Legalized child prostitution

Jesus are people just this dense. In the state of California It is no longer a crime for a child to sell their body for sex. Read the law. Some how in the leftist mind this is a positive for children.

Damn. You are stupid.
Wow, good come back. What's next call me poopie face.

I don't need a comeback. You are an idiot. You can't wrap your head around why this law is a positive development for kids who have been drawn into sex trades.

At least Blackrook has an excuse....he's a religious nutbag who sees the world through the lens of extreme sexual repression and frustration.

You are just a dummy.
By all means explain to me how this helps the children other than not having a record. Does it get them off of the street more efficiently than before? Does it give law enforcement more ability to go after the pimps? You folks keep saying this is an improvement. How? And please don't give me the standard left wing crap that you are superior and don't have to explain.

'other than not having a record'?

You don't think that is a good thing?

Why do you think that kids forced into prostitution should be considered criminals?

The law is supposed to protect vulnerable children from adult abuse, yet we brand kids enmeshed in sex-for-pay with a scarlet 'P' and leave them subject to shame and prosecution," Mitchell said in September.
I have no problem with the records part. Get them off the streets. This makes it harder for law enforcement to go after those exploiting children. Law enforcement often uses the threat of criminal prosecution to coerce turning on the monsters doing this stuff. Now they, if they are lucky, they will spend a little time with some govt bureaucrat who tells them "prostitution is bad". Then back to the street.
Damn. You are stupid.
Wow, good come back. What's next call me poopie face.

I don't need a comeback. You are an idiot. You can't wrap your head around why this law is a positive development for kids who have been drawn into sex trades.

At least Blackrook has an excuse....he's a religious nutbag who sees the world through the lens of extreme sexual repression and frustration.

You are just a dummy.
By all means explain to me how this helps the children other than not having a record. Does it get them off of the street more efficiently than before? Does it give law enforcement more ability to go after the pimps? You folks keep saying this is an improvement. How? And please don't give me the standard left wing crap that you are superior and don't have to explain.

'other than not having a record'?

You don't think that is a good thing?

Why do you think that kids forced into prostitution should be considered criminals?

The law is supposed to protect vulnerable children from adult abuse, yet we brand kids enmeshed in sex-for-pay with a scarlet 'P' and leave them subject to shame and prosecution," Mitchell said in September.
I have no problem with the records part. Get them off the streets. This makes it harder for law enforcement to go after those exploiting children. Law enforcement often uses the threat of criminal prosecution to coerce turning on the monsters doing this stuff. Now they, if they are lucky, they will spend a little time with some govt bureaucrat who tells them "prostitution is bad". Then back to the street.

You have no problem with them having a criminal record... and them being put in jail with CRIMINALS? You think that is a positive environment? I've worked in a prison, I know what goes on in there.

Just stop. You don't understand what's going on one bit. You probably still think Pizzagate is real.
Wow, good come back. What's next call me poopie face.

I don't need a comeback. You are an idiot. You can't wrap your head around why this law is a positive development for kids who have been drawn into sex trades.

At least Blackrook has an excuse....he's a religious nutbag who sees the world through the lens of extreme sexual repression and frustration.

You are just a dummy.
By all means explain to me how this helps the children other than not having a record. Does it get them off of the street more efficiently than before? Does it give law enforcement more ability to go after the pimps? You folks keep saying this is an improvement. How? And please don't give me the standard left wing crap that you are superior and don't have to explain.

'other than not having a record'?

You don't think that is a good thing?

Why do you think that kids forced into prostitution should be considered criminals?

The law is supposed to protect vulnerable children from adult abuse, yet we brand kids enmeshed in sex-for-pay with a scarlet 'P' and leave them subject to shame and prosecution," Mitchell said in September.
I have no problem with the records part. Get them off the streets. This makes it harder for law enforcement to go after those exploiting children. Law enforcement often uses the threat of criminal prosecution to coerce turning on the monsters doing this stuff. Now they, if they are lucky, they will spend a little time with some govt bureaucrat who tells them "prostitution is bad". Then back to the street.

You have no problem with them having a criminal record... and them being put in jail with CRIMINALS? You think that is a positive environment? I've worked in a prison, I know what goes on in there.

Just stop. You don't understand what's going on one bit. You probably still think Pizzagate is real.
I'm quite aware. It's better than being sold as a piece of meat on the street, repeatedly. Typical left. It's better that the child is back on the street taking it up the ass? It's OK at least she doesn't have a record.

I've noticed that you once again have failed to tell me what this law does for the children. No record, back on the street sucking cock, but it's OK because people on the left feel better about themselves.

Typical leftist. More concerned about how it "appears", the children mean nothing.
I question the article's take on the I looked it up.

Here is the actual bill: Bill Text - SB-1322 Commercial sex acts: minors.

According to this article: No, California did not legalize child prostitution
...SB 1322, he added, "bars law enforcement from arresting sex workers who are under the age of 18 for soliciting or engaging in prostitution, or loitering with the intent to do so."

And that's true — the law does state that minors won't be treated as criminals if they are caught under such circumstances. But state Democrats say that distinction was necessary so that the children aren't being blamed or punished for their situation.

They are instead to be treated as victims who can be placed into a safe environment by the Department of Social Services, keeping them out of the criminal justice system and potentially off the streets again as sex workers, said state Sen. Holly Mitchell, who introduced SB 1322.

In his op-ed, Allen acknowledged that Democrats are "sincere in their belief that decriminalizing underage prostitution is good public policy that will help victims of sex trafficking." But he said SB 1322 is "misguided" because it would theoretically allow pimps who exploit children to continue doing so because the children aren't being adequately removed.

"Simply put, more time on the street and less time in jail means more money for pimps, and more victims for them to exploit," Allen wrote.

Allen could not be reached Friday for further comment.

The law's backers deny that children won't be helped, and say the alternative if they are arrested of juvenile hall again victimizes them.

"The law is supposed to protect vulnerable children from adult abuse, yet we brand kids enmeshed in sex-for-pay with a scarlet 'P' and leave them subject to shame and prosecution," Mitchell said in September.

This is really tricky. I think both sides have the best intentions for these children. I also think treating them as criminals rather than victims does nothing to help them, but just pushes further into the juvinile criminal justice system.
Thank you Coyote for the citation link.

The issue all comes down to whether people young or old should be allowed to rent-out their bodies for money?

In Morocco near the (former) US Navy base in Kenitra there were always 12 to 14 year old Arab girls soliciting Sailors for money.

In Mexico you can find girls as young as 10 and 12.

The issue is real and world wide.

As for how California deals with their Negro teen unemployment problem is a separate issue.

Thanks again for looking it up.
The result will be an explosion of child prostitutes, standing on every street corner in every city in California. The police will be powerless to do anything about it. I saw the same thing happen in the 1980's when the homelessness situation got out of hand.

What would be a better way of handling it? Is criminalizing these children, who are really victims - the best way?
If you don't get these girls off the streets and into juvie detention facilities they are going to pimp and whore their whole lives long.
Typical leftist. More concerned about how it "appears", the children mean nothing.

Typical Conservative. More concerned about making children criminals than helping them. Children are just a tool for you to attack liberals with.
The result will be an explosion of child prostitutes, standing on every street corner in every city in California. The police will be powerless to do anything about it. I saw the same thing happen in the 1980's when the homelessness situation got out of hand.

What would be a better way of handling it? Is criminalizing these children, who are really victims - the best way?
If you don't get these girls off the streets and into juvie detention facilities they are going to pimp and whore their whole lives long.

So make them criminals to save them.
The author is incorrect when he says these Democrats are "well intentioned."

They are not.

They know EXACTLY what they are doing.

The UN tried something similar back in the 70s, connected with the "rights of the child" nonsense.
Rights of the Child 'nonsense'? What rights shouldn't children have? Life? Liberty? Does that nonsense extend to a fetus? Or is it just once a child is born should it's rights be stripped away? And why do Conservatives seem to love to poo poo the concept of rights, unless they want to buy an AR 15?
Children should have the right to parents of opposite genders (according to the Pope), shelter, safety, food, clothing, and education. Some recreation is good for them too.

Children should not boink.
I don't need a comeback. You are an idiot. You can't wrap your head around why this law is a positive development for kids who have been drawn into sex trades.

At least Blackrook has an excuse....he's a religious nutbag who sees the world through the lens of extreme sexual repression and frustration.

You are just a dummy.
By all means explain to me how this helps the children other than not having a record. Does it get them off of the street more efficiently than before? Does it give law enforcement more ability to go after the pimps? You folks keep saying this is an improvement. How? And please don't give me the standard left wing crap that you are superior and don't have to explain.

'other than not having a record'?

You don't think that is a good thing?

Why do you think that kids forced into prostitution should be considered criminals?

The law is supposed to protect vulnerable children from adult abuse, yet we brand kids enmeshed in sex-for-pay with a scarlet 'P' and leave them subject to shame and prosecution," Mitchell said in September.
I have no problem with the records part. Get them off the streets. This makes it harder for law enforcement to go after those exploiting children. Law enforcement often uses the threat of criminal prosecution to coerce turning on the monsters doing this stuff. Now they, if they are lucky, they will spend a little time with some govt bureaucrat who tells them "prostitution is bad". Then back to the street.

You have no problem with them having a criminal record... and them being put in jail with CRIMINALS? You think that is a positive environment? I've worked in a prison, I know what goes on in there.

Just stop. You don't understand what's going on one bit. You probably still think Pizzagate is real.
I'm quite aware. It's better than being sold as a piece of meat on the street, repeatedly. Typical left. It's better that the child is back on the street taking it up the ass? It's OK at least she doesn't have a record.

I've noticed that you once again have failed to tell me what this law does for the children. No record, back on the street sucking cock, but it's OK because people on the left feel better about themselves.

Typical leftist. More concerned about how it "appears", the children mean nothing.

Look numbnuts... it specifically says that they can be put into care and off the streets... WTF is WRONG WITH YOU?

"They are instead to be treated as victims who can be placed into a safe environment by the Department of Social Services, keeping them out of the criminal justice system and potentially off the streets again as child prostitutes, said state Sen. Holly Mitchell, who introduced SB 1322."

No, California did not legalize child prostitution

So just shut up. Putting them in jail is NOT the answer.

Again, is it illegal for someone to pimp an underage person? YES OR NO????

Is it illegal for someone to pay an underage person for sex? YES OR NO???

Now shut up.
This is sick...

The abuser of children should die.
Then stop being a Democrat, because you're on the side of the child abusers if you are.
More about the story the biased OP link failed to provide:

A California Republican claims Democratic-backed legislation aimed at protecting underage sex workers actually pushes minors into prostitution.

"Beginning on Jan. 1, prostitution by minors will be legal in California. Yes, you read that right," Assemblyman Travis Allen, whose district covers parts of Orange County, wrote Thursday in the conservative D.C. publication the Washington Examiner.

Allen's attack on the "terribly destructive legislation" has lit up social media — but the intention of the law is not as alarming as he suggests, its supporters say.

Senate Bill 1322, which was signed into law by Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown in September, goes into effect on Sunday.

"So teenage girls (and boys) in California will soon be free to have sex in exchange for money without fear of arrest or prosecution," Allen wrote.

SB 1322, he added, "bars law enforcement from arresting sex workers who are under the age of 18 for soliciting or engaging in prostitution, or loitering with the intent to do so."

And that's true — the law does state that minors won't be treated as criminals if they are caught under such circumstances. But state Democrats say that distinction was necessary so that the children aren't being blamed or punished for their situation.
Brown is such a fokking moonbeam. Always was. Always will be.
What drives me craziest about this is we all know that the idiots on the left will be trumpeting the fact that arrests for child prostitution will go down. Problem solved.
The author is incorrect when he says these Democrats are "well intentioned."

They are not.

They know EXACTLY what they are doing.

The UN tried something similar back in the 70s, connected with the "rights of the child" nonsense.
Rights of the Child 'nonsense'? What rights shouldn't children have? Life? Liberty? Does that nonsense extend to a fetus? Or is it just once a child is born should it's rights be stripped away? And why do Conservatives seem to love to poo poo the concept of rights, unless they want to buy an AR 15?
Children should have the right to parents of opposite genders (according to the Pope), shelter, safety, food, clothing, and education. Some recreation is good for them too.

Children should not boink.
The Pope! Ah! The Roman Catholic Church asserting moral authority over children! Anyone else see something peculiar here?
By all means explain to me how this helps the children other than not having a record. Does it get them off of the street more efficiently than before? Does it give law enforcement more ability to go after the pimps? You folks keep saying this is an improvement. How? And please don't give me the standard left wing crap that you are superior and don't have to explain.

'other than not having a record'?

You don't think that is a good thing?

Why do you think that kids forced into prostitution should be considered criminals?

The law is supposed to protect vulnerable children from adult abuse, yet we brand kids enmeshed in sex-for-pay with a scarlet 'P' and leave them subject to shame and prosecution," Mitchell said in September.
I have no problem with the records part. Get them off the streets. This makes it harder for law enforcement to go after those exploiting children. Law enforcement often uses the threat of criminal prosecution to coerce turning on the monsters doing this stuff. Now they, if they are lucky, they will spend a little time with some govt bureaucrat who tells them "prostitution is bad". Then back to the street.

You have no problem with them having a criminal record... and them being put in jail with CRIMINALS? You think that is a positive environment? I've worked in a prison, I know what goes on in there.

Just stop. You don't understand what's going on one bit. You probably still think Pizzagate is real.
I'm quite aware. It's better than being sold as a piece of meat on the street, repeatedly. Typical left. It's better that the child is back on the street taking it up the ass? It's OK at least she doesn't have a record.

I've noticed that you once again have failed to tell me what this law does for the children. No record, back on the street sucking cock, but it's OK because people on the left feel better about themselves.

Typical leftist. More concerned about how it "appears", the children mean nothing.

Look numbnuts... it specifically says that they can be put into care and off the streets... WTF is WRONG WITH YOU?

"They are instead to be treated as victims who can be placed into a safe environment by the Department of Social Services, keeping them out of the criminal justice system and potentially off the streets again as child prostitutes, said state Sen. Holly Mitchell, who introduced SB 1322."

No, California did not legalize child prostitution

So just shut up. Putting them in jail is NOT the answer.

Again, is it illegal for someone to pimp an underage person? YES OR NO????

Is it illegal for someone to pay an underage person for sex? YES OR NO???

Now shut up.
Listen moron. You can quote some brain dead clown all you want. Show it to me in the law. You can't. There is nothing in this law that even hints at helping the child. Nothing. Zero. Nada. Zilch. Nothing. If it does, produce it.
What drives me craziest about this is we all know that the idiots on the left will be trumpeting the fact that arrests for child prostitution will go down. Problem solved.

I'm not a lefty, but I'm amazed how you would rather put underage people in jail, which costs tons of money, doesn't help them one bit, and in fact puts them into contact with criminals and gives them a criminal record, than to actually get them help and treat them like the victims they are.

You need to really go do some inner reflection, or just hit yourself over the head with a large hammer... because you are acting like a fucking whacka-doodle right now.
The Pope! Ah! The Roman Catholic Church asserting moral authority over children! Anyone else see something peculiar here?
You must be a radical Protestant.

That aside, I was simply quoting an authority in the field.

But you won't get that part either, I know.

'other than not having a record'?

You don't think that is a good thing?

Why do you think that kids forced into prostitution should be considered criminals?

The law is supposed to protect vulnerable children from adult abuse, yet we brand kids enmeshed in sex-for-pay with a scarlet 'P' and leave them subject to shame and prosecution," Mitchell said in September.
I have no problem with the records part. Get them off the streets. This makes it harder for law enforcement to go after those exploiting children. Law enforcement often uses the threat of criminal prosecution to coerce turning on the monsters doing this stuff. Now they, if they are lucky, they will spend a little time with some govt bureaucrat who tells them "prostitution is bad". Then back to the street.

You have no problem with them having a criminal record... and them being put in jail with CRIMINALS? You think that is a positive environment? I've worked in a prison, I know what goes on in there.

Just stop. You don't understand what's going on one bit. You probably still think Pizzagate is real.
I'm quite aware. It's better than being sold as a piece of meat on the street, repeatedly. Typical left. It's better that the child is back on the street taking it up the ass? It's OK at least she doesn't have a record.

I've noticed that you once again have failed to tell me what this law does for the children. No record, back on the street sucking cock, but it's OK because people on the left feel better about themselves.

Typical leftist. More concerned about how it "appears", the children mean nothing.

Look numbnuts... it specifically says that they can be put into care and off the streets... WTF is WRONG WITH YOU?

"They are instead to be treated as victims who can be placed into a safe environment by the Department of Social Services, keeping them out of the criminal justice system and potentially off the streets again as child prostitutes, said state Sen. Holly Mitchell, who introduced SB 1322."

No, California did not legalize child prostitution

So just shut up. Putting them in jail is NOT the answer.

Again, is it illegal for someone to pimp an underage person? YES OR NO????

Is it illegal for someone to pay an underage person for sex? YES OR NO???

Now shut up.
Listen moron. You can quote some brain dead clown all you want. Show it to me in the law. You can't. There is nothing in this law that even hints at helping the child. Nothing. Zero. Nada. Zilch. Nothing. If it does, produce it.

Have you read the law?


(g) When a person has violated subdivision (f), a peace officer, if he or she is reasonably able to do so, shall place the person, or cause him or her to be placed, in civil protective custody. The person shall be taken to a facility, designated pursuant to Section 5170 of the Welfare and Institutions Code, for the 72-hour treatment and evaluation of inebriates. A peace officer may place a person in civil protective custody with that kind and degree of force which would be lawful were he or she effecting an arrest for a misdemeanor without a warrant. A person who has been placed in civil protective custody shall not thereafter be subject to any criminal prosecution or juvenile court proceeding based on the facts giving rise to this placement. This subdivision shall not apply to the following persons:

Bill Text - SB-1322 Commercial sex acts: minors.

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