Less Than 24 Hrs After Demanding Return To Regular Order John McCain Votes Against That


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017

Go figure.

Yesterday evening, everyone's favorite do-nothing "maverick" senator made an impassioned speech asking the Senate to cast aside their partisanship and work together, Democrats and Republicans, to pass meaningful healthcare reforms.

For this he was once again feted by the punditry, for reasons that only they can adequately explain.

McCain asked in his speech that the Senate return to "regular order," or as he put it two weeks ago in a similarly-themed press release:

The Congress must now return to regular order, hold hearings, receive input from members of both parties, and heed the recommendations of our nation's governors so that we can produce a bill that finally provides Americans with access to quality and affordable health care.

This afternoon Democrats made a motion to do exactly that—send the health care bill to committee so that both parties could work together on it through regular Senate process rather than continuing this mish-mash of nonsense and misdirection McCain so “eloquently” spoke out against less than 24 hours ago.

Guess which way John McCain voted.

Yep. He voted against it.

This has been your semi-regular update on John McCain giving grand speeches about comity and principles and then, reliably, doing the exact opposite the moment the cameras are turned away again.

Or, in John McCain's Senate career, your average Wednesday.

Less than 24 hours after demanding return to 'regular order,' John McCain votes against doing that


So I wonder what Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), has to say about this departure from "regular order"?

Amanda Becker


Source has told colleague @yabutaleb7 that Rs will *write* skinny bill @ today's policy lunch. Unclear if wish list meets reconciliation.

9:41 AM - Jul 27, 2017
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Oh, it gets better.

Chad Pergram


Cornyn indicates that health care plan will pass tonight

9:51 AM - Jul 27, 2017
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They’re writing the bill they will pass tonight at lunch today.

Oh, and because they won’t have time for the Congressional Budget Office to score it, they’ll score it themselves, because sure why the hell not?

I’m sure McCain is going to go to that lunch today and refuse to go along with this travesty, right?
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McCain voted with the majority of Americans as not the minority fringe group Trumpdrones wanted him to.

asshats wanted a revolution in washington, well. there ya go.

you should have elected a better leader .. whining 24/7 doesnt win revolutions.
It took Obama 2 YEARS to get Obamacare passed by bribing and threatening his own party.
I would like to see a link to the actual bill and the vote, please.
John McTumor went against the wishes of the American people. He is a backstabbing traitor, just like he was in Vietnam!
Democrats seize on John McCain’s message in health care fight

Sen. Joe Donnelly, D-Ind., offered a Democratic motion to send the GOP bill to the Finance Committee with instructions to strike provisions that would reduce Medicaid benefits. Donnelly’s motion is the first of several Democrats are preparing to offer that would ask committees to strike aspects of the bill they oppose. Sen. Jeff Merkley, D-Ore., announced on Wednesday that he filed more than 100 amendments, all of them motions to refer the bill to a committee.

“That’s what John McCain’s been calling for,” said Senate Finance Committee member Tom Carper, D-Del., in an interview. “Regular order.”

McCain, however, opposed Donnelly's motion, which failed 52-48.

Don Stewart, a spokesman for Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, said such motions are “dilatory tactics” and fodder for Democrats’ campaign ads. The motions send the bill back to committee for three days, but no committee action is required.

“These are ads,” he said. “And Donnelly happens to be up for re-election.”
It took Obama 2 YEARS to get Obamacare passed by bribing and threatening his own party.

it took 6 months for Trump to get his ass kicked and rejected by his OWN party EVERY time he needed a vote.
So it turns out the bill offered by the Democrats was theater for the rubes.

"The motions send the bill back to committee for three days, but no committee action is required."

The claims in the OP are false.
McCain called for the Senate to operate the way it was intended to operate. He said they need to "return to regular order, hold hearings, receive input from members of both parties, and heed the recommendations of our nation's governors".

The Democratic bill did no such thing. It was theater for the rubes, and would have sent the bill to committee for just three days.

You dipshits fell for a Democratic hoax intended to make a dying man look bad.

That is pure evil.

Go figure.

Yesterday evening, everyone's favorite do-nothing "maverick" senator made an impassioned speech asking the Senate to cast aside their partisanship and work together, Democrats and Republicans, to pass meaningful healthcare reforms.

For this he was once again feted by the punditry, for reasons that only they can adequately explain.

McCain asked in his speech that the Senate return to "regular order," or as he put it two weeks ago in a similarly-themed press release:

The Congress must now return to regular order, hold hearings, receive input from members of both parties, and heed the recommendations of our nation's governors so that we can produce a bill that finally provides Americans with access to quality and affordable health care.

This afternoon Democrats made a motion to do exactly that—send the health care bill to committee so that both parties could work together on it through regular Senate process rather than continuing this mish-mash of nonsense and misdirection McCain so “eloquently” spoke out against less than 24 hours ago.

Guess which way John McCain voted.

Yep. He voted against it.

This has been your semi-regular update on John McCain giving grand speeches about comity and principles and then, reliably, doing the exact opposite the moment the cameras are turned away again.

Or, in John McCain's Senate career, your average Wednesday.

Less than 24 hours after demanding return to 'regular order,' John McCain votes against doing that


So I wonder what Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), has to say about this departure from "regular order"?

Amanda Becker


Source has told colleague @yabutaleb7 that Rs will *write* skinny bill @ today's policy lunch. Unclear if wish list meets reconciliation.

9:41 AM - Jul 27, 2017
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Oh, it gets better.

Chad Pergram


Cornyn indicates that health care plan will pass tonight

9:51 AM - Jul 27, 2017
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They’re writing the bill they will pass tonight at lunch today.

Oh, and because they won’t have time for the Congressional Budget Office to score it, they’ll score it themselves, because sure why the hell not?

I’m sure McCain is going to go to that lunch today and refuse to go along with this travesty, right?
What is happening right now is not "regular order." That includes review by committees, etc. It is not just 20 hours of debate on the floor. He knows what he's saying, but I'm not sure you do.
I read somewhere the replacement bill would raise the price of a premium 20% and put 16 million people back on the street with no insurance ...

just like Trump promised !

cheaper, better, insurance more people can afford ... SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO EASY !!!
It took Obama 2 YEARS to get Obamacare passed by bribing and threatening his own party.

Then they backdoored it using it as a "budget procedure" or something to that affect and they even admitted that they were making it up as they went along. This country is a such a fucking joke...seriously. It's full of commies, dumbed down millennials, illegals and neocons. There MIGHT be 10 percent of the population that has even the slightest clue as to what we are facing or what has been done to us.
John McTumor went against the wishes of the American people. He is a backstabbing traitor, just like he was in Vietnam!

You are a traitor. McCain was a hero in Vietnam. The majority of people oppose the Senate bill. It is people like you who are going against the wishes of the American people. The American people have compassion unlike you.

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