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LESBIANS: What Will They Think of Next?

Yet the evidence proves otherwise, this thread a case in point. When the two break up, the real mommy takes the kid from the fake mommy. It's simple biology. You may not have experienced the tumult that reveals who really loves who, so you can keep your perfect delusion, but others have. Parents who adopt never really treat the child like their own natural offspring and the adopted child is sensitive enough to know that and be hurt by it....

Even when they're loudly denouncing anyone who suggests their parents don't really love them like biological offspring.

Once instance where this happened doesn't make it universal.

And since you're a staunch anti-abortionist, you're basically saying that there is no point in adopting out unwanted children because they will never know the love and security of a home with biological parents. Huge argument for ending their unwanted lives before they begin.

Parents can and do love their adopted children every bit as much as their biological children. My mother used to tell me that being adopted was special because if someone gave birth to you, they were stuck with you whether they wanted you or not, but I was chosen. Out of all of the little boys and girls in the world they could have chosen to be their child, they chose me.

My parents had 5 biological children, and me. My oldest sister always felt they loved and favoured me more, because I was their last baby.

So what you're saying is my entire life has been a lie. I don't think so. As you said, a child knows whether they were loved or not, and I KNOW how much my parents loved me. I was chosen.

There is no argument that justifies abortion. When someone chooses to have an abortion because she doesn't like the results of having spread her legs, that isn't justifiable. It's a cop out from being responsible for one's actions.

Sure there is. If all 50 million abortions over the past several decades had been brought to term, our society would be fucked. TOTALLY. FUCKED. Think about 50 million unwanted children born to poor parents without the means or willingness to raise them.

Unless, not having that "out", many of those pregnancies would not exist in the first place.

Just a thought

So the idea of strapping a pregnant woman and enslaving her to 9 months of carrying a child to term is appealing to you, from a socio-political standpoint?

Check this map of countries where abortion is legal/illegal, and tell me what you see:


SHE made the choice to do what it takes to get pregnant yet you want to blame the rest of us for EXPECTING her to accept the responsibility for having done so.

What you're proposing would be like someone taking out a loan at a bank then expecting the person to make the monthly payments associated with doing so.
Homosexuality is simply a delusion, one that I do not participate in.

All humans are, by biological default, Heterosexual. That is a biological fact. Choosing to "opt out", is the delusion that one can, in and by themselves, change biology.

I think 'inherent' has just become an ambiguous expression ..... and needs to be re-defined. If you call Heterosexuality a biological default then you must agree that anything other than heterosexuality is a biological option ...... not necessarily a conscious, social choice or delusion.
A married lesbian couple broke up in Canada recently. Suddenly one of them took 'their' children and went on the lam, left the country. What's funny is that she is quoted as saying, "‘At some point the system needs to look at the straight facts and see that (the child) is better off with me."

One needs to look at the straight facts, is it? Seems to me that if she'd looked at the straight facts from the start, she wouldn't be in this predicament.

Lesbian mother from South Tyneside left her wife and 'abducted' their daughter | Daily Mail Online

They are starting to act like straight couples.
Homosexuality is simply a delusion, one that I do not participate in.

All humans are, by biological default, Heterosexual. That is a biological fact. Choosing to "opt out", is the delusion that one can, in and by themselves, change biology.

I think 'inherent' has just become an ambiguous expression ..... and needs to be re-defined. If you call Heterosexuality a biological default then you must agree that anything other than heterosexuality is a biological option ...... not necessarily a conscious, social choice or delusion.

I can't agree as to biology giving options.

Biological logic would make the default, a "being" that replicates itself to move the species forward. To think otherwise would require some kind of an objective test that doesn't seem to exist.
Homosexuality is simply a delusion, one that I do not participate in.

All humans are, by biological default, Heterosexual. That is a biological fact. Choosing to "opt out", is the delusion that one can, in and by themselves, change biology.

I think 'inherent' has just become an ambiguous expression ..... and needs to be re-defined. If you call Heterosexuality a biological default then you must agree that anything other than heterosexuality is a biological option ...... not necessarily a conscious, social choice or delusion.

I can't agree as to biology giving options.

Biological logic would make the default, a "being" that replicates itself to move the species forward. To think otherwise would require some kind of an objective test that doesn't seem to exist.

Near replicate ourselves to extinction with shortages of drinkable water, safe land and reasonable housing, not to mention the bio-hazard waste, spread of disease due to deforestation, air pollution, toxic fishing, too much sewage and and fills, etc.

We don't need to over replicate ourselves when there are already far too many children in need of homes not enough parents, money to care for children or time to devote to them.......cost of health care, poor schools, lack of day care....
Homosexuality is simply a delusion, one that I do not participate in.

All humans are, by biological default, Heterosexual. That is a biological fact. Choosing to "opt out", is the delusion that one can, in and by themselves, change biology.

I think 'inherent' has just become an ambiguous expression ..... and needs to be re-defined. If you call Heterosexuality a biological default then you must agree that anything other than heterosexuality is a biological option ...... not necessarily a conscious, social choice or delusion.

I can't agree as to biology giving options.

Biological logic would make the default, a "being" that replicates itself to move the species forward. To think otherwise would require some kind of an objective test that doesn't seem to exist.

Near replicate ourselves to extinction with shortages of drinkable water, safe land and reasonable housing, not to mention the bio-hazard waste, spread of disease due to deforestation, air pollution, toxic fishing, too much sewage and and fills, etc.

We don't need to over replicate ourselves when there are already far too many children in need of homes not enough parents, money to care for children or time to devote to them.......cost of health care, poor schools, lack of day care....

You got an issue? You got it with biology, so reply to it.

Now if we weren't constantly barraged with such ridiculous issues, like same sex marriage and lesbian adoption, we might actually be able to tackle the big issues.
Too many today have the mindset that they'll just do whatever with whomever whenever they please and if they happen to get pregnant, abortion is the go to way out.

That may be true of men, but it certainly isn't true of women. The only woman I know of who went about using abortion as a method birth control, and who had multiple abortions throughout her life and ultimately never had children was a conservative, who told every she was opposed to women having abortions.

Every other woman I know of who had an abortion, thought long and hard about it and took the whole matter very seriously. Most never had another abortion. But all agreed it was the best solution available, and in the same circumstances, they would do it again.
Too many today have the mindset that they'll just do whatever with whomever whenever they please and if they happen to get pregnant, abortion is the go to way out.

That may be true of men, but it certainly isn't true of women. The only woman I know of who went about using abortion as a method birth control, and who had multiple abortions throughout her life and ultimately never had children was a conservative, who told every she was opposed to women having abortions.

Every other woman I know of who had an abortion, thought long and hard about it and took the whole matter very seriously. Most never had another abortion. But all agreed it was the best solution available, and in the same circumstances, they would do it again.

Yes, and we have your word that this is true.

Good lord
I'm not the one advocating for killing the result of a choice I made because I didn't like the result. That doesn't make me righteous just responsible like an ADULT should be.

No, you're for persecuting those who don't believe as you do.

Aborting a fetus you can't afford to carry to term and raise and not putting your living children and family at risk is the ADULT thing to do. Telling other ADULTS how to live their lives, is not.
"They had a child together".


OK - I'll reword. By whatever means they chose, they acquired a child that they were raising together.

Couple that gives birth still break up for many reasons and someone has to get the kids, in part or whole
It's a convoluted way of thinking to suggest that the failure of normal marriages somehow justifies creating something designed to fail. Even a broken family in which a child has a mother and a father is superior to a gay "marriage" that deliberately deprives them of one or the other.

Many of those children would disagree. Love is what is important not the sex of a parent.

This happened some years back with a lesbian couple in Vermont. They had a child together and one of the women decided she no longer wanted to be lesbian, took the child and moved to Virginia. I don't know what the final outcome was, but the battle raged back and forth between the Vermont and Virginia court systems overruling each other for quite some time. It was a mess.

"They had a child together".


OK - I'll reword. By whatever means they chose, they acquired a child that they were raising together.

Couple that gives birth still break up for many reasons and someone has to get the kids, in part or whole

Difference is regardless of which parent the child goes with, it's a biological parent.

You think a traditional male female couple don't adopt?

Biological parents make lousy parents fr too often and courts and child services take children from the homes and dump them in the understaffed underfunded over worked system.

Biological does not not mean good. Even mother that give birth might for a number of reason not bond well with one or more of her children. Some can't even care for or touch their children.

Adoptive parents often make much more loving families. Even step parents can make far better parents than their biological one.

Parenting is far more than biology, it involves maturity, education, desire, timing, patients, extended friends and family and lots and lots of love.

Piss on biology, it is just an accident. Even if you had a DNA history of each other, it won't necessarily make you good parents or assure you will raise good healthy happy children, nor a successful marriage.
Too many today have the mindset that they'll just do whatever with whomever whenever they please and if they happen to get pregnant, abortion is the go to way out.

That may be true of men, but it certainly isn't true of women. The only woman I know of who went about using abortion as a method birth control, and who had multiple abortions throughout her life and ultimately never had children was a conservative, who told every she was opposed to women having abortions.

Every other woman I know of who had an abortion, thought long and hard about it and took the whole matter very seriously. Most never had another abortion. But all agreed it was the best solution available, and in the same circumstances, they would do it again.

Over 90% of abortions are used for birth control. Statements made by pro abortion folks indicate they think it's used for birth control.

Provide the name of the person you know that did what you say she did. I want to verify what you say.

How long someone thought about it is irrelevant when it comes to abortion being used for birth control in over 90% of the cases.

Strange how those that kill would kill again.
Too many today have the mindset that they'll just do whatever with whomever whenever they please and if they happen to get pregnant, abortion is the go to way out.

That may be true of men, but it certainly isn't true of women. The only woman I know of who went about using abortion as a method birth control, and who had multiple abortions throughout her life and ultimately never had children was a conservative, who told every she was opposed to women having abortions.

Every other woman I know of who had an abortion, thought long and hard about it and took the whole matter very seriously. Most never had another abortion. But all agreed it was the best solution available, and in the same circumstances, they would do it again.

Over 90% of abortions are used for birth control. Statements made by pro abortion folks indicate they think it's used for birth control.

Provide the name of the person you know that did what you say she did. I want to verify what you say.

How long someone thought about it is irrelevant when it comes to abortion being used for birth control in over 90% of the cases.

Strange how those that kill would kill again.
"Over 90% of abortions are used for birth control".....link to where that stat came from.
I'm not the one advocating for killing the result of a choice I made because I didn't like the result. That doesn't make me righteous just responsible like an ADULT should be.

No, you're for persecuting those who don't believe as you do.

Aborting a fetus you can't afford to carry to term and raise and not putting your living children and family at risk is the ADULT thing to do. Telling other ADULTS how to live their lives, is not.

Killing something because you don't like the results of having taken the very action that produces that result isn't adult. That attitude is one of a child.
What is very funny is that the runaway lesbian says that she should keep child because she gave birth to it. But according to the courts the other lesbian has equal rights to the child by law. Now the runaway claims that's all "politically correct" talk and shouldn't be respected. But for Christ's sake, her marriage to another woman and the child being legally both of theirs' is all due to politically correct laws on same sex marriages in the first place! In other words, if not for politically correct laws she would never have been allowed to marry another woman anyway!
I think true adoptions and blended families are exceptionally rare. Nobody loves a kid that didn't come from their loins and when the shit hits the fan, everyone retreats to biological relations only. Everything else is a fantasy


Nurturing a child from birth forms a relationship that is indistinguishable from the relationship between biological parent/children.

BLENDED families is a different matter.

Having an "Extra" parent hanging around is a very bad idea.
So what you're saying is that unwanted children would be better off being aborted rather than being forced into adoptions.
No, what we are saying is "you don't remedy the woes of single parenthood (the missing gender parent vital to balanced modeling to children) via the lures of the benefits of marriage with two people of the same gender!"

Children were the reason marriage was invented over a thousand years ago: to provide with BOTH VITAL genders, mother and father, for their balanced upbringing. Obergefell acted as if they don't even exist. It's like buying a car and having the USSC remove the engine and transmission and then telling you "what's your problem? This is still a car!" The USSC eliminated the reason for marriage in Obergefell at its heart.

Single parenthood............lover/spouse can die, they can move, have a mental disorder or accident that makes them incapable of being a parent or even a partner.

Single parenthood is not always a choice and unless the right person happens to come along, it might not be an option. For some trying to be a single parent is just too much and they don't have what it takes to be a parent at that time.

For girls that have know people that have been in the system or on the streets, abortion, even an early home abortion, can make much more sense and be a more caring options for child and self. First lesson in caring for others is to be able to care for yourself or you can't do what is needed for others.

If you expect the system to pay for all the children everywhere, better come up with a way to pay for them all and welfare is not the answer, just more dependents on the tax payer who is over worked and underpaid far too often as it is and barely able to care for their own family and children.

If a person is not ready or able to be a parent, they should not be forced to a bad parent and produce bad or hurt children because some stranger tells them they must. Babies and children can be dropped off at safe places with no questions, but what happens after than is not always a happy option.
Too many today have the mindset that they'll just do whatever with whomever whenever they please and if they happen to get pregnant, abortion is the go to way out.

That may be true of men, but it certainly isn't true of women. The only woman I know of who went about using abortion as a method birth control, and who had multiple abortions throughout her life and ultimately never had children was a conservative, who told every she was opposed to women having abortions.

Every other woman I know of who had an abortion, thought long and hard about it and took the whole matter very seriously. Most never had another abortion. But all agreed it was the best solution available, and in the same circumstances, they would do it again.

Over 90% of abortions are used for birth control. Statements made by pro abortion folks indicate they think it's used for birth control.

Provide the name of the person you know that did what you say she did. I want to verify what you say.

How long someone thought about it is irrelevant when it comes to abortion being used for birth control in over 90% of the cases.

Strange how those that kill would kill again.
"Over 90% of abortions are used for birth control".....link to where that stat came from.

It involves math. It's simple math but I'm still not sure you're up to it.


Look up any article under the search "reasons given for abortion" and every article provided will show things like financial instability, relationship problems, age, how it will affect education opportunities, etc. The person didn't like the result of spreading her legs so she wanted to rid herself of that result by killing it. In other words, birth control.
So what you're saying is that unwanted children would be better off being aborted rather than being forced into adoptions.
No, what we are saying is "you don't remedy the woes of single parenthood (the missing gender parent vital to balanced modeling to children) via the lures of the benefits of marriage with two people of the same gender!"

Children were the reason marriage was invented over a thousand years ago: to provide with BOTH VITAL genders, mother and father, for their balanced upbringing. Obergefell acted as if they don't even exist. It's like buying a car and having the USSC remove the engine and transmission and then telling you "what's your problem? This is still a car!" The USSC eliminated the reason for marriage in Obergefell at its heart.

Single parenthood............lover/spouse can die, they can move, have a mental disorder or accident that makes them incapable of being a parent or even a partner.

Single parenthood is not always a choice and unless the right person happens to come along, it might not be an option. For some trying to be a single parent is just too much and they don't have what it takes to be a parent at that time.

For girls that have know people that have been in the system or on the streets, abortion, even an early home abortion, can make much more sense and be a more caring options for child and self. First lesson in caring for others is to be able to care for yourself or you can't do what is needed for others.

If you expect the system to pay for all the children everywhere, better come up with a way to pay for them all and welfare is not the answer, just more dependents on the tax payer who is over worked and underpaid far too often as it is and barely able to care for their own family and children.

If a person is not ready or able to be a parent, they should not be forced to a bad parent and produce bad or hurt children because some stranger tells them they must. Babies and children can be dropped off at safe places with no questions, but what happens after than is not always a happy option.

Single parent hood CAN be NOT a choice.

But it almost always is.

Let's keep it real, shall we?
No delusion
It's a convoluted way of thinking to suggest that the failure of normal marriages somehow justifies creating something designed to fail. Even a broken family in which a child has a mother and a father is superior to a gay "marriage" that deliberately deprives them of one or the other.

It's amazing to me even in the "opposed" camps how few people are willing to talk about this horrendous mistake in law in Obergefell with respect to the benefits of marriage children enjoy(ed) up until 2015...for over a thousand years. "Hey kids! Obergefell means marriage can now deprive you of either a mother or father for life"...

...silence... *crickets*

So can death, you idiot.

You realize of course, that step-parents are also very bad for children, many step-children have opening hostile relationships with their step-parents, and there is a very high rate of child abuse - physical, sexual, and emotional, in homes with step-parents. Why aren't you speaking out against step-parents. There is a much higher rate of screwed up kids who were raised with step-parents in the home than those raised in openly gay households.

Your arguments have no validity. Since the dawn of time, there have always been instances of children growing up without one gender parent or the other. You wrap your homophobia in the guise of "consider the children, for the love of God, consider the children", but in reality, you've become unhinged at the idea of children having gay parents.

Here's the reality. Children have always had gay parents. They were just in the closet before. Children have always grown up in less than ideal household arrangements, but it is far more important that a child grow up feeling loved, protected and secure, than it is that they come from perfect family situations.

Get over your homophobia. You've lost. We're not going back to your hate-fueled paranoia.

True, some children have had closeted gay parents. The "closet" was the hiding of the delusion. Many admitted there problem and refused to succumb to their delusion, much like an individual with certain eating disorders will stop the distructive behvior by seeking help.

Nothing new here. It is actually admirable that the "gay" parent refusal to act out his delusion in front of the child as not to encourage the child into this, or any other delusional behavior.

The only possible explanation for this kind of ignorance is YOUR OWN closeted homosexuality.

Homosexuality is simply a delusion, one that I do not participate in.

All humans are, by biological default, Heterosexual. That is a biological fact. Choosing to "opt out", is the delusion that one can, in and by themselves, change biology.


No delusion, nature throughout history and pre-history across the species

Not to face facts and accept reality, because it's not "pretty" enough for you without considering the need or want of the (gay, trans, etc) person is dilisional on your part.

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