Lerner Gave Full Interview to Department of Justice on IRS Targeting Scandal


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
It appears Lois Lerner wasn't willing to plead the Fifth when she gave officials from the Department of Justice a full interview about her actions during the alleged targeting of Conservative Tea Party groups. This revelation comes as she pleaded the 5th in two separate hearings by the House Committee on Oversight, most recently this past Wednesday.

A former Internal Revenue Service official who declined to answer questions at a congressional hearing, citing the Fifth Amendment, gave a full interview to the Justice Department, her lawyer said.

That’s raising questions among Republican lawmakers, who wonder whether her choice to talk to Justice reflects a lack of concern about the DOJ probe. They also question the propriety of letting her avoid questions by lawmakers when she is answering DOJ’s.

The comments by Lois Lerner‘s attorney “cast further doubt on the seriousness of the Justice Department’s so-called investigation of IRS targeting, as well as the legal basis of Ms. Lerner’s refusal to testify before Congress,” said Frederick Hill, a spokesman for committee Republicans. “There is a clear contradiction between refusing to testify based on a supposed fear of prosecution and talking to the prosecutors.”

The Justice Department declined to comment.

In a press conference Wednesday, lawyer William Taylor III said Ms. Lerner had given a lengthy interview to Justice Department prosecutors within the last six months, as part of the agency’s investigation into IRS targeting of conservative tea-party groups for burdensome special scrutiny as they sought tax-exempt status.

Some legal experts said it can be risky to expose a client to Justice Department interviews without a grant of immunity. Ms. Lerner’s lawyers said she got no immunity from DOJ.

Former IRS Official Lerner Gave Interview to DOJ - Washington Wire - WSJ
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IF Bruce Willis was involved I would understand, since the guilty parties would be dead...
So, why the hypocrisy?

What hypocrisy?

She's a dimocrap. She's a good person with good motives. So what if she has to violate the constitution and break a few laws?

She is one of the good guys.

Wise up.

Laws are for Republicans. dimocraps don't need them because they're so pure of heart and clean of spirit.

Don't believe me? Just ask them.

OBTW, the head of the FBI Investigation?

A donor to the lying cocksucker in chief.

A major donor
I think she is very wise for not testifying before Issa's partisan committee. The Echo-Chamber would have convicted her no matter what. Shit they already have.
Another lie from leftist scum is that dimocrap scum have never cut off the mic on a Republican

Barney Frank refused to let Patrick McHenry speak in this one.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jcdai100SOM]Barney Frank kicks Patrick McHenry around the House floor - YouTube[/ame]

In other tricks and low-life bullshit dimocrap scum have pulled is turning off the lights when Republicans were trying to talk.

House Dems turn out the lights but GOP keeps talking - POLITICO Live - POLITICO.com

Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and the Democrats adjourned the House, turned off the lights and killed the microphones, but Republicans are still on the floor talking gas prices.

Minority Leader John A. Boehner (R-Ohio) and other GOP leaders opposed the motion to adjourn the House, arguing that Pelosi's refusal to schedule a vote allowing offshore drilling is hurting the American economy. They have refused to leave the floor after the adjournment motion passed at 11:23 a.m., and they are busy bashing Pelosi and her fellow Democrats for leaving town for the August recess.

There's plenty more example of scum-of-the-earth dimocraps pulling even worse shit than this.

But this is just to let you that dimocraps are lying FILTH.

ALL of them.

Yeah, things get hot in the House of Representatives but that's the way it is.

We don't need dimocrap scum coming in here and lying for their masters at every turn.

Wasn't there even a thread on this?

dimocraps are lying scum
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I think she is very wise for not testifying before Issa's partisan committee. The Echo-Chamber would have convicted her no matter what. Shit they already have.

No, Boo, that's not how life works. You don't get to hide from the consequences of your behavior. Congress has e-mails implicating her in the scandal. What does she do? She runs to the DOJ, whose investigation is led by an Obama donor. And this doesn't seem fishy to you, why?
I think she is very wise for not testifying before Issa's partisan committee. The Echo-Chamber would have convicted her no matter what. Shit they already have.

She's not so wise.

She's going to Prison. Period.

Unless she makes a deal, she's going to Prison for a LONG time.

This nasty whore has been a radical, law-breaking dimocrap scumbag working INSIDE our government against Republicans and for scum of the earth dimocraps for YEARS...


This is a very nasty whore the dimocraps have produced

Lois Lerner to 1996 U.S. Senate Candidate Al Salvi: "We'll get you!" - Illinois Review

During that call, Salvi said, he explained to Lerner exactly what happened -- that while the loan to himself was legal, there may be a difference of opinion on how the loan was reported to the FEC. Salvi explained it was a simple matter and said he thought Lerner would suggest an agreeable solution and dismiss the Democratic National Committee's complaint.

But that was not Lerner's reaction. Instead, that's when she said to Salvi, "Promise me you'll never run for office again, and we'll drop the case."

Salvi said he asked Lerner if she would be willing to put the offer into writing.

"We don't do things that way," Salvi said Lerner replied.

Salvi queried how then could such an agreement be enforced.

According to Salvi, Lerner replied: "You'll find out."

Without a settlement, the Salvi case went to federal court. After months and years of briefings, delays and court appearances, federal judge George Lindbergh dismissed the case on its merits. Lindbergh said the FEC's disagreement over filing, when two ways of reporting were acceptable, was groundless. The FEC appealed Lindbergh's decision, but their appeal was thrown back to Lindbergh's decision and the Salvi campaign won. Court documents show that Salvi was never fined or penalized.
So.....................she's reporting to her bosses and they call it 'testifying?
I think she is very wise for not testifying before Issa's partisan committee. The Echo-Chamber would have convicted her no matter what. Shit they already have.

Except for one minor detail.

They cant.
I hate to say this but...

President GW Bush was IDIOT for nominating this woman to serve in ANY position within the US Government. Look at the destruction you have wrought!
Issa is not seeking the truth. Any Administration official should take the Fifth if he asks them the time of day.
I think she is very wise for not testifying before Issa's partisan committee. The Echo-Chamber would have convicted her no matter what. Shit they already have.

No, Boo, that's not how life works. You don't get to hide from the consequences of your behavior. Congress has e-mails implicating her in the scandal. What does she do? She runs to the DOJ, whose investigation is led by an Obama donor. And this doesn't seem fishy to you, why?

what about the fact that the special prosecutor stated that no criminal charges will be levied on anyone despite not interviewing a single alleged victim and without knowledge of the most recently uncovered emails.

And better....

Basic investigative protocol...

Frist...interview the alleged victim
Second....look for evidence and identify the potential perp
third......interview the potential perp.

How it was done...

First...interview the potential perp without knowing if she is a perp
Second.....there was no second
Issa is not seeking the truth. Any Administration official should take the Fifth if he asks them the time of day.

You're joking right? Too bad none of those officials (except for her) took that advice. On common rule among criminal prosecutors is this:

Never be the last one to the party.

Everyone else around her has testified. She's the last piece to the puzzle.
I think she is very wise for not testifying before Issa's partisan committee. The Echo-Chamber would have convicted her no matter what. Shit they already have.

No, Boo, that's not how life works. You don't get to hide from the consequences of your behavior. Congress has e-mails implicating her in the scandal. What does she do? She runs to the DOJ, whose investigation is led by an Obama donor. And this doesn't seem fishy to you, why?

You don't get to hide from the consequences of your behavior.
I think she is very wise for not testifying before Issa's partisan committee. The Echo-Chamber would have convicted her no matter what. Shit they already have.

LOL and YOU have decided she has done absolutely nothing wrong.
Because she is an Obama acolyte.
I think she is very wise for not testifying before Issa's partisan committee. The Echo-Chamber would have convicted her no matter what. Shit they already have.

No, Boo, that's not how life works. You don't get to hide from the consequences of your behavior. Congress has e-mails implicating her in the scandal. What does she do? She runs to the DOJ, whose investigation is led by an Obama donor. And this doesn't seem fishy to you, why?

You don't get to hide from the consequences of your behavior.

Unless you support this failed President.

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