Legalization of Marijuana

no one has ever died from smoking pot

being put in jail for pot is more dngerous to ypur health than smoking pot

legalize or decriminalize already

That's not true at all. There have been many deaths where pot was "cut" (ie taking 5 ounces and turning it into 10 for profit by adding other substances to it) with deadly materials that ended with the death of someone who smoked it.


You need to write for Annie "Bones" Coulter!!!!

She makes-shit-up, ALL THE TIME!!!!!


no one has ever died from smoking pot

being put in jail for pot is more dngerous to ypur health than smoking pot

legalize or decriminalize already

Nobody may have died directly from pot, but under the influence, marijuana has been shown to degrade short-term memory, concentration, judgment, and coordination at complex tasks including driving. Which ultimately can cause accident, injury or even death.

When has this been proven?

Sounds like an EIBS-study, to me!!!

Nobody may have died directly from pot, but under the influence, marijuana has been shown to degrade short-term memory, concentration, judgment, and coordination at complex tasks including driving. Which ultimately can cause accident, injury or even death.

When has this been proven?

1. Herbert Moskowitz, "Marihuana and Driving," Accident Analysis and Prevention 17#4: 323-45 (1985).

2. Carl Soderstrom et al., "Marijuana and Alcohol Use Among 1023 Trauma Patients," Archives of Surgery, 123: 733-7 (1988).


Great links.

Legalize it and tax the hell out of it!

Tobacco products are "taxed to hell" There is a huge bootleg market for cigarettes. Every day vehicles leave the southeast bound for the high tax blue states of the northeast and upper midwest with ciggys on board.
No, if marijuana is taxed in moderation, the black market would be a comparative minimum.
Regulated, pot would be a huge cash crop.
.....Not-to-mention the REST-OF-THE-PLANT!!!!!!

[ame=]The Market for Hemp Products - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Willie Nelson: Hemp and the Family Farm - YouTube[/ame]
Guy, thank you for sharing your video of the pro-marijuana use fellow claiming that cannabis cures cancer.

I think that's a bit over the top when you take into consideration the other problems the drug imposes, and people who avoid a needed surgery for cancer when they view that kind of glowing report may be deceived about their own cancer. That's what happened to Steve Job and is why he died of cancer so young. He took the alternative cure rather than undergo surgery, do chemo, lifestyle changes, and the best-known panacae known to the modern world.

That said, there may be some good comes of researching cannabis, but again it's so technical it's easy to gloss over the technicalities and go with that good-looking, well-spoken man on your video preaching cancer cure by way of using marijuana.

Let those who ride, decide.

[ame=]DADDIO speaks out, Marijuana for Seniors - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Law Enforcement Against Prohibition to So. Cal. Retirees: "Legalize all drugs." - YouTube[/ame]
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Several things here.............

First..........marijuana DOES NOT CURE CANCER. However, for people undergoing chemotherapy treatment it does help with stimulating their appetite and the pain the body experiences while undergoing chemo.

Second................I've NEVER heard of anyone being able to "add" THC to the marijuana plant. Yes, different strains can be bred for increased potency, but don't we do that to corn and other crops to make them more drought resistant and higher yield?

Third..............while cannabis may not help "cure" cancer and is only beneficial in alleviating the symptoms of people undergoing chemo, it HAS shown significant benefits in other places like glaucoma, Alzheimer's (somehow helps the spark between the synapses transmit better between plaque coated synapses), as well as many other illnesses.

The actual reason pot was made illegal in the first place? Some racist FBI agent named Anslinger had a hard on for Blacks and Hispanics and wanted to lock them up. Since they were the largest consumers of cannabis, making cannabis illegal would be the way to put them all in jail.

As far as making it legal? Can be done tomorrow if they wanted to, all they'd have to do is take the catch-22 out of the Marijuana Tax Stamp law.

As far as someone "cutting" a bag of marijuana with other substances? Pure bullshit, because if you bought it and saw it mixed with other stuff, you'd notice it pretty quick. The correct term that you should have used is "lacing" where the cannabis is mixed with other substances such as cocaine or some other drug, which results in that particular bunch being MORE EXPENSIVE than regular pot.

When was research started on pot? Sometime around the mid 60's when it was tested on volunteers and military personnel. Nixon himself commissioned a study on it because he wanted to be able to point to how dangerous it was, but when the study came back and said it was a lot less harmful than people thought, he threw it in the garbage and buried the study.

Does pot cause damage to the brain? Yes, in some instances it can, but those instances are from repeated heavy use PRIOR TO the age of 18, because the brain hasn't fully formed until you are 17 or 18.'d have worse brain damage if those same kids had repeated heavy use of alcohol, probably much worse than what you'd have with pot.

As far as it making you "trip" or have bad experiences? Again, not from the stuff you get on the street. In order to have trip experiences or hallucinations, the THC has to be pure, as in nothing in the substance other than pure THC.

Interestingly enough, you can chew cocoa leaves all day long and it's no worse than having a cup of coffee, and actually helps people work better at high altitude. However..........process the plant and remove all the plant material leaving nothing but pure cocaine? It's kinda like taking all the safety features off of your hot water heater and then lighting it up, it explodes. My personal opinion? If the substances (cocoa leaves or marijuana) have all the plant material left with them (i.e. the "safety valves") you have no problems. Remove them? You have a dangerous substance.

The only ones who are against pot legalization today are the people who choose to believe the okey doke that was passed down from their parents who think it's dangerous.

As far as that BBC program with Robin Williams? Pure bullshit, because even though it's classified as a class 1 narcotic, pot is actually less harmful than alcohol (a class 4). Comparing pot to other class 1 substances like cocaine and heroin is false equivalency at best.

And....................fwiw...................I know that my Grandfather smoked pot. I saw him do it once.
Several things here.............

First..........marijuana DOES NOT CURE CANCER. However, for people undergoing chemotherapy treatment it does help with stimulating their appetite and the pain the body experiences while undergoing chemo.

Second................I've NEVER heard of anyone being able to "add" THC to the marijuana plant. Yes, different strains can be bred for increased potency, but don't we do that to corn and other crops to make them more drought resistant and higher yield?

Third..............while cannabis may not help "cure" cancer and is only beneficial in alleviating the symptoms of people undergoing chemo, it HAS shown significant benefits in other places like glaucoma, Alzheimer's (somehow helps the spark between the synapses transmit better between plaque coated synapses), as well as many other illnesses.

The actual reason pot was made illegal in the first place? Some racist FBI agent named Anslinger had a hard on for Blacks and Hispanics and wanted to lock them up. Since they were the largest consumers of cannabis, making cannabis illegal would be the way to put them all in jail.

As far as making it legal? Can be done tomorrow if they wanted to, all they'd have to do is take the catch-22 out of the Marijuana Tax Stamp law.

As far as someone "cutting" a bag of marijuana with other substances? Pure bullshit, because if you bought it and saw it mixed with other stuff, you'd notice it pretty quick. The correct term that you should have used is "lacing" where the cannabis is mixed with other substances such as cocaine or some other drug, which results in that particular bunch being MORE EXPENSIVE than regular pot.

When was research started on pot? Sometime around the mid 60's when it was tested on volunteers and military personnel. Nixon himself commissioned a study on it because he wanted to be able to point to how dangerous it was, but when the study came back and said it was a lot less harmful than people thought, he threw it in the garbage and buried the study.

Does pot cause damage to the brain? Yes, in some instances it can, but those instances are from repeated heavy use PRIOR TO the age of 18, because the brain hasn't fully formed until you are 17 or 18.'d have worse brain damage if those same kids had repeated heavy use of alcohol, probably much worse than what you'd have with pot.

As far as it making you "trip" or have bad experiences? Again, not from the stuff you get on the street. In order to have trip experiences or hallucinations, the THC has to be pure, as in nothing in the substance other than pure THC.

Interestingly enough, you can chew cocoa leaves all day long and it's no worse than having a cup of coffee, and actually helps people work better at high altitude. However..........process the plant and remove all the plant material leaving nothing but pure cocaine? It's kinda like taking all the safety features off of your hot water heater and then lighting it up, it explodes. My personal opinion? If the substances (cocoa leaves or marijuana) have all the plant material left with them (i.e. the "safety valves") you have no problems. Remove them? You have a dangerous substance.

The only ones who are against pot legalization today are the people who choose to believe the okey doke that was passed down from their parents who think it's dangerous.

As far as that BBC program with Robin Williams? Pure bullshit, because even though it's classified as a class 1 narcotic, pot is actually less harmful than alcohol (a class 4). Comparing pot to other class 1 substances like cocaine and heroin is false equivalency at best.

And....................fwiw...................I know that my Grandfather smoked pot. I saw him do it once.

Most of what you wrote is on the money, but there are a couple of things that should be added.

There is now evidence that some cannabinoids actually do kill cancer cells, I posted a study from the NIH a few pages back that confirmed the shrinking of tumors attributed to marijuana consumption. There is still a long way to go, but the evidence so far is encouraging.

Dupont Chemical and Hearst Publications both played a HUGE role in getting hemp outlawed (taxed). Dupont because hemp fiber was the biggest competition to their new sythetic fiber Nylon, and Hearst because hemp paper was the biggest competitor to his massive holdings in wood pulp mills.

Here is a short essay on the 2, and how they worked with Andrew Mellon, the banker, and Mellon's nephew-in-law, the aforementioned Anslinger.

Reefer Madness!: William Randolf Hearst Essay

In fact, Hearst and Lammont DuPont had a multi-million dollar deal in the works for joint papermaking. So these two moguls, together with DuPont's banker, Andrew Mellon, bravely joined forces to stave off the bitter onrush of bankruptcy. They combined Hearst's yellow journalism campaign (so called because the paper developed through his and DuPont's methods aged prematurely) and the appointment of Mellon's nephew-in-law, Harry J. Anslinger, to Commissioner of the newly created Federal Bureau of Narcotics in order to successfully stamp out the threat of hemp production.
Clueless...the British said with homegrown growers making their marijuana more potent, they are now seeing mental problems pop up in some users.

Marijuana growing has become such a lucrative business for Joe Schmoe that he is trying to make his drugs get more bang for the buck, which in turn can make them worse for certain people using that drug.

Any tobacco, alcohol or marijuana producer wants his product to get the user a bigger high and many times that causes unseen side effects.

If marijuana caused mental illness, then cultures that have a higher rate of marijuana smoking than the U.S. should have a higher rate of mental illness. But in fact, the opposite is true. Cultures with higher rates of marijuana consumption have lower rates of mental illness than the United States. This would indicate that rather than marijuana causing mental illness, as your article implies, it is people with mental illness who are self medicating with marijuana in order to alleviate their symptoms.
Thank you for bringing it up about how much stronger the weed has become and the repercussions that come with that strength.

(Reuters) - The marijuana being sold across the United States is stronger than ever, which could explain a growing number of medical emergencies that involve the drug, government drug experts on Wednesday. Analysis of seized samples of marijuana and hashish showed that more of the cannabis on the market is of the strongest grade, the White House and National Institute for Drug Abuse said. They cited data from the University of Mississippi's Marijuana Potency Project showing the average levels of THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, in the products rose from 7 percent in 2003 to 8.5 percent in 2006. The level had risen steadily from 3.5 percent in 1988. National Institute on Drug Abuse Director Dr. Nora Volkow fears the problem is not being taken seriously because many adults remember the marijuana of their youth as harmless

The report said more than 60 percent of teens receiving treatment for drug abuse or dependence report marijuana as their primary drug of abuse.

U. S. Marijuana Stronger Than Before
The little counterclaim studies from back in the 70s and 80s are about a different drug. This one is a 2.0 level intoxicant. Please read the link. I wish it were better news, but instead, it's a 3-point alarm people can't hear, because they remember the buzz of the 60s and 70s, so when their children are using new marijuana/hashish, they don't have a clue what their children are getting into. They think in terms of their pleasant experience, not in terms of what their kids are experiencing, which is a much more intense high. It is getting to be a hard drug, and from what I'm hearing, they're working on making it a higher high yet.

The trouble with growers putting a product like marijuana on the market, they want that buzz to be competitive with the other guy. They all have to have the good stuff to keep their customers.
Clueless...the British said with homegrown growers making their marijuana more potent, they are now seeing mental problems pop up in some users.

Marijuana growing has become such a lucrative business for Joe Schmoe that he is trying to make his drugs get more bang for the buck, which in turn can make them worse for certain people using that drug.

Any tobacco, alcohol or marijuana producer wants his product to get the user a bigger high and many times that causes unseen side effects.

If marijuana caused mental illness, then cultures that have a higher rate of marijuana smoking than the U.S. should have a higher rate of mental illness. But in fact, the opposite is true. Cultures with higher rates of marijuana consumption have lower rates of mental illness than the United States. This would indicate that rather than marijuana causing mental illness, as your article implies, it is people with mental illness who are self medicating with marijuana in order to alleviate their symptoms.
Thank you for bringing it up about how much stronger the weed has become and the repercussions that come with that strength.

(Reuters) - The marijuana being sold across the United States is stronger than ever, which could explain a growing number of medical emergencies that involve the drug, government drug experts on Wednesday. Analysis of seized samples of marijuana and hashish showed that more of the cannabis on the market is of the strongest grade, the White House and National Institute for Drug Abuse said. They cited data from the University of Mississippi's Marijuana Potency Project showing the average levels of THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, in the products rose from 7 percent in 2003 to 8.5 percent in 2006. The level had risen steadily from 3.5 percent in 1988. National Institute on Drug Abuse Director Dr. Nora Volkow fears the problem is not being taken seriously because many adults remember the marijuana of their youth as harmless

The report said more than 60 percent of teens receiving treatment for drug abuse or dependence report marijuana as their primary drug of abuse.

U. S. Marijuana Stronger Than Before
The little counterclaim studies from back in the 70s and 80s are about a different drug. This one is a 2.0 level intoxicant. Please read the link. I wish it were better news, but instead, it's a 3-point alarm people can't hear, because they remember the buzz of the 60s and 70s, so when their children are using new marijuana/hashish, they don't have a clue what their children are getting into. They think in terms of their pleasant experience, not in terms of what their kids are experiencing, which is a much more intense high. It is getting to be a hard drug, and from what I'm hearing, they're working on making it a higher high yet.

The trouble with growers putting a product like marijuana on the market, they want that buzz to be competitive with the other guy. They all have to have the good stuff to keep their customers.

Again with the selective quoting, Becki??

From your linked article...
According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration, marijuana was involved in 242,200 visits to hospital emergency rooms in 2005. This means that the patient mentioned using marijuana and does not mean the drug directly caused the accident or condition being treated, SAMHSA says.

And where your 'report' said...
The report said more than 60 percent of teens receiving treatment for drug abuse or dependence report marijuana as their primary drug of abuse.
It does NOT say that marijuana is the drug that they are in treatment for. And it won't say it, either, because it would be a LIE.
Clueless...the British said with homegrown growers making their marijuana more potent, they are now seeing mental problems pop up in some users.

Marijuana growing has become such a lucrative business for Joe Schmoe that he is trying to make his drugs get more bang for the buck, which in turn can make them worse for certain people using that drug.

Any tobacco, alcohol or marijuana producer wants his product to get the user a bigger high and many times that causes unseen side effects.
Thank you for bringing it up about how much stronger the weed has become and the repercussions that come with that strength.

The little counterclaim studies from back in the 70s and 80s are about a different drug. This one is a 2.0 level intoxicant. Please read the link. I wish it were better news, but instead, it's a 3-point alarm people can't hear, because they remember the buzz of the 60s and 70s, so when their children are using new marijuana/hashish, they don't have a clue what their children are getting into. They think in terms of their pleasant experience, not in terms of what their kids are experiencing, which is a much more intense high. It is getting to be a hard drug, and from what I'm hearing, they're working on making it a higher high yet.

The trouble with growers putting a product like marijuana on the market, they want that buzz to be competitive with the other guy. They all have to have the good stuff to keep their customers.

Again with the selective quoting, Becki??

From your linked article...
According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration, marijuana was involved in 242,200 visits to hospital emergency rooms in 2005. This means that the patient mentioned using marijuana and does not mean the drug directly caused the accident or condition being treated, SAMHSA says.
And where your 'report' said...
The report said more than 60 percent of teens receiving treatment for drug abuse or dependence report marijuana as their primary drug of abuse.
It does NOT say that marijuana is the drug that they are in treatment for. And it won't say it, either, because it would be a LIE.
Apparently you failed to read where 50 to 60% of the ER visits by teens for drug issues are related to marijuana. That is the TRUTH.

This is a complex issue. We are not allowed to drag every single solitary word that is printed here. I do my best to bring enough so that people will understand that there is a problem. People only see what they want to see. They don't see the fine print, Guy, and I'm not dishonest about what I did bring here.

This is not politics. One eensey weensey bit of good that one of the 400+ known chemicals in cannabis because it suppresses cancer cells is nice to know, unfortunately that is not the entire picture. Even knowing every detail about the damaging part of marijuana, people are going to see your video that you posted about its one property of "being a cure for cancer," and they're going to think they're going to save $15,000 dollars by not treating it medically by going to the merrijane pharma and spending $200 a month on merrijane, and like Steve Jobs realized his last 2 or 3 days, he took the wrong way to cure his cancer "naturally", and the price he paid for that mistake was his whole life.

I couldn't possibly in good conscience post that sales pitch you posted, because of what I know about the other part of the marijuana plant that you are firmly eschewing in your thinking about my lack of thoroughness or obfuscation of what YOU already brought out to the tenth power.

The reason that video is so sinister is that it totally spaces out that little word I used a few posts back called "synergy." One or more of the chemicals act together to make other drugs or factors a few times more effective, and even effective exponentially. Unfortunately, when the person smokes marijuana or eats marijuana brownies DOES NOT UNDERSTAND that if he drinks alcohol, even a small amount, he may get drunker than when he went on his last 3-day binge. If he smokes a few cigarettes a day, the synergistic property of marijuana induces a 7-pack a day burden on the lungs resulting in a condition called mesoplasia (aka pre-cancer), and it doesn't take 30 years, either. The drugs in marijuana also suppress the immune system. If you've ever known someone with an autoimmune illness (arthritis, neuralgia, diabetes, fibromyalgia, MS, etc.) you're aware before too many moons pass that that person catches every cold, flu bug, and food toxin reaction that comes down the pike that most people can fight off. That's what suppressing the immune system means. That little cut on the foot can turn to gangrene in a new york minute. The sinus infection most people get rid of in less than a week can turn into meningitis in a matter of hours. On and on.

Please promise yourself you'll never show that video again. It's a pipe dream that hasn't happened yet, because it would take a factory bigger than Monsanto's old 50s places to isolate all 400+ chemicals, put them in vials for testing, and millions to see what each property does and know without any questions the whats, whys and wherefores of these substances acting together.

We don't know why some people get addicted to drugs, and the free wheeling crowd of the late 60s and 70s do not know that their grandchildren are facing a completely different drug than the one that gave them a pleasant buzz and heightened their experiences temporarily. Kids have more fat on their bodies because they watch tv and write on computers all day long and don't go out and find something interesting to do with just a ball, a stick, pets, and other toys. They're a sedentary bunch, and fat holds in a number of the drugs in cannabinoids a lot longer than the thinner kids of the 60s.

What chemicals are in marijuana and its byproducts?
General Reference (not clearly pro or con)

Oakley Ray, PhD, Emeritus Professor of Psychology and Pharmacology at Vanderbilt University, and Charles Ksir, PhD, Professor of Psychology at the University of Wyoming, noted in their 2004 textbook Drugs, Society and Human Behavior:
"The chemistry of Cannabis is quite complex, and the isolation and extraction of the active ingredient are difficult even today. The active agent in Cannabis is unique among psychoactive plant materials in that it contains no nitrogen and thus is not an alkaloid. Because Cannabis lacks nitrogen, the 19th century chemists who had been so successful in isolating the active agents from other plants were unable to identify its active component.
There are over 400 chemicals in marijuana, but only 61 [80 as of July 9, 2009; see Editor's Note below] of them are unique to the Cannabis plant -- these are called cannabinoids. One of them, delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), was isolated and synthesized in 1964 and is clearly the most pharmacologically active.
Take special note that the relationship of THC to Cannabis is probably more similar to the relationship of mescaline to peyote then of alcohol to beer, wine, or distilled spirits. Alcohol is the only behaviorally active agent in alcoholic beverages, but there might be several active agents in Cannabis." [Editor's Note: Mohamed M. Radwan, Mahmoud A. ElSohly, et al., researchers at the University of Mississippi, reported the discovery of nine new cannabinoids in their Apr. 3, 2009 study titled "Biologically Active Cannabinoids from High-Potency Cannabis Sativa," published in the Journal of Natural Products. This discovery brings the total number of cannabinoids to about 80, according to an Apr. 12, 2009 bulletin published by the International Association for Cannabis as Medicine.]

Mr. Pinestra, I'm only a seamstress who had the blessing of good teachers at a college I never graduated from since my family moved across the continent twice, and I finally had to settle on a different career than one in health that I studied my brains out for 4 years, and we moved my senior year to a place where the nearest 4-year school was 167 miles away, and their health department refused to accept trimester credits in their 2-semester schema, plus I couldn't leave my children along for that long. It doesn't matter how smart ya are, if you have a 13-year old child headed for the skids, you stay home and mind the hearth fires, making sure child is being suitably supervised and cared for.

I can't out-argue you. You can take facts, twist them a few times and pretty much come out with the outcome you like, and there's no way I could ever be as persuasive and convincing as the "evidence" in the sales pitch for a cancer cure video that was in its best light balderdash, and in its true light, an invitation to death for someone with certain kinds of cancer in an advanced state due to having synergistic problems mixing drugs, alcohol, nicotine, cannabis, and hairspray or whatever. I'd really urge you to urge people to take stuff like that with a grain or two of salt. You saw hope for mankind. I saw a salesman who'd convinced himself he was going to save mankind and get rich, too all at the same time, gray suit, personable, smiling, confident. People buy that kinda shit. They just do. They'll even put aside the knowledge of the best doctors in the world to cling to the hope of a cure as easy and cheap as going to MacDonald's. The short straw is drawn if the cancer is at a certain stage. That should be the role of a doctor to determine a more appropriate panacea.

Good night. You can have this thread, I've said all I plan on saying, so take my poorly-stated apart piece by piece. I don't care. I've possibly made a typo or two, you can dwell on that. But I do have one thing on my side, I care that people are not further harmed by what I would ever say that would give them even the slightest impression a hard drug unprescribed, of differing potencies, would give them a uniform gift of health when in fact, cancer takes a dive with appropriate treatment from cancer specialists, which somewhere back there I linked. MD Anderson if you want to Bing! or google it.

I can't fault people for not knowing what they don't know--in addition to the pharmacological properties of weed, there's a scarier side--the social side that is as different as people are, and that's the rub. Encouragement by peers becomes more important than parental encouragement in child development at a certain point. That's about the time the child either picks or refrains from picking bad choices in life.

Edit Quote above What Chemicals are in Marijuana...
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Legalize it and tax the hell out of it!

Tobacco products are "taxed to hell" There is a huge bootleg market for cigarettes. Every day vehicles leave the southeast bound for the high tax blue states of the northeast and upper midwest with ciggys on board.
No, if marijuana is taxed in moderation, the black market would be a comparative minimum.
Regulated, pot would be a huge cash crop.

It is the largest cash crop in California and it is not taxed.
The reality is, Marijuana is not the miracle drug some claim it to be. But it's not evil or any worse than Alcohol either. It's absolutely ludicrous to send anyone to Prison with brutal murderers, rapists, and child molesters for smoking it. It's barbaric. The time has come to Decriminalize it. Period, end of story.
Again with the selective quoting, Becki??

From your linked article...
According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration, marijuana was involved in 242,200 visits to hospital emergency rooms in 2005. This means that the patient mentioned using marijuana and does not mean the drug directly caused the accident or condition being treated, SAMHSA says.
And where your 'report' said...
The report said more than 60 percent of teens receiving treatment for drug abuse or dependence report marijuana as their primary drug of abuse.
It does NOT say that marijuana is the drug that they are in treatment for. And it won't say it, either, because it would be a LIE.
Apparently you failed to read where 50 to 60% of the ER visits by teens for drug issues are related to marijuana. That is the TRUTH.

Apparently you failed to read a single word I quoted, or to even comprehend the information that YOU posted. That's what happens when you want to fire back without aiming first.

Believe what you like, but I know from first-hand experience what I'm talking about.

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