Legalize Pot and Tax It?

DUMB ASS troll. The Government has a duty to protect the citizenry from certain things, illegal drugs is one of them. By the way Moon shining is STILL occurring with crime associated with it. and this poster called BULLshit.....are 2 people who believe that great comedy movie "REEFER MADNESS" was the real deal.....your more scared of Pot then you are of people like Rdean.....the dip shits who are running a lot of this Country now and destroying it more then "POT" ever will....POT will NEVER destroy anyone's lives like the people who have been running this Country (Left and Right) for the past decade.....

If you lived in a gang infested pot smoker neighborhood, you would jump on the anti-drug bandwagon fast enough.

oh ever hear of moving?....
hahha bullfighter must have been laid off and replaced by an illegal. Damn so much for that high school degree you were so proud of bullfighter. LOFL:lol:

Did the ink run off of your diplomas. I'll bet McDonalds was impressed that you forged two.

your the one crying about having to compete with illegals for jobs. bullfighter, lol isn't bullfighting a spanish cultural thing. You fucking GED'r:lol:
your not poor because of them, your poor because of a lack of education and a closed redneck mind, you dumbass.

I'm poor because Mexicans destroy the value of neighborhoods. Do you ever leave your house to see how they have crapped all over America? Or is your brain permanently set on the "Disney Channel"?

hey asshole.....come to OC California and and go to any middle class neighborhood here or better.....and see how "Mexicans" are destroying these places.....your a dumbass bigot with your head up your ass.....if you dont like where you are at....MOVE....
Wow! You must really love money. Do they pay you in pesos? Don't you ever notice how much those Mexicans suck out of the system then leave nothing for the poor Americans who worked all their lives to have? You are terrified that they will one day move next door to you in a single family home. Admit it. You'll love seeing all 15 of them pack into a van.

of course i like money. i like giving my son every possible advantage in life. that's why i went to law school and worked hard. i also like having nice things and going nice places. doesn't everyone?

or are you claiming you want to wallow in the mud? i think you wallow because you are lazy and want to blame everyone else for your problems.

take responsibility for your own life. then you can make rational and informed decisions about what to with the problems of others.

... instead of being angry racist white trash like you are.

btw, every impoverished groups has its criminals. my neighborhood has a large population of russian immigrants. along with the hard-working LEGAL immigrant population. when my husband leaves for work in the middle of the night, the russian (not mexican) girls are out and about.

that's what happens in new populations. then they, presumably, work hard and assimilate
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your the one crying about having to compete with illegals for jobs. bullfighter, lol isn't bullfighting a spanish cultural thing. You fucking GED'r:lol:

I'll bet those diplomas you got cost a few bucks to forge. And Harvard isn't in Detroit!
[hey asshole.....come to OC California and and go to any middle class neighborhood here or better.....and see how "Mexicans" are destroying these places.....your a dumbass bigot with your head up your ass.....if you dont like where you are at....MOVE....

You don't see a Mexican neighborhood, you smell 'em. They smell like pot, urine, and crotch rot!
[btw, every impoverished groups has its criminals. my neighborhood has a large population of russian immigrants. along with the hard-working LEGAL immigrant population. when my husband leaves for work in the middle of the night, the russian (not mexican) girls are out and about.

I like Russkies. They have been through hell and they appreciate the US.

Mexicans are just crybabies who are afraid that the US will stop breastfeeding them and force them to earn it.
[hey asshole.....come to OC California and and go to any middle class neighborhood here or better.....and see how "Mexicans" are destroying these places.....your a dumbass bigot with your head up your ass.....if you dont like where you are at....MOVE....

You don't see a Mexican neighborhood, you smell 'em. They smell like pot, urine, and crotch rot!

iF you had gotten a decent education you could afford not to live thier. What a dumbass, spends half his day raking on mexicans and his name is bullfighter. hahahah:cuckoo:
iF you had gotten a decent education you could afford not to live thier. What a dumbass, spends half his day raking on mexicans and his name is bullfighter. hahahah:cuckoo:

Will some dumb migrant teach this guy how to spell in ENGLISH!
[hey asshole.....come to OC California and and go to any middle class neighborhood here or better.....and see how "Mexicans" are destroying these places.....your a dumbass bigot with your head up your ass.....if you dont like where you are at....MOVE....

You don't see a Mexican neighborhood, you smell 'em. They smell like pot, urine, and crotch rot!

in other words .....i dont want to be proved wrong so i will stay were i am at and judge every Mexican by the ones i see in my seedy neighborhood....gotcha you fucking lowlife....
oh ever hear of moving?....

Hmm. Why didn't the guys at the Alamo think of that.

to even answer like this proves to me you are just another dumb piece of shit to useless to improve on their life are a dumb asshole who deserves to be living right were you are....AND i am starting to suspect you are a Mexican as well.....
This would be the greatest marketing trick ever played on an unsuspecting public.

The price would shoot up to the point where drug cartels might deal exclusively in pot. Look at how much some people are taxed on cigarettes:

Now imagine that tacked on to the price of your weed. You'll go running back to your street dealer.

Plus, you just told your kids that drugs are OK because you legalized them. Once you legalize pot, the offense for bringing it over the border will vanish. Cartels could do as they please out in the open. What is the worst that could happen to a typical drug pushing scumbag. Tax-evasion? Big deal. Most border jumpers are experts at that already.

So yeah. Legalize it. Every country that has is going through a phase of dehumanization. Prostitution and the sex trades now becomes a way of life. That is too high a price to pay.

Absolutely it should be legalized.
The wife and I discussed this the other day. I think it would parallel alcahol more closely, so , unless the Gov't taxed the hell out of it in the first place, it wouldn't pay for the cartels to bring it over. If the idea is to legalize it to stop the trafficking, then it would be dumb to raise the price. Eventually they may find reasons to tax the hell out of it. By that time the cartels should be out of business tho.
What is it about you pot smokers that make the words "Not Legal" so hard to understand and accept? You're like little children with the arguements... Always whining, always offering up lame excuses for why it should be ok behavior, and never accepting what the general public desire as a norm. Same old shit all the time and the same old tired reasons why it should be ok. Come up with something new for a change...

"Always whining, always offering up lame excuses for why it should be ok"

seems to me that "it's not as dangerous as you claim"
"it's not as bad as alcohol or tobacco"
"it's NONE of YOUR or the GOVERNMENTS business what I do in my private life"

are NOT lame excuses

"and never accepting what the general public desire as a norm"

the general public is wrong.
they have been lied to by people like you.
pot is NOT as dangerous as you claim
it's NOT as bad as MANY THINGS (alcohol, tobacco, obesity, fatty foods, toxic waste, boxing...)
and it's NONE of YOR or the governments business what we di in the privacy of ours homes

Same old shit all the time and the same old tired reasons why it should be ok.
"Come up with something new for a change..."

and you keep coming up with the same old tired responses....
as opposed to telling us to continue to accept a BAD LAW that is based on irrational fears and lies why don't YOU come up with a REALLY GOOD REASON why it SHOULD be illegal.....

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