Legalized child prostitution

They WON'T be taken off the street, because the police will have their hands tied so they CAN'T. This will lead to an explosion of child prostitution in California, and pedophiles who abuse children will benefit, and so will the Democrats who will get campaign contributions from the LGBT lobby for passing this perverted piece of legislation.

Again, do you understand how prostitution works??? Use some fucking reasoning skills here.
The result will be an explosion of child prostitutes, standing on every street corner in every city in California. The police will be powerless to do anything about it. I saw the same thing happen in the 1980's when the homelessness situation got out of hand.

The people that buy their services are still breaking the law...

So the children get taken off the street and given help and treatment instead of being put in jail, and this is bad?
Exactly where do you see any mention of being taken off the street and receiving treatment mentioned?

From the laws own wording...

"A commercially exploited child under this paragraph may be adjudged a dependent child of the court pursuant to paragraph (2) of subdivision (b) of Section 300 of the Welfare and Institutions Code and may be taken into temporary custody pursuant to subdivision (a) of Section 305 of the Welfare and Institutions Code, if the conditions allowing temporary custody without warrant are met."

It's sounds to me like they MAY be temporarily taken off the street. And if past experience is worth anything, I'm certain they will find a way to make sure they are released asap. I see no mention of treatment. Face it these children will be back on the street quicker than before.

If this your first foray into human trafficking and child prostitution, then that's why you don't understand...

So you think the kids would be better off with a criminal record and locked up in jail with criminals where they learn to be better at breaking the law? Or to be taken off the street and given treatment and other opportunities?
Again, where do you see any mention of treatment or help? The law clearly states they may be taken into custody temporarily.
I'm not saying the old way was good I just don't see how this is any better. Sure they don't have a record but they're back on the street getting exploited even more. This helps how?

Because it doesn't say mandatory treatment or help doesn't mean it in't going to happen. Fucking go study up on the subject and quit getting your information on the subject from shitty thread like this one.

Go study up on what subject? This law? It makes absolutely no provisions for your pretend treatment. Typical leftist thinking, pass a law that makes people feel good about themselves then walk away patting yourself on the back. And when things go bad start screaming "patriarchy" or some other buzzword. Keep in mind when these kids are held even for prostitution it would most likely be in juvenile lockup, and where are they going to be held now? Undoubtedly the same place, just for less time. The good news for the dems is they've truly solidified the pimp vote.

It reminds me of the whole transgender issue. Convince every one that all you have to do is be accepting of trans people and every thing works out fine. Meanwhile the suicide rates and mental problems continue as before. Of course just pat yourself on the back and yell "cis-genders are the problem". Virtue signaling complete.
The people that buy their services are still breaking the law...

So the children get taken off the street and given help and treatment instead of being put in jail, and this is bad?
Exactly where do you see any mention of being taken off the street and receiving treatment mentioned?

From the laws own wording...

"A commercially exploited child under this paragraph may be adjudged a dependent child of the court pursuant to paragraph (2) of subdivision (b) of Section 300 of the Welfare and Institutions Code and may be taken into temporary custody pursuant to subdivision (a) of Section 305 of the Welfare and Institutions Code, if the conditions allowing temporary custody without warrant are met."

It's sounds to me like they MAY be temporarily taken off the street. And if past experience is worth anything, I'm certain they will find a way to make sure they are released asap. I see no mention of treatment. Face it these children will be back on the street quicker than before.

If this your first foray into human trafficking and child prostitution, then that's why you don't understand...

So you think the kids would be better off with a criminal record and locked up in jail with criminals where they learn to be better at breaking the law? Or to be taken off the street and given treatment and other opportunities?
Again, where do you see any mention of treatment or help? The law clearly states they may be taken into custody temporarily.
I'm not saying the old way was good I just don't see how this is any better. Sure they don't have a record but they're back on the street getting exploited even more. This helps how?

Because it doesn't say mandatory treatment or help doesn't mean it in't going to happen. Fucking go study up on the subject and quit getting your information on the subject from shitty thread like this one.

Go study up on what subject? This law? It makes absolutely no provisions for your pretend treatment. Typical leftist thinking, pass a law that makes people feel good about themselves then walk away patting yourself on the back. And when things go bad start screaming "patriarchy" or some other buzzword. Keep in mind when these kids are held even for prostitution it would most likely be in juvenile lockup, and where are they going to be held now? Undoubtedly the same place, just for less time. The good news for the dems is they've truly solidified the pimp vote.

It reminds me of the whole transgender issue. Convince every one that all you have to do is be accepting of trans people and every thing works out fine. Meanwhile the suicide rates and mental problems continue as before. Of course just pat yourself on the back and yell "cis-genders are the problem". Virtue signaling complete.

No... study Human Trafficking and Prostitution. I took Human trafficking two semesters ago and Prostitution this past semester.

The narrow mindedness and lack of reasoning on this forum and in the world astounds me. Let me ask you two simple fucking questions. Simple yes or no answers. I don't want a bunch of excuses... simple yes or no. Got it? Yes or no.

Does this law make it legal for someone to "pimp" underage people? Can people now legally sell the sexual services of underage people? Yes or no?

Does this law make it legal for someone to purchase sexual services from an underage person? Yes or no?
Exactly where do you see any mention of being taken off the street and receiving treatment mentioned?

From the laws own wording...

"A commercially exploited child under this paragraph may be adjudged a dependent child of the court pursuant to paragraph (2) of subdivision (b) of Section 300 of the Welfare and Institutions Code and may be taken into temporary custody pursuant to subdivision (a) of Section 305 of the Welfare and Institutions Code, if the conditions allowing temporary custody without warrant are met."

It's sounds to me like they MAY be temporarily taken off the street. And if past experience is worth anything, I'm certain they will find a way to make sure they are released asap. I see no mention of treatment. Face it these children will be back on the street quicker than before.

If this your first foray into human trafficking and child prostitution, then that's why you don't understand...

So you think the kids would be better off with a criminal record and locked up in jail with criminals where they learn to be better at breaking the law? Or to be taken off the street and given treatment and other opportunities?
Again, where do you see any mention of treatment or help? The law clearly states they may be taken into custody temporarily.
I'm not saying the old way was good I just don't see how this is any better. Sure they don't have a record but they're back on the street getting exploited even more. This helps how?

Because it doesn't say mandatory treatment or help doesn't mean it in't going to happen. Fucking go study up on the subject and quit getting your information on the subject from shitty thread like this one.

Go study up on what subject? This law? It makes absolutely no provisions for your pretend treatment. Typical leftist thinking, pass a law that makes people feel good about themselves then walk away patting yourself on the back. And when things go bad start screaming "patriarchy" or some other buzzword. Keep in mind when these kids are held even for prostitution it would most likely be in juvenile lockup, and where are they going to be held now? Undoubtedly the same place, just for less time. The good news for the dems is they've truly solidified the pimp vote.

It reminds me of the whole transgender issue. Convince every one that all you have to do is be accepting of trans people and every thing works out fine. Meanwhile the suicide rates and mental problems continue as before. Of course just pat yourself on the back and yell "cis-genders are the problem". Virtue signaling complete.

No... study Human Trafficking and Prostitution. I took Human trafficking two semesters ago and Prostitution this past semester.

The narrow mindedness and lack of reasoning on this forum and in the world astounds me. Let me ask you two simple fucking questions. Simple yes or no answers. I don't want a bunch of excuses... simple yes or no. Got it? Yes or no.

Does this law make it legal for someone to "pimp" underage people? Can people now legally sell the sexual services of underage people? Yes or no?

Does this law make it legal for someone to purchase sexual services from an underage person? Yes or no?
Of course no to both.

Now you answer. Where in this law do you see any provisions for helping these kids above and beyond what was done before? The only difference is they won't have a record, which I don't have a problem with and they will be back on the street faster, which the pimps will love.
If this your first foray into human trafficking and child prostitution, then that's why you don't understand...

So you think the kids would be better off with a criminal record and locked up in jail with criminals where they learn to be better at breaking the law? Or to be taken off the street and given treatment and other opportunities?
Again, where do you see any mention of treatment or help? The law clearly states they may be taken into custody temporarily.
I'm not saying the old way was good I just don't see how this is any better. Sure they don't have a record but they're back on the street getting exploited even more. This helps how?

Because it doesn't say mandatory treatment or help doesn't mean it in't going to happen. Fucking go study up on the subject and quit getting your information on the subject from shitty thread like this one.

Go study up on what subject? This law? It makes absolutely no provisions for your pretend treatment. Typical leftist thinking, pass a law that makes people feel good about themselves then walk away patting yourself on the back. And when things go bad start screaming "patriarchy" or some other buzzword. Keep in mind when these kids are held even for prostitution it would most likely be in juvenile lockup, and where are they going to be held now? Undoubtedly the same place, just for less time. The good news for the dems is they've truly solidified the pimp vote.

It reminds me of the whole transgender issue. Convince every one that all you have to do is be accepting of trans people and every thing works out fine. Meanwhile the suicide rates and mental problems continue as before. Of course just pat yourself on the back and yell "cis-genders are the problem". Virtue signaling complete.

No... study Human Trafficking and Prostitution. I took Human trafficking two semesters ago and Prostitution this past semester.

The narrow mindedness and lack of reasoning on this forum and in the world astounds me. Let me ask you two simple fucking questions. Simple yes or no answers. I don't want a bunch of excuses... simple yes or no. Got it? Yes or no.

Does this law make it legal for someone to "pimp" underage people? Can people now legally sell the sexual services of underage people? Yes or no?

Does this law make it legal for someone to purchase sexual services from an underage person? Yes or no?
Of course no to both.

Now you answer. Where in this law do you see any provisions for helping these kids above and beyond what was done before? The only difference is they won't have a record, which I don't have a problem with and they will be back on the street faster, which the pimps will love.

So Child prostitution isn't legal then?
Again, where do you see any mention of treatment or help? The law clearly states they may be taken into custody temporarily.
I'm not saying the old way was good I just don't see how this is any better. Sure they don't have a record but they're back on the street getting exploited even more. This helps how?

Because it doesn't say mandatory treatment or help doesn't mean it in't going to happen. Fucking go study up on the subject and quit getting your information on the subject from shitty thread like this one.

Go study up on what subject? This law? It makes absolutely no provisions for your pretend treatment. Typical leftist thinking, pass a law that makes people feel good about themselves then walk away patting yourself on the back. And when things go bad start screaming "patriarchy" or some other buzzword. Keep in mind when these kids are held even for prostitution it would most likely be in juvenile lockup, and where are they going to be held now? Undoubtedly the same place, just for less time. The good news for the dems is they've truly solidified the pimp vote.

It reminds me of the whole transgender issue. Convince every one that all you have to do is be accepting of trans people and every thing works out fine. Meanwhile the suicide rates and mental problems continue as before. Of course just pat yourself on the back and yell "cis-genders are the problem". Virtue signaling complete.

No... study Human Trafficking and Prostitution. I took Human trafficking two semesters ago and Prostitution this past semester.

The narrow mindedness and lack of reasoning on this forum and in the world astounds me. Let me ask you two simple fucking questions. Simple yes or no answers. I don't want a bunch of excuses... simple yes or no. Got it? Yes or no.

Does this law make it legal for someone to "pimp" underage people? Can people now legally sell the sexual services of underage people? Yes or no?

Does this law make it legal for someone to purchase sexual services from an underage person? Yes or no?
Of course no to both.

Now you answer. Where in this law do you see any provisions for helping these kids above and beyond what was done before? The only difference is they won't have a record, which I don't have a problem with and they will be back on the street faster, which the pimps will love.

So Child prostitution isn't legal then?
Well if no one is charged with a crime then the answer would have to be that it's legal. I just can't figure out how this is an improvement. It makes some one feel better that these kids won't have a record but doesn't seem to do anything for the children, and has the potential to make it worse. Gotta get the young thing back on the street, time is money.
Because it doesn't say mandatory treatment or help doesn't mean it in't going to happen. Fucking go study up on the subject and quit getting your information on the subject from shitty thread like this one.

Go study up on what subject? This law? It makes absolutely no provisions for your pretend treatment. Typical leftist thinking, pass a law that makes people feel good about themselves then walk away patting yourself on the back. And when things go bad start screaming "patriarchy" or some other buzzword. Keep in mind when these kids are held even for prostitution it would most likely be in juvenile lockup, and where are they going to be held now? Undoubtedly the same place, just for less time. The good news for the dems is they've truly solidified the pimp vote.

It reminds me of the whole transgender issue. Convince every one that all you have to do is be accepting of trans people and every thing works out fine. Meanwhile the suicide rates and mental problems continue as before. Of course just pat yourself on the back and yell "cis-genders are the problem". Virtue signaling complete.

No... study Human Trafficking and Prostitution. I took Human trafficking two semesters ago and Prostitution this past semester.

The narrow mindedness and lack of reasoning on this forum and in the world astounds me. Let me ask you two simple fucking questions. Simple yes or no answers. I don't want a bunch of excuses... simple yes or no. Got it? Yes or no.

Does this law make it legal for someone to "pimp" underage people? Can people now legally sell the sexual services of underage people? Yes or no?

Does this law make it legal for someone to purchase sexual services from an underage person? Yes or no?
Of course no to both.

Now you answer. Where in this law do you see any provisions for helping these kids above and beyond what was done before? The only difference is they won't have a record, which I don't have a problem with and they will be back on the street faster, which the pimps will love.

So Child prostitution isn't legal then?
Well if no one is charged with a crime then the answer would have to be that it's legal. I just can't figure out how this is an improvement. It makes some one feel better that these kids won't have a record but doesn't seem to do anything for the children, and has the potential to make it worse. Gotta get the young thing back on the street, time is money.

Again. Use fucking reasoning skills. How does prostitution work? It is illegal to sell the services of an underage person. It is illegal to pay for the services of an underage person. Nothing has changed other than the fact that the underage prostitutes are know viewed as victims and offered treatment and help instead of being thrown in jail. What' so fucking hard to understand about that?

Child prostitution is no legal. The thread title is misleading and should be changed.
Go study up on what subject? This law? It makes absolutely no provisions for your pretend treatment. Typical leftist thinking, pass a law that makes people feel good about themselves then walk away patting yourself on the back. And when things go bad start screaming "patriarchy" or some other buzzword. Keep in mind when these kids are held even for prostitution it would most likely be in juvenile lockup, and where are they going to be held now? Undoubtedly the same place, just for less time. The good news for the dems is they've truly solidified the pimp vote.

It reminds me of the whole transgender issue. Convince every one that all you have to do is be accepting of trans people and every thing works out fine. Meanwhile the suicide rates and mental problems continue as before. Of course just pat yourself on the back and yell "cis-genders are the problem". Virtue signaling complete.

No... study Human Trafficking and Prostitution. I took Human trafficking two semesters ago and Prostitution this past semester.

The narrow mindedness and lack of reasoning on this forum and in the world astounds me. Let me ask you two simple fucking questions. Simple yes or no answers. I don't want a bunch of excuses... simple yes or no. Got it? Yes or no.

Does this law make it legal for someone to "pimp" underage people? Can people now legally sell the sexual services of underage people? Yes or no?

Does this law make it legal for someone to purchase sexual services from an underage person? Yes or no?
Of course no to both.

Now you answer. Where in this law do you see any provisions for helping these kids above and beyond what was done before? The only difference is they won't have a record, which I don't have a problem with and they will be back on the street faster, which the pimps will love.

So Child prostitution isn't legal then?
Well if no one is charged with a crime then the answer would have to be that it's legal. I just can't figure out how this is an improvement. It makes some one feel better that these kids won't have a record but doesn't seem to do anything for the children, and has the potential to make it worse. Gotta get the young thing back on the street, time is money.

Again. Use fucking reasoning skills. How does prostitution work? It is illegal to sell the services of an underage person. It is illegal to pay for the services of an underage person. Nothing has changed other than the fact that the underage prostitutes are know viewed as victims and offered treatment and help instead of being thrown in jail. What' so fucking hard to understand about that?

Child prostitution is no legal. The thread title is misleading and should be changed.
A child selling sex is not going to be arrested for a crime. What part of that can't you wrap your head around? A 14 year old girl standing on a street corner trying to sell her body for sex is not committing a crime. If it is not illegal it is is legal.
If a child is selling her body on the streets and the police can't arrest her for it then there is no way they can stop her and she will continue to turn tricks all day and all night, and then she will go home and give her pimp the money she earned, and then he will rape and beat her and send her out again the next day.

That's what this new law will do.
No... study Human Trafficking and Prostitution. I took Human trafficking two semesters ago and Prostitution this past semester.

The narrow mindedness and lack of reasoning on this forum and in the world astounds me. Let me ask you two simple fucking questions. Simple yes or no answers. I don't want a bunch of excuses... simple yes or no. Got it? Yes or no.

Does this law make it legal for someone to "pimp" underage people? Can people now legally sell the sexual services of underage people? Yes or no?

Does this law make it legal for someone to purchase sexual services from an underage person? Yes or no?
Of course no to both.

Now you answer. Where in this law do you see any provisions for helping these kids above and beyond what was done before? The only difference is they won't have a record, which I don't have a problem with and they will be back on the street faster, which the pimps will love.

So Child prostitution isn't legal then?
Well if no one is charged with a crime then the answer would have to be that it's legal. I just can't figure out how this is an improvement. It makes some one feel better that these kids won't have a record but doesn't seem to do anything for the children, and has the potential to make it worse. Gotta get the young thing back on the street, time is money.

Again. Use fucking reasoning skills. How does prostitution work? It is illegal to sell the services of an underage person. It is illegal to pay for the services of an underage person. Nothing has changed other than the fact that the underage prostitutes are know viewed as victims and offered treatment and help instead of being thrown in jail. What' so fucking hard to understand about that?

Child prostitution is no legal. The thread title is misleading and should be changed.
A child selling sex is not going to be arrested for a crime. What part of that can't you wrap your head around? A 14 year old girl standing on a street corner trying to sell her body for sex is not committing a crime. If it is not illegal it is is legal.

Again... do you understand what prostitution is? Please tell me what you think it is.
If a child is selling her body on the streets and the police can't arrest her for it then there is no way they can stop her and she will continue to turn tricks all day and all night, and then she will go home and give her pimp the money she earned, and then he will rape and beat her and send her out again the next day.

That's what this new law will do.

Jesus you people are so fucking ignorant. Did this law make it legal to pimp someone? Did this law make it legal for someone to pay an underage person for sex????
The author is incorrect when he says these Democrats are "well intentioned."

They are not.

They know EXACTLY what they are doing.

The UN tried something similar back in the 70s, connected with the "rights of the child" nonsense.
Rights of the Child 'nonsense'? What rights shouldn't children have? Life? Liberty? Does that nonsense extend to a fetus? Or is it just once a child is born should it's rights be stripped away? And why do Conservatives seem to love to poo poo the concept of rights, unless they want to buy an AR 15?

Our child had all the rights we as parents granted him until he reached the age of majority, then he got the rest.
If a child is selling her body on the streets and the police can't arrest her for it then there is no way they can stop her and she will continue to turn tricks all day and all night, and then she will go home and give her pimp the money she earned, and then he will rape and beat her and send her out again the next day.

That's what this new law will do.

You seriously need a psychiatrist.

They WON'T be taken off the street, because the police will have their hands tied so they CAN'T. This will lead to an explosion of child prostitution in California, and pedophiles who abuse children will benefit, and so will the Democrats who will get campaign contributions from the LGBT lobby for passing this perverted piece of legislation.

Again, do you understand how prostitution works??? Use some fucking reasoning skills here.

He's completely lost in space here drowning in his own partisan hackery. He got punked by a fake headline and can't bring himself to admit it. Described his fantasies of child sex while attaching political parties to the act --- three times in one post. Dead giveaway. This is for hacks like him partisan-porn, with actual porn attached.
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Of course no to both.

Now you answer. Where in this law do you see any provisions for helping these kids above and beyond what was done before? The only difference is they won't have a record, which I don't have a problem with and they will be back on the street faster, which the pimps will love.

So Child prostitution isn't legal then?
Well if no one is charged with a crime then the answer would have to be that it's legal. I just can't figure out how this is an improvement. It makes some one feel better that these kids won't have a record but doesn't seem to do anything for the children, and has the potential to make it worse. Gotta get the young thing back on the street, time is money.

Again. Use fucking reasoning skills. How does prostitution work? It is illegal to sell the services of an underage person. It is illegal to pay for the services of an underage person. Nothing has changed other than the fact that the underage prostitutes are know viewed as victims and offered treatment and help instead of being thrown in jail. What' so fucking hard to understand about that?

Child prostitution is no legal. The thread title is misleading and should be changed.
A child selling sex is not going to be arrested for a crime. What part of that can't you wrap your head around? A 14 year old girl standing on a street corner trying to sell her body for sex is not committing a crime. If it is not illegal it is is legal.

Again... do you understand what prostitution is? Please tell me what you think it is.

This is like conversing with a brick.
So Child prostitution isn't legal then?
Well if no one is charged with a crime then the answer would have to be that it's legal. I just can't figure out how this is an improvement. It makes some one feel better that these kids won't have a record but doesn't seem to do anything for the children, and has the potential to make it worse. Gotta get the young thing back on the street, time is money.

Again. Use fucking reasoning skills. How does prostitution work? It is illegal to sell the services of an underage person. It is illegal to pay for the services of an underage person. Nothing has changed other than the fact that the underage prostitutes are know viewed as victims and offered treatment and help instead of being thrown in jail. What' so fucking hard to understand about that?

Child prostitution is no legal. The thread title is misleading and should be changed.
A child selling sex is not going to be arrested for a crime. What part of that can't you wrap your head around? A 14 year old girl standing on a street corner trying to sell her body for sex is not committing a crime. If it is not illegal it is is legal.

Again... do you understand what prostitution is? Please tell me what you think it is.

This is like conversing with a brick. you understand what prostitution is??? For fuck's sake it takes TWO PEOPLE to perform a transaction for sex. Do you fucking understand that? So when someone buys sex from an underage person it is still illegal. You even admitted that. All that this law does is labels underage prostitutes victims instead of criminals and offers them help instead of a jail cell. WTF is wrong with you? Why can't you understand that? Child prostitution is NOT LEGAL. God damn you are one dense motherfucker. You can't prostitute unless someone pays you for your services... and it still illegal for someone to buy an underage prostitute... DO YOU NOT FUCKING UNDERSTAND?

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