Legalization of Marijuana

Legalizing marijuana in California didn't hurt the drug cartels. It helped them. It helped them so much, that the cartels were bribing city officials to let them have a permit to open cartel owned dispensaries.

California city official to admit taking bribes over pot dispensaries | Reuters
....And, those city officials got BUSTED!!!!!!!

Katzndogz FAIL!!!!!


[ame=]How Marijuana Fights Cancer - YouTube[/ame]
no one has ever died from smoking pot

being put in jail for pot is more dngerous to ypur health than smoking pot

legalize or decriminalize already

That's not true at all. There have been many deaths where pot was "cut" (ie taking 5 ounces and turning it into 10 for profit by adding other substances to it) with deadly materials that ended with the death of someone who smoked it.

One thing funny about the pro-narcotics crowd, they never think for a split second that the supply chain includes some of the most vicious, ruthless, heartless people in the world. They are not particularly concerned with providing you with a quality product.

Eliminate the ridiculous prohibition and those 'vicious, ruthless, heartless people' get cut out of the supply chain. Simple, ain't it?

Why? Since when are we worried about you idiot drug addicts? I'm glad those are the people providing your product. Increases our chances of seeing assholes like you go bye-bye. You hate cops cause you're a dick-head outlaw who can't obey the law. Hope you get face-planted again... :lol:
That's not true at all. There have been many deaths where pot was "cut" (ie taking 5 ounces and turning it into 10 for profit by adding other substances to it) with deadly materials that ended with the death of someone who smoked it.

One thing funny about the pro-narcotics crowd, they never think for a split second that the supply chain includes some of the most vicious, ruthless, heartless people in the world. They are not particularly concerned with providing you with a quality product.

Eliminate the ridiculous prohibition and those 'vicious, ruthless, heartless people' get cut out of the supply chain. Simple, ain't it?

Why? Since when are we worried about you idiot drug addicts? I'm glad those are the people providing your product. Increases our chances of seeing assholes like you go bye-bye. You hate cops cause you're a dick-head outlaw who can't obey the law. Hope you get face-planted again... :lol:

Again, DogBreath, I don't hate cops, I hate roid-raging cocksuckers like you who think a badge gives you license to treat citizens like shit just because you feel like it. You take all those steroids to 'pump you up' and then, when your cock and balls shrink into nothingness you go off the deep end like a psychopathic serial killer.

You give REAL cops a bad name, asshole.
Eliminate the ridiculous prohibition and those 'vicious, ruthless, heartless people' get cut out of the supply chain. Simple, ain't it?

Why? Since when are we worried about you idiot drug addicts? I'm glad those are the people providing your product. Increases our chances of seeing assholes like you go bye-bye. You hate cops cause you're a dick-head outlaw who can't obey the law. Hope you get face-planted again... :lol:

Again, DogBreath, I don't hate cops, I hate roid-raging cocksuckers like you who think a badge gives you license to treat citizens like shit just because you feel like it. You take all those steroids to 'pump you up' and then, when your cock and balls shrink into nothingness you go off the deep end like a psychopathic serial killer.

You give REAL cops a bad name, asshole.

You hate law enforcement because you're a typical asshole who can't obey the law. And I'm not a "cop" you fucking moron. When you said that, my response to you was "you're closer than you think". If I were a cop, I would have said "you're right". You're so stupid, you can't even read (years of drug abuse). I am not, nor have I EVER been, a police officer.

But I am capable, unlike you, of obeying the law. Which is why I don't get face-planted or placed in handcuffs and you do. You're the asshole - not the police who have to arrest you for breaking the law.
Well, I may be neutral on the subject of marijuana, but just because that's so doesn't mean I just go along on anything. I just don't think legalizing marijuana is the biggest problem we have going on in our country.
That's a perfectly reasonable and intelligent position and I didn't intend to suggest otherwise. While marijuana prohibition isn't America's biggest problem it is a much bigger problem than most Americans might think it is.

For one thing the prohibition of this benign recreational substance is responsible for a significant percentage of our national prison census which is greater than those of Russia and China combined. It is a little-known fact that prison construction is America's only remaining growth industry. Imprisoning Americans has become a business in which some judges have been prosecuted for taking bribes to impose unnecessary and/or unlawful prison sentences. Pa. Judge Sentenced To 28 Years In Massive Juvenile Justice Bribery Scandal : The Two-Way : NPR

So the cost and the corruptive influence of marijuana prohibition, not to mention the lives of otherwise law-abiding and productive citizens which are ruined by enforcement of these cruel and unnecessary laws, is something more responsible American citizens should be concerned about.

Marijuana prohibition is a critical component of the emerging American police state and there are several powerful political and corporate interests involved in maintaining it. Whether or not you are aware of it, marijuana prohibition has a negative impact on the quality of your life.
Are you so dumb to claim smoking marijuana doesn't affect the lungs and brain/nervous system???? That alone should be evidence that making it legal is STUPID.

The mental diseases issue was brought up by the British doctors and psychologists from other research. That is even more damning evidence against marijuana. If some people are going psychotic from homegrown versions then that should alert people and stop you clowns that want it sold to anyone like tobacco and alcohol.
Attention, everyone.

The above is an example of voluntary/self-induced ignorance.....prompted by like-minded Brits, who'd discovered some super-magical pot called "skunk".

First, you have to disregard the fact "skunk" is (merely) one MORE slang-term for P-O-T.

If there are people who insist "skunk" means some kind o' super-homegrown, they're (typically) newbie's (to pot-smokin')....and, need to sound like they know something very-few others do.

GoneBezerk FAIL!!!!

Legalizing marijuana in California didn't hurt the drug cartels. It helped them. It helped them so much, that the cartels were bribing city officials to let them have a permit to open cartel owned dispensaries.

California city official to admit taking bribes over pot dispensaries | Reuters

(Reuters) - A third former official in the Los Angeles suburb of Cudahy will plead guilty to accepting a $7,000 bribe for agreeing to support a medical marijuana dispensary in the small city, federal prosecutors said on Wednesday.

Turns out that in your article the briber was an FBI agent and nowhere was there a mention of any 'cartel' involvement.

If your position is right why do you feel the need to lie?

You wouldn't understand.

It's a Ryan-thing.

Uh dumbfuck....the BBC show was on TV, you idiot. It was over 2 years ago.

You go google marijuana and mental disease to see the results, I'm not your daddy doing this for you.

Oh, the lung and brain/nervous system damage has been known for decades....idiot.

Run-along, Skippy.......

Why? Since when are we worried about you idiot drug addicts? I'm glad those are the people providing your product. Increases our chances of seeing assholes like you go bye-bye. You hate cops cause you're a dick-head outlaw who can't obey the law. Hope you get face-planted again... :lol:

Again, DogBreath, I don't hate cops, I hate roid-raging cocksuckers like you who think a badge gives you license to treat citizens like shit just because you feel like it. You take all those steroids to 'pump you up' and then, when your cock and balls shrink into nothingness you go off the deep end like a psychopathic serial killer.

You give REAL cops a bad name, asshole.

You hate law enforcement because you're a typical asshole who can't obey the law. And I'm not a "cop" you fucking moron. When you said that, my response to you was "you're closer than you think". If I were a cop, I would have said "you're right". You're so stupid, you can't even read (years of drug abuse). I am not, nor have I EVER been, a police officer.

But I am capable, unlike you, of obeying the law. Which is why I don't get face-planted or placed in handcuffs and you do. You're the asshole - not the police who have to arrest you for breaking the law.

You can keep saying it until you're blue in the face, DogBreath, it won't make it true. I have no problem with the police. In fact, the police around here rather like me, I'm part of the Neighborhood Watch. As for your being a cop, this is the first time you've denied it, you've been more than happy to let us THINK you're a cop, until your psychopathic temper started reflecting poorly upon REAL cops.

I have no problem obeying JUST laws, it's the unjust ones that I usually ignore. Martin Luther King was a proponent of non-violent civil disobedience, too. Even so, I've never been 'face-planted', and it goes to illustrate your psychosis that you're such a big fan of that particular practice.
If marijuana caused mental illness, then cultures that have a higher rate of marijuana smoking than the U.S. should have a higher rate of mental illness. But in fact, the opposite is true. Cultures with higher rates of marijuana consumption have lower rates of mental illness than the United States. This would indicate that rather than marijuana causing mental illness, as you state, it is people with mental illness who are self medicating with marijuana in order to alleviate their symptoms.

:clap2: . :clap2: . :clap2: . :clap2: . :clap2:
Guy, thank you for sharing your video of the pro-marijuana use fellow claiming that cannabis cures cancer.

I think that's a bit over the top when you take into consideration the other problems the drug imposes, and people who avoid a needed surgery for cancer when they view that kind of glowing report may be deceived about their own cancer. That's what happened to Steve Job and is why he died of cancer so young. He took the alternative cure rather than undergo surgery, do chemo, lifestyle changes, and the best-known panacae known to the modern world.

That said, there may be some good comes of researching cannabis, but again it's so technical it's easy to gloss over the technicalities and go with that good-looking, well-spoken man on your video preaching cancer cure by way of using marijuana.

Here's the red flag, from the cancer organization website:

A number of reviewers have concluded that the scientific evidence does not support smoking marijuana as a medicine because of problems with dosing and the variable amounts of any one compound that might be delivered. Marijuana
Yes, I know there are a lot of positives mentioned that research has produced, but the honest-to-God fact of the matter is that we have far better better cures for almost each aspect of "care" marijuana supporters push with glowing enthusiasm over that sliver of information they produce touting one or two chemicals in the drug.

Bottom line? If you have cancer and you want the best treatment in the entire world, go here before it's too late: MDAnderson Cancer Center

You may not get a goodie bag of marijuana, but you will get well.
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If marijuana users would sign away their rights to use medical, social welfare and psychology services once they choose to use marijuana....then I would have no problem letting them ruin their lives smoking marijuana.

Just stay out of the hospital, welfare and psychology facility when you end up with the side effects/problems from using marijuana.

Also, if you harm or endanger others when high in public, then you should also go to jail for a long, long time. Like say you drive "high" around town and get caught. A decade or more in a jail would do the trick since you want to use an illegal drug and possibly hurt other people.

That would be our deal with you....
You're that desperate for attention, huh.....that you'd expect others to seek your approval??


I'm guessin' that's not gonna happen, anytime soon. Your desperation & pomposity make you kind o' creepy.

Shocking some potheads claim otherwise via some blog.

Next, you'll be using that man love boy organization proof that pedophiles aren't bad people.
Admit it, don't know SHIT.....typical for the average Jr. High D.A.R.E.-graduate....

[ame=]Grass: The History Of Marijuana [Full Documentary] - YouTube[/ame]​

Well if cannabis can actually stop the growth of cancer tumors, then why isn't the American Cancer Society all over this? All the years that they have raised money through their charity, you would think they would fund a scientific research team to work on serums to test on cancer patients.

They're working on it... and so is Big Pharma. They want to corral the positive effects in a manner that they can capitalize on. What good would it do them to prove marijuana cures cancer if they can't corner the market on it?
It's ludicrous how the potheads claim the drug cartels/gangs are going to quit being in the drug business if drugs are legal.
Ah, can we possibly forget all those Capone Breweries, out there??!!!




Stupid Fuckin' Teabaggers
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