less then 51 months and he's traveled more then any President..

LOL, Bush pissed off more people than Obama ever will. Wing-nuts, such as yourself, are just really fucking crazy.


another left-wing loser with his head firmly up his ass; unable to admit world opinion of the US has gotten worse under obama

Liberals prove they are two faced hypocrites sheep today with their DEMOCRAT Dear leader in office
you go look back on this board they never stopped whining over Bush going to his own HOME to his ranch when he vacationed..not 17 day vacations in Hawaii for six straight years for Christmas

So your position is that because liberals complained about Bush, you get to complain about Obama, even though there is nothing to complain about? My goodness. What grade are you in?

another left-wing loser with his head firmly up his ass; unable to admit world opinion of the US has gotten worse under obama

Liberals prove they are two faced hypocrites sheep today with their DEMOCRAT Dear leader in office
you go look back on this board they never stopped whining over Bush going to his own HOME to his ranch when he vacationed..not 17 day vacations in Hawaii for six straight years for Christmas

So your position is that because liberals complained about Bush, you get to complain about Obama, even though there is nothing to complain about? My goodness. What grade are you in?

Typical lib reading comprehension. She wrote nothing of the kind.
Libs complained about Bush going to his own home. Libs are silent about Obama hitting the hot spots. What a hypocrite you are.

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