Legal theft


Sep 23, 2010
Bob Unruh has two pieces of interest today. There is a razor-thin chance something might come of this one:

Feds open investigation into Obama money
Election camp accused of stuffing war chest with illegal donations
Published: 11 hours ago

Feds open investigation into Obama money

Nothing was done about illegal contributions in 2008; that’s why I said razor-thin. Most campaign contributions eventually find their way into political advertising on television no matter where they originate; so do not look for the media to run with a story that picks their pockets. And there are too many Democrat party political hacks on the bench to expect very much there. The thing that tickles me is how everybody pontificates about democracy, while judges seem to think stolen election cases are beneath their dignity.

NOTE: I don’t give a rat’s ass about democracy. My only interest in election frauds is finding a way to stop Communists in there tracks. Stealing elections in a free society is the Communist way of acquiring and hanging on to political power. As I’ve said before; democracy in America is exactly where Communists want it to be.

Unruh’s second piece is more important in the long term.

The 2012 election is history. Nothing is going to be done about the voting frauds that took place. Something better be done about this before 2014 or Americans will see a repeat of 2012:

. . . a race-based consent decree negotiated by Democrats against the Republican National Committee a generation ago still has tied the RNC’s hands, and GOP officials could be cited for contempt – or worse – if they try to make sure American elections are clean.


No. Fact.

The case is the Democratic National Committee vs. the Republican National Committee, originally from 1982.


The decision requires the RNC – but not the DNC – to “refrain from undertaking any ballot security activities in polling places or election districts . . .


The law has remained, even though the RNC recently challenged it at the appellate level only to be turned down by Judges Joseph Greenaway Jr., appointed by Bill Clinton; Dolores Sloviter, appointed by Carter; and Walter Stapleton, appointed by Ronald Reagan, in the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.

It now is pending before the U.S. Supreme Court.


“The RNC has been completely prohibited from doing anything in ballot security since 1982,” she told WND. “The Democrats repeatedly over the years have gotten the RNC officers into court on the weekend before the election.

“What it means is that for 30 years there has been no way to institutionalize, to help train state parties, to work with candidates [on vote fraud prevention issues],” she said.

GOP legally barred from fighting vote fraud
30 years later, consent decree violation claims still threaten
Published: 11 hours ago

GOP legally barred from fighting vote fraud

Since 1982 Democrat party leaders using tax dollar funded organizations like ACORN, the National Council of La Raza, local community organizers, advocacy groups, etc., perfected the mechanics necessary in executing election fraud —— and getting away with it. The Secretary of State Project does not bother with bussing, rigged voting machines, and so on; SOSP goes right to the source; secretaries of state who are in charge of elections. Election fraud has become so rampant in this country objecting is akin to punishing the police for stopping a bank robbery in progress.

As I understand the prohibition it only applies to the Republican party. I doubt if small political parties like the Libertarian party could bring a challenge since a candidate would not win a contested seat if every crooked vote was put in his column. With that in mind the best way to correct the existing system of judicial election fraud is to eliminate the GOP altogether. Simply wipe it off the books. In other words, Tea Parties and Republicans would form one party. Republicans would then register as members of the Tea Party. After all:

What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet. William Shakespeare —— Romeo and Juliet —— Act II. Scene II.

Finally, Tea Parties constitute a splinter party within the Republican party anyway. When GOP candidates are ripped off by court-approved election frauds Tea Partiers get ripped off, too. Conversely, conservatives do not share the victory legislatively when Republicans win as has been demonstrated time after time.
As long as we keep funding elections the way we do, things will happen. Support public financing of elections and, NO, that doesn't mean government control, just paying the bills.
As long as we keep funding elections the way we do, things will happen. Support public financing of elections and, NO, that doesn't mean government control, just paying the bills.

To konradv: What it means is forcing everybody to fund political campaigns. I don’t want to give a penny to a Democrat or a Republican. I’ll go even further and suggest that elected officials serve without pay. They steal enough after they take office.

And I’m pretty sure that the approximately 50 percent of eligible voters who never vote won’t be too happy with tax dollar financing. I’ll reconsider if you can convince me that tax dollar financing will improve the quality of the candidates.

How about this for now. Everybody who thinks like you gives more to the candidate of their choice.
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As long as we keep funding elections the way we do, things will happen. Support public financing of elections and, NO, that doesn't mean government control, just paying the bills.

To konradv: What it means is forcing everybody to fund political campaigns. I don’t want to give a penny to a Democrat or a Republican. I’ll go even further and suggest that elected officials serve without pay. They steal enough after they take office.

And I’m pretty sure that the approximately 50 percent of eligible voters who never vote won’t be too happy with tax dollar financing. I’ll reconsider if you can convince me that tax dollar financing will improve the quality of the candidates.

How about this for now. Everybody who thinks like you gives more to the candidate of their choice.

You're paying anyway when corporations use some of their profits generated from sales to you to finance candidates. What's the diff? If we're paying, they don't have to go out and accept bribes and they should start listening to us because..., WE'RE PAYING. It's not so much about who's being funded as it is removing the need to give pay backs to big donors. Work it out right and every will have a voice, even those you'd consider contributing to.

You're paying anyway when corporations use some of their profits generated from sales to you to finance candidates.

To konradv: Corporations do not force me to buy their products and services. At least they didn’t until those filthy Democrat bums who were elected passed the Affordable Care Act.


What's the diff? If we're paying, they don't have to go out and accept bribes

To konradv: That’s basically the argument that was used to ratify the XVII Amendment. The Senate was so corrupt the people electing their senators was going to stop the corruption. How’s that been working out. The Senate now harbors a nest of traitors along with the crooks.


and they should start listening to us because..., WE'RE PAYING.

To konradv: The public is already paying plenty in income taxes and the bums in Washington have not listened yet. Had they ever listened the borders would be secure, and the Affordable Care Act would not have been passed just to name two big ones.


It's not so much about who's being funded as it is removing the need to give pay backs to big donors.

To konradv: Unless you have millions of lobotomies in mind the only way to remove pay backs is to change human nature.


Work it out right and every will have a voice, even those you'd consider contributing to.

To konradv: Everybody having a voice in government is a utopian fantasy told to fools who believe a benign totalitarian government is possible.

As it stands now parasites are the only people with a voice. That isn’t going to change as long as politicians can buy votes with tax dollars. I’ll put it to you. Which is better, paying back a few or paying back tens of millions of parasites with welfare state programs?

Bottom line: Limited government is the only way to give the most people a voice in their government.

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