elected him.

Everybody is lying but the proven criminal. Everyone is "out to get him" but he continues to commit further crimes on a daily basis, and he refuses to stop his illegal activities.

Every day, in every way, the Trump Cultists prove what idiots they truly are.
No we're not scared at all. Even without Willis, the trial will go ahead.

You're projecting your own fears onto others.

Watching the Hearing this morning, what a load of bullshit this whole motion is. The prosecutor she hired was already in the process of obtaining a divorce when they met, and NONE of the salacious stories Trump and his co-defendants are promoting are in any way improper or disqualifying.

This whole process is indeed a "Hail Mary" attempt to derail this prosecution. I seriously doubt it will succeed but it does show the lengths that Trump will go to in order to destroy those prosecuting him.

Why not just have a trial on the evidence of Trump's crimes???? Because Trump will lose every single time.


Squeal a little louder. You haven't convinced anyone yet.

I doubt it. I've about given up anyone will be held accountable except the minions

I'm thinking about THE time, which NO ONE will be able to stop.

THE time, against which they will have no recourse, those who have not already made their peace, which we know they have not.

THAT time is coming.


I'm thinking about THE time, which NO ONE will be able to stop.

THE time, against which they will have no recourse, those who have not already made their peace, which we know they have not.

THAT time is coming.


There's a time coming. But it won't be political
The key point is that regardless of whether the factual circumstances involving Willis and Wade give rise to separate ethical concerns with respect to his hiring, such questions do not affect the propriety of the prosecution against Roman and his co-defendants. Questions about gifts and related matters go to Willis’s and Wade’s obligations to the Fulton County District Attorney’s office, and have no connection to assuring the defendants a fair trial. These allegations are as irrelevant to the trial as allegations in other situations that prosecutors took office supplies for personal use, drove county vehicles for personal errands, or plagiarized portions of their student law review notes. All of those are legitimate issues—for prosecutors’ offices and those with oversight responsibilities to address—but such allegations do not bring criminal prosecutions to a stop or require that cases be transferred to a different office. Defense attorneys cannot use allegations of prosecutorial ethics violations, real or imaginary, that have nothing to do with a trial to delay or force prosecutors off of a case.

As a matter of both common sense and Georgia law, a prosecutor is disqualified from a case due to a “conflict of interest” only when the prosecutor’s conflicting loyalties could prejudice the defendant leading, for example, to an improper conviction. None of the factual allegations made in the Roman motion have a basis in law for the idea that such prejudice could exist here – as it might where a law enforcement agent is involved with a witness, or a defense lawyer with a judge. We might question Willis’s judgment in hiring Wade and the pair’s other alleged conduct, but under Georgia law that relationship and their alleged behavior do not impact her or his ability to continue on the case.

She did not ruin the case.
Complete bullshit.
You admit that, your comment has a gotcha quality.

Then I am right, you are not being honest and in fact are a condenseding prick.

You believe the courts are 100% infallible.

You believe the thousands set free with DNA evidence and witnesses recanting testimony was wrong. That those people were guilty.

You believe the thousands of decisions of the courts that have been overturned or throw out were in fact correct.

And I am suppose to prove you wrong, when you defend the Injustice, that books have been written about.
If the gotcha is that I don't think you'll be able to answer the question it's the most easily defeated gotcha in the world. Just give a good answer. The number of times I've been asked questions that I KNEW the person asking didn't believe I had an answer to is beyond counting on this board. I hardly ever works. The reason being that I AM honest. I don't need to deflect 4 times attacking the person asking a simple to give an example. Ask me a direct question. You'll get a direct answer. Even if that answer is that I'm wrong about something. Happens all the time. Compare and contrast.

As to this.
You believe the thousands set free with DNA evidence and witnesses recanting testimony was wrong. That those people were guilty.

You believe the thousands of decisions of the courts that have been overturned or throw out were in fact correct.
Not only did you just put up a strawman of EPIC proportions about my views, even as I expressed them to you.
People get hosed in court because they can't afford proper counsel. Or they can't afford to take the risk of a trial and take a plea.
I even took the time trying to answer the question to why people get wrongly convicted.

Unlike you, I won't tell you you're being dishonest. I don't know that. And I suspect you simply suffer from conformation bias and simply didn't grasp the entire premise of what I was saying.

Here's a tip if you don't want people to be condescending towards you. Try to have an honest conversation. Meaning you make a genuine effort to engage them, instead of simply trying to "win".
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If the gotcha is that I don't think you'll be able to answer the question it's the most easily defeated gotcha in the world. Just give a good answer. The number of times I've been asked questions that I KNEW the person asking didn't believe I had an answer to is beyond counting on this board. I hardly ever works. The reason being that I AM honest. I don't need to deflect 4 times attacking the person asking a simple to give an example. Ask me a direct question. You'll get a direct answer. Even if that answer is that I'm wrong about something. Happens all the time. Compare and contrast.

As to this.
Not only did you just put up a strawman of EPIC proportions about my views, even as I expressed them to you.
I even took the time trying to answer the question to why people get wrongly convicted.
Unlike you, I won't tell you you're being dishonest. I don't know that. And I suspect you simply suffer from conformation bias and simply didn't grasp the entire premise of what I was saying.

Here's a tip if you don't want people to be condescending towards you. Try to have an honest conversation. Meaning you make a genuine effort to engage them, instead of simply trying to "win"
Here a tip for you, shove your tip up your ass. You did not engage with me, with an honest conversation, you butted into "cares" rant against me, and made it sound as if she was being nice and needed her rant more carefully reworded.

So dont try to mischaracterize your comments after the fact. You picked a fight by fucking with me first, and that is exactly what you got back.

Misrepresenting your views and building a strawman? hahahahahha

You disagree that the courts can be, and are wrong.
You disagree that the courts can be, and are injustice
You disagree that the courts can be, and are corrupt.

Or, you agree with me.
Here a tip for you, shove your tip up your ass. You did not engage with me, with an honest conversation, you butted into "cares" rant against me, and made it sound as if she was being nice and needed her rant more carefully reworded.

So dont try to mischaracterize your comments after the fact. You picked a fight by fucking with me first, and that is exactly what you got back.

Misrepresenting your views and building a strawman? hahahahahha

You disagree that the courts can be, and are wrong.
You disagree that the courts can be, and are injustice
You disagree that the courts can be, and are corrupt.

Or, you agree with me.
I'm sure you're saying something. Just not sure what that something is.

You disagree that the courts can be, and are wrong.
You disagree that the courts can be, and are injustice
You disagree that the courts can be, and are corrupt.
I have no doubt some injustices take place...which one alone is too many!

what I question is your stance that the who!e justice system is totally corrupt.... when it is not....even with all of our flaws, it's the best out there...and if I was ever charged with a crime, it's our court system that I would want to be tried under, and no where else!
No, you were being an asshole. I never once in any way stated, the whole justice system is totally corrupt!

If you were charged with a crime, you better pray you not only have the money for the very best attorney, but that you know who the best attorney is. And then you best hope the District attorney and the all the assistants, are decent people as well. And then you best know the judge is a good man. After that, good luck trying to convince 12 idiots of your innocence.

thousands of injustices do take place
I'm sure you're saying something. Just not sure what that something is.
I will say it again, you were an asshole, from your first comment to me, nothing less, very much dishonest as well

is that clear
I will say it again, you were an asshole, from your first comment to me, nothing less, very much dishonest as well

is that clear
Clear yes, true... no.

The only thing you've done is whine that it's dishonest to ask someone who claims courts are corrupt to come up with a decent reason for saying so.

The rest of your replies to me are spend supporting that assertion. Without actually succeeding I might add.

You know why it's important to you that I'm dishonest? Because otherwise you'd have to actually answer the premise.

It doesn't bother me. Just like you calling me an asshole doesn't bother me. Just like a 5-year-old stomping its feet doesn't bother me. It's all simply a temper tantrum and should be treated as such.
Trump's crimes that he's accused of don't just magically disappear, nor those of the 19 others involved in the her having a romance with another prosecutor.

Sure they do, dipshit. Every one of these cases bringing Trump's "crimes" has been criminally engineered by crooks and partisans taking the letter of the law to the extreme breaking point sponsored by deep pockets out to protect the criminal business as usual in this country because it is THEIR POWER. And if you are not part of it, you are one of their useful idiots too stupid to see it. Not one of these unproven charges or indictments would ever fly in any court if the courts, the judges and the prosecutors weren't all criminal, partisan, far leftist hacks and Trump weren't the defendant.
Clear yes, true... no.

The only thing you've done is whine that it's dishonest to ask someone who claims courts are corrupt to come up with a decent reason for saying so.

The rest of your replies to me are spend supporting that assertion. Without actually succeeding I might add.

You know why it's important to you that I'm dishonest? Because otherwise you'd have to actually answer the premise.

It doesn't bother me. Just like you calling me an asshole doesn't bother me. Just like a 5-year-old stomping its feet doesn't bother me. It's all simply a temper tantrum and should be treated as such.
Blah blah blah blah blah

Like I said. Had you not been a prick, I would not reply as such

If you need proof, of the courts being wrong, then you are thee most ignorant person posting.

But like I said, you from the beginning are just trying to discredit my comment, nothing more. There is no proof acceptable, you won't have that.
Blah blah blah blah blah

Like I said. Had you not been a prick, I would not reply as such

If you need proof, of the courts being wrong, then you are thee most ignorant person posting.

But like I said, you from the beginning are just trying to discredit my comment, nothing more. There is no proof acceptable, you won't have that.
No, I need proof of the courts being corrupt. You can be wrong without being corrupt. Something can even be unfair without being corrupt. A prosecutor can be corrupt without the entire court system being corrupt. That's why I asked my question. Because THAT was your assertion. If you misspoke and meant being wrong, you can simply say so. Not only would that actually be a good answer, but I would also simply agree.
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