Lesbians starve kids and chain them to wall.

You think it's funny that child abuse gets a leg-up on the secrecy it thrives on from the MSM?
Still haven't seen this story covered in the MSM. Not even on Fox. Anyone care to speculate why? Would be be hearing about it if it was a hetero couple? I mean, the news seems virtually starving for stories today. You'd think parents chaining a young little girl up to starve to death in their house might at least make a blip on media radar.

Why didn't it?
For every Lesbian that does that to kids, there's a thousand heterosexuals that do it. That makes you a thousand time worse.
For every Lesbian that does that to kids, there's a thousand heterosexuals that do it. That makes you a thousand time worse.

Child abuse thrives in secrecy. The real story here is why is this story not being covered in a desperate-for-stories MSM right now? I want honest answers to that question BTW, not strawmen or ad hominems.
SALINAS -- Three children were rescued from a Monterey County home last week after deputies discovered that two women -- one a former correctional officer -- had starved, chained and abused the children, officials said Friday.

Sheriff's deputies rescued the children from the couples' residence on Russell Road near Salinas on March 14, citing horrific conditions and an 8-year-old girl who looked "like a concentration camp victim," said Monterey County Sheriff Scott Miller.

Also in the home were two boys, ages 3 and 5.

Miller said Eraca Dawn Craig, 31, and Christian Jessica Deanda, 44, are accused of felony child cruelty, false imprisonment and other charges...

...The girl appeared to have been the most abused, deputies said, though all three had bruises and other marks and appeared to be malnourished.

Officers said they found signs the girl had been chained to the wall about 4 feet above the floor and said she may also have been held in a closet. It appeared she had been shackled at times at the ankle and at other times by a collar around her neck.

Miller said it appeared she had "hardly eaten for months."

The girl and a 5-year-old boy were adopted, he said, while a 3-year-old boy is the biological son of one of the women, who are domestic partners...

.."It seems that the little girl was the major target of this abuse," he said.

Miller said when children are rescued from terrifying conditions, they're not usually "jumping up and down in joy. They may have forgotten what joy is like."

Law enforcement's description of the scenario stands in marked contrast to the women's online business profiles.

Posting as Cristian Deanda-Craig on LinkedIn.com, Deanda wrote about her cactus nursery in New Mexico: "I am currently in a place that makes me happy both personally and professionally. I left me (sic) job to be home with my kids. I loved gardening and soon found myself selling flowers to neighbors. So my partner and I started our business -- the best decision ever! I enjoy watching my kids grow and my flowers!"

...Asked why his office took so long to announce the arrests, Miller said officials were still investigating the case and wanted to wait until after the women were charged by the District Attorney's Office and arraigned. Children found starving, chained and abused in Monterey County home - San Jose Mercury News

In contrast, here's the myth perpetuating the situation...

Child Abuse Rate At Zero Percent In Lesbian Households, New Report Finds

The paper found that none of the 78 NLLFS adolescents reports having ever been physically or sexually abused by a parent or other caregiver. This contrasts with 26 percent of American adolescents who report parent or caregiver physical abuse and 8.3 percent who report sexual abuse.

According to the authors, "the absence of child abuse in lesbian mother families is particularly noteworthy, because victimization of children is pervasive and its consequences can be devastating. Child Abuse Rate At Zero Percent In Lesbian Households, New Report Finds

I guess keeping things under wraps and not looking at law enforcement statistics makes falsehoods a "reality".

Like I said, I've not heard one peep about this story on MSM. If it was a hetero couple it would make national news. MSNBC would run it nonstop for a week.

Yeah, because straight people are such great parents. Idiot. :cuckoo:

Did I say they were? We are told that homosexual make better parents blah blah blah...I would just love to have parents like them! I tell ya.

Who told you that one set of humans are better parents than another set and why did you believe them?
Who told you that one set of humans are better parents than another set and why did you believe them?

The Huffington Post told the world that lesbians are the perfect, 100% flawless parents. Check out the contrast between their non-science based proclamation and the facts below:

SALINAS -- Three children were rescued from a Monterey County home last week after deputies discovered that two women -- one a former correctional officer -- had starved, chained and abused the children, officials said Friday.

Sheriff's deputies rescued the children from the couples' residence on Russell Road near Salinas on March 14, citing horrific conditions and an 8-year-old girl who looked "like a concentration camp victim," said Monterey County Sheriff Scott Miller.

Also in the home were two boys, ages 3 and 5.

Miller said Eraca Dawn Craig, 31, and Christian Jessica Deanda, 44, are accused of felony child cruelty, false imprisonment and other charges...

...The girl appeared to have been the most abused, deputies said, though all three had bruises and other marks and appeared to be malnourished.

Officers said they found signs the girl had been chained to the wall about 4 feet above the floor and said she may also have been held in a closet. It appeared she had been shackled at times at the ankle and at other times by a collar around her neck.

Miller said it appeared she had "hardly eaten for months."

The girl and a 5-year-old boy were adopted, he said, while a 3-year-old boy is the biological son of one of the women, who are domestic partners...

.."It seems that the little girl was the major target of this abuse," he said.

Miller said when children are rescued from terrifying conditions, they're not usually "jumping up and down in joy. They may have forgotten what joy is like."

Law enforcement's description of the scenario stands in marked contrast to the women's online business profiles.

Posting as Cristian Deanda-Craig on LinkedIn.com, Deanda wrote about her cactus nursery in New Mexico: "I am currently in a place that makes me happy both personally and professionally. I left me (sic) job to be home with my kids. I loved gardening and soon found myself selling flowers to neighbors. So my partner and I started our business -- the best decision ever! I enjoy watching my kids grow and my flowers!"

...Asked why his office took so long to announce the arrests, Miller said officials were still investigating the case and wanted to wait until after the women were charged by the District Attorney's Office and arraigned. Children found starving, chained and abused in Monterey County home - San Jose Mercury News

In contrast, here's the myth perpetuating the situation...

Child Abuse Rate At Zero Percent In Lesbian Households, New Report Finds

The paper found that none of the 78 NLLFS adolescents reports having ever been physically or sexually abused by a parent or other caregiver. This contrasts with 26 percent of American adolescents who report parent or caregiver physical abuse and 8.3 percent who report sexual abuse.

According to the authors, "the absence of child abuse in lesbian mother families is particularly noteworthy, because victimization of children is pervasive and its consequences can be devastating. Child Abuse Rate At Zero Percent In Lesbian Households, New Report Finds

I guess keeping things under wraps and not looking at law enforcement statistics makes falsehoods a "reality".

Like I said, I've not heard one peep about this story on MSM. If it was a hetero couple it would make national news. MSNBC would run it nonstop for a week.
Who told you that one set of humans are better parents than another set and why did you believe them?

The Huffington Post told the world that lesbians are the perfect, 100% flawless parents. Check out the contrast between their non-science based proclamation and the facts below:

In contrast, here's the myth perpetuating the situation...

Child Abuse Rate At Zero Percent In Lesbian Households, New Report Finds

The paper found that none of the 78 NLLFS adolescents reports having ever been physically or sexually abused by a parent or other caregiver. This contrasts with 26 percent of American adolescents who report parent or caregiver physical abuse and 8.3 percent who report sexual abuse.

According to the authors, "the absence of child abuse in lesbian mother families is particularly noteworthy, because victimization of children is pervasive and its consequences can be devastating. Child Abuse Rate At Zero Percent In Lesbian Households, New Report Finds

I guess keeping things under wraps and not looking at law enforcement statistics makes falsehoods a "reality".

Like I said, I've not heard one peep about this story on MSM. If it was a hetero couple it would make national news. MSNBC would run it nonstop for a week.

Shouldnt believe everything you read. Same type of people also say Columbus discovered America. Its all perspective.
Who told you that one set of humans are better parents than another set and why did you believe them?

The Huffington Post told the world that lesbians are the perfect, 100% flawless parents. Check out the contrast between their non-science based proclamation and the facts below:

In contrast, here's the myth perpetuating the situation...

I guess keeping things under wraps and not looking at law enforcement statistics makes falsehoods a "reality".

Like I said, I've not heard one peep about this story on MSM. If it was a hetero couple it would make national news. MSNBC would run it nonstop for a week.

Shouldnt believe everything you read. Same type of people also say Columbus discovered America. Its all perspective.

Claiming there is 0% incidence of child abuse in a lesbian home is preposterous. I only found that article from Huffpo after the one on the lesbians chaining [just] their 8 year old daughter to a wall by her neck with a collar/wrist and leg shackles and starving her near to death. I'm sure there was no sexual abuse either. Though the little boys were not chained up. Probably of no interest to either woman...

I know kids raised in lesbian homes and they are some of the most damaged goods around. Like this lesbian pair, on the outside and when "polled" by others they profess "all was completely well at home! 0% bad feelings towards my moms". But inside their minds were squirming, squirming, squirming.

In fact, whenever you see the gays flooding the county clerks' offices to get their marriage licenses and there are kids in tow, what do you see them doing? They aren't beaming at the camera proud of their lesbian "mom and dad", they are hiding their faces, looking away, aghast, ashamed...mortified at their "whatevers'" public spectacle.

The mind does not have to be that grown or sophisticated to recognize when something is completely off kilter. Two women playing at man and wife is completely off kilter. This version of the Emperor's New Clothes has gone on long enough..
The priest scandal proved that male pervs are child molesters and it's true of female pervs too.

Wrong. The priest scandal is proof Bella Dodd was correct when she said over 1100 communists infiltrated the Roman Catholic Church as priests with the goal of destroying the church from within. Communist padeophile rapists. They were selected carefully. That is what happened to the RCC.

As to the Lesbian who chained children to the wall. There are people from all walks of life who do this to people and many are not gay. Satanists do this to men, women and children worldwide and where is your outrage for that?
The Huffington Post told the world that lesbians are the perfect, 100% flawless parents. Check out the contrast between their non-science based proclamation and the facts below:

Shouldnt believe everything you read. Same type of people also say Columbus discovered America. Its all perspective.

Claiming there is 0% incidence of child abuse in a lesbian home is preposterous. I only found that article from Huffpo after the one on the lesbians chaining [just] their 8 year old daughter to a wall by her neck with a collar/wrist and leg shackles and starving her near to death. I'm sure there was no sexual abuse either. Though the little boys were not chained up. Probably of no interest to either woman...

I know kids raised in lesbian homes and they are some of the most damaged goods around. Like this lesbian pair, on the outside and when "polled" by others they profess "all was completely well at home! 0% bad feelings towards my moms". But inside their minds were squirming, squirming, squirming.

In fact, whenever you see the gays flooding the county clerks' offices to get their marriage licenses and there are kids in tow, what do you see them doing? They aren't beaming at the camera proud of their lesbian "mom and dad", they are hiding their faces, looking away, aghast, ashamed...mortified at their "whatevers'" public spectacle.

The mind does not have to be that grown or sophisticated to recognize when something is completely off kilter. Two women playing at man and wife is completely off kilter. This version of the Emperor's New Clothes has gone on long enough..

If its preposterous why did you have a rise in body temperature over it? Any person past the 5th grade would probably understand someone is either lying or didnt take a big enough sample.

I know kids raised in lesbian homes too and they seem to be more well adjusted than everyone else and more mature. I guess it depends on who you meet and decide to use to label everyone else in whatever group you place them in.

You sound like you attend a lot of gay functions. How do you know all kids of gay couples are mortified?
As to the Lesbian who chained children to the wall. There are people from all walks of life who do this to people and many are not gay. Satanists do this to men, women and children worldwide and where is your outrage for that?

When I see those stories covered there is outrage. The outrage in this story is that it isn't being covered. Child abuse thrives in secrecy. The point of this thread is that it is appaling but not being covered AT ALL in mainstream media. Again [pay attention now, here comes the crux] if this was a hetero couple, this story would be plastered all over the news.
I know kids raised in lesbian homes too and they seem to be more well adjusted than everyone else and more mature. I guess it depends on who you meet and decide to use to label everyone else in whatever group you place them in.

You sound like you attend a lot of gay functions. How do you know all kids of gay couples are mortified?

I know a lot of kids raised in hetero homes too. And when a hetero couple chains one to a wall by a neck collar, leg and arm shackles, and starves them near death, it makes national news and a huge outcry. This story didn't even blip on the radar screen.

Why do you suppose that is?
the priest scandal proved that male pervs are child molesters and it's true of female pervs too.

wrong. The priest scandal is proof bella dodd was correct when she said over 1100 communists infiltrated the roman catholic church as priests with the goal of destroying the church from within. Communist padeophile rapists. They were selected carefully. That is what happened to the rcc. ..

Posting as Cristian Deanda-Craig on LinkedIn.com, Deanda wrote about her cactus nursery in New Mexico: "I am currently in a place that makes me happy both personally and professionally. I left me (sic) job to be home with my kids. I loved gardening and soon found myself selling flowers to neighbors. So my partner and I started our business -- the best decision ever! I enjoy watching my kids grow and my flowers!"

Under previous jobs, she lists work as an HIV prevention case manager at John XXIII AIDS Ministry in Salinas from 2001 to 2004, and later as a psychosocial therapy manager at Valencia Counseling Services in Estancia, N.M.

Deanda was also a program manager at a transitional housing facility for men in Gallup, N.M., according to the profile.

Craig, whose profile is listed under Eraca Craig-Deanda, earned a bachelor's degree in auto mechanics management from Hartnell College in 2013, according to the site.

Before that, she was a detention officer at the Navajo County Sheriff's Office in 2005-2006 and a corrections officer at a New Mexico corrections facility from 2006 to 2010.

More recently, her occupation was listed as auto mechanic.

Neither woman appears to have a criminal record in Monterey County. Children found starving, chained and abused in Monterey County home - San Jose Mercury News

A model lesbian couple to all eyes. The pillars of any gay community for sure. The lipstick one was into cactus horticulture. The man-one that she is inexplicably attracted to [isn't she supposed to be attracted to women?] was a past correctional officer and auto mechanic.

But then trouble in paradise was discovered. They focused their abuse for the girl. All three kids were starved but for some reason the girl was chained up. Usually when someone is restrained, it's not just to keep them from food...

Three children were rescued from a Monterey County home last week after deputies discovered that two women — one a former correctional officer — had starved, chained and abused the children, officials said Friday....

...Officers said they found signs the girl had been chained to the wall about 4 feet above the floor and said she may also have been held in a closet. It appeared she had been shackled at times at the ankle and at other times by a collar around her neck.
Miller said it appeared she had “hardly eaten for months.”
The girl and a 5-year-old boy were adopted, he said, while a 3-year-old boy is the biological son of one of the women, who are domestic partners.
The girl was immediately hospitalized for around five days, he said, and appeared to be “very traumatized.”
“It was a particularly heinous case,” Miller said, adding that it appeared the women were preparing to leave the area before they were discovered.
“It seems that the little girl was the major target of this abuse,” he said. . . . GIRL IN CHAINS: ?Domestic Partners? Charged in ?Particularly Heinous Case? : The Other McCain

If there was sexual abuse of the little girl, you will never hear about it. California wraps that crap up so tight when it comes to gays abusing children that you might as well be tapping on an abalone before you try to pry it off the rock.

ah Ha!. this must be the gay agenda we've been hearing so much about

Identifying oneself by one's sexual behavior tends to say it all. We could just as easily be hearing about "necrophilac-americans" or "S&M-americans" wanting their "rights". Maybe S&M americans want to come out of the closet, wear an arm band or something that identifies what they do in the bedroom for all to see and then they could force adoption agencies under threat of lawsuit to allow them to adopt kids too?

Then this little girl's wretched fate could be pinned on "the S&M agenda". Maybe that's what did her in? Maybe the lesbians involved had a dual deviant sexual orientation?

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