Zone1 legalisation of hard drugs : bad idea?

‘Horrific: Perry’s ex reveals his desperate attempt to stop drugs
Tragic Friends star Matthew Perry resorted to gluing his hands to his knees to stop himself taking more drugs, former girlfriend Kayti Edwards has revealed.

Remote : 2023-12-24(Sunday) 10 : 50 : 16
Local : 2023-12-24(Sunday) 10 : 50 : 16
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in my humble opinion, hard drugs just drives a person towards criminality, insanity, or a little of both.
what's your thoughts on this topic?

Yes. That will only enable addicts to keep doing as they are already with not even the slightest hint of repercussion.
that's just wishful thinking.
once you cross the line into criminality or other forms of illegality or sheer insanity due to illegal substance abuse,
the damage is already done.

NO. society and especially children, teens and 20-somethings have to be PROTECTED against this insane Democratic voter-loyalty issue.
Voter loyalty issue? What does that have to do with anything?

Have you been dipping into the illegal substances this evening?
‘Horrific: Perry’s ex reveals his desperate attempt to stop drugs
Tragic Friends star Matthew Perry resorted to gluing his hands to his knees to stop himself taking more drugs, former girlfriend Kayti Edwards has revealed.

Remote : 2023-12-24(Sunday) 10 : 50 : 16
Local : 2023-12-24(Sunday) 10 : 50 : 16
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in my humble opinion, hard drugs just drives a person towards criminality, insanity, or a little of both.
what's your thoughts on this topic?

Criminalizing the drugs has not had the effect of reducing the usage. It has, just as prohibition did, merely made it far more profitable.

The war on drugs has gone on since 1971, and we have done nothing except fill up prisons with people. I watched a video today. An alert cop performed a traffic stop, and found what is claimed to be $6 million in drugs. People can and do crow about such seizures. But while he was doing that, another $60 million drove by him. Before he got the paperwork written up some $600 million passed through his territory.

There is no shortage, and someone will always find a way to smuggle the drugs. People always want to do what is Taboo. Be it sexual activity that is “bad” or “nasty” or drugs.

People want to do them. And when we catch them we ruin their lives with criminal convictions. We don’t actually reduce the drug use. We don’t do anything.

I read a report from the DEA. Before they restricted the availability of Psudophed and made the pharmacy keep records on who was buying, we told ourselves this would reduce Crystal Meth. The result, predictably, has been the opposite. The drug cartels created large cooking labs and produced even more Meth.

No longer was the drug cooked in a kitchen or trailer. It was now produced in large factory type settings. The result was an increase in Crystal Meth of nearly 1,000%. Yes. That is a thousand percent increase.

We haven’t done anything to reduce it. We waste many billions on the effort. And we accomplish less than nothing.

The proponents demand we get tough. And it has become evident that it isn’t working. It is now so obvious that every one of the Republican Candidates has promised military action against the Cartels in Mexico. They even claim that it doesn’t matter if Mexico objects.

I don’t like the effects of the drugs. But I am honest enough to admit it just is not working.
Enforcement of which laws? The experiment has already been done and it is fairly successful:

For Safe and Effective Drug Policy, Look to the Dutch

you're not mentioning here that my government has stiff penalties for all offenders,
and strict anti-weapons laws,
which i think form the basis of that "success".

i say that mockingly, because the hidden suffering of drugs abuse is still very real in this country.
my cousin as well as a former girlfriend of mine once had a heroin addiction, and the road back to a normal life of abstinence was far from easy for either of them.
‘Horrific: Perry’s ex reveals his desperate attempt to stop drugs
Tragic Friends star Matthew Perry resorted to gluing his hands to his knees to stop himself taking more drugs, former girlfriend Kayti Edwards has revealed.

Remote : 2023-12-24(Sunday) 10 : 50 : 16
Local : 2023-12-24(Sunday) 10 : 50 : 16
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in my humble opinion, hard drugs just drives a person towards criminality, insanity, or a little of both.
what's your thoughts on this topic?
Criminalizing the drugs has not had the effect of reducing the usage. It has, just as prohibition did, merely made it far more profitable.

The war on drugs has gone on since 1971, and we have done nothing except fill up prisons with people. I watched a video today. An alert cop performed a traffic stop, and found what is claimed to be $6 million in drugs. People can and do crow about such seizures. But while he was doing that, another $60 million drove by him. Before he got the paperwork written up some $600 million passed through his territory.

There is no shortage, and someone will always find a way to smuggle the drugs. People always want to do what is Taboo. Be it sexual activity that is “bad” or “nasty” or drugs.

People want to do them. And when we catch them we ruin their lives with criminal convictions. We don’t actually reduce the drug use. We don’t do anything.

I read a report from the DEA. Before they restricted the availability of Psudophed and made the pharmacy keep records on who was buying, we told ourselves this would reduce Crystal Meth. The result, predictably, has been the opposite. The drug cartels created large cooking labs and produced even more Meth.

No longer was the drug cooked in a kitchen or trailer. It was now produced in large factory type settings. The result was an increase in Crystal Meth of nearly 1,000%. Yes. That is a thousand percent increase.

We haven’t done anything to reduce it. We waste many billions on the effort. And we accomplish less than nothing.

The proponents demand we get tough. And it has become evident that it isn’t working. It is now so obvious that every one of the Republican Candidates has promised military action against the Cartels in Mexico. They even claim that it doesn’t matter if Mexico objects.

I don’t like the effects of the drugs. But I am honest enough to admit it just is not working.
oh, putting real pressure on Mexico IS going to work.
so will stiff enforcement policies.
better to let people rot/heal in jail than to let drug addicts roam the streets looking for their next hit.
one in six will be addicts no matter what substance they use(including food). To leave addiction the user must occupy spare time with busy work and rehab along with support.
oh, putting real pressure on Mexico IS going to work.
so will stiff enforcement policies.
better to let people rot/heal in jail than to let drug addicts roam the streets looking for their next hit.
You have not heard of the mega chemical labs in Canada making fentanyl?
Don’t care so much for Adult users what they do in their safe house. But I’ve seen Police pictures of Mom-Dafd passed out in front seat (heroin) with 5 yr old kids trapped in the back seat of a parked car.

There is no easy answers. No way one size fits all. If you are rich enough to stay locked away in your 4000sq ft mansion with everything delivered until death….no one gets harmed I suppose.
oh, putting real pressure on Mexico IS going to work.
so will stiff enforcement policies.
better to let people rot/heal in jail than to let drug addicts roam the streets looking for their next hit.

Mexico has already told us what the result would be. The first thing they would do is withdraw nearly all their law enforcement from the border. That by the way would make the invasion the RW loves to scream about, look like a trickle in comparison.

And if you think they aren’t doing anything now, then you are not as informed as you think you are. The Mexican Army, Federal Police, and local cops get into firefights with the Cartels pretty much every week. If they pull back from the border it would make our side a hundred, or even a thousand times worse. The last thing we want is the Cartels to have a secure staging area unmolested by the cops or army near the border.

The Republican answer is desperation. They can’t admit we are losing the war on drugs. So they will continue to escalate beyond all sanity.
tell me about it.
tried hash once, liked it, never stopped liking it.
did a lot of it.
even got hooked on tobacco after the shrinks advised that to me..

life's tough on this planet.
but it certainly has it's highly fun moments too :D
I ate steak once, ate a lot of it, liked it and never stopped liking it. Am I addicted? I'm on hamburger now to try and ease the withdrawals.
‘Horrific: Perry’s ex reveals his desperate attempt to stop drugs
Tragic Friends star Matthew Perry resorted to gluing his hands to his knees to stop himself taking more drugs, former girlfriend Kayti Edwards has revealed.

Remote : 2023-12-24(Sunday) 10 : 50 : 16
Local : 2023-12-24(Sunday) 10 : 50 : 16

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in my humble opinion, hard drugs just drives a person towards criminality, insanity, or a little of both.
what's your thoughts on this topic?
I fully support the legalization of drugs. I think it is a personal choice that should not be criminalized.

I can't say I ever got addicted to drugs and some I felt just helped me I thought. I think I mainly just tried soft drugs that were less addicting. I think some are more prone to get addicted then others. The only thing I had a hard time quitting was cigarettes. I have used Pot, LSD, Shrooms, Steroids, amphetamines, MDMA, HGH, Cigars/ Cigarettes, Alcohol, depression & bipolar meds, pain killers, codeine.

I guess it depends what drugs you take and how often you take them. I never took them often enough to get addicted.
Translation: the number one income stream fo Black street vermin is selling illegal drugs (Ripping people off more likely). We need to help Black dealers make more money without any risk of Police.
People have been using drugs to alter their consciousness for as long as there has been people.

Living in denial of this fact is not going to change that.

Marijuana is certainly less harmful to the individual and society than alcohol and it's the arbitrary illegalization of it that has caused all the problems of violence and crime.

People who use hard drugs will use them whether they are illegal or not and as long as they are illegal then the crime and violence around them will persist. At this point it's not a matter of continuing in the failed attempts to stop people using but to save the lives of people who are addicted and give them a chance to get clean.

If we treat addiction as a medical condition rather than some moral failing we will save lives

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