Zone1 legalisation of hard drugs : bad idea?

People have been using drugs to alter their consciousness for as long as there has been people.

Living in denial of this fact is not going to change that.

Marijuana is certainly less harmful to the individual and society than alcohol and it's the arbitrary illegalization of it that has caused all the problems of violence and crime.

People who use hard drugs will use them whether they are illegal or not and as long as they are illegal then the crime and violence around them will persist. At this point it's not a matter of continuing in the failed attempts to stop people using but to save the lives of people who are addicted and give them a chance to get clean.

If we treat addiction as a medical condition rather than some moral failing we will save lives
100% agree it should be treated as a medical condition. Same with alcoholism. When we talk about illegal drugs is not the user thatā€™s the problem itā€™s the drug dealer and our failed society. The societal problems we have today is due to my opinion left-wing politics and neoconservatism. We have the governor of California saying ā€œitā€™s OK to get highā€ instead of telling young men to be strong, work out, start a family that kind of stuff.

When we have politicians and celebrities saying ā€œitā€™s OK to be single and lonely and use drugsā€, thatā€™s a recipe for disaster. The degenerate way of Hollywood, the film industry, our media pumping out anti-American propaganda doesnā€™t help anything. Films used to be productive, informative and genuinely good for the country. Now we have BLM and radical feminism harming Hollywood and their message is a bad influence on society.

Due to a life altering car accident I take prescription tramadol a Pain medication. I believe itā€™s not as strong as morphine or other pain medicationā€™s. Before my accident I was a lifelong weed smoker and Iā€™ve quit that. Tho I was told to try ā€œmedical marijuanaā€ and I did after my accident and it did no good. It was really bad and frankly I donā€™t wanna smoke weed. I donā€™t like the look of it. Not for me. Itā€™s not the image I want.

Iā€™m considering stopping tramadol ā€¦.it comes with side effects. I get really bad pain though. Iā€™m looking into different stretching techniques and exercises but itā€™s a challenge.

As for illegal narcotics or getting high for fun ..In the middle of the 20th century before the hippie movement, hard-core drug use was not a popular thing in this country. It was a much better society in those days.

Drug Trends Prior to 2000

Drug abuse has plagued the American continent since the 1800s, when morphine, heroin, and cocaine were hailed for their amazing curative properties. By the mid-20th century, however, illicit drug use was all but eradicated in the U.S. through focused national and global suppression of the industry. All this changed in the 1960s, when many new and exotic drugsā€”such as hallucinogens, amphetamines, and marijuanaā€”became more readily available.

The proliferation of these substances birthed many government agencies, all commissioned to counter the scourge of illegal drugs. These bureaucracies, in turn, needed statistical information in order to effectively understand the scope of their task. In due course, they discovered that:

Between 1980 and 1984, first-time cocaine users averaged 1.3 million per year.
By 1994, this number dwindled to 533,000.
In 1995, 5,000,000 Americans confessed to smoking marijuana on a frequent basis.
In 1996, the Office of Drug Control Policy detected an increase in heroin use among youth and young adults.
Between 1992 and 1993, 5.5% of pregnant women per year took some form of illicit drug.ā€
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legalisation of hard drugs : bad idea?​

what's your thoughts on this topic?
Booze, tobacco, pornography, and hard drugs. We may (each of us) partake in one or more of them often or seldom but if they could be completely eradicated who would suffer without them? No one.
my cousin as well as a former girlfriend of mine once had a heroin addiction, and the road back to a normal life of abstinence was far from easy for either of them.
I'm glad they made it back but here they made have had some serious legal impediments in addition to their additions.
ā€˜Horrific: Perryā€™s ex reveals his desperate attempt to stop drugs
Tragic Friends star Matthew Perry resorted to gluing his hands to his knees to stop himself taking more drugs, former girlfriend Kayti Edwards has revealed.

Remote : 2023-12-24(Sunday) 10 : 50 : 16
Local : 2023-12-24(Sunday) 10 : 50 : 16
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in my humble opinion, hard drugs just drives a person towards criminality, insanity, or a little of both.
what's your thoughts on this topic?
Might you be willing to define 'hard drugs'?
Some Drugs have much different characteristics. Each drug needs to be decided on its own merits.

People are so much different using certain drugs.

what im trying to say, Legalizing any drug is on a a case by case (per drug, per person) I would think?

You may not care if many die off quickly, but you canā€™t have it so non-users could be harmed by crazy, out of control users. Some users sold off their daughters to ā€œget more Cokeā€œ I believe.
Are you able to cite that part of the founding document that empowers the government to tell the citizen what he may or may not ingest? Where is that power found?
Legalization will knock off the cartels.
Itā€™ll also directly ruin thousands to millions of peoples lives. Heroine and Cocaine are clearly not good for society. They cause drastic heights in crime, welfare weight/dependency, etc.

We as a society, or any society, should not want those drugs within it
Itā€™ll also directly ruin thousands to millions of peoples lives. Heroine and Cocaine are clearly not good for society. They cause drastic heights in crime, welfare weight/dependency, etc.

We as a society, or any society, should not want those drugs within it

Ok. Letā€™s begin with a reality check. First the people are already using. So claiming that we have to do it because it is bad for society is an interesting argument. Mainly because that same argument is rejected with any other issue facing society. Pollution from coal and such? Tough shit. We need power. As one example.

But letā€™s be honest. Crime happens because drugs are expensive. Despite the truth that tons of drugs are smuggled in every week, the buyers think it is rare or difficult to get. So they are paying Cadillac prices for a Kia. If the drugs were legal they would be a lot cheaper. Even with the taxes.

Also most of the crime is about the involvement in the drug trade.
ā€˜Horrific: Perryā€™s ex reveals his desperate attempt to stop drugs
Tragic Friends star Matthew Perry resorted to gluing his hands to his knees to stop himself taking more drugs, former girlfriend Kayti Edwards has revealed.

Remote : 2023-12-24(Sunday) 10 : 50 : 16
Local : 2023-12-24(Sunday) 10 : 50 : 16

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in my humble opinion, hard drugs just drives a person towards criminality, insanity, or a little of both.
what's your thoughts on this topic?
Oregon should be the guinea pig experiment that we can look at in a few years. That said....imo....

They should federally decriminalize marijuana in all forms ( which it looks like they're going to soon as soon as they figure out how to tax it all )at least to the level where alcohol is acceptable a matter of fact alcohol is more dangerous and there are several proven contributing factors to that . Even 50% of domestic violence is alcohol related for God's sake .....wake up people.
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tell me about it.
tried hash once, liked it, never stopped liking it.
did a lot of it.
even got hooked on tobacco after the shrinks advised that to me..

life's tough on this planet.
but it certainly has it's highly fun moments too :D
Let alone the medical and recreational benefits along with the tax money provided to each state ....hemp, which Donald Trump legalized when he signed the 2017 Farm Bill....along with bamboo....
Will change the world.
Don't tell old Charlie.... the Koch brother ( rip David)

My state of Arkansas is raking in over a billion a year on medical cannabis alone which is over 100,000 in state tax revenue which is going to feed hungry children, roads, all kinds of good things.
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We wouldn't have a drug problem at all if we had a society that centered on American morals, values, pride and standards. And if we pushed responsibility, ambition, intelligence, family, Christianity and just being a decent person. People instilled with those things would be much much less likely to abuse drugs because they have fulfilling lives. People devoid of those things will seek out drugs.

If you have a society of people who have goals, ambition, pride, strength, intelligence, a work ethic, something to live for, safety, and so on then drugs aren't much of an issue.

Drugs are a bi product of a bad society. The worse the drug problems get is a direct reflection of the society.

Drugs, much like gun violence and crime are a direct result of a society of bad people. If you don't address the root cause those things will never go away.
basically anything synthetic as well as a small laundry list of plant and maybe even animal 'extracts'...
the exact list is determined the government of a country, not me.
Do you know if the US has such a list?

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