Legality of Abrahamic scriptures in the United States

Here we are talking about religions based on the Abrahamic writings. Not only Judaism, but also Islam and Christianity.
It is not illegal to be a believer, but the scriptures themselves are illegal and must be changed.
The religious scriptures which offend atheists or anti-religionists ARE legal in the United States of America and must be left alone according to Amendment I of the Constitution.

Hitler tried to stifle religion in Germany, and he wound up committing suicide after failing to bring the entire world to assist his killings of Jews in Europe. If your group is going to lynchmob Christian beliefs, you're in the wrong country. Speaking of Hitler, he had an arrangement with the Mayor of Jerusalem to murder all of the Jews in the Holy Lands. His death on April 30, 1945, at Berlin, preceded the keeping of his insidious promise.

The Allies Ordered the German people to review the atheistic Hitler's treacherous work:


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The religious scriptures which offend atheists or anti-religionists ARE legal and must be left alone. Hitler tried to stifle religion in Germany, and he wound up committing suicide after failing to bring the entire world to assist his killings of Jews in Europe. If your group is going to lynchmob Christian beliefs, you're in the wrong country. Speaking of Hitler, he had an arrangement with the Mayor of Jerusalem to murder all of the Jews in the Holy Lands. His death preceded the keeping of his insidious promise.
I think he needs a Time Machine back to Germany, circa 1938.
I think he needs a Time Machine back to Germany, circa 1938.
He's not the only one, I am afraid. I see tv ads every night of a Christian and Hebrew joining together to feed the elderly people who are still alive and starving because they lost their families in the Holocaust and have no one to help them since that time. On one of their appeals, they spoke of some of the survivors who were currently suffering out their poverty problems in the Ukraine.
He's not the only one, I am afraid. I see tv ads every night of a Christian and Hebrew joining together to feed the elderly people who are still alive and starving because they lost their families in the Holocaust and have no one to help them since that time. On one of their appeals, they spoke of some of the survivors who were currently suffering out their poverty problems in the Ukraine.
I know the group of which you speak. They are doing Gd’s work.
There is extremism, it has already been checked
Extremism is not subject to prior restraint as an exception to the first amendment unless it directly calls for the violent overthrow of the government or is an explicit incitement to violence. As the bible is neither, it is protected.
De facto, these scriptures are illegal, as they are contrary to laws prohibiting propaganda of extremism. And besides, calls for the return of slavery are also extremely dubious from the point of view of the law.

A compromise must be found between believers and the people of the United States who adhere to the principles of legality and freedom.

The solution in editing the Scriptures to bring them into line with the law and the principles of a free society.
Go gett'em Barney!

De facto, these scriptures are illegal, as they are contrary to laws prohibiting propaganda of extremism. And besides, calls for the return of slavery are also extremely dubious from the point of view of the law.

A compromise must be found between believers and the people of the United States who adhere to the principles of legality and freedom.

The solution in editing the Scriptures to bring them into line with the law and the principles of a free society.
I don't know you and have no way no know if you're actually serious about this. Or are you using it to underscore the absolutely ridiculous and often utterly ignorant/stupid philosophy of 'woke' in modern American culture.

But seriously, I think any suggestion that the ancient texts of anything, including those of the Bible, be rewritten because they reflect different laws, understanding, culture than what we now have is akin to those saying:
--the Holocaust never happened and that history should be rewritten
--the moon landing never happened and that history should be rewritten
--the Earth is 6 million years old and flat and all the Earth sciences should be rewritten
--there are more than two genders and all the biology books should be rewritten
Hitler tried to stifle religion in Germany, and he wound up committing suicide after failing to bring the entire world to assist his killings of Jews in Europe. If your group is going to lynchmob Christian beliefs, you're in the wrong country. Speaking of Hitler, he had an arrangement with the Mayor of Jerusalem to murder all of the Jews in the Holy Lands. His death on April 30, 1945, at Berlin, preceded the keeping of his insidious promise.
I have not heard that Hitler persecuted religion. Is there a source for this information?

In fact, the regime of the church was no less bloody and totalitarian than Nazism. They did practically the same thing as the Nazis: totalitarianism, censorship, the inquisition, the destruction of peoples on the basis of religious hatred, and so on. Including they initiated wars.
I have not heard that Hitler persecuted religion. Is there a source for this information?

In fact, the regime of the church was no less bloody and totalitarian than Nazism. They did practically the same thing as the Nazis: totalitarianism, censorship, the inquisition, the destruction of peoples on the basis of religious hatred, and so on. Including they initiated wars.
Of course he persecuted religion. He tried to exterminate all Jews, and eradicate Judaism.
Speech in the Holy Bible was acceptable when George Washington included his prayers found in every speech, letters and proclamations in his 8 years as President.
Speech in the Holy Bible can be spoken out loud or written and posted in public.
Just because the Democrat Party is on a destruction of the Founders' sayings, beliefs, and extreme brotherly love doesn't mean we cannot read the Bible scriptures in church school classrooms, no matter what you claim it is that offends.
Washington is not a founder, but a traitor. He worked for Eurocentric corporations against the Revolution.
Of course he persecuted religion. He tried to exterminate all Jews, and eradicate Judaism.
I read the laws against the Jews. It seems that there was nothing about the prohibition of religion. They were limited only in financial and civil rights.
Washington is not a founder, but a traitor. He worked for Eurocentric corporations against the Revolution.
Another anti-American liberal speaks.

It’s amazing how quickly the commies brainwashed some of these far leftists to hate their own country.
As I understand it, it had a racial motive, not a religious one. The Nazis considered Jews to be a separate race.
If that’s true, why did they destroy their houses of worship? They were opposed to the religion of Jews.

You libs are deranged.
It is likely that the church also engaged in genocides along ethnic or racial lines. In any case, in the "witches" they singled out isolated physical signs of appearance.

And besides, in Scripture there are calls for the destruction of the clans of Gog and Magog. These are calls for genocide in their purest form.
If that’s true, why did they destroy their houses of worship? They were opposed to the religion of Jews.

You libs are deranged.
Maybe. I don't know anything about it. And this is not about Judaism, but about all the Abrahamic religions.
udaism is an Abrahamic religion.

And you don’t know how the Nazis destroyed synagogues?
The attitude of the Nazis towards the Jews is a separate issue, create a separate topic. Here we are talking about the fact that the Abrahamic writings contain extremist propaganda and should be limited in use, since this is prohibited by law.

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