LESBIANS: What Will They Think of Next?

Too many today have the mindset that they'll just do whatever with whomever whenever they please and if they happen to get pregnant, abortion is the go to way out.

That may be true of men, but it certainly isn't true of women. The only woman I know of who went about using abortion as a method birth control, and who had multiple abortions throughout her life and ultimately never had children was a conservative, who told every she was opposed to women having abortions.

Every other woman I know of who had an abortion, thought long and hard about it and took the whole matter very seriously. Most never had another abortion. But all agreed it was the best solution available, and in the same circumstances, they would do it again.

Over 90% of abortions are used for birth control. Statements made by pro abortion folks indicate they think it's used for birth control.

Provide the name of the person you know that did what you say she did. I want to verify what you say.

How long someone thought about it is irrelevant when it comes to abortion being used for birth control in over 90% of the cases.

Strange how those that kill would kill again.

...and I am sure that you have a link for that 90% statistic. You just forgot to post it.

Actually I have. You must have missed it. In fact, one of those making a similar statement to yours said "thank you" for doing it.

No problem. I will just scan your 19,000 posts until I find it.
SHE made the choice to do what it takes to get pregnant yet you want to blame the rest of us for EXPECTING her to accept the responsibility for having done so.

What you're proposing would be like someone taking out a loan at a bank then expecting the person to make the monthly payments associated with doing so.

Except the man, too, took out the loan.

Where are his payments?

The man is told what the woman does with her body is her choice and no one else's business.

When the sperm donor doesn't pay and the mother can't pay, why are the payments to support someone else's kid placed on the backs of those that didn't take out the loan? In other words, why is the responsibility of supporting the kids of a woman who says what she does with her body placed on those unassociated with the situation when she can't pay?

So just let the child starve?

Wow, you must be a Christian or something.

I'm one of those that didn't make the choice and was told to butt out of it when it was made. What that makes me is someone NOT responsible for the results of the choice.

If that child starves, it's on people like you.

So you ARE a Christian. Should've guessed when you ignored the suffering in starvation, and focused on blame.

I focused on responsibility of the person making the choice to pay for that choice. You want to place the responsibility on those of us that had nothing to do with the situation, even being told to butt out of it. That is, until the one making it that told us to butt out needs something then we're supposed to butt back in.

If you're stupid enough to support a choice someone else makes that they told you to butt out of, be my guest. I'm smarter than that.
Not one of those 50 million was unwanted.

Really, you wanted to adopt them ALL?
I think his point is all of them can be adopted.

But Leftists like you think in static terms when it comes to abortion....and everything else. 50 million abortions doesn't translate into 50 million surplus babies if abortion becomes illegal. It also doesn't translate into 50 million back ally abortions. Making something illegal and removing social acceptance eliminates that something from the list of options that socially conscious, law abiding people will consider. Most people will decide between adoption or finding a way to be responsible for the life they brought into the world; the latter choice holding sway in most cases. People abort because they can. Remove the option and people will either try harder to not make babies or failing at that, raise the child or put it up for adoption.

Oh and I'm sure you use this same argument when it comes to gun control.

Shut the fuck up. You're completely full of shit.
There's no constitutional right to an abortion, killer.

Hmmmm....should I believe a half-literate message board troll, or the Supreme Court?
The Supreme Court doesn't have the power to put something in the Constitution that isn't already there. Only an amendment can do that.
I think his point is all of them can be adopted.

But Leftists like you think in static terms when it comes to abortion....and everything else. 50 million abortions doesn't translate into 50 million surplus babies if abortion becomes illegal. It also doesn't translate into 50 million back ally abortions. Making something illegal and removing social acceptance eliminates that something from the list of options that socially conscious, law abiding people will consider. Most people will decide between adoption or finding a way to be responsible for the life they brought into the world; the latter choice holding sway in most cases. People abort because they can. Remove the option and people will either try harder to not make babies or failing at that, raise the child or put it up for adoption.

Oh and I'm sure you use this same argument when it comes to gun control.

Shut the fuck up. You're completely full of shit.
There's no constitutional right to an abortion, killer.

Hmmmm....should I believe a half-literate message board troll, or the Supreme Court?

Perhaps you can show me in the Constitution where the word abortion is written.

That's now how you decide what is or is not constitutional.

It's how the Constitution decides. Try reading the 10th Amendment.
Except the man, too, took out the loan.

Where are his payments?

The man is told what the woman does with her body is her choice and no one else's business.

When the sperm donor doesn't pay and the mother can't pay, why are the payments to support someone else's kid placed on the backs of those that didn't take out the loan? In other words, why is the responsibility of supporting the kids of a woman who says what she does with her body placed on those unassociated with the situation when she can't pay?

So just let the child starve?

Wow, you must be a Christian or something.

I'm one of those that didn't make the choice and was told to butt out of it when it was made. What that makes me is someone NOT responsible for the results of the choice.

If that child starves, it's on people like you.

So you ARE a Christian. Should've guessed when you ignored the suffering in starvation, and focused on blame.

I focused on responsibility of the person making the choice to pay for that choice. You want to place the responsibility on those of us that had nothing to do with the situation, even being told to butt out of it. That is, until the one making it that told us to butt out needs something then we're supposed to butt back in.

If you're stupid enough to support a choice someone else makes that they told you to butt out of, be my guest. I'm smarter than that.

You're the one taking AWAY choice, that's why it's on you.
Too many today have the mindset that they'll just do whatever with whomever whenever they please and if they happen to get pregnant, abortion is the go to way out.

That may be true of men, but it certainly isn't true of women. The only woman I know of who went about using abortion as a method birth control, and who had multiple abortions throughout her life and ultimately never had children was a conservative, who told every she was opposed to women having abortions.

Every other woman I know of who had an abortion, thought long and hard about it and took the whole matter very seriously. Most never had another abortion. But all agreed it was the best solution available, and in the same circumstances, they would do it again.

Over 90% of abortions are used for birth control. Statements made by pro abortion folks indicate they think it's used for birth control.

Provide the name of the person you know that did what you say she did. I want to verify what you say.

How long someone thought about it is irrelevant when it comes to abortion being used for birth control in over 90% of the cases.

Strange how those that kill would kill again.

...and I am sure that you have a link for that 90% statistic. You just forgot to post it.

Actually I have. You must have missed it. In fact, one of those making a similar statement to yours said "thank you" for doing it.

No problem. I will just scan your 19,000 post until I find it.

Get started.
Oh and I'm sure you use this same argument when it comes to gun control.

Shut the fuck up. You're completely full of shit.
There's no constitutional right to an abortion, killer.

Hmmmm....should I believe a half-literate message board troll, or the Supreme Court?

Perhaps you can show me in the Constitution where the word abortion is written.

That's now how you decide what is or is not constitutional.

It's how the Constitution decides. Try reading the 10th Amendment.

LMAO, try reading a Supreme Court opinion. I know, I know, it's WAY harder than your trusty pocket constitution you got at a Ron Paul rally, but it's ACTUAL law.

Hint: Three-Fifths clause is out.
The man is told what the woman does with her body is her choice and no one else's business.

When the sperm donor doesn't pay and the mother can't pay, why are the payments to support someone else's kid placed on the backs of those that didn't take out the loan? In other words, why is the responsibility of supporting the kids of a woman who says what she does with her body placed on those unassociated with the situation when she can't pay?

So just let the child starve?

Wow, you must be a Christian or something.

I'm one of those that didn't make the choice and was told to butt out of it when it was made. What that makes me is someone NOT responsible for the results of the choice.

If that child starves, it's on people like you.

So you ARE a Christian. Should've guessed when you ignored the suffering in starvation, and focused on blame.

I focused on responsibility of the person making the choice to pay for that choice. You want to place the responsibility on those of us that had nothing to do with the situation, even being told to butt out of it. That is, until the one making it that told us to butt out needs something then we're supposed to butt back in.

If you're stupid enough to support a choice someone else makes that they told you to butt out of, be my guest. I'm smarter than that.

You're the one taking AWAY choice, that's why it's on you.

So abortion is now illegal? When did that happen?
Oh, and try reading the Ninth Amendment:

“The enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.”
There's no constitutional right to an abortion, killer.

Hmmmm....should I believe a half-literate message board troll, or the Supreme Court?

Perhaps you can show me in the Constitution where the word abortion is written.

That's now how you decide what is or is not constitutional.

It's how the Constitution decides. Try reading the 10th Amendment.

LMAO, try reading a Supreme Court opinion. I know, I know, it's WAY harder than your trusty pocket constitution you got at a Ron Paul rally, but it's ACTUAL law.

Hint: Three-Fifths clause is out.

Try reading the Constitution. You've admitted the word abortion is not there.
Hmmmm....should I believe a half-literate message board troll, or the Supreme Court?

Perhaps you can show me in the Constitution where the word abortion is written.

That's now how you decide what is or is not constitutional.

It's how the Constitution decides. Try reading the 10th Amendment.

LMAO, try reading a Supreme Court opinion. I know, I know, it's WAY harder than your trusty pocket constitution you got at a Ron Paul rally, but it's ACTUAL law.

Hint: Three-Fifths clause is out.

Try reading the Constitution. You've admitted the word abortion is not there.

Are you fucking retarded?

Again, read the Ninth Amendment:

“The enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.”
Perhaps you can show me in the Constitution where the word abortion is written.

That's now how you decide what is or is not constitutional.

It's how the Constitution decides. Try reading the 10th Amendment.

LMAO, try reading a Supreme Court opinion. I know, I know, it's WAY harder than your trusty pocket constitution you got at a Ron Paul rally, but it's ACTUAL law.

Hint: Three-Fifths clause is out.

Try reading the Constitution. You've admitted the word abortion is not there.

Are you fucking retarded?

Again, read the Ninth Amendment:

“The enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.”

Seems you are since you think that has the word abortion in it.
There's no constitutional right to an abortion, killer.

Hmmmm....should I believe a half-literate message board troll, or the Supreme Court?

Perhaps you can show me in the Constitution where the word abortion is written.

That's now how you decide what is or is not constitutional.

It's how the Constitution decides. Try reading the 10th Amendment.

LMAO, try reading a Supreme Court opinion. I know, I know, it's WAY harder than your trusty pocket constitution you got at a Ron Paul rally, but it's ACTUAL law.

Hint: Three-Fifths clause is out.
But according to you, that was constitutional. And so was slavery and Japanese internment. If the Supreme Court says so, who are you to say they're wrong?
That's now how you decide what is or is not constitutional.

It's how the Constitution decides. Try reading the 10th Amendment.

LMAO, try reading a Supreme Court opinion. I know, I know, it's WAY harder than your trusty pocket constitution you got at a Ron Paul rally, but it's ACTUAL law.

Hint: Three-Fifths clause is out.

Try reading the Constitution. You've admitted the word abortion is not there.

Are you fucking retarded?

Again, read the Ninth Amendment:

“The enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.”

Seems you are since you think that has the word abortion in it.


Just wow.
Somebody send an email to the Supreme Court to dust off the empty chair. Con65 is on his way to DC to take his rightful place!
I could do a better job than the Liberal pieces of shit there. I read the Constitution for what it says not words that I want to be in it.
Hmmmm....should I believe a half-literate message board troll, or the Supreme Court?

Perhaps you can show me in the Constitution where the word abortion is written.

That's now how you decide what is or is not constitutional.

It's how the Constitution decides. Try reading the 10th Amendment.

LMAO, try reading a Supreme Court opinion. I know, I know, it's WAY harder than your trusty pocket constitution you got at a Ron Paul rally, but it's ACTUAL law.

Hint: Three-Fifths clause is out.
But according to you, that was constitutional. And so was slavery and Japanese internment. If the Supreme Court says so, who are you to say they're wrong?

Uh, I'd be the current court. Those decisions have been overruled.
Oh, and try reading the Ninth Amendment:

“The enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.”

Still don't see the word abortion.

That's the point. You don't need to see the word. Get it yet?

Didn't think so. Go back to Ayn Rand you mouth-breathing rockchucker.

I'll go anywhere you can send me, pussy. Until then, no.

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