Less Government, More Freedom

People say they want less gov until it's something they don't like.
Quit Falling down the well... you know nothing of what you talk about.

All you do is insult because you have nothing .

Cons like you talk a lot of shit about "government surveillance " , when it was you who voted and revoted patriot act spy powers .
I don't rely on the federal government, I see no reason to.

You are posting on the internet aren't ya?
How is that any part of my livelihood? By the way quit falling down the well....
If you really believe in less government then stay out of my fucking business and life.

Stop forcing your religious crap on our children
Stop arresting people for smoking a herb

For starters.
See that's the problem with you progressive control freaks, he want to force your shit on everyone else. I'm a conservative libertarian I never try to push my views on you bozos.
This country would be a much better place with much, much less government… Fact

Example ?
Socialist entitlement programs like Obamacare and the like…
If you really believe in less government then stay out of my fucking business and life.

Stop forcing your religious crap on our children
Stop arresting people for smoking a herb

For starters.
See that's the problem with you progressive control freaks, he want to force your shit on everyone else. I'm a conservative libertarian I never try to push my views on you bozos.
This country would be a much better place with much, much less government… Fact

Example ?
Socialist entitlement programs like Obamacare and the like…

Providing affordable healthcare ! Gasp!!! What monsters !

I guess you would have people without insurance just die in the streets.
If you really believe in less government then stay out of my fucking business and life.

Stop forcing your religious crap on our children
Stop arresting people for smoking a herb

For starters.
See that's the problem with you progressive control freaks, he want to force your shit on everyone else. I'm a conservative libertarian I never try to push my views on you bozos.
This country would be a much better place with much, much less government… Fact

Example ?
Socialist entitlement programs like Obamacare and the like…

Providing affordable healthcare ! Gasp!!! What monsters !

I guess you would have people without insurance just die in the streets.
It would be fine if it was an opt in, but it's not in the people that are forced to pay for the shit can't afford it. By the way insurance/single payer is not healthcare... quit falling down the well
I guess you would have people without insurance just die in the streets.

YES!!!! As it always has been and should always be. Those who cannot provide for themselves have no place in a proper society.
It is hypocritical and ironic that the party of people who attest to wanting less government are the very same people who want the government to protect or bring back their jobs because they lack the will, skills and/or abilities that are in high demand and needed to obtain one of the millions of good-paying jobs that annually go unfilled. They are the ones who want the government to protect rights of the unborn, preposterous as is the notion that a creature that isn't born has any rights. They want the government to declare what is and is not existentially natural and acceptable.

One must ask, what have they to "put on the table" to inspire the government to give them what they want it to do? They want those things, yet they haven't so much to contribute that they can even get a decent job. Are we to take it on faith that were the government to do what they want, they would after the fact become materially contributing members of society? If so, what evidence have we they would later do? It's not as though what they needed to do to be so currently was kept secret from them, and did they avail themselves of anything to become material contributors? No. All they've done is become loud complainers who attribute their misfortune to everyone except the "man in the mirror."

I don't have a problem with the notion of less government. I have a problem with the people who most vociferously plead for that thinking they (1) could thrive with even less government protection and (2) deserve it in the first place. Less government isn't going to lead to anything but more "losers" not being able to "get ahead." I don't need or want that.

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