Legalized child prostitution

Wow, and some people think that California is the place to be.

God bless you and the kids there always!!!

California is a communist shit hole that wants to dictate to the rest of the Nation.

God help us.
To me it's not the communist aspect. it's the the whole utter refusal to apply logical thought. It makes them feel good, all else is irrelevant.
I have no problem with the records part. Get them off the streets. This makes it harder for law enforcement to go after those exploiting children. Law enforcement often uses the threat of criminal prosecution to coerce turning on the monsters doing this stuff. Now they, if they are lucky, they will spend a little time with some govt bureaucrat who tells them "prostitution is bad". Then back to the street.

You have no problem with them having a criminal record... and them being put in jail with CRIMINALS? You think that is a positive environment? I've worked in a prison, I know what goes on in there.

Just stop. You don't understand what's going on one bit. You probably still think Pizzagate is real.
I'm quite aware. It's better than being sold as a piece of meat on the street, repeatedly. Typical left. It's better that the child is back on the street taking it up the ass? It's OK at least she doesn't have a record.

I've noticed that you once again have failed to tell me what this law does for the children. No record, back on the street sucking cock, but it's OK because people on the left feel better about themselves.

Typical leftist. More concerned about how it "appears", the children mean nothing.

Look numbnuts... it specifically says that they can be put into care and off the streets... WTF is WRONG WITH YOU?

"They are instead to be treated as victims who can be placed into a safe environment by the Department of Social Services, keeping them out of the criminal justice system and potentially off the streets again as child prostitutes, said state Sen. Holly Mitchell, who introduced SB 1322."

No, California did not legalize child prostitution

So just shut up. Putting them in jail is NOT the answer.

Again, is it illegal for someone to pimp an underage person? YES OR NO????

Is it illegal for someone to pay an underage person for sex? YES OR NO???

Now shut up.
Listen moron. You can quote some brain dead clown all you want. Show it to me in the law. You can't. There is nothing in this law that even hints at helping the child. Nothing. Zero. Nada. Zilch. Nothing. If it does, produce it.

Have you read the law?


(g) When a person has violated subdivision (f), a peace officer, if he or she is reasonably able to do so, shall place the person, or cause him or her to be placed, in civil protective custody. The person shall be taken to a facility, designated pursuant to Section 5170 of the Welfare and Institutions Code, for the 72-hour treatment and evaluation of inebriates. A peace officer may place a person in civil protective custody with that kind and degree of force which would be lawful were he or she effecting an arrest for a misdemeanor without a warrant. A person who has been placed in civil protective custody shall not thereafter be subject to any criminal prosecution or juvenile court proceeding based on the facts giving rise to this placement. This subdivision shall not apply to the following persons:

Bill Text - SB-1322 Commercial sex acts: minors.
Great. So that young pussy is off the street for 72 hours. Problem solved.
You have no problem with them having a criminal record... and them being put in jail with CRIMINALS? You think that is a positive environment? I've worked in a prison, I know what goes on in there.

Just stop. You don't understand what's going on one bit. You probably still think Pizzagate is real.
I'm quite aware. It's better than being sold as a piece of meat on the street, repeatedly. Typical left. It's better that the child is back on the street taking it up the ass? It's OK at least she doesn't have a record.

I've noticed that you once again have failed to tell me what this law does for the children. No record, back on the street sucking cock, but it's OK because people on the left feel better about themselves.

Typical leftist. More concerned about how it "appears", the children mean nothing.

Look numbnuts... it specifically says that they can be put into care and off the streets... WTF is WRONG WITH YOU?

"They are instead to be treated as victims who can be placed into a safe environment by the Department of Social Services, keeping them out of the criminal justice system and potentially off the streets again as child prostitutes, said state Sen. Holly Mitchell, who introduced SB 1322."

No, California did not legalize child prostitution

So just shut up. Putting them in jail is NOT the answer.

Again, is it illegal for someone to pimp an underage person? YES OR NO????

Is it illegal for someone to pay an underage person for sex? YES OR NO???

Now shut up.
Listen moron. You can quote some brain dead clown all you want. Show it to me in the law. You can't. There is nothing in this law that even hints at helping the child. Nothing. Zero. Nada. Zilch. Nothing. If it does, produce it.

Have you read the law?


(g) When a person has violated subdivision (f), a peace officer, if he or she is reasonably able to do so, shall place the person, or cause him or her to be placed, in civil protective custody. The person shall be taken to a facility, designated pursuant to Section 5170 of the Welfare and Institutions Code, for the 72-hour treatment and evaluation of inebriates. A peace officer may place a person in civil protective custody with that kind and degree of force which would be lawful were he or she effecting an arrest for a misdemeanor without a warrant. A person who has been placed in civil protective custody shall not thereafter be subject to any criminal prosecution or juvenile court proceeding based on the facts giving rise to this placement. This subdivision shall not apply to the following persons:

Bill Text - SB-1322 Commercial sex acts: minors.
Great. So that young pussy is off the street for 72 hours. Problem solved.

You're a fucking moron. First it was, "But NOTHING says they do anything to get them off the street and get them treatment!!!"

Now I show you in the law where it says they do get taken off the street and offered treatment, and it is, "But they will just go back to the street!!!"

Hey dumbass, what do you think will happen if you put them in jail? They go to jail for 90 days, get a criminal record, hang out with criminals who teach them how to be better criminals, and then go back out on the street to sell their bodies.

Fucking quit thinking with your emotions and you some fucking reasoning skills.
Wow, and some people think that California is the place to be.

God bless you and the kids there always!!!

California is a communist shit hole that wants to dictate to the rest of the Nation.

God help us.
To me it's not the communist aspect. it's the the whole utter refusal to apply logical thought. It makes them feel good, all else is irrelevant.

You believe that you are demonstrating logical thought here? Really?
I'm quite aware. It's better than being sold as a piece of meat on the street, repeatedly. Typical left. It's better that the child is back on the street taking it up the ass? It's OK at least she doesn't have a record.

I've noticed that you once again have failed to tell me what this law does for the children. No record, back on the street sucking cock, but it's OK because people on the left feel better about themselves.

Typical leftist. More concerned about how it "appears", the children mean nothing.

Look numbnuts... it specifically says that they can be put into care and off the streets... WTF is WRONG WITH YOU?

"They are instead to be treated as victims who can be placed into a safe environment by the Department of Social Services, keeping them out of the criminal justice system and potentially off the streets again as child prostitutes, said state Sen. Holly Mitchell, who introduced SB 1322."

No, California did not legalize child prostitution

So just shut up. Putting them in jail is NOT the answer.

Again, is it illegal for someone to pimp an underage person? YES OR NO????

Is it illegal for someone to pay an underage person for sex? YES OR NO???

Now shut up.
Listen moron. You can quote some brain dead clown all you want. Show it to me in the law. You can't. There is nothing in this law that even hints at helping the child. Nothing. Zero. Nada. Zilch. Nothing. If it does, produce it.

Have you read the law?


(g) When a person has violated subdivision (f), a peace officer, if he or she is reasonably able to do so, shall place the person, or cause him or her to be placed, in civil protective custody. The person shall be taken to a facility, designated pursuant to Section 5170 of the Welfare and Institutions Code, for the 72-hour treatment and evaluation of inebriates. A peace officer may place a person in civil protective custody with that kind and degree of force which would be lawful were he or she effecting an arrest for a misdemeanor without a warrant. A person who has been placed in civil protective custody shall not thereafter be subject to any criminal prosecution or juvenile court proceeding based on the facts giving rise to this placement. This subdivision shall not apply to the following persons:

Bill Text - SB-1322 Commercial sex acts: minors.
Great. So that young pussy is off the street for 72 hours. Problem solved.

You're a fucking moron. First it was, "But NOTHING says they do anything to get them off the street and get them treatment!!!"

Now I show you in the law where it says they do get taken off the street and offered treatment, and it is, "But they will just go back to the street!!!"

Hey dumbass, what do you think will happen if you put them in jail? They go to jail for 90 days, get a criminal record, hang out with criminals who teach them how to be better criminals, and then go back out on the street to sell their bodies.

Fucking quit thinking with your emotions and you some fucking reasoning skills.

(g) When a person has violated subdivision (f), a peace officer, if he or she is reasonably able to do so, shall place the person, or cause him or her to be placed, in civil protective custody. The person shall be taken to a facility, designated pursuant to Section 5170 of the Welfare and Institutions Code, for the 72-hour treatment and evaluation of inebriates. A peace officer may place a person in civil protective custody with that kind and degree of force which would be lawful were he or she eff ecting an arrest for a misdemeanor without a warrant. A person who has been placed in civil protective custody shall not thereafter be subject to any criminal prosecution or juvenile court proceeding based on the facts giving rise to this placement. This subdivision shall not apply to the following persons:

Let me get this straight, for the 72-hour treatment and evaluation of inebriates, you honestly believe that this accomplishes what? This does what? No really, what pretend world idiocy do you think this accomplishes? OK the 14 year old girl isn't going to suck cock for 72 hours. Is that good? Sure. then what. Back on the street.

By the way do you understand the statement of treatment and evaluation of inebriates, means? Hey she's not drunk. Back on the street.
Look numbnuts... it specifically says that they can be put into care and off the streets... WTF is WRONG WITH YOU?

"They are instead to be treated as victims who can be placed into a safe environment by the Department of Social Services, keeping them out of the criminal justice system and potentially off the streets again as child prostitutes, said state Sen. Holly Mitchell, who introduced SB 1322."

No, California did not legalize child prostitution

So just shut up. Putting them in jail is NOT the answer.

Again, is it illegal for someone to pimp an underage person? YES OR NO????

Is it illegal for someone to pay an underage person for sex? YES OR NO???

Now shut up.
Listen moron. You can quote some brain dead clown all you want. Show it to me in the law. You can't. There is nothing in this law that even hints at helping the child. Nothing. Zero. Nada. Zilch. Nothing. If it does, produce it.

Have you read the law?


(g) When a person has violated subdivision (f), a peace officer, if he or she is reasonably able to do so, shall place the person, or cause him or her to be placed, in civil protective custody. The person shall be taken to a facility, designated pursuant to Section 5170 of the Welfare and Institutions Code, for the 72-hour treatment and evaluation of inebriates. A peace officer may place a person in civil protective custody with that kind and degree of force which would be lawful were he or she effecting an arrest for a misdemeanor without a warrant. A person who has been placed in civil protective custody shall not thereafter be subject to any criminal prosecution or juvenile court proceeding based on the facts giving rise to this placement. This subdivision shall not apply to the following persons:

Bill Text - SB-1322 Commercial sex acts: minors.
Great. So that young pussy is off the street for 72 hours. Problem solved.

You're a fucking moron. First it was, "But NOTHING says they do anything to get them off the street and get them treatment!!!"

Now I show you in the law where it says they do get taken off the street and offered treatment, and it is, "But they will just go back to the street!!!"

Hey dumbass, what do you think will happen if you put them in jail? They go to jail for 90 days, get a criminal record, hang out with criminals who teach them how to be better criminals, and then go back out on the street to sell their bodies.

Fucking quit thinking with your emotions and you some fucking reasoning skills.

(g) When a person has violated subdivision (f), a peace officer, if he or she is reasonably able to do so, shall place the person, or cause him or her to be placed, in civil protective custody. The person shall be taken to a facility, designated pursuant to Section 5170 of the Welfare and Institutions Code, for the 72-hour treatment and evaluation of inebriates. A peace officer may place a person in civil protective custody with that kind and degree of force which would be lawful were he or she eff ecting an arrest for a misdemeanor without a warrant. A person who has been placed in civil protective custody shall not thereafter be subject to any criminal prosecution or juvenile court proceeding based on the facts giving rise to this placement. This subdivision shall not apply to the following persons:

Let me get this straight, for the 72-hour treatment and evaluation of inebriates, you honestly believe that this accomplishes what? This does what? No really, what pretend world idiocy do you think this accomplishes? OK the 14 year old girl isn't going to suck cock for 72 hours. Is that good? Sure. then what. Back on the street.

By the way do you understand the statement of treatment and evaluation of inebriates, means? Hey she's not drunk. Back on the street.

Ok, time to quit arguing with you. You have an ignorance beyond anything I can fix. I'm just glad you weren't my parent.
The Pope! Ah! The Roman Catholic Church asserting moral authority over children! Anyone else see something peculiar here?
You must be a radical Protestant.

That aside, I was simply quoting an authority in the field.

But you won't get that part either, I know.

I wouldn't consider Presbyterians as a radical religion. But I do read the papers and I would be remiss if I ignored the Roman Catholic church's record on the protection of children.
Listen moron. You can quote some brain dead clown all you want. Show it to me in the law. You can't. There is nothing in this law that even hints at helping the child. Nothing. Zero. Nada. Zilch. Nothing. If it does, produce it.

Have you read the law?


(g) When a person has violated subdivision (f), a peace officer, if he or she is reasonably able to do so, shall place the person, or cause him or her to be placed, in civil protective custody. The person shall be taken to a facility, designated pursuant to Section 5170 of the Welfare and Institutions Code, for the 72-hour treatment and evaluation of inebriates. A peace officer may place a person in civil protective custody with that kind and degree of force which would be lawful were he or she effecting an arrest for a misdemeanor without a warrant. A person who has been placed in civil protective custody shall not thereafter be subject to any criminal prosecution or juvenile court proceeding based on the facts giving rise to this placement. This subdivision shall not apply to the following persons:

Bill Text - SB-1322 Commercial sex acts: minors.
Great. So that young pussy is off the street for 72 hours. Problem solved.

You're a fucking moron. First it was, "But NOTHING says they do anything to get them off the street and get them treatment!!!"

Now I show you in the law where it says they do get taken off the street and offered treatment, and it is, "But they will just go back to the street!!!"

Hey dumbass, what do you think will happen if you put them in jail? They go to jail for 90 days, get a criminal record, hang out with criminals who teach them how to be better criminals, and then go back out on the street to sell their bodies.

Fucking quit thinking with your emotions and you some fucking reasoning skills.

(g) When a person has violated subdivision (f), a peace officer, if he or she is reasonably able to do so, shall place the person, or cause him or her to be placed, in civil protective custody. The person shall be taken to a facility, designated pursuant to Section 5170 of the Welfare and Institutions Code, for the 72-hour treatment and evaluation of inebriates. A peace officer may place a person in civil protective custody with that kind and degree of force which would be lawful were he or she eff ecting an arrest for a misdemeanor without a warrant. A person who has been placed in civil protective custody shall not thereafter be subject to any criminal prosecution or juvenile court proceeding based on the facts giving rise to this placement. This subdivision shall not apply to the following persons:

Let me get this straight, for the 72-hour treatment and evaluation of inebriates, you honestly believe that this accomplishes what? This does what? No really, what pretend world idiocy do you think this accomplishes? OK the 14 year old girl isn't going to suck cock for 72 hours. Is that good? Sure. then what. Back on the street.

By the way do you understand the statement of treatment and evaluation of inebriates, means? Hey she's not drunk. Back on the street.

Ok, time to quit arguing with you. You have an ignorance beyond anything I can fix. I'm just glad you weren't my parent.
Well there you have it folks, typical leftist argument tactic, got nothing, run away. You forgot to cal me the buzzwords.

By the way, one more time, can you tell me what this law does for the child? I didn't think so.

As far as being my child, my oldest will graduate from Carnegie-Mellon next fall, my second is a senior at Ohio State, pre-med, and my baby is still in high school and might be the brightest of the bunch. My child? You wish. Of course you would not be a brain dead leftist, but that would be better for all concerned.
Have you read the law?


(g) When a person has violated subdivision (f), a peace officer, if he or she is reasonably able to do so, shall place the person, or cause him or her to be placed, in civil protective custody. The person shall be taken to a facility, designated pursuant to Section 5170 of the Welfare and Institutions Code, for the 72-hour treatment and evaluation of inebriates. A peace officer may place a person in civil protective custody with that kind and degree of force which would be lawful were he or she effecting an arrest for a misdemeanor without a warrant. A person who has been placed in civil protective custody shall not thereafter be subject to any criminal prosecution or juvenile court proceeding based on the facts giving rise to this placement. This subdivision shall not apply to the following persons:

Bill Text - SB-1322 Commercial sex acts: minors.
Great. So that young pussy is off the street for 72 hours. Problem solved.

You're a fucking moron. First it was, "But NOTHING says they do anything to get them off the street and get them treatment!!!"

Now I show you in the law where it says they do get taken off the street and offered treatment, and it is, "But they will just go back to the street!!!"

Hey dumbass, what do you think will happen if you put them in jail? They go to jail for 90 days, get a criminal record, hang out with criminals who teach them how to be better criminals, and then go back out on the street to sell their bodies.

Fucking quit thinking with your emotions and you some fucking reasoning skills.

(g) When a person has violated subdivision (f), a peace officer, if he or she is reasonably able to do so, shall place the person, or cause him or her to be placed, in civil protective custody. The person shall be taken to a facility, designated pursuant to Section 5170 of the Welfare and Institutions Code, for the 72-hour treatment and evaluation of inebriates. A peace officer may place a person in civil protective custody with that kind and degree of force which would be lawful were he or she eff ecting an arrest for a misdemeanor without a warrant. A person who has been placed in civil protective custody shall not thereafter be subject to any criminal prosecution or juvenile court proceeding based on the facts giving rise to this placement. This subdivision shall not apply to the following persons:

Let me get this straight, for the 72-hour treatment and evaluation of inebriates, you honestly believe that this accomplishes what? This does what? No really, what pretend world idiocy do you think this accomplishes? OK the 14 year old girl isn't going to suck cock for 72 hours. Is that good? Sure. then what. Back on the street.

By the way do you understand the statement of treatment and evaluation of inebriates, means? Hey she's not drunk. Back on the street.

Ok, time to quit arguing with you. You have an ignorance beyond anything I can fix. I'm just glad you weren't my parent.
Well there you have it folks, typical leftist argument tactic, got nothing, run away. You forgot to cal me the buzzwords.

By the way, one more time, can you tell me what this law does for the child? I didn't think so.

As far as being my child, my oldest will graduate from Carnegie-Mellon next fall, my second is a senior at Ohio State, pre-med, and my baby is still in high school and might be the brightest of the bunch. My child? You wish. Of course you would not be a brain dead leftist, but that would be better for all concerned.

Is your youngest the brightest of the bunch or not? You should know by now.
Have you read the law?


(g) When a person has violated subdivision (f), a peace officer, if he or she is reasonably able to do so, shall place the person, or cause him or her to be placed, in civil protective custody. The person shall be taken to a facility, designated pursuant to Section 5170 of the Welfare and Institutions Code, for the 72-hour treatment and evaluation of inebriates. A peace officer may place a person in civil protective custody with that kind and degree of force which would be lawful were he or she effecting an arrest for a misdemeanor without a warrant. A person who has been placed in civil protective custody shall not thereafter be subject to any criminal prosecution or juvenile court proceeding based on the facts giving rise to this placement. This subdivision shall not apply to the following persons:

Bill Text - SB-1322 Commercial sex acts: minors.
Great. So that young pussy is off the street for 72 hours. Problem solved.

You're a fucking moron. First it was, "But NOTHING says they do anything to get them off the street and get them treatment!!!"

Now I show you in the law where it says they do get taken off the street and offered treatment, and it is, "But they will just go back to the street!!!"

Hey dumbass, what do you think will happen if you put them in jail? They go to jail for 90 days, get a criminal record, hang out with criminals who teach them how to be better criminals, and then go back out on the street to sell their bodies.

Fucking quit thinking with your emotions and you some fucking reasoning skills.

(g) When a person has violated subdivision (f), a peace officer, if he or she is reasonably able to do so, shall place the person, or cause him or her to be placed, in civil protective custody. The person shall be taken to a facility, designated pursuant to Section 5170 of the Welfare and Institutions Code, for the 72-hour treatment and evaluation of inebriates. A peace officer may place a person in civil protective custody with that kind and degree of force which would be lawful were he or she eff ecting an arrest for a misdemeanor without a warrant. A person who has been placed in civil protective custody shall not thereafter be subject to any criminal prosecution or juvenile court proceeding based on the facts giving rise to this placement. This subdivision shall not apply to the following persons:

Let me get this straight, for the 72-hour treatment and evaluation of inebriates, you honestly believe that this accomplishes what? This does what? No really, what pretend world idiocy do you think this accomplishes? OK the 14 year old girl isn't going to suck cock for 72 hours. Is that good? Sure. then what. Back on the street.

By the way do you understand the statement of treatment and evaluation of inebriates, means? Hey she's not drunk. Back on the street.

Ok, time to quit arguing with you. You have an ignorance beyond anything I can fix. I'm just glad you weren't my parent.
Well there you have it folks, typical leftist argument tactic, got nothing, run away. You forgot to cal me the buzzwords.

By the way, one more time, can you tell me what this law does for the child? I didn't think so.

As far as being my child, my oldest will graduate from Carnegie-Mellon next fall, my second is a senior at Ohio State, pre-med, and my baby is still in high school and might be the brightest of the bunch. My child? You wish. Of course you would not be a brain dead leftist, but that would be better for all concerned.

You still don't get it. Why would I continue to argue with you? You don't understand fundamental things. They put the person in a 72 hour evaluation period. Do you have any idea how many possibilities that can come out of that? They can't write a fucking law saying what they will do for EVERY person that goes into that hold. The evaluate them, and then they go from there.

WHY can't you grasp this? I got an idea, if your kids really are that well off, maybe you need to contact them and have them explain things to you, because you don't get it. And no, I'm not a lefty, I'm just well informed on the subject and I am able to use reasoning skills.

FYI: I had a full ride scholarship to Ohio State out of high school.
Why exactly does the Right wing think that making child prostitutes criminals will stop child prostitution?
I've said more than once, I usually vote 3rd party, sometimes vote Republican, but never have and never will vote for a Democrat. The child molester-loving Democrats in California have legalized child prostitution. What a bunch of mentally deranged fucks. Please California, do America a favor and vote to secede, you truly are America's sewer.

California Democrats legalize child prostitution
Maybe the politicians 12 year old daughters can make a few bucks?
Just coming down on the pimp or john solves nothing for a child. Many more are waiting in the wings to snatch them up.
Where does it say help is to be given to these children? Implied is not good enough. If they truly have the intent to help, then they must include those provisions, whether it be through an inpatient program they must be assigned to, to remove them from the circumstances that put them in such a position- whether through a pimp, or a set of circumstances in which they felt no other alternative- or something else, to help them remove themselves from such a lifestyle. Otherwise, it does nothing for the child, other than prevent a record. Intentions, without the provisions within the law spelled out, are nothing but empty good intentions. They have no teeth. Period.
Well if no one is charged with a crime then the answer would have to be that it's legal. I just can't figure out how this is an improvement. It makes some one feel better that these kids won't have a record but doesn't seem to do anything for the children, and has the potential to make it worse. Gotta get the young thing back on the street, time is money.

Again. Use fucking reasoning skills. How does prostitution work? It is illegal to sell the services of an underage person. It is illegal to pay for the services of an underage person. Nothing has changed other than the fact that the underage prostitutes are know viewed as victims and offered treatment and help instead of being thrown in jail. What' so fucking hard to understand about that?

Child prostitution is no legal. The thread title is misleading and should be changed.
A child selling sex is not going to be arrested for a crime. What part of that can't you wrap your head around? A 14 year old girl standing on a street corner trying to sell her body for sex is not committing a crime. If it is not illegal it is is legal.

Again... do you understand what prostitution is? Please tell me what you think it is.

This is like conversing with a brick. you understand what prostitution is??? For fuck's sake it takes TWO PEOPLE to perform a transaction for sex. Do you fucking understand that? So when someone buys sex from an underage person it is still illegal. You even admitted that. All that this law does is labels underage prostitutes victims instead of criminals and offers them help instead of a jail cell. WTF is wrong with you? Why can't you understand that? Child prostitution is NOT LEGAL. God damn you are one dense motherfucker. You can't prostitute unless someone pays you for your services... and it still illegal for someone to buy an underage prostitute... DO YOU NOT FUCKING UNDERSTAND?
Why does the left think making a law with no legal provisions for help to the child will automatically bring help for the child?
Why exactly does the Right wing think that making child prostitutes criminals will stop child prostitution?

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