less than 50% of americans think transgenderism is natural

You are mistaken if you believe once the rights of transgenders are respected that lots of boys will stop having sex and making babies.

And you are mistaken if you believe that the Sun is made out of aged cheddar.
Nope, Not trying to make a point. That would be.....pointless. Every point that I'm made was lost on you because you are stuck in you bubble blathering about "boys and girls" Now I'm just having fun hoping that your head explodes.

The distinction between boys and girls is the point of this thread, as well as essential to the very survival and continuation of the human race. Your denial and dismissal of this distinction represents a bizarre mix of madness and ignorance.
You are mistaken if you believe once the rights of transgenders are respected that lots of boys will stop having sex and making babies.
Good luck in trying to have an intelligent , adult conversation with that one. He is not here to exchange ideas and certainly not to learn anything.

He just want's to take pot shots at people and try to make them look stupid, when in fact, he is too stupid to know that he is the one looking stupid.

It appears that he is avoiding the questions that I posed to him in post 438 just above. About what I expected.
Just give these people California, and be done with it. Problem solved for everyone.:welcome:
Just give these people California, and be done with it. Problem solved for everyone.:welcome:
And give you people Mississippi-problem solved. Oh wait , you already have Mississippi
Nothing wrong with Mississippi or the other 48 states.
This has nothing to do with any "war on women", this is about hatred for those you think are "abnormal". Ie, plain bullying.

It's not about who I “think” is abnormal. A man who thinks he's a woman is abnormal, in an unhealthy way. And it is not “hate” nor “bullying” to insist that the right of women and girls to be protected from such sick, abnormal perverts, is greater than any “right” of these perverts to violate the safety and modesty of girls and women. If any side is guilty of “hate” or “bullying”, it is your side that hates women so much as to subject them to such abuse and bullying.

Your side is fond of falsely accusing mine of waging a “war on women”, but it is your side that, by its own actions, and its own policies, shows itself to be the one that hates women.
This has nothing to do with any "war on women", this is about hatred for those you think are "abnormal". Ie, plain bullying.

It's not about who I “think” is abnormal. A man who thinks he's a woman is abnormal, in an unhealthy way. And it is not “hate” nor “bullying” to insist that the right of women and girls to be protected from such sick, abnormal perverts, is greater than any “right” of these perverts to violate the safety and modesty of girls and women. If any side is guilty of “hate” or “bullying”, it is your side that hates women so much as to subject them to such abuse and bullying.

Your side is fond of falsely accusing mine of waging a “war on women”, but it is your side that, by its own actions, and its own policies, shows itself to be the one that hates women.
Your post is offensively judgmental. Anyone who gets into the blame game can find himself on the receiving end some day, if not himself then a member of his family, a son, a nephew, a brother, and so on. Transgender people, although a minority, are members of American families.
Your post is offensively judgmental. Anyone who gets into the blame game can find himself on the receiving end some day, if not himself then a member of his family, a son, a nephew, a brother, and so on.

Only to a filthy, pervert-loving LIbEral scumbag such as yourself, is it “offensively judgmental” to protect vulnerable women and girls from depraved sexual perverts such as those whose side you take.

Transgender people, although a minority, are members of American families.

So are rapists, child molesters, homosexuals, drug abusers, robbers, murderers, and other subhuman degenerate filth. So what?

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