Lesbian couple having sex in McDonald's bathroom attacked by mob

I think this incident is obviously headlined incorrectly in order to attract attention; i.e., it is a tabloid type headline instead of focusing on facts. The fact is these women were asked to leave the restroom because they were behaving inappropriately. An employee of McDonald's asked them to leave and that would have been the end of it had there not been some sort of back and forth yelling between the women and patrons of the restaurant while the women were being escorted out. It looks like a lot of people behaved badly, but only one woman attacked the lesbian physically, not a mob.

This is not an incidence at all of a mob attacking people; it's a pretty small incident of people behaving badly and one woman, during an argument, stabbing another: not national or international news.
Good thing those type of people were not around when I did then nasty in rest. bathrooms and in public.
Good thing those type of people were not around when I did then nasty in rest. bathrooms and in public.

I'd be more worried about "peepers" like the OP with their unnatural desire to find out what's happening in our bedrooms. :eek:
Did the story say whether they were the 95% butchy types or maybe was at least one of them a hot kind?

Both being hot is like seeing a salmon-crested cockatoo or a double rainbow, that would surely be national news.

Ya know what..Something stinks here. The writer of the story makes out the couple to be innocent victims.
Then explains how the couple exchanged heated words with other patrons.
I find it entirely possible that this was a fight. Not an attack.
That restaurant has surveillance cameras. Let's look at those before we draw conclusions.
Why should anyone (aside from the people involved) care about this story?
Engaging in sexual acts in a public restroom is pretty damned gross.
Hetero or homosexual. Anyone that 'does it' in a public restroom is an idiot.

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